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Zhang Yu gently raised his hand to catch Wondrous Pills Lord. He looked around. After a long sleep, the little leopard’s body not at all changed slightly, but it was slightly larger than the original.

This is not surprising, because Wondrous Pills Lord not at all has completely passed through the infancy, and the size of this natural spiritual creature sometimes changes in order to adapt to the environment.

The smaller size means that it is not considered a threat, it can hide and hide better, and it can have more flexible and agile movements.

The difference is that perhaps the frontier days were eating pill medicine. The spirituality of Wondrous Pills Lord actually increased a lot. The layer of colorful light outside was floating like mist, and there seemed to be many fine and bright crystal debris inside. , Gently brushed by hand, fluttered with it.

He rubbed Wondrous Pills Lord’s head a few times and was about to put it down, but the little thing refused to go down with his paws on his sleeves, and made a childish meow.

He passed the heart lake and immediately understood what it meant. This was too long to sleep at home.

After thinking about it, he took Wondrous Pills Lord out of the house.

After going out, he walks northwest along the avenue. Soon after, a high platform appeared in front of me.

Here is called “Moon Embracing Stage”, it is the second highest place in the Academy, only slightly lower than Kuiwen Hall, sometimes there will be some teachers in the Academy come here to invite the month to drink together, looking at the hometown.

When he arrived, it was at sunset, standing here, you could clearly see the entire Auspicious Light. At this moment the night had not yet fully arrived, but the stars were lit up, and the sunset between the sea and the sky rendered a rich color layer , Magnificent and gorgeous.

It was spacious enough and the view was wide. He put Wondrous Pills Lord down, came to the edge of the high stage, facing the evening breeze, and looked down into the distance with a negative sleeve.

Wondrous Pills Lord also squatted at his feet, his ears moved slightly, curious and cautious looks at this scene.

Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that although he has been Auspicious Light for a long time, he has never really painted the whole picture of the city.

After thinking for a while, he came to sit in the pavilion not far away, then took out the booklet and a few special brushes, and traced it here.

His senses beyond ordinary people allow him to see many things that ordinary people cannot see. His quick thinking makes his movements and reactions extremely fast, which makes the painting richer in content and more detailed in details.

However, his movements were not slow at all, and his pens were delicate and accurate. When the rosy clouds spread across the sky had not completely faded, he had completed this painting.

This is a long scroll that contains Auspicious Light City completely, but in his booklet, only one part can be seen on each page. Ten pages need to be cut out and put together to see the whole picture .

This also means that his heart is full of bright and fragmented Auspicious Light City.

When he stretched out his hand to put away the paintbrush used on the stone case, he felt something strange and turned his head to look.Wondrous Pills Lord was holding the paintbrush with one paw and screamed at him.

Zhang Yu thought about it, and suddenly understood what it meant, so his eyes signalled to the side, Wondrous Pills Lord immediately leaped, a few jumps, came to a railing and squatted down, his tail raised high , Facing away from the magnificent heaven and earth.

Zhang Yu picked up the paintbrush, and in a short time, outlined the image of a little leopard cat. His golden hair fluttered with colorful glare, as well as the magnificent background behind it, all presented on paper.

After the painting was finished, the pen was put down, the golden shadow flashed, and Wondrous Pills Lord ran quickly, his tail swaying, curiously looking at his portrait.

Zhang Yu simply erected the album and let it be admired by himself. He walked aside and looked at the North Mountain of Initiation not far away.

When I went to Affairs Hall to meet Xiang Chun, the latter told him that with his cultivation base at this moment, it is reasonable to say that when he went to meet the Profound Leader, it was just that the Profound Leader was now closed, so he could not meet him, but until the end of the year, the Profound Leader would be I will arrange it for him when I go out.

In fact, it is not important for him to see the Profound Leader. It is better for Profound Leader not to come out, which means that no one can arrange anything for him, he only needs to arrange his own cultivation.

After standing here for a while, seeing that the sky was completely dimmed, he returned to the pavilion, stretched his hand and kneaded there while still admiring his Wondrous Pills Lord, saying, “Go back.”

