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Zhang Yu settled down, and then took a look at Celestial Xia’s various continents. Seeing that there was nothing wrong in a short period of time, he summoned the Deity of the palace to explain a few words.

As I said before, he got up from the jade platform, his mind turned, and in a moment, he had fallen in the depths of the boat of clear sky. At the moment he is standing on a boundless flat land. This place seemed to be chaotic, but as soon as he entered this place, he knew the external feelings, and he fixed Tianwei with this, and there was a difference between the upper and lower sides.

What heaven and earth showed was the manifestation of his perception of the external scene, which he was willing to accept. He knew that if he changed his understanding of the truth, then he would have a different scene before him.

Standing here, feeling the majestic and mighty clear air surrounding him, he only felt that he seemed to be integrated into this together, and various sentiments emerged in his heart.

Standing here for a while, he looked forward, and there was a wave of unsteady breath, and the edge of the ink seemed to melt away. That was where he was going to meet and take action.

The last time he came, he stepped directly into the portal with the golden talisman given by the five clerks, and this time, because he has already been here, he does not need to borrow the golden talisman again. , Turn it with your mind to get there.

At this moment, he was looking at the fresh air, looking thoughtful.

He always felt that the five clerks called to himself should have involved an important matter, which seemed to have something to do with himself, with Profound Court, or even with Celestial Xia.

He took his breath away and walked in.

At the moment of entering the air, I saw countless rigorous gleams rushing towards him, and then huddling him forward.

In the gleam of light, its power continued to increase, from the smallest to the largest. When it was completely equal to his power, it seemed that the two blended together, and all the changes were instantaneous. A quiet, it seems that after a short period of time, it suddenly disappeared, everything is receding, and the boundless jade birch appears in front of his eyes.

Zhang Yu looked up. He came this time, as if he didn’t use anything else from beginning to end, so he felt different from the last time.

He obviously feels that he has entered a higher level of airspace. Perhaps the airspace alone is not enough to accurately express it. It should be said that it is “among all dimensions”. It seems that the five clings themselves are in Where, where is where it is.

He raised his sleeve and held a gift, saying: “Profound Court Court Manager Zhang Yu, I have seen five directors.”

When this word fell, there was a misty mysterious sound on the jade bib, the airy and transparent great jade was overflowing with bright spiritual light, and five huge daoist, which seemed to be outlined with pen and ink, emerged from the inside. Out.

Among them, the director said in a peaceful voice: “Court Manager Zhang is polite.” After a short pause, he said: “I’m waiting for Court Manager Zhang to come here. It is because Court Manager Zhang asked for the full dao technique. In Celestial Xia Profound Court, there are a few daoists on the top of the dao technique, so there are some things that the Court Manager needs to know.”

Seeing this executive say this, Zhang Yu knew that what he said must be extremely important, and said in a solemn voice: “Yu, I’m here to listen.”

The photographer on the left said at this moment: “What does Court Manager Zhang think Celestial Xia is?”

Zhang Yu was not aware of being pondered, he could feel that this question was not about the order of Celestial Xia’s upper and lower rites, nor about Celestial Xia’s rules of governing the world, but about higher-level things. , Is related to the origin and the past, and even the beginning and end of the truth.

After thinking a little bit, he said: “Celestial Xia is from the Tao, from the person, from me; from me to the person, from the person to the way, and so on.”

The director said: “What the Court Manager Zhang said, the reason has been solved. I am in harmony with people, people are in harmony with Dao Idol, and I are all in the Tao. In this way, Celestial Xia is formed.”

The one on the right side opened the mouth and said at this time: “Court Manager Zhang previously felt all the dimensions, killed all the outside me, and determined to find himself, so he proved the whole dao technique. This can be said to be the end. Me; and people are like this, the way is like this…” He paused, accentuating his voice: “The same is true for Celestial Xia!”

Zhang Yu raised his head unconsciously, he seemed to think of something at the moment.

And the one standing on the left was in charge at this moment and said: “Court Manager Zhang, I used Celestial Xia as Shen Xia before Shen Xia, and Shen Xia before it was ancient Xia, and no matter how early Ancient Xia is, it is an ancient time. When all Taoisms flourish, the Celestial Xia is now available, but the Tao is different, the viewers are different, and the world is different.”

Zhang Yu’s robe and sleeves were fluttering slightly at this moment. He already felt that he was slowly coming into contact with the true profound principles of Celestial Xia.

Standing on the far right, the Zhishe continued: “However, at the beginning of the ancient times, it is not the root cause of everything. These sources are not what you see in front of you. These are all fictitious, and the true reality is Outside, it lies in the’Yuan Xia’!”

Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly and said “Yuan Xia?”

The one in the center said calmly: “The dao technique can be compared to prove that if’Yuan Xia’ is regarded as the self, then’Celestial Xia’ can be regarded as the’outside self’, I Celestial Xia is only for Yuan Xia, a world of external feelings.”

Zhang Yu’s heart was shaken.

