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Guan Chaosheng, leaning on the vine stand, looked loose, and said casually: “We are now struggling with that branch and struggling to survive. Isn’t this the trouble Shangchen Heaven has thrown us?”

Yu Qingrong faintly said: “Although Shangchen Heaven also participated in expelling us at the time, if they are destroyed, I will not be able to survive this life, and I can only return to where I was.”

Chen Baixiao suddenly said: “It’s useless to retreat. Celestial Xia and others have cleaned up Shangchen Heaven and will come to find me eventually.”

Yu Qingrong did not know when she became a girl again. She pouted: “It’s not fun to go back, I don’t want to go back.”

Guan Zhaosheng played with the tea cup in his hand, “Go back? Either we don鈥檛 show up. Since we show up, then we are the enemies of Celestial Xia. Even if we are willing to go back, they will find them in the future, let alone the original location. Things are left.”

Chen Baixiao’s words are simple: “Then solve them.”

Guan Chaosheng nodded and said: “Yes, we were expelled at the beginning. It was because we were no match for the three teams. How can we leave in such embarrassment this time? What we lost that day should now be recovered. “

He stared down and said: “What’s more, there is still something we want in that world…”

Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong are also watching the two-way passage together.

After watching for a while, Guan Chaosheng came back to his senses and said: “If you want to help Shangchen Heaven, you must go to the siege in front of you. Then the Zhang Daoist of Celestial Xia is amazing. No one is afraid that he can’t beat him in the past. Shangchen Heaven鈥檚 Tianzhi will be alive for a while, and the two will pass.”

He glanced at his eyes, “junior brother Chen, didn’t you say that the daoist might be able to control the sword qi. Do you want to go over and ask?”

Chen Baixiao coldly said: “Yes.”

Yu Qingrong rolled her eyes and said: “Fellow Daoist Li wants to control the treasure of the town and road. It should be inseparable. The senior brother needs to sit here, and I will have one of them.”

Guan Chaosheng said: “That’s it.” He turned to the far-end Hauni and said: “Fellow daoist Li, I will try to go to the opposite side later, I hope you can seize the opportunity to use The insects of the three airs open up a larger path.”

After a while, there was an Elderly whispered reply, “Li will try his best to cooperate with several fellow daoists.”

Guan Chaosheng was able to reply, so he sat down, Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong were also seated in the seats, and the three of them were concentrating and driving their own authority to urge the treasure of Taoism.

If they said that neither too fast nor too slow filled the sky with vitality before, then now they are more serious.

After condensing for a while, I saw blazing celestial spheres floating in the void moved towards Refining the sky, and then being swallowed by it. After swallowing a hundred and ten, the Jieyang itself rays of light is slightly brighter.

Guan Chaosheng just mentioned that there was nothing left in their original realm. That was because after the Huanyang Sect was expelled, every time they went to a realm, they would devour refining creatures and everything, and even heavenly stars, to provide for Jie. Yang. Jie Yang will also return part of the essence to them and the discipline.

And whenever a boundary is destroyed by them, they will try to rely on the treasure of this town to refining the path, go to the next heaven and earth, and continue the process.

These momentums were not blocked until they encountered the realm of the Shenzhao faction.

Originally, the two fights were inevitable, but for some reason, the upper layer mighty figure of the two both lowered the decree to prevent each other from fighting and let them wait for the opportunity.

And this time, there is still a little remnant in the realm where they were originally located. They have not been cleaned up. Shangchen Heaven鈥檚 blue spirit sky branch penetrated the two realm channels, and these flame celestial spheres are heavenly star spirits that have not been completely refined Qi, now they just use these essence to fill the vitality of Qingling Tianzhi.

At the same time, Elderly on the other side is also the treasure of Shenzhao faction that urges the Taoist school with all his strength.

You can see that, in addition to the white box lid that represents “Swallow Heaven Insect”, the black box lid that represents “Swallow Heaven Insect” is also opened.

There is a sullen aura emerging there, as if wisps of power were drawn from the void, as his power to urge him to swallow Heaven Insect.

Zhang Yu is sitting on the great array array pivot at the moment, keeping an eye on the opposite side. With this movement of the two factions, he also immediately noticed a change in the situation.

Originally, the Heaven Insect swallowed a lot of holes on the wall of the void, but as he killed Dan Xiaochen, and then presided over the great array to run the array strength to urge the clear sky up, these holes The expansion of the passage between the two realms was once contained.

But now there are many cavities suddenly appearing, and it can be seen that the sky branch on the opposite side of the passage is suddenly rejuvenated and slowly extends towards the end of the void.

This shows that the opponent is looking for a break again.

He focused there, pupil light and deep silence.

Although he is guarding here, he is also concerned about the situation in Shangchen Heaven. Not long ago, Profound Court also informed him through Xuntian Dao Chapter that Shangchen Heaven had been forced into the inner circle, and Profound Court was preparing for the final attack. He must be on guard here. If you need to support it, you need to make judgments earlier.