He put the picture book in his pocket and walked down the stage. Wondrous Pills Lord jumped lightly from the stone table and followed him back to his residence.

Soon after more than ten days passed, the time entered the end of October.

Zhang Yu spends most of his time in cultivation at his residence. Sometimes he goes to the Publishing Literature Hall to find clues about the slate. Although he has gained some results, he finds that some of the runes involve the native language of more than ten remote tribes.

Although he can also recognize the origin of these languages ​​superficially, but to undo the rune in it, there is no doubt that a deeper understanding is needed, which requires re-learning.

With his current understanding, learning something comes from no difficulty, and it takes a little effort and time to complete.

What just puzzled him was that from Anermota’s death, it showed that his people knew the origin of this thing and got some benefits from it.

Judging from this person’s previous experience, he is not a knowledgeable person and will certainly not recognize the language above, so the only explanation left is that his person relies on mystical instincts.

After the divine robe is highly compatible with people, the owner of divine robe is equivalent to mastering part of the power of different God, and even understands many things that he does not understand for no reason. Anermota should also be so.

Then it is inferred from this that this slate is undoubtedly related to the god on this continent.

He pondered a little, believing that looking down in this direction, he would finally be able to unlock the secret.

Towards the end of the month, Zhang Yu was invited to go to the auction market once and sold the white ox of the snail-horned giant white ox. Except for a part of the Profound Mansion turned over, the rest of the return was still lucrative.

In the meantime, out of luck, he bought several idols. The surprise is that there is a little source energy in one of the idols.

After some research, he found that this idol still belongs to God of Plagues Yimiterly.

This makes him a little puzzled. So far, he has been exposed to many idols, but why is only the energy of God of Plagues hidden in the source energy?

Or is there something unique about this god?

After much thought, he couldn’t help but have a conjecture in mind, in order to verify, he asked Li Qinghe 4 to buy Godol of Plagues idol.

Due to the demise of Plague Gods, many native tribes who believed in plague gods secretly hid or destroyed idol, but some sold it to antique merchants as antiquities. Of course, some of them may not be able to tell which god the idol belongs to.

Therefore, his acquisition was very smooth. Within a few days, more than 100 statues of various types were collected. Among them, there were three with source energy.

After detailed investigation, Zhang Yu found that two of them still belonged to God of Plagues Yimiterly, while the other belonged to God of Love Mikiuli.

This time, he combined with the previously discovered source energy items, summed up an important commonality.

That is the most ancient and legendary source energy items.

For example, God of Plagues, he is the protagonist of the ancient epic, many tribes have his story spread, and he is also the ancient God that existed in the previous era, so many idols have a history of several thousand years.

As for the God of Love Mikiuli, the same is true.

The story about this deity is widely circulated. According to legend, the marriage between many tribes is inseparable from this deity. Even the combination of deities and mortals has its silhouette blended in. Not as Yimiterly, but it is also well known in the native.

Another piece of evidence here is the bones of strange monster previously collected from the drug store. From the later piecemeal inquiries to clues, there are many traces of people worshiping around the bone pit, it is likely that this strange monster had The reputation of out of the ordinary has even been worshipped as a god.

It’s just that the ending of these spiritual creatures is not so good. Most of them will become the hunting targets of native warriors, as sacrifices to please the gods they admire.

The priest pit under Krigris Peak is filled with such spiritual creatures.

However, Zhang Yu is also soberly aware that there are very few places he has been to, and there are not many source energy items that he is in contact with. Maybe not all of them contain source energy items, but at present this is common. At least he was given a clear direction. If there is something missing, he can make up for it later.

In the next ten days, he followed this clue to search for source energy, and he has gained something. Although there are not many source energy, he is in a good mood.

If he can, he hopes that this time will last longer, so that he can accumulate more spirit essence.

But he can feel that Chaos Tide has subsided again these days.

Those who do n’t want to see Protectorate reconnecting with the locals are definitely preparing for the final. The collision between the old school and the radicals may come at any time.

By mid-November, Profound Mansion had a movement there. A found cultivator was invited by Xiang Chun to ask him that Profound Leader was out of the customs and wanted to invite him to see him in the past.



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