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After Zhang Yu returned from the court meeting, he summoned the daoist of Ming Zhou and ordered him to dispense all the rewards given by Profound Court to everyone.

In addition to the contributions given by the Profound Court, there are also some praises given by the Shouzheng Palace. So even if it was Zhu Feng and Mei Shang who had never participated in the war, he was rewarded a little because everyone was absent.

Then he sat down, and the Wondrous Pills Lord sprinted and came to him. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it, thinking about what the court was discussing in his heart.

He didn’t care much about the dispute on both sides. The reason why he didn’t say anything against Chong Court Manager is because Chong Court Manager’s words also have a meaningful side.

It’s just that this one is too anxious.

The original profound techniques were when Profound Court encountered Chaos Tide, the various continents were separated, and Shangchen Heaven was attacked very tightly. In this precarious situation, they supported them in order to cope with internal and external pressures. And now Profound Court has enough power to deal with enemies inside and outside, of course it is impossible to do too much action.

Although some enemies are really difficult to guard against, Profound Court is not impossible. Moreover, things have two sides. The creationists have been chasing power before. There have been some precedents before, and they have not stopped until now. If you relax the reins, let’s not talk about the external events, but the internal ones. There will be problems.

Most importantly, creation is not the only option. Just like the method proposed by Court Manager Dai is feasible.

Celestial Xia’s current overall strategy is to tighten outside and loose at the inside. The world is focused on improving people’s livelihood, so that more people will be aware of knowledge and rituals. Not only can more people contribute to Celestial Xia’s strength, but also more How suitable students choose the path, if you follow the instructions of Court Manager Chong, then you have to turn to the military at once. This is not in line with the current trend of Celestial Xia.

However, he considered that the power of the Shouzheng Palace really needs to be strengthened. From the immediate point of view, not counting Celestial Xia, the Sovereign of the previous era seems to be no less than the later Sovereign, and even more than that, Moqi Divine There were two eras before Race. Will those Sovereigns still exist at that time?

Regardless of whether it is there or not, it is still necessary to beware.

At this time, a thought came from Xuntian Dao Chapter. He watched it carefully. It turned out that Feng Court Manager found it, and then he asked, “Fellow daoist, but something?”

The wind daoist voice came: “Fellow daoist, Chong Court Manager’s remarks just now, how does the fellow daoist think?”

Zhang Yu’s words are concise and concise, saying: “There are those who are desirable, and there are those that are discarded.”

Feng Daoist said: “I think he is just to suppress the profound techniques, so I deliberately promote the creation. When I return to the court next time, he will definitely insist on this matter again. I will not be reconciled if I can’t achieve the goal.” 19459002]

Zhang Yu said: “Everything can be discussed, he has his reason, and I also have my reason. Court Managers want to have judgment in their hearts.”

Feng daoist nodded, said: “I only worry about what they can do with the question, and the fellow daoist will have a good idea. The profound techniques are just now, and the prosperity is just around the corner. At this time, people must not be deterred. .”

Zhang Yu said: “Dharma is impermanent, and my profound techniques flourished because of Celestial Xia. If we can push Celestial Xia forward and keep going, then what can we worry about.”

Feng daoist sighed for a moment, and said: “Fellow daoist said yes. It’s just that some obsessions can be put down without saying that they can be put down.”

After a few more words, Feng Daoist left. However, it was not long before the intention was gone, but Court Manager Dai also found it through Xuntian Dao Chapter, and said to him: “I know what the Court Manager and Zhong Court Manager both think and think, but Dai Mou Even so, it means to strengthen the palace.

The strength of my Celestial Xia is to strengthen the people and strengthen the way. Past events have proved this point. Before the profound techniques were not trusted, Dai would certainly support the profound techniques. As for the creation, it is still based on people’s livelihood as well. “

Zhang Yu is also aware that Court Manager Dai asked him for support last time, so this time he is also reciprocating and supporting him above the court. But Court Manager Dai obviously doesn’t just talk about human relations. What he said is basically towards the side that Celestial Xia is good for. If it’s not good for Celestial Xia, it won’t be supported.

He said: “Regardless of how Profound Court decides to come down, before things stop, I will increase the manpower of the guard station first.”

Court Manager Dai nodded and said: “Dai also agrees with this.” After a few more words, he also accepted and left.

Zhang Yu sat for a while after he left, with sharp lights in his eyes. At this moment, he decided to take action personally to eradicate the last different God related to Moqi.

After regaining his mind, according to the spirituality that had previously been induction, he flew there with a ray of aura. With a sway in front of him, he once again came to the magnificent building with four straight walls.

The metal-colored walls all around were shining dimly. He ignored the other places, and walked straight in. It didn’t take long before he came to the end of the passage.

There is only one wall here, on which is embedded a half-human, half-weird, masked person with scales and tentacles, as if assembled by various weird creatures.

