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Ying Zhuan went to the Palace of the Clouds to observe the cultivation after receiving the Shouzheng Yinxin gown. In the past one month later, the cultivation had to be improved again.

After the cultivator first became Profound Venerable, at a time when the internal qi was rising, the potential of the savings needed to be used urgently. There is still a lot of room for growth ahead, and the natural cultivation grows faster.

But at the same time, there is also a very important point, that is, thanks to the classics of the predecessors, you can watch it at will.

At his level, if you want to go out of your own way, the dao technique that the true cultivator has refined and summarized in the past must be observed. Although the true cultivator is not a profound cultivator, the dao technique is different but the same. And there are some classics supplemented by Chaotic Chapter Profound Venerable.

These people were born in true cultivator, and later used Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao to turn into Chaotic Chapter cultivator. They have both the insight of true cultivator and their unique insights into Chaotic Chapter. The two concepts are contracted. , It is very worth learning.

In particular, Chaotic Chapter cultivator has a lot of explanations about Grand Chaos, because true cultivator is included in Chaotic Chapter, and almost all involve Grand Chaos,

But what is interesting is that in the eyes of these Chaotic Chapter cultivators, who were once true cultivators, they do not regard Grand Chaos as a muddy beast, but a part of self-cultivation technique. It’s like that weapon, which can hurt people and yourself, but if you use it well, it can become a weapon in your own hands.

This coincided with his opinion. Although he rejected Grand Chaos with the help of enlightenment, he did not think that Grand Chaos was completely unusable.

Although his current cultivation technique and life fire no longer contaminate Grand Chaos, it can provoke Grand Chaos when attacking the enemy, which is more lethal than any method. All the opponents he has encountered so far have avoided Grand Chaos.

But Grand Chaos will continue to invade and aggravate. As long as you get a little bit of it, then there is almost no possibility of getting rid of it. It is in a state of invading from beginning to end.

For this, true cultivator also has some insights.

They believe that Grand Chaos is in the spirit, so to fight against Grand Chaos, and use Grand Chaos, mainly lies in the mind cultivation, if the mind cultivation can not keep up, then it will be swallowed by it, but If the mind cultivation is sufficient, it can be suppressed.

Grand Chaos is increasing, so your own magical power also grows as much as possible, always maintaining the dominant position, then there is no problem.

Grand Chaos is like an opponent who reminds you to work hard all the time, and will not let you slacken for a moment, because you retreat a little, it will move forward, if you move forward strongly, it will retreat, the two cannot eliminate each other , Just promote each other and keep moving forward, and there is no way to stop.

So it is the conclusion of the true cultivator. This is a training and a boost.

But on the other hand, it’s like walking by the abyss all the time, and if you are not careful, you just fall. However, this situation has changed as more and more true cultivators are transferred to Chaotic Chapter.

On the occasion of ancient Xia and Shenxia, ​​although cultivators had exchanges, most of the secret techniques and experience were value one’s own old broom. Only the sect flowed and the master and disciple passed on.

While Celestial Xia broke the gap of Sect, the boundary between master and disciple is not so clear.

Today’s Celestial Xia has long passed the era of personal comprehend and dao technique secrets. Many true cultivators have set foot in Chaotic Chapter. Everyone has left precious experience for future generations to refer to. They are inspired by later generations. These are enough to be summarized into a set that is effective. People have the experience and method of cultivation.

Ying Zhuan saw this, the calm eyes were also a wave of waves. Because this is also what he wants to see.

The strength of profound techniques lies in the way of all. With countless people moved towards one direction, the road will naturally become wider and wider, and it will attract more people to come.

Although these true cultivators transferred to Chaotic Chapter adhere to the inherent concept of true cultivator, they have unconsciously followed the path of the profound techniques, because they can feel the benefits of doing so. When the time comes, it will do so naturally, and this is part of the truth in itself.

Similarly, after reading these, he also left his own insights on it, thinking that later people would look at it. This method will become more mature. Until one day, maybe you can find a way to completely control Grand Chaos, which will require more people to work hard. And he just maintains this path so that it can continue.

After this idea was born and settled, he only felt that his body was unconsciously surging, and the Heart Light outside his body was shining, shining a very clear brilliance, this is the heart and the clear, and the way forward is clearer sign.

At this point, he has just made use of the accumulation since his achievements, and moved towards a certain direction to take a very solid step, but where he can go in the future, it needs to be honed and hardened, and then viewed again. .

After taking a look at the Tibetan scrolls that he could see in his hand, he settled and digested it for a few days before he came out. He also needs to select some magical items to prepare for the upcoming battle.

At this time, Zhang Yu was also selecting the main manpower for the conquest at this time. Now, except for the old Long Jiaoyao, all he can call is the entire group of the Shouzheng Palace.

