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Out of the government, Zhang Yu returned directly to the Academy. He went to Kuiwen Hall first, and Proctor Chi and the others are still waiting here at this moment, in order to immediately know the news.

After seeing everyone, he said what he should have said, what choices and attitudes the Chief Commander would come down with, and it would be clear in a few days.

The reason why he did not elaborate, is not afraid of the leakage of the breathing technique. This is nothing to say, but it is bone twisting sickness. It involves the pain of the Yang family. Although the Protectorate upper layer is clear, it is not suitable People premise.

After explaining the matter, he stopped by Proctor Chi and the others, came out of Kuiwen Hall, and returned directly to his residence.

When he arrived in the study, he spread out the paper, took the pen, and decided to write an essay to publish the Celestial Xia gift and the breathing technique in the newspaper.

If the people below, especially those with mixed blood and the native understood Celestial Xia gift and other benefits, then naturally will accept the Celestial Xia etiquette, even if these are only superficial, but everyone is doing the Celestial Xia gift At that time, does that mean that waste can be discarded?

He must not only break the delusions of Yao Hongyi and the others to support the “new rite”, but also block their way!

In fact, according to Proctor Chi and the others, as long as Chief Commander refuses to accept the “new gift”, then it is good to maintain the current pattern, because if this continues, the radicals feel that there is still hope, then they will not immediately turn their faces.

But he doesn’t think so. Will Divine Army tell you this?

Chaos Tide is fading. Divine Army will certainly not allow Protectorate to regain contact with the locals. At that time, they will inevitably become inferior again, and may even be liquidated, so they have no retreat and can only go one way .

The reason why this generation is not mobilizing now is that it’s because of insufficient strength that’s all, not because of any nominal constraints. If you have enough strength, you will certainly not sit back and wait.

So no matter how you choose to do it, the result is the same.

After writing the article, he called Li Qinghe in and ordered him to send it to Hanmo Newspaper tomorrow.

After Li Qinghe went down, he took the box from which Silver Office retrieved it and placed it on the table. After removing the box lid, he took the letterheads in his hands and opened it to read it carefully.

Only then did he realize that all the text on it was written in weird words and symbols.

He knows a lot of native languages, but the above is unrecognizable. It seems that many traces of native text can be found here, and they have also been deliberately tailored to make them illegible.

It’s no wonder that Anermota keeps these letterheads all the time. This may be Study Supervisor Qiu and the others may not be translated.

He thought about it, but the above things were not in a hurry. When the time came, he could go to Publishing Literature Hall to read the classics and see if he could find some clues.

He glanced over, stayed on the stone slab in that box for a while, packed everything up, came out of the study, entered the quiet room, served a few pills, and sat down on enters meditation.

On the second day, he put on his robe and came to the Profound Mansion. When he entered the partial hall, Fan Lan was holding a pen and writing something there. When he came in, he immediately took the sleeve and put the pen down, said with a smile: “junior brother Zhang, you are back from cultivation. “

Zhang Yu, nodded, came up to join palms and bows and said, “I still have many thanks senior brother Fan to tell me a lot about mysterious chapter 2 last time.”

Fan Lan laughingly says: “What’s the matter? Can you … um?” He looked at Zhang Yu, revealing amazement, and said: “junior brother, do you want to tell me, you have a glimpse of Chapter 2 Alright? “

Zhang Yu didn’t answer, but a great sound began to sound in the great hall, and the surrounding things, including cauldron, floated out of thin air and surrounded him.

“My heart is outside, I can move things!” Fan Lan froze for a moment, and then there was a surprise in his eyes, and said: “You, junior brother Zhang, good, good!”

He was very excited at the moment, not only because Profound Mansion had an additional discovered cultivator that read to chapter 2, but also because Zhang Yu was only given this step with his own talent, but is there also his credit here?

But at this time, he suddenly thought of something, smiled slightly, and seriously asked: “junior brother Zhang, you honestly told me that when you said you planted the Self Existence Seal, you only saw 3 seals, whether there was any concealment ? “

Zhang Yu did not deny it and admitted: “Yes, I did conceal it that day, at that time it was out of hiding.”

