Mysterious as the Wind, Always With Me

Chapter 23 The Academy in the Fog

Only Mengxin who doesn't know anything will feel that there is a crying girl who needs your rescue.

In such a ghost place, God knows how many flaps of the head of the girl will be split when you rescue the so-called girl in the past, and the tongue full of barbs will taste the taste of your flesh and blood.

Even if it is not a Cthulhu family of things, it must be a banshee-type monster that can open your brain in a physical sense with just one finger.

Although the brain told Mark, most of the things didn't work out.

Mark still desperately... threw a 20-sided dice.

"Huh? How could this be."

The number of points thrown by the dice is [20]!

This is strange.

Thinking that the dice had never pitted him, Mark gritted his teeth, held the gun in his right hand, and touched the direction of the crying.

Before turning two turns, Mark found out that it wasn't a banshee, but... this thing is also worth 20 points?

"Who?" Accompanied by an unfounded 'scolding' sound, a ray of kerosene light was thrown, and there was a weak and explosive sentence: "I...I...I have weapons."

Mark was speechless, and after a while, he opened his mouth to probe: "Miss Haruka?"

"Men... No, Destiny Senior!?" There was a surprise in the voice one second before, but the next second, he immediately became vigilant: "Wait, how do I know that you are not a man-eating monster?"

Mark almost didn't laugh out loud: "If I am a man-eating monster, I just need to leave you alone, let you choke to death, and then I can eat your meat casually."

"Pfft!" She probably thought it was funny, but Bison couldn't hold back, and only after laughing did she realize that the person being laughed at was herself, and the shame of social death drowned her mind again: "Don't, Stop talking, I believe you. Come here!"

Mark turned around and wanted to laugh at the burning stick in her hand that came out of nowhere in the fireplace.

"You don't even have the strength to lift this fire stick, do you?"

"I, I, woo woo..." Stupid girl cried again.

After coaxing her a few words, Mark and her said in unison, "Do you know what happened?"

The two said at the same time: "..."

Mark sighed: "You speak first."

"I ran out crying, crying and crying, and found that Jenny was gone. When I looked up, it was dark, and I don't know why I'm here."

"I'm pretty much the same. I just washed my face in the bathroom and turned into a ghost like this."

There were tears from the corners of Bison's eyes, weakly: "Senior, can I trust you?"

Mark was embarrassed: "I'm not a big hero, and I'm not qualified to protect everyone. But I'll try my best to take care of you."

There are no absolute commitments, but real commitments.

For some reason, this stupid girl felt very at ease.

At this time, she pointed to the window on the outer wall of the academy.

"Senior, you say, is it possible for us to break the window and escape outside the academy?" Miss Baison suggested in a low voice.

Well, it doesn't sound like there's no room for manoeuvre at all.

Just as Mark was observing the window, a bloody handprint suddenly appeared on the glass window on the facade of the academy building, and a black shadow flashed, accompanied by a gloomy laughter.

"Ah!" At the same time as Miss Baison exclaimed, gunshots rang out.

A golden light emerged from the muzzle of the revolver, hitting a shadow outside the window.

Miss Byson was frightened again by the sound of the gunshots, she squatted back, and a duck came to sit.

Mark didn't care about this stupid girl, he looked out from the broken glass hole, not to mention the existence behind the glass, even the bloody fingerprints on the dusty colored glass bed disappeared without a trace, leaving nothing behind. any trace.

Mark's marksmanship is not weak, it has nothing to do with crossing.

Before crossing, he would go to the gun and practice gun from time to time.

Live ammunition is the dream of every boy.

After getting used to the heaviness of the revolver, the hit rate is quite high, the only problem is that the rate of fire is still slightly slower.

Mark was sure: if that thing had a body, he should have hit it just now.

No, even if it is a spirit body, the other party cannot be fine.

Because this was the sacred pistol that his grandfather left him, he ordered 48 special bullets before Albert left. These bullets blessed by the Bishop of Light have quite good lethality to ordinary demons.

Unfortunately, he was lonely.

"What is that!?" Stupid girl trembled.

"That's probably... the border!"

Even if it was just a guess, Mark felt that he was not far off.

An academy that looks like a real world cannot have infinite space like the real world, so trapped people can easily escape.

It is the most efficient way to surround and kill the victim in a relatively small place in some way.

Inside, he can't hurt the existence outside the 'boundary'. If he dares to cross the boundary, nothing good will happen.

Without hesitation, Mark grabbed Little Byson's arm: "Go."

"Where are you going?"

