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While Zhang Yu was preparing for the conquest, Lin Court Manager was also busy here.

The matter of the virtual world is calculated by Zhong Court Manager and the others, but in the general direction, he needs to do his best to grasp it, so as not to reflect the profound principles in the world, or the reflection is not accurate, and it is difficult to attract spirituality to settle in.

Although this is a imaginary world, they must ensure that every deduction is correct and natural. They are formed without Celestial Xia’s participation, because only in this way can Heavenly Secrets be deceived.

In fact, this is also the most suitable way out for the spirituality prophecy embedded in heaven and earth.

The spirituality prophecy also has its own inertia in order to ensure its own longevity, and has certain characteristics of seeking advantages and avoiding dangers, which cannot be avoided. On the other hand, heaven and earth will try to squeeze it out earlier.

Under the combined effect of the two, once the virtual world is pushed, it can be ensured that a part of its power will be invested in it. Although the spirituality will adjust itself after the evolution of the spirituality is not in line with the evolution of the main world, it will withdraw, but that moment Deception is enough to make a fuss.

Of course, using this method is a backup method. If you can come up to solve these Divine Races, then you don’t need to do this. He prefers that when the time comes, you don’t need to use such methods.

In addition, in order to eliminate these Mochi Divine Race without leaving any troubles, he also needs to try to use more power. After all, this is a fight with an era Sovereign, and we must pay attention to it, and overestimate the opponent as much as possible, so it is still not enough to rely on the strength of guarding the palace to deal with it.

Therefore, he issued the order under the name of Profound Court, and ordered many Profound Venerables of the Qingqiongyunhai cultivation to prepare Essence Soul Avatars, and prepare that if the advance attack is not good, then these Profound Venerables should be prepared as manpower and second Preparation for batch input.

According to the report sent by Zhang Yu, that is, the two confessions from the leaders of the God Restoration Group. He did see some of the characteristics of Mochi Divine Race, and then deduced that for this generation of restraining art, this It is also conducive to more adequate preparation.

As he was preparing, he suddenly heard the chime bell sound. It was the time of the court meeting in the middle of the month. He stepped out of Dao Palace and disappeared in a rays of light.

The big half a day later, with another chime bell sound, in the Profound Dao Palace at the other end of the sea of ​​clouds, Zhang Yu walked out of a rays of light, and then went to his pedestal Sitting down, Jin Ying flashed, and the Wondrous Pills Lord jumped to his knees, and he also stretched out his hands and rubbed them.

During the Shicai court discussion, Court Manager Dai proposed to set up four major lodgings outside, because he had already told him in advance, and he also recognized this point, so he also agreed with it.

Now the court has generally agreed to this matter. After all, the inner layer expands in Zengzhou, and the outer layer has to be moved. The great enemies of Shangchen Heaven and Gloom City have gone, and there are other threats. Celestial Xia has also grown in strength after defeating these two. It is also necessary to set up these lodgings.

So there are four Profound Leader positions that need to be arranged. This is a point of contention. Each has his own recommendation, but still needs to communicate. Therefore, we will discuss these in the next court meeting.

He twirled his sleeves, took out a dao book, rubbed the Wonderrous Pills Lord with his hand, and looked at it slowly.

For a long time in the past, the rays of light flickered in the palace, and the daoist appeared from the inside in Ming Zhou and said to him, “Court Manager is polite. Court Manager Lin asked Ming Zhou to come to send a message, saying that it was Court Manager Zhong. I have made general preparations and will conquer Machi at the latest next month.”

Zhang Yu put down the dao book, nodded and said: “Okay, please let the fellow daoist report back to Court Manager Lin next week. I will be properly prepared by then.”

The daoist of Ming Zhou left here with another tick.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, glanced at a place on the lower layer, and then moved his mind, transformed into an incarnation, descended from the upper layer, and landed in a certain area of ​​Yiyue Superior Continent.

This is a large pavilion built on the dangerous slope of the half-mountain, with flying eaves and corners, Daiwa Zhulan, under the eaves there is a vertical plaque with the words “Pengxian”.

The pavilion is far away from several feet, next to the Yuanhe River, and the sky above the sky, wide enough to accommodate hundreds of people to have a banquet here. The two ends of the pavilion are connected with rows of steep and wide suspended plank roads. This is a mountain residence restaurant built along the mountain wall. The layout is strange and the weather is extraordinary. If you stop in the pavilion and look out, the scenery is particularly unique, and the light splitting is also magnificent and beautiful.

However, it may not be the time for food and drink at this moment, and there are only a dozen people in the pavilion, each separated relatively.

Yishen occupies a large table alone, which is piled up with all kinds of delicacies, eating and chewing in the enviable eyes of people in the distance.

The gold he earns every ten days is not used for amusement, or for eating and drinking. Fortunately, the carrier boat he drives is fast and stable, and now it is also famous, and the gold reward is naturally indispensable.

Zhang Yu came to the opposite side of the table and sat down. Yishen picked up a porcelain cup on the case and drank the amber liquor in one sip, unconsciously letting out a relaxing admiration. After putting down the wine glass, he sat on the main body and said, “Does the fellow daoist know what I like most about Celestial Xia?”

