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The order of Bai Zhenshan was issued because of the handwriting of Mountain Lord Deng Jing, so Glass Jade Heavenly Palace and Shengrifeng’s cultivator did not think much about it, and they followed up together.

In any case, the three guards are cultivators. Since they are dealing with Heavenly Secrets creation and there is solid evidence, there is no hesitation.

The three moved very fast and entered the Heavenly Secrets Institution directly. However, because they suspected the unique mystical power in the Heavenly Secrets Institution, they were very concealed at this time, and almost no one from the Heavenly Secrets Institution noticed it. Their arrival.

At the same time, a Bai Zhenshan cultivator entered Wei Shan’s resident hall and politely said: “Wei Zongjiang, Bai Zhenshan has sent a message and is about to start a thorough investigation of the Heavenly Secrets Institution. I hope Wei Zongjiang can follow the instructions in advance. Say yes to cooperate.”

Wei Shan said solemnly: “I will call all the great craftsman of Heavenly Secrets Institution to cooperate with your actions.”

He had already met Nie Xinying, who came to visit him in person, and learned from the latter that he didn’t know the situation in Heavenly Secrets Institution. He was shocked when he heard something, so he decided Determined to clean up the inside of Heavenly Secrets Institution so that Heavenly Secrets Institution will not be dragged down by some people.

He let out the wind a few days ago to have a discussion, the main discussion is about the creation of the body, even if all the great craftsman are now found, it is not obtrusive.

As long as all the great craftsman in the Heavenly Secrets Institution are gathered together and disconnected from the lower layer and elsewhere, even if the people below detect something to make trouble, it is impossible to make a big move.

After the cultivator of Bai Zhenshan left, Wei Shan protected his cultivator and said: “Fu Dao cultivator, I will bother you. If there is something wrong, please take action. Don’t worry too much. “

The daoist Su Rong bowed also quit.

At this moment, a trusted student called by Wei Shan very worriedly said: “teacher, my Heavenly Secrets Institution allowed these cultivators to be searched so open, will Heavenly Secrets Institution be affected?” Heavenly Secrets main institution must be There is a problem, even he has faintly felt it recently, but he is worried that Heavenly Secrets Institution will be overwhelmed.

Wei Shan said solemnly: “It’s always better to dig out carrion earlier than to rot the entire body. What Heavenly Secrets Institution needs now is not radical, but precipitation.”

The Profound Court has decided to strengthen the defense of the station, but some people are still making trouble, which is very abnormal. Even people who don’t know much about politics can see that Profound Court’s move is clearly to deal with certain enemies. So will Profound Court allow internal problems at this time? It is definitely not allowed.

The tossing of some people in Heavenly Secrets Institution at this moment is simply irrelevant, or simply for some purpose. This is the main reason why he made up his mind.

He secretly sighed, walked to the side, picked up a jade statue that hadn’t been enjoyed for a long time, took a piece of cloth and wiped it gently, and said: “It’s been a long time, it’s time to clean it up.”

And after a Xia hour where he gathered the great craftsman, Heavenly Secrets main institution, including the great craftsman of Yikong Superior Continent, came one after another. After a careful inspection in front of the doorway, an old man passed He walked slowly on the straight Grand Dao in the main hall, but he seemed to be thinking about something and walked very slowly.

At this time, an attendant came to him and said in a low voice: “Sir, there is no movement. The guards of Heavenly Secrets Institution are all in place. There is no sign of mobilization. Jade Capital is also business as usual. This time it should be for Discuss the creation of the body.”

The old man indifferent expression said: “I know.”

He continued to move forward, but when he was about to reach the conference hall ahead, he suddenly stopped. The attendant asked: “Sir, what’s the matter?”

The old man said solemnly: “Go and tell Wei Zongjiang, I suddenly have something to do, I am afraid I can’t participate in the meeting.”

The attendant was startled and said: “Yes, the subordinates will go and talk to Zong Jiang.”

The old man was un’ed, he without the slightest hesitation turned and walked back, his steps were much faster than when he came. When he was about to walk out of Grand Dao, a young lieutenant stood there and asked with a smile, “Where is Mr. Xu going?”

Old Xu raised his head and said: “I remembered temporarily that I forgot to bring something, and I need to go back and get it.”

Military lieutenant young seemed to be surprised, he said: “Wei Zongjiang is waiting for Mr. Xu. How about this, Mr. Xu told me what it is, how can I get Mr. Xu?”

Old Xu shook his head and said: “This is a very important thing. It is not convenient to borrow someone else’s hand. It is better for the old man to take a trip by himself.”

Lieutenant Young said in surprise: “Is it? That’s really not good to stop Xu Lao.” He waved his hand, “Get out.” The armored soldiers on both sides got out of the way.

Xu Lao was nodded. He went out without any obstacles during the period. When he returned to his residence, he didn’t find any problems. He felt a little worried at this time, but he always felt that There is something wrong.

After sitting in the main hall for a while, he took care of the attendant in the residence and said: “Look outside, don’t let anyone in.” The attendant replied respectfully.

He walked into the inner room, and then took out a creation that looked like a white pebble from the hidden niche. He held it and prayed for a while, and then a light shone from the stone. A Deity silhouette is condensed above.

