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After Zhu Court Manager said what he said, all the Court Managers recognized what he said, because this upper layer power even they are hard to say, let alone people in the world.

They have also understood the specific process of the Divine Race against Mochi this time. Before the crusade, various cultivators also used the clear air to seal their minds to avoid infringement. If these different Gods invade the enter the world smoothly, the people of the inner layer will be unstoppable unless everyone reaches the higher boundary.

At this time, a voice came out: “Chong Court Manager said this, I also think it is very wrong.”

Everyone’s eyes are looking over, and they can’t help thinking “coming” in their hearts.

Chong Court Manager settled his mind, looked towards Chao Huan and said: “What’s the point of Chao Court Manager?”

Chao Huan said: “Not to mention the second creation of the Court Manager, the first method you mentioned is only the inner layer, but even if the outer layer is responsible for defending the enemy most of the time, there is also With me, many people of Celestial Xia, why don’t they mention it? Did Chong Court Manager not think of it, or did he deliberately not mention it?”

He faint smile looks at Chong Court Manager, “Chao is willing to believe that Chong Court Manager is thoughtful, but why did he leave such a big loophole deliberately? Did I just wait for the second suggestion? Court Manager, your mind is very complicated.”

Chong Court Manager looked towards everyone, raising his voice and saying: “Creating a certain heart for the public, absolutely selfless!” It is true that he is deep in one’s heart not for his own consideration, but for the survival of the entire true technique, and also for the survival of the whole true technique. There is no internal dispute between true technique and profound techniques.

After this statement, he did not wait for Chao Huan to speak again, and turned to Zhu Court Manager again, and quickly went on, saying: “Zhu Court Manager’s doubts can also be explained by Chongmou. “This answer can still be from there. Found in one side. “

“In that world, creation had confronted cultivate various factions and expelled various factions from beyond heaven. Since then, various factions have used various methods, including mind attack, direct attack, and various devil methods. But although these actions have caused some damage to the Hao Clan, they only stop there, and cannot shake the fundamentals.

The reason is that the Hao Clan has established a complete set of defense lines, which cover various regions with creation gas masks, and connect mountains and seas with creation barriers on the ground and underground, and use the’creation sun star’ as the two They provide continuous spirituality power, and are supported by creation armored soldiers, fighting flying boats, and creation creature defenders. Under such heavy guards, the power of the upper layer cannot be infringed. “

As he said so, scenes of scenes appeared in the spiritual light in front of everyone.

Although the Hao clan has driven out cultivate sect, it feels a bit subtle, but Celestial Xia will not substitute itself because it is the same cultivator as those cultivate sects.

The two realms have different ways and dual methods, and even the powers they master are also different. They cannot be considered at all. Just to say one thing, Celestial Xia, who has the treasure of Zhendao, really wants to do it, and the military power of the Hao clan can be suppressed at any time.

However, Celestial Xia does not exclude learning from other places. If the method is really beneficial to the protection inner layer, they will also consider adopting it.

Chong Court Manager said again at this time: “As for the outer layer, these methods are used for the inner layer, and the outer layer can also be used.”

Wei Court Manager looks at the scene in the spiritual light, carefully considered, and said: “This method is sufficient for ordinary opponents, but it is still not enough to prevent the erosion from desire.”

Chong Court Manager said: “Nothing can ascending to the skies with a single leap. There is only the layout of the square boundary in that square boundary, and when my Celestial Xia has the layout of my Celestial Xia, it can only be used Use for reference. And this method is also feasible.”

At this time, Court Manager Dai thought for a while, knocked on the jade chime, and when everyone saw it, he said: “The method proposed by Court Manager is very expensive and takes a long time. It is not an overnight effort,” he said. paused, “Dai feels that the first method of Chong Court Manager is more appropriate than this method.”

Court Manager Wei said: “Did Court Manager agree to the establishment of a great array? Court Manager has already said the shortcomings of array restriction, and if a great array is built both inside and outside, then the cost is not necessarily smaller than promoting creation. Up.”

Court Manager Dai shook his head and said: “It doesn’t have to be the case. Dai thinks that I only need to set up a limited police formation that can be used to determine the strength of the incoming enemy. So as long as there is a foreign enemy, I will wait. You can immediately detect and know its limits, and then send powerful people to destroy Zhenping, and the weak mystical can be handed over to the world to dispose of it on its own.”

After hearing this, several Court Managers all nodded, thinking that this method is good, because doing so does not need to make too many changes, nor does it cost too much.

Chong Court Manager frowned: “Everyone, do this, don’t you wait for a few more fixes on the original defend? It seems that something has been added, but this is still the same as before, and the low level is still not resistant. Power, if it seems that a different God comes again, can I really take care of everything? If it causes major damage, when the time comes, it’s too late to regret!”

Court Manager Dai said: “In fact, there is a way.” He looked towards the people, and said slightly: “When facing any foreign enemy, it is better to prevent problems before they occur than to remedy them afterwards. This time, the actions of guarding the palace are better. , It is remarkable, it was discovered before the return of the Moqi gods, and it was wiped out in time.