Just seeing him come, this different God became abnormally panicked, and expressed his willingness to acknowledge allegiance.

Zhang Yu took a look at it. The reason for its emergence is the cohesion of the beliefs of God Restoration Group and some Moqi followers. It is also the endorsement of Moqi Divine Race.

Even if this different God doesn’t want to, divinity will guide it to do something that Machi Divine Race wants to do, and it is possible to try to resurrect Machi Divine Race, especially when the spirituality prophecy has not yet dissipated. Under circumstances, it is more likely to do so. So it must be solved.

With a call to his heart, a bright sword light flew up and killed it on the opposite wall. Under the use of the “All-Severing Cut” divine ability, the wall was cut into two in a short time. The spirituality is also Being killed together, the half-human and half-weird different God paused for a moment, and with a long sigh, it collapsed into countless sand mists, and the whole place here was also shaking and began to collapse.

Zhang Yu returned to his body as soon as he changed his mind, but looking at the dial at that time, it had already passed for a long time.

At the moment, all the gods of Moqi are eradicated, but there is still a leader of the Nanlu God Restoration Group who is still hiding in the depths of the interlayer. This person must also be annihilated, so as not to provoke anything.

And this matter needs to pick a suitable person to do it.

He called the Ming Zhou daoist and said: “Ming Zhou Fellow Daoist, go and invite the Yi Chu Fellow Daoist to the Shouzheng Palace.”

Ming Zhou should leave.

not very long, Yishen came to the front hall of the Shouzheng Palace, and when he entered the hall, he saw Zhang Yu. He used the very standard Celestial Xia to give a courtesy, saying: “Fellow daoist calls me here. I think there is something to order. ?”

Zhang Yu briefly talked about the situation.

Yishen replied very readily: “I’ll leave this to the next.” He still didn’t think he had done enough. Just because this happened just right, he asked: “Is this the only person in this trip?”

Zhang Yu said: “I think one fellow daoist is enough.”

Yi Shen looked serious and gave him a solemn salute, saying: “Don’t dare to be trusted.”

He originally thought that Zhang Yu would send someone to monitor him, but didn’t expect trust him, which made him determined to do his best to accomplish this.

Zhang Yu is not afraid of him tricking him. This even the four-pillar god has killed him, so how can he keep his hands on a believer below? If Moqi Divine Race does come back, the first thing to be solved is Yishen. Because no matter from which force, the traitor is more hateful than the enemy. Therefore, it is best to leave it to Yishen.

He gave Yishen a Magic Talisman to be used for transmission, and told him that he could use this to contact Yuandu Xuantu when it was crucial, and he could come out of the interlayer. After the order, he was allowed to leave.

At the same time, Azure Sun Superior Continent, above Crane Hall.

Zhu Court Manager stood there, looking up at the lush and green big banyan tree.

If according to the idea of ​​Chong Court Manager, you need to use creation to protect the continents. Because of the conflict between spirituality and magical power internal qi, the two cannot coexist, so they must be eliminated.

Even if you don’t need to do this now, once the power of creation is improved in the future, it will be necessary to get rid of the old and clothe the new.

He said to himself: “If you knew what was going on behind you, how would you choose? I guess you would laugh at it, and still do it without hesitation?”

At this moment, Yun Chen finished some of the things in the Profound Mansion. When he came to the top of Crane Hall, he only raised his head, but he saw an azure clothed person standing there. He was startled first, and then he was surprised. Hastily stepped forward to several steps, bowed deeply, and said: “dísciple Yun Chen pays homage to the teacher.” He raised his head and said: “I don’t know if the teacher is here, dísciple is rude.”

Zhu Court Manager turned around, took a look at him, nodded and said: “The cultivation is still growing, but it’s still a lot worse.”

Yun Chen bowed his head and said: “dísciple is ashamed, let the teacher down.”

Zhu Court Manager said: “Disappointment is not enough. Slowly cultivation means that you don’t need to be greedy and fast. Your potential is huge. The future is promising. We cultivation is the fundamental. Some things will be solved for you by the teacher.”

Yun Chen Nono said yes, saying: “dísciple many thanks teacher protects.”

It’s just that he feels a little awkward, not because his cultivation can’t keep up, but because the teacher hints that he can have less manager, or even no manager.

But how can this work? The manager is his pleasure. Every time he finishes a task, he can feel a deep sense of accomplishment.

Especially the opportunity that he arranged by himself and can be executed well, which made him feel very satisfied. If he was not allowed to do it, it would be really uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhu Court Manager handed him a jade dagger, saying: “You can keep this thing, if it can help you cultivation.”

Yun Chen took it and replied: “dísciple will definitely work hard to cultivation, in order to repay the teacher.” He thought to himself, “It seems that I have to take care of something less, alas.”

After Zhu Court Manager pointed him a few more words, he didn’t stay any more, just like when he came, with a strong azure qi swaying past, he left without a sound.



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