He knelt down naturally, but when he was about to say something, suddenly the Deity was distorted, and he himself was in a trance. Then he opened his eyes suddenly and suddenly found himself sitting in a side hall.

He recognized this place, and it was just near the conference hall, and there were several cultivators standing around, and one of them was looking at herself with great interest.

He suddenly realized that after he arrived near the chamber, he did not go back at all, and everything after that was an illusion! He surprised and angry interjected: “How can you attack me?”

There is a hint of incredible in his voice, he is a great craftsman! The great craftsman is protected from the divine ability magic, which is protected by the Celestial Xia law. Even if he has any guilt, it is impossible to take him before asking the crime. That’s why he dared to act with confidence in the illusion, without even the slightest suspicion.

The woman in Caiyi laughed and said: “If you are not convinced, you can go to the statement.”

Xu Lao gloomy face did not speak. When things came to this step, even if the statement made it useless, he was already exposed.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Jade Capital’s defense is indeed not good for directly using the divine ability on the great craftsman, not to mention the great craftsman. Even the cultivator will be severely punished for imposing methods on ordinary people for no reason. Celestial Xia law Very harsh on the front.

But there is a premise that it does not involve the safety of Celestial Xia’s citizens, and it needs to be unanimously approved by Yuan Shangtai and the Profound Leader guarded by Jade Capital before proceeding.

After several photographers at Yuan Shangtai learned that there was a problem with Heavenly Secrets Institution, they paid great attention to it. They not only allowed a thorough investigation, but also ordered the external army in Jade Capital to guard against accidents.

Within half an hour after the order was issued, the entire city was completely under the control of the court and the guards. At this time, it is very simple to check whoever wants to take who. . If someone takes the opportunity to make trouble, no matter what your status is, you can directly suppress it.

The Illusion Technique is used directly this time, that is to prevent the people behind the scenes from still using the illusion technique to cover, this is to use the Illusion Technique to suppress the Illusion Technique, because no matter how to cover it, unless it is to directly erase all people’s memories, Otherwise, you can always use the divine ability to mobilize the deep memories of your consciousness.

And to ensure success, Nie Xinying also invited a profound cultivator who is good at Illusion Technique from Yiluo Superior Continent.

In fact, many things in Heavenly Secrets Institution cannot withstand the power of mystical and cannot be directly tied up with arrays. They shouldn’t have been so troublesome. Now they are sending many cultivators one by one to check the doubtful places.

Although Heavenly Secrets Institution occupies a large area, it does not seem to be so troublesome for a cultivator that can fly heaven and earth, observe the smallest details, and deliver messages quickly. Almost overnight, all suspicious places were searched, and the suspicious person was interrogated by means of divine ability.

After dawn, the cultivators sent everything organized to Nie Xinying’s desk.

The woman in Caiyi explained in front of Nie Xinying: “Senior Sister, I have basically checked it out. There is a person named “Senior”, although many people claim that this is in the Heavenly Secrets Institution, which is the Heavenly Secrets Institution. A certain great craftsman in, many people have seen him, but we have found out that this person has never really existed, just like a phantom, we suspect that a certain great craftsman may have been bewitched by a different God. It may be a god whom you should not believe in.”

After Nie Xinying read the confession and dossier they handed over, she said indifferently: “Then you have ever wondered how did different God get mixed into Heavenly Secrets Institution? And mystical power again? How is it popular in Heavenly Secrets Institution, but it has never interfered with those’fungus spirit’.”

The woman in Caiyi said distressed: “We are also looking for the reason.”

After the creation of Heavenly Secrets creation, it can be used as a cultivator, and it can also touch and carry various powers. However, at the beginning of creation, especially the’fungus spirit’, it is very sensitive to the power of mystical, even if it is a cultivator. Or the gaze of different God will be destroyed. However, many craftsmen who are creating creations also said that they had contacted the “senior”.

This is impossible even if it is an illusion. After all, the illusion itself is a mystical force, so they suspect that it may be caused by a medicine or illusion that affects the mind.

Nie Xinying said: “I don’t think so.”

The woman in Caiyi asked with interest: “What do Senior Sister think?”

Nie Xinying pondered for a moment, and said: “I remember that Shouzheng Station once sent a letter to remind me that according to the epoch theory, if Celestial Xia were not for me, now it should have been the god of spirituality gaining power, and the so-called god of spirituality is also Belief in God depends on the convergence of people’s beliefs.” She lifts the head, calmly narrating: “But if this so-called’respectful’ is the belief in God condensed by the faith of craftsmen, then all of this can be explained. Now.”

The woman in Caiyi opened her eyes wide in surprise, and said: “Senior Sister is the place, this is… the belief in God of Heavenly Secrets?”

At this moment, a cultivator hurriedly walked in, with a slightly nervous and urgent expression: “Senior Sister, the same sect has new discoveries, I am afraid Senior Sister needs to see it.”

He walked over, put a portrait on the case, and then slowly opened it, and suddenly revealed a daoist silhouette full of brilliance. His face was a little fuzzy, but when he opened it, the daoist seemed to be alive. Came over, and looked towards them with non-sentimental eyes.



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