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As soon as the woman in Caiyi met the gaze of the daoist portrait, she felt a shivered, “This is…”

Nie Xinying’s phoenix eyes flashed, then he wiped his hand and rolled up the painting again. She said to the cultivator who came in: “Teacher Qiu, where did you find this painting? apart from this anything else?”

Teacher Qiu said: “They were all found in those craftsmen who had problems. Except for the one in front of me, which was searched from Xu great craftsman, other craftsmen also found them, as well as some fragmentary places. I found some, about seven in total, but I don’t know if there are more, we are still searching.”

Nie Xinying said: “You continue to search first. Remember, no matter what you find, don’t say anything superfluous. Take care of those same sects and colleagues who see the portrait. Until the real results come out, you must not disclose the matter. .”

Teacher Qiu’s brother also knew the seriousness of this matter, so he responded in a solemn manner and hurriedly withdrew after a salute.

The woman in colorful clothes came back to his senses and couldn’t help but say: “Senior Sister, isn’t that…”

As soon as Nie Xinying raised her hand, she avoided the question directly. She said, “Don’t talk about this.” At this time, she drew out a letter that seemed to be hello already, and as soon as it was sent to the outside world, the book was transformed. A rays of light flew out.

The woman in Caiyi glanced, this direction should be sent to the maritime garrison station.

Nie Xinying said at this time: “If we are uncertain, let’s not make a rash assertion. Let me talk about the belief in God first. Judging from the clues provided by Junior Sister, this God is very likely to exist, and we have to deal with it first. That’s it.”

The woman in Caiyi also returned to this matter. She followed Nie Xinying’s thinking and thought, “Senior Sister, if Heavenly Secrets Institution exists to believe in God, then it must spread from the craftsman. It needs someone’s guidance. There are still quite a few people who believe in this way to push that different God to a level that is enough to show the gods.”

Nie Xinying said: “Yes, someone needs to be organized, and the strength of Faith is scattered or insufficient, and neither can meet the conditions for final gathering and becoming a believer in God. Judging from the existing clues, this belief appeared at least three years ago. For three years, if there is no one person or organization, this god is impossible to appear.”

Although there are many native deficiencies in belief in God, belief in God is not as easy as imagined. First of all, belief comes from beings with self-awareness, such as fungus spirit. Obviously, this possibility does not exist for beings like fungus spirit. .

Afterwards, no matter what belief it is, there must be a certain degree of convergence, at least in a broad sense. At the same time, someone needs to organize and strengthen this cognition, just like the priest in the tribe, just this organization And the lead person.

And the more devout a believer is, the better. A devout person is worth a hundred ordinary believers. Among them, the native tribe is more dominant, because most people have a pure mind and are in awe of different Gods.

Finally, in the process of gathering faith, it is better to sacrifice creatures with creation. Through this ceremony, faith in God is strengthened and spirituality is strengthened. Believing in God at first is very fragile. If there is no long-term worship and Keep it together, it won’t last long.

The girl in Caiyi also thought of something, she said: “Senior Sister, if you say that, the few people caught, including the great craftsman Xu, seem to be not enough, have we not caught it yet? People?”

Nie Xinying thought for a while, and said: “Sometimes it doesn’t necessarily need to be a human, but it can also be a certain thing.”

The woman in Caiyi’s eyes lit up and said: “Yes, it can also be a thing!”

Take native tribes as an example. Not all native tribes have strong enough priests. On the contrary, some priests only appear after the gods appear. Therefore, at the earliest stage, it may be a certain object that condenses people’s hearts. It may be a stone, or a tree, or a pool or a large mountain lake. This is the early sustenance of faith before the belief in God is formed, and it is also a communication. The essential.

She recalled, “But we haven’t found anything similar before. We have searched most places of Heavenly Secrets Institution, but only a few places have not been found… Senior Sister, is it possible for this thing to fall in? Outside the Heavenly Secrets Institution? It will be hard to find if it is outside.”

Nie Xinying calmly analyzed: “That thing must still be in the Heavenly Secrets Institution, because it is impossible to gain trust outside the Heavenly Secrets Institution, and it is not easy to communicate at the beginning. The most important thing is that if a ceremony is held, it will be worse outside. Security in Heavenly Secrets Institution.”

The woman in Caiyi said: “Senior Sister, there are some important places in Heavenly Secrets Institution that have not been searched, but those places cannot be accessed by cultivators, such as the fungus spirit room. If we go in, it will destroy the contents, maybe It will affect the livelihood and production of Celestial Xia. It is said that there are many precious fungus spirits, which are the painstaking efforts of many people for ten years, and it is not easy to destroy them at will.”

Nie Xinying said: “If we don’t check, we can hand it over to someone who can be trusted to search, and let An young man and that uncle young man follow along. They may be able to find something.”

She knows how to make sense, and the search for Heavenly Secrets Division is just right now, but the people of Heavenly Secrets Division will definitely be dissatisfied, and further may be used by others, so it is handed over to Heavenly Secrets Institution in name If you do it yourself, the confrontational emotions will not be so great.

