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On November 6th, at sunrise.

Zhang Yu came to the Profound Mansion Affairs Hall in a Profound Mansion robe.

Xiang Chun was already here, and after paid respect, he said directly: “junior brother Zhang, Profound Leader this time is only 2 days out of the customs, check the inside and outside, arrange a lot of matters, and then need to close the customs afterwards, time is more urgent, I It ’s not much to say, just follow me. “

After the explanation, he led the way, from the rainbow corridor behind Affairs Hall to the Mountain of Initiation to the north. Before reaching the cliff, the two people went out of the corridor and walked onto a cliff wall.

The trestle walked straight into the interior of the Mountain of Initiation. On the way, it also passed a waterfall flowing suspension, walked here for more than 100 breaths, stepped on a platform, behind it was a long canyon channel, there was a person in front of the door daoist is waiting here.

Xiang Chun stepped forward and said, “junior brother Quan, I brought junior brother Zhang. Can the teacher be here?”

Surnamed Quan daoist returned a salute, he looked at Zhang Yu, nodded, and said: “Wait a minute, I will go to the general plan.”

The person turned around, and after a short time, he turned out again, raised his hand to Zhang Yu, then stepped aside, and said: “profound cultivator Zhang, Profound Leader, please meet you, you are inside. . “

Zhang Yu had another gift, and once nodded to Xiang Chun, he opened his robe sleeves and walked into the passage. While walking, he was also thinking about the rumors about the Profound Leader in his mind.

In addition to some of what he heard here, Cai Weng actually told him.

You know, among Chaotic Chapter cultivator, there are many people who betrayed Profound Mansion in their early years. They know a lot of things, but they do n’t shy away from His Holiness.

This Profound Leader Qi, named Qi Bi, took over the position 60 years ago. After the Hong River Pass World War I, many Profound Mansion predecessors were all killed, so it was his person who took over the position of Profound Leader.

In fact, there was no better candidate at that time, because all his peers were only one of him, and the remaining Profound Mansion disciple was only a dozen.

It can be said that the Profound Mansion handed over to him at that time was almost an empty shelf.

Profound Mansion can be maintained to this day, its people can be regarded as indispensable, but the dilemma of Profound Mansion today also has its own merits.

This person’s acting style is quite conservative. From the time he took over Profound Mansion to now, he has never taken the initiative to do anything, just keep the Profound Mansion running.

There is a saying in the Chaotic Chapter cultivator that when the Profound Mansion first started to recover, the Divine Army also suffered heavy losses, although a group of people were quickly selected to put on the divine robe, but there was no way to grow up in a short time. If Qi Bi came to suppress the Divine Army at this time, it is likely that the situation will be different in the future.

But I don’t know the reason. Divine Army is not subject to any restrictions. It has even been supported by Protectorate’s. In just 20-30 years, it has become very difficult to cure.

Zhang Yu doesn’t think so, sometimes things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, and often there are deeper and more complicated reasons inside, so it is inappropriate to blame this Profound Leader.

Especially after the First World War, Profound Mansion may die almost at any time. As a successor of Profound Mansion only, Qi Bi was faced with pressure at that time, which is probably not something outsiders can imagine.

When thinking about it, a golden stone gate appeared on the road in front of him, he thought a little, reached out and pushed it, the stone gate went back, he looked around and stepped into it. This is a spacious inner hall, soft light from The glazed stone on the top wall shines down and falls on the surrounding cyan-green plants. A golden ripple of water flows through the stone ditch underneath and flows upstream.

He walked up the slope, and after 100 steps, his vision was wider, and he came to a suspended platform above the sky. At the back was an empty cliff cave, which was foggy from time to time. The black smoke of the incense burner before the stage is still for natural use.

A daoist is sitting on the futon with his eyes closed. His face is majestic, his face is solemn, his black hair is like lacquer, and his bear three feet long is obviously Profound Leader Qi Bi of Eastern Court Profound Mansion.

Zhang Yu clearly saw his people, but he couldn’t feel anything in the heart lake, it was empty, and he immediately realized that it should be a high cultivation base. The external Heart Light put an end to all external air intrusion.

He walked forward slowly, folded his hands together, and took a polite gesture, saying, “Zhang Yu has seen Profound Leader Qi.”

Qi Bi eyes opened, indifferently said: “You don’t have to be too polite, you are different from Xiang Chun, they are not my discipline, just sit down and talk.”

Zhang Yu knows that Xiang Chun, Xu Ying and the others have been following the cultivation of Qi Bi since childhood, and he can only be regarded as a student of Profound Mansion. The relationship between the two parties is the same as the teachers and students in Peaceful Sun Academy. There is no close connection.

