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Zhang Yu didn’t make a sword even though. But each of his star lights collided with the sword qi, and at the moment when the sword qi was wiped out, all the star lights were also wiped out with it, not too much, not too much.

This is by no means a means by which ordinary people can break sword qi, only those who know the sword can do it.

As a sword cultivator, Chen Baixiao is easy to detect.

Zhang Yu not at all concealed the idea that he would control the sword, because when dealing with a sword cultivator who also mastered the “sword births the divine”, he had to brighten the sword sooner or later.

He doesn’t think that the other party will make the mistake of the last time, and send another person to fight with him. There should be foreign enemies. There has been no movement in the two-world channel until now, but it will not happen now, and it may not be a while If not, the person may come in secretly while fighting with him and this person.

In front of him, Chen Baixiao had just attacked him, and he also pretended that he still had a hand. The moment his mind changed, the technique of “Heaven and Heart with Mirror” had already fallen on him.

When Chen Baixiao noticed the arrival of the divine ability, a cold light appeared in his eyes. When the sword holding the wrist turned slightly, a sword light flew up and fell on himself, cutting off the divine ability. .

At the same time, he made a backhand sword at Zhang Yu. With this sword, the sword qi disappeared, only a light appeared, and his mind seemed to be drawn into it.

Zhang Yu immediately recognized that this was a sword cut aimed at the mind. The moment he saw this sword, he was already reflected in the mind. He just turned the Heart Light, and the mind was bright, this sword Light is already dissolving.

Generally speaking, the killing of the mind needs to be solved by divine ability, and it is Chen Baixiao who has just slashed himself with the sword, and he has also never left this category.

But he was completely unlocked by Heart Light might, which undoubtedly cost Heart Light, but now he has a solid foundation and a strong heart force, but he doesn’t need to care about these trivial consumption.

Almost at the same time as this technique was resolved, when the opposite sword light had not completely faded, a rays of light flashed out of him, but he responded with an “Illusory Light Divine Cut” that also pointed directly at his mind. past.

Chen Baixiao didn’t move, but at this moment, a sword shadow jumped out of his mind, and he slashed at the bright light, and then both disappeared, but the moment the sword shadow flew up, he seemed to know that this technique would resolve , He already waved his arm in the direction of Zhang Yu, and an extremely sharp sword light had already leaped across the void.

Zhang Yu pupil light flashed slightly, he could see at the moment the sword light appeared, this sword light is very sharp, everything on the face can be cut through, there is almost nothing to stop.

36 The art of sword births the divine has a name called “Dust Divine Break”, which claims that nothing can be cut and nothing can be broken. This sword should only be a transformation of this technique.

Usually to deal with this sword light, he can only avoid it, but he stood still, instead a phantom like himself appeared on his body, and hit that sword light head-on. Both touched, Shadow Transformation Disperse, but the sword light also disappears.

In an instant, he saw that the sword had its shape but not the gods. He could only cut one body, not everything, so he only covered it with “Profound Principles Shedding Exuviae” and turned it away.

The last few fights were actually not really fighting, but just in the midst of testing each other. Through these, they could not only understand the rough foundation of their opponents, but also pry into some of their opponents’ fighting styles.

And after exchanging one or two means, both of them knew it well.

Chen Baixiao secretly judged: “This person has strong magical power, great divine ability and little change, especially tenacious, and the escape technique is difficult to distinguish. Besides there are few weak spots, it seems that there is no Sword Art, but watch it. Use God as a non-pure sword cultivator.”

Zhang Yu also commented on Chen Baixiao: “This person has a cold heart and disregards his enemies. Although Sword Art has many changes, when there is a center, all sword styles will start from In this way, using the sword is just a representation. In the final analysis, what this person is actually good at is the change of divine ability.”

The probing of both parties is here and it is over.

Chen Baixiao did not speak, stretched out his hand to stroke the spine of the sword, and looked at Zhang Yu, but there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Zhang Yu was thinking about what means to fight with this person during the trial. If it is one-on-one, there is no need to think about this. Now he is the person in charge of the defend array pivot, and he is not thinking about winning. How to keep it longer.

There is undoubtedly a bigger opponent behind the two-world passage, he can’t expose too much. Otherwise, let him defeat a few people, as long as he is defeated by the opponent once, then the situation may collapse.

Previously, “all the worlds in the same day” killed Dan Xiaochen, undoubtedly the other party will be on guard, but with this divine ability, if no one is willing to collide with him face-to-face, the other party will also advance before seeing the internal qi movement. Avoid the past.

Is this person’s magical power less than his own, or is he directly using Speech Seal? However, when he thought of this in his heart, he felt improper, and seemed to be so unworkable.

So do you use Six Uprights to defeat the enemy?

After a thought, he still decided not to use it for the time being. If Chen Baixiao does not have a two-world path behind him, he can use this method, but if he notices something wrong, he can retreat and go back, and then come back, maybe another person can get here, then he will waste the heart force. .