The woman in Caiyi’s eyes lit up and said, “Yes, master nephew and the young man are suitable for this.” She took another peek at Nie Xinying, and thought, “It won’t be Senior.” Sister use these two people to hang the person behind it. Senior Sister is really bad.”

Nie Xinying noticed her sight, indifferently said: “What are you thinking?”

“No, nothing!” The woman in Caiyi shifted her eyes, and skillfully changed the subject, “Senior Sister, should Wei Shan cooperate with this matter?”

Nie Xinying said: “Of course. With Wei Zongjiang’s prestige and ability, it is enough to handle these things, we have no reason not to tell him.”

The woman in Caiyi said, “Senior Sister, wait for me to come back”, and rushed away.

Nie Xinying was thinking about something in the palace. Not long after, the guarding dísciple came in and told: “Senior Sister, the labor value department is here.”

Nie Xinying said: “Invite him in.”

When I was young, an around thirty cultivator walked in. He met Nie Xinying and Zhengrong said: “Fellow daoist Nie, you are sending an urgent letter, but what’s the matter?”

He is Lao Chengyi, the guardian of Jade Capital and Superior Continent of Wingkong. Over the years, he has been guarded by Jade Capital, mainly Bai Zhenshan, and the two sides are also very familiar.

Nie Xinying also gave a gift, saying: “Surely the Department of Labor is clear about the search today?”

Lao Chengyi said: “Lao already knows the general process.” Because many of the manpower for this operation was borrowed from the Shouzheng Palace, he has a general understanding of the whole process, mainly to prevent people and Heavenly Secrets. Institution collusion.

Nie Xinying said seriously: “But we also found something,” she took the picture scroll again, “fellow daoist, let’s take a look at this picture. This is what we searched from those craftsmen who had problems. It came out, almost every “important” person has such a picture in their hands.”

Lao Chengyi came to the front of the case.

Nie Xinying unfolded the picture scroll slowly, and Lao Chengyi looked down. After seeing the daoist on the portrait, he was shocked, “This is…” He knew that things were not simple, but didn’t. t expect is so deeply involved.

He lifts the head and carefully asked: “Fellow daoist Nie, are there any other objects besides this painting?”

Nie Xinying shook his head lightly and said: “We haven’t found it yet. This requires your cooperation. After all, there are some things that are not within our responsibility.”

Lao Chengyi thought for a while, and said solemnly: “It is incumbent, but Lao needs to take this portrait.”

Nie Xinying nodded and said: “fellow daoist, please.”

Lao Chengyi stretched out his hand to pick up the portrait, raised his head and glanced at Nie Xinying, met the latter’s clear gaze, slightly paused, nodded, and after he collected the painting, he turned around and walked out with another salute.

After he left, Nie Xinying took out a green branch and shook it gently, and a rays of light flew out and went straight into the sky.

She collected this item and waited for a while. There was a gust of wind outside, and the woman in colorful clothes came in and said excitedly: “Senior Sister, the thing has been found.” Then she took out a box, places on the table, pushed towards her.

Nie Xinying brushed his sleeves at the box, and when the box lid opened, there was a white branch inside. It was entirely made of metal. The branches were straight, and the bifurcations on both sides were asymmetrical, but the spacing was normal.

The woman in Caiyi said: “Senior Sister, we found it in a fungus spirit room. It was in a very conspicuous place. If it wasn’t for the master nephew to see that there was a problem, we almost thought it was a simple one. Accessories.”

Nie Xinying touched with a finger, nodded and said: “It should be this thing, but if there is only this thing, then things will be simple, now we wait for the reply from the guard station.”

The woman in Caiyi realized that the painting was missing. She tried: “Senior Sister, that is really…”

Nie Xinying said differently: “If you only look at the clues exposed in front of you, this matter is likely to involve someone above.”

“Above… somebody?”

Although the woman in Caiyi had just guessed, now that she heard this, she was a little panicked. It was just checking this Heavenly Secrets Institution. Doesn’t it need to be such an exaggeration? It is actually involved in the influential figure of the upper layer, and her small body can’t hold it.

She swallowed and said: “Master, Senior Sister…”

Nie Xinying glanced at him and said: “What are you afraid of, even if it is someone above, why should we be afraid of Bai Zhenshan?”

The woman in colorful clothes wiped away the non-existent tears, “Senior Sister, you are not afraid, but I am afraid, the teacher will definitely protect you, but in case someone can’t be overthrown, you need to understand things , I was thrown out as a substitute for the dead ghost, the lost pawn in the drama to protect the car, isn’t that the way…”

Nie Xinying said: “I think you have read too much storytelling.”

The woman in Caiyi looked pitiful and said: “Senior Sister, is there really nothing wrong?”

Nie Xinying ignored her and looked up towards the sky above. At this time, the news should have reached the Shouzheng Palace, right?



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