"The gunshot just now will attract unnecessary things, and if you don't leave, you may never be able to leave."

Following the footprints they walked not long ago, the two of Mark turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

If not, not long after they left the area, they heard a loud sound of footsteps approaching the spot where the shots had just been fired.

Mark frowned: "The guy here doesn't look like an [abnormal]!"

At first, Miss Baison, who was still thinking about whether to stage a 'many people, power' drama, was frightened. She hid with Mark on a high cabinet on the left side of the bathroom door. half face. She saw some things that looked like people, but didn't look like people.

Although the surroundings were quite dark, and the ground was still filled with an ominous mist, the light of the lantern reflected the face of the man.

It was three seniors in the uniforms of the next-door stubborn university. Shengu University is a common name, and the full name of the university is [The University of Praise of Light and Night]. As soon as you hear it, you know that it is a place to train the gods.

At this moment, three students who may be determined to become priests or even bishops in the future, wearing the purest white priest robes, are doing the most vicious work.

Holding a blood-splattered battle axe, a machete with a cut, and a warhammer covered in flesh and blood, they searched for Mark and the two like a maned dog.

Don't think that they have just done physical exorcism or something with such a weapon, because normal people will never have red eyes like rabbits.

The bloodshot in their eyes was dense and thick, and the corners of their eyes kept dripping with blood and tears.

As soon as they appeared, Miss Byson almost cried out in fright.

The big hand of the male god in her mind tightly covered her small mouth.

"Shh!" Mark made a silent gesture with his left hand, and the revolver held in his right hand steadily aimed at the red-eyed man with the hammer.

Fighting with these obviously abnormal guys is not what Mark wants, but there are always encounters that do not depend on human will.

The little girl Byson seemed to be frightened. She curled up in Mark's arms and shivered slightly, but she didn't utter a word.

The two of them quietly watched the three people's boots stomping on the debris on the ground, making a crunch as they approached the bathroom.

"The footprints are in this direction!"

They really followed the footprints.

Bison's eyes widened, and she slowly turned her head to look at Mark. She finally knew why the situation was so urgent just now, and Mark played a trick before finally hiding...

The three entered the bathroom in a zigzag team position, and soon found a series of messy footprints on the floor. Those were the footprints Mark left when he inspected the surroundings when he first entered this ghost place. But another series of footprints, one large and one small, came in from the outside, and continued all the way until the bathroom was against the window of the college's outer wall.

"Damn it! They actually went out?" The red-eyed madman with a machete almost instinctively followed the wide open window and leaned out halfway...

His consciousness stopped at this moment.

For with a deafening screeching sound, his vision plunged into eternal darkness.

Seeing the abnormal student from the school next door suddenly lose his head in less than half a second, his body fell softly, and he fell back into the bathroom. call out.

The only thing stopping her was her sanity and Mark's hand.

In fact, it is Mark's greatest luck to be able to fool an enemy into foolishly probe out to send it.

He was indeed ready to fight. After all, in a relatively narrow space like the bathroom, Minnie's lethality increased instead of decreasing.

It's just that he is not willing to use the weakened puppet lady, and prefers to use her as a hole card.

At this moment, Mark was very surprised to hear the voice of the girl in his arms.

"Don't...don't! Don't come! Don't come here!"

In reality, Miss Baison didn't say a single word, but just generated an [abnormal] power.

Fog, thick!

The two who had become even more angry because of the sudden death of their partner suddenly felt a daze in their brains, their vision was blurred, and the thinking beacon seemed to have suffered some kind of severe interference and fell on the spot. I lost control of my body.

They show a subtle sense of incongruity in their bodies, as if they were drunk.

The next second, the two of them walked out of the bathroom strangely, taking steps that felt like they didn't recognize the six relatives.

"Are we... safe?" Miss Byson's voice was crying.

"Probably." Mark didn't understand what was going on.

Just when they thought they had avoided an encounter, about 30 meters outside the door, in the direction where the two escaped just now, there was a sudden footstep, followed by two screams.

The nerves of the two of Mark were tense again to the extreme.

I don't know what the hell it is, in the fog, with the light of the kerosene lamp that fell on the ground, I seem to see a large mass of things covering the two 'red-eyed rabbits'.

Mark and Byson looked at each other and asked each other with their eyes: What is that! ?

It wasn't until the creepy voice disappeared again, and five minutes passed before Mark dared to take Miss Byson over.

The dining room door was a mess.

Unsurprisingly, I saw two bones devoured by something.

Little Bysson almost fainted from the bloody scene, but Mark noticed that the two victims had lost their leg bones...

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