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As soon as Fan Lan said this, Affairs Hall suddenly fell into silence.

For a while, Xiang Chun seemed to have finally realized what it was. Unable to bear stood up after the case, with a little surprise and uncertainty in his expression, saying: “Really?”

Wang Gong narrowed his eyes. He looked at Xiang Chun and looked towards Fan Lan. He said: “junior brother Fan, are you talking about the killed God of Plagues junior brother Zhang Yu?

Fan Lan nodded hard and said: “Yes, this junior brother Zhang!”

“impossible !”

Xu Ying burst out with a loud shout, and bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, “senior brother Xiang gave Zhang Yu the secret chapter for a few days? How could he read to Chapter 2? Which could? He would not Did you go to Chaotic Chapter? “

“Junior brother Xu, be careful!”

Xiang Chun looked towards Xu Ying, with a severe expression: “Can these words be nonsense?”

Xu Ying’s complexion turned red, and his emotions seemed a little unstable. He said: “senior brother, it’s not me who talks at random, how long will it take for Zhang Yu to cultivate? How long will you give him the secret seal? It’s chapter 2? He’s not … he’s not a gifted person! There are people like him in Profound Mansion! “

He pointed outside, loudly said: “That Bai Qingqing, junior brother Bai! He and Zhang Yu entered the cultivation at the same time, 2 people are talented, junior brother Bai is even better, why can this Zhang Yu cultivation be so advanced? Quick? There must be something wrong with this, there is a problem! “

In the last sentence, he almost said it with a shout. Although the attendants outside the corridor could not hear what they were saying, they were still in a panic and thought that some of them were quarreling inside.

Wang Gong looked at them and there was a faint sneer on his face.

Xiang Chun pondered for a while, and said: “Although these things look at some incredible, but who can make it clear about cultivate? I am a founder cultivator, as long as the spirit essence is sufficient, it is not difficult to find the found principles. I do n’t want to mention the cultivator again. “

Xu Ying gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t believe it! There must be a problem here! I ask to see Zhang Yu’s dao book!”

Xiang Chun frowned immediately.

Wang Gong said leisurely at this time: “Junior brother Xu, junior brother Fan If what is said is not false, then junior brother Zhang is now the same as you from the found cultivator of chapter 2, why do you want to flip his dao book? But the fundamental secret involved in a cultivator, even if you want to turn it, only the Profound Leader has this qualification, it is still not your turn? Moreover, even if it is given to you, what can you see? “

Every profound cultivator, what seal is used, and what progress has been made, when did the seal get, how long did it take to read, the dao book records are clear, just check, you can know that you are basically .

However, the found cultivator is good, that is, the spirit essence can sometimes increase the number of people. It is sometimes uncertain. Here you are only known by yourself. There is no reason for someone to want to put their beaks, so no matter how unreasonable, as long as you are done , That is reasonable.

Fan Lan saluted Xiang Chun at the moment, opened the mouth and said: “senior brother Xiang, I originally didn’t want to say this, but since senior brother Xu has doubts, then I have to say it.”

He paused, and when three people came to see him, he looked up and said, “Junior Brother Zhang is not the only three upright seals that I know at first, he is … six seals entirely appeared!”

“Six seals entirely appeared?”

Xiang Chun looked amazed. After a moment, he said: “Junior Brother Zhang, but why did he …” He slightly paused, seemingly thinking, nodded, saying: “i understand, so, junior brother Zhang has Today ’s achievements are no surprise. “

He had some doubts about Zhang Yu’s entry into the country so fast, but if Fan Lan said it would be explained.

This matter is also easy to verify, but where six seals entirely appeared, the cultivator will observe some natural phenomena, only those who have really experienced it will know it, and only need to ask to know it, so it is not a fake.

What Xu Ying wanted to say at this time, Xiang Chun reached out to stop him, said solemnly: “junior brother Xu, needless to say, I believe junior brother Zhang, if you have anything, we will discuss it in private.”

Xu Ying had to hold back the words.

Fan Lan suggested at this time: “senior brother Xiang, senior brother Wang, according to the rules of my Profound Mansion, junior brother Zhang can participate in my Profound Mansion decision!”

Xu Ying was again unable to bear at this time, and immediately voiced an objection: “No! Absolutely not!”

Fan Lan looks at him: “Why?”