The situation of Shangchen Heaven should be known to the two factions in some way. The situation in Shangchen Heaven is so urgent that unless the two factions are willing to give up entering this world, they will definitely try to help each other.

This generation’s next round of breakthrough attempts must be coming soon, and this time there will be more than one person.

After the Huanyang Sect’s three hosts have worked for a long time, that branch has gradually become stronger. Guan Chaosheng looked at it and said, “It is already passable at this moment, but it is still not allowed for two people to travel together. They need to pass one by one, but this is enough.”

Chen Baixiao stood up, stretched out his hand and pressed the sword box beside him, coldly said: “Take me first.”

Yu Qingrong is in the form of a beautiful woman at the moment. The corner of her lips contains said with a smile: “Then my senior brother Chen will go there after passing.”

Guan Chaosheng reminded: “The daoist is backed by the great array, and backed by the Qi Qiqi, and its own strength is unfathomable. It is not easy to kill this person if two people are in the same door.


Therefore, I should still focus on restraining, and I don鈥檛 have to fight with him. As long as I can force the array strength to be suppressed, so that the two-world channel can be expanded a bit, and we can pass through, then his ability alone will be greater. , How can I stop the two factions from working together? “

Yu Qingrong smiled slightly and said: “I understand what the senior brother means, hitting people is down, breaking boundaries is up.”

Guan Chaosheng said leisurely: “Yes, once the passage between the two realms is expanded, if he still doesn’t retreat, then I only need to attack by refining the sky and robbing the sun, and I can destroy this person, so why bother with life? and death? Isn鈥檛 it good to stay useful to climb the higher boundary?”

Chen and Yu did not speak, but they obviously agreed with this view.

Guan Chaosheng cast his eyes to the passage between the two realms, leaned his side and waved his sleeves, and said: “Okay, the branch can cross me, junior brother Chen, Yu Junior Sister, let’s go and remember my words That’s fine.”

Zhang Yu noticed the possible movement on the other side, so he took care of the Profound Venerable a few times and asked them to come down and be careful.

After waiting for a short while, I saw a sharp white glow flashing across the two passages, just looking at it, it seemed that a sharp coldness could be felt between the eyebrows.

When the white light dissipated, I saw a white clothed cultivator standing there, with an indifferent expression, and his facial features looked like white jade carvings. Under his feet, there was a magical stage of white gas that looked like mist and ice, and beside him There is a large and generous sword box in suspension.

From his appearance, he immediately recognized the person’s identity. Before the Huanyang Sect was expelled from this world, there were three cultivators who picked out the virtual and real attainment. This person should be Chen Baixiao, one of the three hosts of Huanyang.

It is worth noting that this person is also a sword cultivator. From the record, what he is good at is the “Yuanchengbian” one of 36 sword births the divine.

“Yuan multiply change” is a very unique divine ability. Every time you defeat a sword cultivator that also possesses the sword births the divine divine ability, you can get a little bit of sword’s divine ability from it. The more, the greater the benefit.

It is said that this is also in line with the Huanyang School鈥檚 cultivation technique concept, because many of Huanyang鈥檚 cultivation techniques are based on the word “winning”.

However, he is the one who really made the sword births the divine, but he knows that this method is the aggregation of all minds, wills and even aura. When the sword is seized, the body is destroyed, and the sword’s divine disappears. There may be another half point left, so this technique uses “capture” on the surface. In fact, it is still the master who borrows the sword of others to sharpen himself.

Chen Baixiao looks at great array, not at all, as Dan Xiaochen usually said any talk about the dao, but directly stretched out his hand and pressed the sword box, took out a long sword showing off one’s ability from it, and stretched out his hand gently With another stroke, slashed towards the front, in an instant, countless pieces of sword light rushed towards the great array.

Zhang Yu saw this, sitting on the seat and flicking his sleeves, countless Cicada Wings Flowing Lights flew out, each one was extremely accurate and collided with the attacking sword light, not at all. Penetrate into the great array.

As soon as he shot here, the clear sky agitated by the great array weakened a bit. He turned his eyes and saw that he was retreating, and there were more holes in the wall of the void. .

He knew that he had to solve the enemy in front of him, so he stood up and raised a cloud jade platform under his feet.

Chen Baixiao held the sword in his back, standing behind him, bowed to him with a single palm, coldly said: “Chen Baixiao.”

Zhang Yu lifted his sleeves and gave a gift.

After Chen Baixiao held the ceremony, he didn’t say much, and pointed the sword in his hand to him. At this moment, the light on the sword rose again, but this time there was an endless amount of flying, and he could feel every sword qi It is like a thread.

Zhang Yu pupil light flickered, only a flick of the sleeve, but a star light in the sky fell, each of them hits exactly on the sword qi. Although the sword qi is good, it will break after a star light I met another one, so it became weaker and weaker and gradually disappeared under the wear and tear of the star light.

Chen Baixiao seemed to be aware of something at this moment, he looked up, stared at him and said: “You really know how to sword!”



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