For example, Jin Zhixing, Albert Gao, Liang Yi and the others, and now Ying Zhuan can be added. However, Zhu Feng and Mei Shang are responsible for the outer layer, especially under the influence of Chaos Tide. The outer layer is also very important and should not be missed. Therefore, he decided not to make the transfer for the time being and still arrange it outside, even the inner layer. If there are differences, it can also make them review in time.

It’s just the seven Lord Gods of Divine Race in Mochi, and there are also many follower gods. In order to ensure the advantage of this battle, these people are still not enough, and more powerful people are needed to join.

The responsibility of the Shouzheng Palace is to control the conquest and deal with the external god. Profound Court gave him the authority to be responsible for this matter, so he still needs to find a way by himself. If he can invite more people based on friendship, it is his own ability.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to jail to beg people.

For example, Long Yi is a good candidate…

So I went to the Wu Court Manager in a talisman, talking about the need to transfer a few people from the prison to participate in this battle, Wu Court Manager quickly reply and agreed to this matter, who can choose who needs to choose. .

After Zhang Yu got the reply, the Avatar came out of the Shouzheng Palace, just a step away, before moving to the jail, he walked along the platform into the inner courtyard, where the daoist of tomorrow was already waiting , The chief inspector said: “Fengwu Court Manager will be waiting for Court Manager Zhang in the next week. I wonder who Court Manager will choose this time?”

Zhang Yu said: “Long Yi can be counted as one, and Wei Yu can also be counted as one.”

Long Yi is a strong player among the dragons, and he has also reached the realm of enlightenment. He once talked about it. Although the Six Uprights could not be completed in the end, the strength of this old dragon is still sufficient.

Wei Wei is the junior brother of Righteous Purity daoist, and he is also remarkable in the fight against Shangchen Heaven. He thinks this man is also suitable for this fight.

Ming Zhou daoist said: “Court Manager wait.”

His silhouette flashed, and he came to the town prison. After a while, a smart girl with twin buns leaped over and faced her curtsies, saying: “What is the command of the old ancestor?” [19459002 ]

Ming Zhou daoist said: “Go and let Long Yi come out, so that Court Manager Zhang will use him to conquer a different God, and ask him if he prefers.”

When the girl got the order, she came to the inside and waved Yu Sect to show that the dragon pillar came out. Dragon Yi is hovering on the pillar at this moment. Because this is the prison, it is the place of punishment, so if you want to sleep Cultivation is impossible, I can only stay sullen here all the time. Seeing Yu Sect is turned on, it turns into a young official with red lips and white teeth, saying: “Why do you call me?”

The girl said: “Long Yi, good deed, Court Manager Zhang wants to conquer a different God, but this time I found you.”

“Court Manager Zhang? Find me?”

Long Yi thought about what happened last time, and he almost died when he confirmed the method with Zhang Yu, and he felt a little unhappy.

Why is it me again?

The girl said: “Long Yi, this is a good opportunity to make atonement, maybe you can go out after a few more visits.”

Snort disdainfully in Long Yi’s heart, secretly thought Who knows what crime he will suffer this time? Lao Long, I would rather not go out.

But he thought so in his heart, but he said: “Court Manager Zhang didn’t look for others, but he came to my Dragon Yi. Sure enough, he knew the ability of my old dragon.”

The girl originally saw his dissatisfied expression, but she wanted to persuade him to say a few words. Seeing him say this, she was stunned and pouted, and said: “The old ancestor said that these old dragons are hard and not slow Sure enough, the old ancestor Zong was right. I was taught by Court Manager Zhang last time, but he was much more obedient.”

On the other hand, Wei Wei was also passed on by the daoist of Ming Zhou. He was much faster than Long Yi. He heard that he was involved in the eradication of different God, so he agreed.

Although he was not sent back to the jail after his service last time, he was still restricted. Except for cultivation in the Palace of Clouds, he could not go anywhere. If he was half imprisoned, this time If he went out to conquer, he could still perform meritorious deeds, so he naturally couldn’t ask for it. Although Zhang Yu is a profound cultivator, this is still Celestial Xia’s business, and any contradiction can be put aside.

Unlike Long Yi, he also asked in detail what kind of different God was to be dealt with this time, what are the abilities of these different Gods, and where to deal with them. After understanding these questions, he has to provide choices. The magical item of the magical item, he just let go next week.

Ming Zhou daoist returned from the two and said: “These two are willing to play.” He also told Zhang Yu about the different reactions of the two.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “There is a fellow daoist.” As for what Wei Yu put forward, it is also a reasonable request, but it is the correct attitude to conquer a different God.

As for Long Yi, he is born a true dragon, and he is the root. Whether there is magical item is not a big problem.

With these two cultivators joining in, the momentum of this crusade has stabilized a lot.

However, he thinks that if Shi Yanxin and Yao Zhenjun can succeed in time, they may be able to catch up with this battle. With the two methods, it will be enough to help, and they can also make a little contribution. It’s just that the matter of breaking the boundary is the most uncertain, it depends on the luck of the two.



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