There are disadvantages and benefits here.

The disadvantage is that his people will not really regard him as a true cronies. I am afraid that there is no secret chapter order of his own to teach him. The advantage is that he is relatively free, and what he encounters, just follow the rules of Profound Mansion. Without paying attention to the rest.

As soon as he arched his hand, he came to sit on the next futon.

Qi Bi said: “Xiang Chun talked to you when I came yesterday. He praised your talents. Well, six seals entirely appeared. I can see Spirit Clarity in less than a while. It ’s very good. You make me think. Get up alone. “

Zhang Yu said: “Is Chief Xiang called the Profound Mansion traitor?”

Qi Bi was nodded and said unequivocally: “It’s him. I treated him like a parent-child, but later he betrayed Profound Mansion, just because Chaotic Chapter can help him breakthrough, and I have no intention to pursue it, so he can go. Right. “He looked towards Zhang Yu, his eyes narrowed, and said,” If you have such opportunities, would you be like this? “

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Yu has once seen a Chaotic Chapter cultivator, but their inheritance is flawed.”

“Is there a defect? ​​Is it true?” Qi Bi looks at he said: “But if there is no defect?”

Waiting for Zhang Yu to answer, he waved his sleeve again, “That’s all, you don’t need to answer this question. Now that Chaos Tide is subsiding, Profound Mansion can have a discipline like yours with outstanding materials. It’s always a good thing. Get it. “

He couldn’t sit still, but in front of him, a jade piece floated out of thin air and moved to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu extend the hand, take this thing into the palm, this jade is shaped like a tile, the arc is slightly higher, about the size of a palm, the surface is smooth, the cloud is surging inside, and the jade is also very special. Never seen. “

Qi Bi said: “There is a seal hidden in it. If you have a fate, you can realize it by yourself. It doesn’t matter if you can’t understand it. It won’t delay your cultivation. It’s just that you need to collect this jade and don’t lose it.”

Zhang Yu said: “Dare to ask Profound Leader, I don’t know what this is?”

Qi Bi voiced calmly said: “profound jade.”

Zhang Yu moved slightly under his heart and said, “Can it be the found jade used as an inheritance seal?”

Qi Bi said: “This is the thing, but you only get half of it, not only you, there is one from the found cultivator from read to chapter 2, and the other is from me, if you teach Seal to others, you need to use this jade to come here for me. “

Between the words, he took another thing out of his sleeve. “Look, this is the other half.”

Zhang Yu looked over and saw that what Qi Bi showed was not much different from the appearance of the found jade in his hand, but the slight difference was that there was a word “Profound” on the front.

After Qi Bi showed this jade in front of him, he put it in his sleeve again and said: “Everyone who holds a found jade has the responsibility of inheritance found mansion. I am afraid it will be your turn in the future, of course. It may never be your turn. As far as I am concerned, you are not my discipline, but I do not want to pass it to you. “

Zhang Yu didn’t care about this. The position of Profound Leader seems to have many benefits. But there are too many things he needs to carry, and he is firmly tied to Eastern Court, which is not in line with his wishes.

At this moment, he changed his mind and raised his head: “Yu has a matter about which to consult Profound Leader.”

Qi Bi glanced at him and said, “You said.”

Zhang Yu said: “On that day, the Royal entered Profound Mansion. I once saw a daoist and got his help. I saw the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, but I don’t know who this person is?”

Qi Bi tone indifferently said: “Did you not see it just now?” When he was here, he waved his big sleeves and said: “Okay, let’s talk about it here, I have already explained everything I must, found cultivator Zhang, you can go back. “

Zhang Yu nodded, he stood up from the futon, joineds palms politely, and went out.

Qi Bi looks at He went all the way, just sitting there quietly.

Zhang Yu walked out of the stone cave hall and came out along the corridor, and soon came to the previous entrance, but when he saw Xiang Chun still waiting here, he bowed his hand and said, “senior brother Xiang, I have been waiting for a long time.”

Xiang Chun said no matter what, and asked, “Junior brother, can everything go well?”

Zhang Yu said: “Say a few words with Profound Leader, nothing else.”

Xiang Chun thought about it and asked with concern: “So junior brother Zhang, can the Profound Leader give you a profound jade?”

Zhang Yu said: “I have got this thing.”

Xiang Chun’s expression was relaxed, and there was a hint of smile, saying: “junior brother Zhang, with a proven jade, you have been recognized by Profound Leader, and one of my successor to Profound Mansion, you can participate in the decision-making in the government.” Speaking of this, he pondered for a moment, and finally looked up towards him: “There is an important thing right now, and several of us can’t make up our minds yet. Now that you have a proven jade, you have to ask your opinion.”



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