Over the years, he has quickly accepted Celestial Xia’s culture, and his conversations have gradually changed in the direction of Celestial Xia. The word “fellow daoist” is also very smooth and natural.

Zhang Yu said: “I would like to hear what the driver thinks.”

Yishen poured another glass of wine, shook it gently in his hand, and said, “If you pay, you will be rewarded. This is something I can hardly see outside of Celestial Xia.”

Zhang Yu said: “Not all are like this.”

Ishindo: “That’s natural, I’m just talking about some ordinary things. There are some things that are not rewarded even if you pay, such as your cultivation, not everyone can cultivate a higher boundary, but even if there are only a few people Achievement, that is also quite remarkable.”

With in-depth understanding of Celestial Xia, he found that Celestial Xia’s cultivator is not as large as imagined, but even if it is not cultivated, there is still a way to go, but also to master the power of mystical in a cultivator world. He was also surprised that he could still accommodate creation in the middle of the game.

At this moment, he half-opened his hand to the Miaoman landscape in front of him, and said: “To be honest, I prefer to stay with you, even if I am not from Celestial Xia, I am willing to maintain such a world, after all, beautiful things. Everyone loves it.”

Zhang Yu said: “Yipal can actually do it.”

Yi Shen shook his head and said: “It can’t be done. Although I have hardly controlled clansman, I understand them. Because Yipaer is born with power, and power comes from himself, it is not equal to me. Race is also a natural thing, and they feel that there is nothing wrong.

From the documents given to me by the fellow daoist, I saw that my juniors seemed to have conquered the inner and outer sky and the space, and also made preparations for the big collapse. This should be what they learned from Mochi Divine Race.

But they can only do this. I suspect that even if there is no big collapse, they will continue like this, and there will never be any changes, let alone these beautiful things in front of them. “

Zhang Yu looks at him and said: “If you are a caring person, maybe it can be done.”

Yishen joked: “Recognizing the problem does not necessarily solve the problem. If I like it, I can do it myself. That is absolutely impossible.”

Zhang Yu said: “Respecting the driving is also a frank confession.”

Yishen haha ​​smiled again, and then said: “fellow daoist, you can accept me, isn’t it because of my frankness?”

Zhang Yu nodded slightly. At that time, he was looking for this person’s original intention. Although he wanted this person to lead them, but later tolerant of this person’s, it was also because of his willingness to abide by Celestial Xia etiquette and actively integrate into Celestial Xia.

At this time, Yishen took a small drumstick from the side and knocked on the next clear tile. There was an ethereal voice, and a woman dressed as a maid came over and said: “Sir, do you have orders?” [ 19459002]

Yishen pointed to the clean food on the case, and said: “The intention is still unfinished, so I withdrew it, and come to another table.”

The woman was slightly surprised, but didn’t say much, tidied up, said “Guest wait a moment”, and quickly stepped back.

Yishen looked towards Zhang Yu and said: “Fellow daoist, I want to make a request.”

Zhang Yu said: “Please speak.”

Yi Shen said in a slow voice: “I named myself a Celestial Xia named’Yi Chu’. But I want to have the identity of Celestial Xia, not the current one, but the real Celestial Xia identity.”

Zhang Yu looks at him: “Are you ready to be a Celestial Xia person?”

Yi Shen seriously said: “I’m trying. I will abide by Celestial Xia’s etiquette and do what Celestial Xia people should do.” He said sincerely: “Please believe me, I am not out of right Celestial Xia’s momentary love. I know what I should do. When Celestial Xia is prosperous, I will admire her with my heart. When Celestial Xia is in danger, I will come out to shelter her from wind and rain.”

Zhang Yu only said: “I will pass this remark of the fellow daoist to Profound Court. I am here this time to inform the fellow daoist that at the latest next month, I will defeat the Moqi gods.”

Yishen mind rouses, said: “I have been waiting for this day for a long time, I think we should end them as soon as possible.” He looked towards Zhang Yu, “I have to ask the fellow daoist, I heard that the fellow daoist killed me Those juniors, dare to ask if that divine wood is in the fellow daoist?”

Zhang Yu had nothing to hide from this, saying: “In my place.”

At this time, Yi Shen stretched out his hand and twitched between his eyebrows, and then took out a piece of azure jade that looked like a branch and dried it, and handed it to Zhang Yu: “This is the divine wood core I took away. It’s useless to put it here. It’s forwarded to fellow daoist today, which can be regarded as a restoration of the divine wood.”

Zhang Yu reached out and took it, and he felt a sense of vitality from it, which was a very primitive and simple idea from the beginning.

And this thing just got in hand, and it resonated strongly with Fang Yimu of God Ji Na, and immediately let him know that the two were originally one.

Yimu does not have its own consciousness, it is completely entrusted by Ipar Divine Race. It’s just that the spirit of mystical, which is so huge and has a breakthrough level, does not have its own master, which is actually rare. But from the perspective of this thing, it is not that it did not have it, but it was taken away long ago, so that it is no longer complete.



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