Zhongzhong’s rehearsal said without half emotion: “You mighty figures in Yuanxia have already touched on the beauty of Grand Dao, and they have always been able to change. Assuming that’I seek the way, I can find the way, and I will finally see the way.’ , Then my cultivator can find Grand Dao. It’s just Heavenly Secrets Myriad Transformations. There is only one line to go. If you make a mistake, it’s hard to see the other side.

And how to avoid this mistake?

So it is the mighty figure of Yuan Xia, from the Dharma and Dao, from one life to the eternal, I am self-constant, evolving from the eternal first, and then I will deviate from the depraved world one after another Cut and kill! “

The executive on his left side said: “After all the mistakes are eliminated, there will be no more deviation.”

The director on his right side said: “Grand Dao is supreme. Although Yuan Xia can’t resist the changes of Grand Dao on the general situation, he can suppress the world on the dao technique, as long as everything that may lead to its own destruction is suppressed. It may be cut off, and the rest is the only feasible way.”

Zhang Yu understands that, according to the mighty figures of Yuanxia, ​​the search has a beginning, then there is an end, but this end is not necessarily the end of the search, but the end of self and self. This is not a chase. What people want to see, especially those who touch the real higher boundary, is even more impossible to accept, so it is to use the great magical power to “start from the beginning, and act on the world”.

It’s like the “self” that feels the world outside and builds “self and self as one”. Because all generations are also born from one’s own life, so as long as you see the wrong things, and then eliminate all the wrong worlds, then you will be able to ” I’ll finish it, so I can make sure that I can reach the end.

He thought about it for a moment, and said: “Then dare to ask a few directors, how many other worlds are there today?”

The one in the center said slowly: “Yuan Xia has almost cut off all kinds of “leaving the world”, and now only I, Celestial Xia, survive.”

Zhang Yu’s heart is slightly cold.

The one on the left said: “Why does Court Manager Zhang think that my Celestial Xia system is like this? This is not my active choice, but the law of all ages, all being killed, so far I am the only one left. that’s all.”

The photo on the right side said: “All summers are lost, only Celestial Xia survives. From this, it can be disproved that only the way Celestial Xia is going is the most correct way!”

Zhang Yu changed his mind and was also nodded.

“Eternal Ages” is not true forever, but countless lifetimes. There are countless choices and countless ways. Celestial Xia may not necessarily be the best one, but it is the only one that exists today, then Celestial Xia The course of action is naturally correct, and it is not.

But he also thought that there was another problem involved here. Since Celestial Xia and Yuanxia have not yet gone to the final path, and there is no proof that who can not go to the final path, it seems that both have a chance, then what does the “error and omission” here mean? Who will judge and who will define it?

He asked: “Dare to ask a few directors, since only I, Celestial Xia and Yuan Xia are still alive, what is wrong and what is missing?”

Zhong Zhong insisted and said: “If you are not me, it is wrong, and the other me is the omission.”

Zhang Yu suddenly understood that if Yuan Xia was to kill mistakes before, then at this step, it is a battle for the number of days.

Because there is only one line of Heavenly Secrets that can be climbed, there is only one reachable ultimate way, but now there are both, so in Yuanxia’s view, Celestial Xia must be cut off. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong here.

At this time, he looked up at the five directors and said: “Yuyi asked, are the five directors of Yuanxia or Celestial Xia now?”

The director standing at the far left said: “It’s me, not me, but it can also be me. I’m on the other end, Court Manager sees it, but one ear.”

The director at the far right said: “If Yuan Xia wins, then Yuan Xia’s I can overwrite me. If Celestial Xia wins, I overwrite him.”

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, but also understood a little bit.

These several main bodies are like standing on the shore, but now they are like reflections shining into thousands of water, and they can be seen by him, but the reflections and the main body are not completely separated. All reflections are gone, and the last reflection left determines his final thoughts and cognition.

This is for the pursuit of Grand Dao, a must experience for all generations, and it is also the process of their pursuit of the final path.

So it can be understood that those mighty figures in Yuan Xia are also those of Celestial Xia, they are all the same person! Just wait for the final cognition to be confirmed.

Only when he talked about this question, he had an extra question in his mind. He said: “As such, you all know that Celestial Xia is the transformation of Yuanxia?”

Jizhong said, “Although I am waiting for me, but I don’t even know about it. If Yuan Xia wins, he will overwrite me. If I have’me’, how can I give up’me’? If you don’t know it, you can easily divide. If we talk from this, I and Yuanxia’s self are also opponents. What’s more, if we know in advance, there will be no more variables, and a fellow daoist reminds us before we can realize it. .”

Zhang Yu’s heart moved slightly, and the director in the center looked towards him and said: “Court Manager Zhang must have thought of that too, because the fellow daoist sent by Yuandu has the’Yuandu Xuantu’, a treasure of the Taoist township, Again, because Yuan Xia killed forever, Heavenly Secrets was missing, so that he could lead him to jump and escape the two lives. We relied on this to inform, and only then began to realize this end of the road.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he inhaled slightly, and then said: “I have one more question. How about some directors, how is Yuan Xia better than Celestial Xia?”



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