The reason why he concealed it was because he only knew that he had previously repaired the Chaotic Chapter. Xiang Chun also stated that the Chaotic Chapter was the object that must be eradicated, and he did not know what the normal performance of Profound Chapter should be. Consider carefully, so there is concealment.

Fan Lan looked at him and asked curiously: “Junior brother Zhang, how many impressions did you see?”

Zhang Yu said: “I really saw 6 seals at that time.”

“It turned out to be 6 Yin Qiguan?”

Fan Lan unable to bear exclaimed. He looked at Zhang Yu and didn’t know what to say at the moment, but just shook his head and said: “junior brother Zhang, you, you, if you were earlier …”

Speaking of which, he frowned suddenly.

He wanted to say that if Zhang Yu showed an endowment of 6 impressions earlier, Profound Mansion would definitely value Zhang Yu more than now, and even support it as a successor in the door.

But he thought about it again, but he didn’t think it was necessary.

The way of doing things above now really makes him a little bit incomprehensible. It seems to be a little different from his previous understanding of Profound Mansion. Things may not develop as he thought. But the current situation is not bad.

Zhang Yu said at this time: “Yu came back to Profound Mansion this time to learn the seal from Chapter 2. I don’t know what to pay attention to, so I came to consult senior brother Fan.”

Fan Lan thought for a while and said seriously: “Junior brother Zhang, you can rest assured that you have entered the ‘Spiritual Clarity Chapter’, then you have become a self-contained pattern. In the Profound Mansion, now you can really restrain you Only Profound Leader that’s all, it should be your thing, the same will not be less, um … “

He paused, “I’m going to speak for junior brother Zhang on this matter, you say, wait a moment, I will go back as soon as I go.”

After a second sentence, he came out of the side hall and went straight to Affairs Hall.

When the people on the road saw him, they took the initiative to saluted them, but he walked in a hurry, but when they saw it, many people couldn’t help but wonder. Is there something unusual in the Profound Mansion?

Bai Qingqing happened to come from the Lord of the Temple at this time, because his heart for victory was too strong. Before the incident of Zhang Yu killed Plague Gods, he once made him in a bad mood. However, because he has made many achievements recently, Profound Mansion has given a secret chapter order. He looked at it, but he felt a bit of the door, and his heart was also excited. This made him restore a little confidence.

Since you can’t compare your merits, you might as well compete in cultivation!

He consciously adopted this secret technique. Before the secret medicine efficacy is completely passed, it is possible for him to log in to Chapter 2 in one fell swoop. By then, he can stand above and overlook the bottom.

In fact, what did those things count in the past?

What is trifling?

Open your eyes a little bit, we profound cultivator, cultivation base is the fundamental!

At this moment, he looked up and saw Fan Lan hurried from the front. He was busy as a courtesy, confident and full of confidence: “senior brother Fan, I’m going to find the senior brother, Qingqing recently consciously …”

Fan Lan didn’t seem to hear what he said. He glanced at him and said, “Oh, okay.” Then he hurried past him.

Bai Qingqing was only halfway through the speech, but the person in front of him was gone. After standing there alone for a moment, this expressionless slowly moved his foot away.

Fan Lan arrived in the hall very soon. He saw Xiang Chun discussing with Xu Ying, and Wang Gong was also present. Xiang Chun saw him come in and said with a smile: “How did the junior brother Fan come? But something?”

Fan Lan stepped forward to the steps, and said, “I am here for the junior brother Zhang!”

“Junior brother Zhang?”

Xiang Chun astonished, he looked at Xu Ying and Wang Gong and asked, “Junior brother Zhang said the other day that he wants to go out to cultivate, but is he back?”

Fan Lan said in a straight voice: “Junior Brother Zhang just returned, but …” He took a brief pause, and then he emphasized the tone: “Junior Brother Zhang has found the found principles and read to Chapter 2!”



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