That’s the case…

He looked up, and the other party needed to ask for the sword, so just use the sword against the enemy. He stretched out his hand and took it, and the Song of Cicadas Sword was already in his hand.

As for Firmament Startling Sword, it is hiding aside. This is not necessarily used to deal with Chen Baixiao, but is used to prevent changes, such as the possibility of another opponent coming.

When Chen Baixiao saw him holding a sword in his hand, his eyes lit up and his wrist flicked, and he slashed horizontally. It was obvious that he was in the distance, but between waving, the sword light directly crossed between each other. The airspace landed on Zhang Yu Heart Light, but with a light touch, it melted away, and it seemed like it wasn’t much.

Zhang Yu immediately recognized that this should be the “infinite victory” of sword births the divine. If you lift the sword and fall, you will reach the enemy, but the sword is not powerful, and you can usually use the Heart Light magical power. Block.

However, this sword technique has a profound principle hidden in it, which is called “life and death” by the sword cultivator. After the sword is cut to the enemy, it may be in the number of swords or in the hundred swords. Within, there must be one sword that can kill the opponent!

However, when this sword is used in the profound principles, the master himself does not know. It is said that people who specialize in this sword to the apex will cut their opponents at most three swords.

Although Chen Baixiao is definitely not as good as a sword cultivator who focuses on this way, he just uses that’s all, but he can’t use this person to perform, so he changed his mind, but launched a “catching light technique” against him. “!

In the past, it was difficult for his light seizing technique to get the opponent accurately, because the enemy has counter-cursions, but this divine ability is also supported by the heart light. The higher the heart light, the greater the divine ability. Now he Heart Light is stronger than ever. At this time, this performance made Chen Baixiao’s body paused, and at the same time, he also cut the past with a sword light casually.

Although Chen Baixiao could not move, a sword light jumped out from the sword box and blocked the road ahead. Although he was defeated in the middle, there were obviously profound principles in it. At this resistance, cut the sword light slowly.

It’s just how fast the sword light clashes. It seems that the two swords collide, but it’s not an instant. Chen Baixiao still hasn’t gotten rid of the divine ability at this moment, but he can’t get rid of his body, but Essence Soul is released first. The shadow came out, holding the sword and raising his hand to cut, the sword light was cut out.

But at the same time, the Essence Soul seemed to have suffered a great impact, but it collapsed together with the sword shadow in his hand, turning into countless light spots and falling back into Chen Baixiao’s body.

He has an extremely solemn expression, “All-Severing Cut?”

Besides suspicion, there is also a scorching heat in the depths of his eyes.

Every time he kills a sword cultivator, he can use part of the opponent’s divine ability. This divine ability is not taken from the opponent, but after defeating the opponent in the fight, it is reflected in his own divine ability. Yes, this is also the characteristic of “Yuanchengbian”.

However, this divine ability is not a system of each other. In fact, it can be regarded as a combination of one after another different sword’s divine ability. How to use it depends on the master’s judgment and grasp of the battle situation. Since it is very powerful, if it is not used well, it is not as good as the ordinary sword cultivator.

If “All-Severing Cut” can be obtained, it can supplement one of the biggest shortcomings. It will have both speed and strength, and the power of its own sword will be improved by more than one thing,

It’s just that he has never encountered such an opponent before, but he did meet him today. He stared at Zhang Yu, and he must win it!

At the same moment, the three Guyangzi saw Chen Baixiao escape from the two-world channel and started working with Zhang Yu. They felt slightly relieved. This is undoubtedly the Huanyang faction received their transmission The news, determined to step up breaking the formation.

At this moment, there is a rainbow light coming from the outside, falling into the hall, and the winning rush appears from the inside, bowed, saying: “Three High Venerable are polite.”

Guyangzi could feel that there was no movement outside, and said: “What’s the matter with you?”

Win the rush: “Three High Venerable, Zhang Yu is a powerful person. The Huanyang Fellow Daoist may have a plan to shoot, but it may not be able to defeat this person. , I still don’t know when Profound Court can be contained.”

Guyangzi said: “How are you doing?”

Ying Chong raised his head and said: “Celestial Xia blocked the passage between the two realms, relying on the great array before the passage, but here is standing in the void, we can call on the evil god to help, or can help Huanyang Fellow Daoist once made it difficult for its rear, so it may mess up its battle!”

Lingdu Daoist said: “With the protection of the clear sky, how do those evil gods approach?”

Ying Chong replied: “I have already asked, the air of clear sky is only harmful to evil god, so it will instinctively avoid it, but if the price is enough, I can still drive this generation.”

Lingdu Daoist said: “What is the price?”

Ying rushed: “What evil god needs is the pill left by the Huanyang faction that day. I copied a batch of them. Although it is not as good as the original, it can still be accepted by evil god. If it is not enough, Huanyang The Yang school is here, you can ask for it, or…you can let evil god pick it up afterwards.”



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