Xu Ying emotion excitedly said: “Zhang Yu joined Profound Mansion for a while, and the time is too short. You need to check it again. Junior brother Fan, do n’t forget that traitor that day. How is it? “

Fan Lan said dissatisfiedly: “senior brother Xu’s remarks are wrong. Is it possible that someone with excellent talents will rebel?”

Xu Ying said: “I don’t mean that.”

Fan Lan looked at him up and down and said, “senior brother Xu, I found out long ago, you have a prejudice to junior brother Zhang! I think, are you afraid of any selfishness?”

Xu Ying said angrily: “I am not, I am not!”

“Dare you say you didn’t?”

Fan Lan has accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with Profound Mansion’s many abnormal performances before. Today he will take advantage of this opportunity to speak up!

“Then I ask you, junior brother Zhang, after he found Heart Light, why don’t you let him go to Profound Leader?

The junior brother Zhang became True Embryo Seal, which should have given a secret chapter order, why do n’t you give it?

junior brother Zhang is easy to read to chapter 2, but you doubt this, doubt that, and use senior brother Ying to talk about things. I think the reason why senior brother Ying wanted to betray the government was forced by you! “

Xu Ying was very angry and angrily said: “Fan Lan, how dare you speak for this traitor?”

Fan Lan didn’t have any fear, and said, “I’ll say it! Why? Do you want to ask me to sin?”

Xu Ying’s eyes were red, and the rays of light appeared on and off, saying, “Fan Lan, how dare you say such things? Did you forget how senior brother Chen died?”

Fan Lan heard this and couldn’t help being silent.

Wang Gong suddenly opened the mouth and said at this time: “Actually I think, junior brother Fan he said very well.”

Xu Ying could not believe the looked towards him, saying: “senior brother Wang, you …”

Xiang Chun also looked up.

Wang Gong’s eyes were burning at him, saying: “junior brother Xu, and senior brother Xiang, I just want to ask, do you have anything to hide from us?”

Xu Ying’s eyes subconsciously dodged for a moment, and then angrily said: “I have nothing to hide from you! What Xu Ying does is not for Profound Mansion?”

Wang Gong glanced at Xiang Chun sitting there, nodded and said: “Is it? That’s good.”

“Okay! Say 2 sentences less!”

Xiang Chun said solemnly: “Junior brothers are all for Profound Mansion, there is nothing wrong or right.”

He looked towards Fan Lan, his tone slowed down: “junior brother Fan, I did n’t take junior brother Zhang to see Profound Leader before, that ’s what I meant, because since February, Profound Leader has been in closed, I also I ca n’t see it. As for the last time I did n’t pass the secret seal, that ’s what I mean. I ’m afraid that junior brother Zhang is greedy for progress. I also explained this to junior brother Zhang. You can ask him. ”

Fan Lan thought for a while and said, “The junior brother Zhang is involved in the decision …”

Xiang Chun thought about it for a while, he said slowly: “Junior Brother Fan had to make a reasonable suggestion … but the time when Junior Brother Zhang entered Profound Mansion was indeed a little shorter, and although he had to watch Chapter 2 The seals he studied were still the first chapters, and they still need to accumulate a period of time. At this time, it is not appropriate to let him be confidential with the news, so I think it is better for him to cultivate it for a while. “

For this statement, Fan Lan was barely acceptable. He said: “Junior brother Zhang should see Spirit Clarity. According to the rules set by Profound Leader in Fuchu, the secret to him is …”

Xiang Chun said resolutely: “It should be from junior brother Zhang, and it should be given to him, and since he is a six seals entirely appeared, he gave him the” 6 seal chapter “to watch together. He chooses it himself. “

Fan Lan bowed his hand and said, “So, I will replace junior brother Zhang thanks senior brother Xiang.”

Wang Gong thought at this moment and said: “senior brother Xiang, according to the previous regulations, before the found cultivator enters the government to decide, when you need to achieve a success, I think that matter, it is better to give it to the junior brother Zhang. . “

Xiang Chun thought about it and said, “Alright, this was the junior brother Zhang’s submission. It is also appropriate to return it to him for disposal.” He picked up a booklet from the stage and walked to Fan Lan before leaving the case. And handed it to the latter: “junior brother Fan, please bring this volume to junior brother Zhang when you turn back later.”



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