And this is precisely because of Zhang Court Manager’s far-sightedness. He was able to find out the clues in time as early as the shouzheng palace was established in all the continents. Therefore, Dai suggested that since the shouzheng palace has done a good job, then You don’t need to strengthen the creation of the world, you might as well strengthen the power of guarding the palace! “

Speaking of this, he added another sentence, “Originally resisting the higher-level mystical things inside and outside, that is, it was handed over to the Shouzheng Palace, so there is no need for trouble.”

Several Court Managers in the room listened, nodded. Recently, Court Manager Dai has proposed that the layout of the Waishu has been expanded. The investment in military defense is already too large. If the creation is turned to the military, it will definitely affect the people’s livelihood. It is better not to move. Shouzheng is responsible for the disposal.

The key point is that just as Dai Court Manager just said, the Shouzheng Palace until now was done well, and it was made under limited conditions. The Shouzheng Palace’s various cultivators share the credit, and everyone is also looking at it. Therefore, some Court Managers are thinking about whether to send some promising sect members and disciples to the Shouzheng resident for experience. It’s also a good place to go.

In contrast to creation, the investment is large, the effect is small, and it takes a long time to promote the layout, which is no less than supporting the profound techniques in the past. But what it was like at the beginning and what it is now cannot be generalized.

Chong Court Manager’s expression was low, his original intention was to strengthen the creation, but he didn’t expect to go back to the Shouzheng Palace. Thinking about it, once he strengthened the station, he would definitely try to transfer in. More profound cultivators and more credit will be made in the future. Isn’t this in turn strengthening the power of the profound cultivator?

If he has been working on it for a long time but is making wedding dresses for profound techniques, isn’t he in vain?

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

He said: “Dear Court Managers, although the Shouzheng Palace has made credit this time, it is necessary to see that the Shouzheng Palace is able to wipe out all the bodies. In addition to its own life, it also relies on the support of Profound Court. Without the strong support of the Profound Court, it would not be possible to do this easily. You can observe the enemy in advance, such things as impossible. The Profound Court is also impossible and the layout is always so calmly, so the inner layer people can support themselves. Resistance is the best.”

“Chong Court Manager, you are wrong.”

Court Manager Chao filmed the case and said: “Now my enemies of Celestial Xia are the different God Sovereigns of the pre-epoch. This must be helped by the Profound Court. According to Court Manager Chong, it must be the world. After the creation of the creation defend, when it encounters a strong enemy, then Profound Court can stand on the sidelines from then on, can it all be defended by itself?”

Chong Court Manager said solemnly: “Chao Court Manager should know that I didn’t mean it…”

Zhong Court Manager shook the head at this time, secretly thought you each minding their own business to say, why bother to answer this person’s words? In this way, wouldn’t it give this opportunity to take the call?

Sure enough, when Chao Ting saw his interface, he immediately mind rouses, and immediately said: “So what does it mean to worship Court Manager? The world can hold creation to defend against enemies, but it is not enough to guard the palace. Chong Court Manager, are you Do you have any prejudice against the Shouzheng Palace? It doesn’t matter. The court is here. Court Managers are all here. Chong Court Manager. What prejudices do you have? Well, what do you think you can tell? Well, the Court Managers think they can tell the difference. .”

Chong Court Manager frowned and was about to speak. At this moment, he heard the sound of chime bell. Everyone looked at. Court Manager Zhong stood up from his seat, bowed, and said: “Chief Executives, Court Managers, about setting up the screen There is too much involved in protecting the matter. It’s not because you can hurriedly negotiate a charter. Zhong suggested that you don’t want the Court Managers to go back and think about it first, and then discuss it later when you return to the court.”

Chen Court Manager looked towards the first seat, saying: “This is indeed not a negotiated agreement. Let’s shelve this discussion today.”

The chief executive also nodded.

Zhong Court Manager gave another salute and sat down.

Zhang Yu glanced at it at this time and he noticed that since the extermination of Shangchen, Gloom City and other factions, the chief executive has not spoken much. In many cases, Court Manager Chen made the decision on his behalf.

After the court meeting discussed some issues, the Court Managers all dispersed.

After the Court Manager Zhong and Court Manager Chong walked out of the long river of phosgene, they said, “Brother Chong Dao was too anxious. We don’t need to rush for some things, we can fight for it slowly.”

Chong Court Manager stopped and looked towards him: “What if you can’t win it?”

Zhong Court Manager also had a meal, said solemnly: “If it fails, then please make a decision. How can we deny this decision. Finally, please ask some executives to come forward and make a ruling!”

Chong Court Manager thought for a while, if the five executives are allowed to make a decision, then that’s okay. After all, the five executives have a longer-term perspective than him, and he can accept it no matter how he chooses. It’s just that these things will hand over the right to make decisions. There are many involved in this. I am afraid that this is not what the Chief Executive, Court Manager Chen and you Court Managers would like to see.



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