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Celestial Xia, stronger and weaker?

Since there is bound to be a battle between the two families, it seems that no one can retreat now, it is bound to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each other.

The one in the middle insisted: “Although I have to remind our fellows, I know the origin of myself, but I can’t observe the appearance of Yuanxia, ​​and the reminder of our fellows is subject to various limitations. Can’t tell me to wait too much.”

The photographer on the left said: “Although Celestial Xia was born in Yuan Xia Hua, Celestial Xia has evolved completely by itself from ancient times to the present. This is not the same as Yuan Xia. Measure Yuan Xia, but everything is undoubtedly the foundation of Yuan Xia, so it is what my Celestial Xia can have. In principle, Yuan Xia can also have it.”

The photo on the right uttered: “From the dao technique alone, Yuan Xia should be better than me, because she has already seen the end, knows how to find it, and can make a transformation. The actual behavior of the eternal life; and if I don’t have the feeling of the fellow daoist of Yuandu, I will wake up in time, I am afraid I will not be able to touch this knowledge.”

The director at the far left said: “Yuan Xia can destroy all ages, even if the world is not aware of it, it can also be seen that Yuan Xia is tyrannical. In contrast to it, Celestial Xia is now probably not its enemy.”

After listening to these words, Zhang Yu naturally felt a deep threat and tremendous pressure. There is no doubt that Yuan Xia has a huge advantage compared to Celestial Xia from the dao technique and its own power.

The specific level of Yuan Xia’s strength is still incalculable, but Yuan Xia’s past record of killing all worlds is there, which is undoubtedly an expression of absolute power.

At this time, the right-most executive said: “Court Manager Zhang, you ask me and Yuanxia’s strengths and weaknesses. Regardless of the strengths of me and Yuanxia, ​​I will only say one thing. If there is me here, Yuanxia must also have me. .Not only we, Shangchen, Huanyang, Shenzhao, Gloom City, and even the higher boundary that was killed on the mainland in the past can be found in Yuan Xia.

I think that, including myself, these people are the people who participated in the transformation of Yuan Xia forever. According to this theory, or just say this, the upper layer power is also stronger than my Celestial Xia . “

Zhang Yu is cautious about the first thing. According to what you said before, he can understand this.

Although Celestial Xia evolved independently in this life, it is completely different from Yuan Xia, but although the development process of some things has changed, the result is inherently destined.

Whether it is Huanyang, Shangchen, Gloom City, Shenzhao or the higher boundary mighty figure of Celestial Xia, it will inevitably exist, and it will definitely be on the higher boundary. It can also be understood that the Celestial Xia world was originally performed by them through the great magical power, and its inherent transcendence has naturally evolved out of the category.

But here is not without doubt. He said: “If this is the case, then how to distinguish those who later achieved the higher boundary? How to confirm that they were originally not the mighty figure of Yuan Xia?”

The incumbent in the middle said: “There is a limit in this, and we can realize the original when we get people to tell, but if we become a peer in this world, then there is nothing to say about ourselves. [ 19459002]

Needless to say, there is something in common in the enlightenment of we, that is, all achievements were made before Celestial Xia was established. If Celestial Xia enters this world as the realm, there will be achievers after that, then it will not be with Yuan Xia Zhi mighty figure involved. “

Zhang Yu said: “Then I wonder if the treasure of Celestial Xia is related to the mighty figure of Yuan Xia?”

Jizhong said: “Different worlds and different transformations. Of course, the treasures of Zhendao cannot be the same, except for a few peculiarities such as Yuandu Xuantu. Today, the treasures used by Celestial Xia are all our own refining. Or it can be made by joint efforts.”

After Zhang Yu heard these words, Fang had a little understanding of the ratio between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides.

These mighty figures should also be the part of the people who occupied the upper layer in Yuanxia, ​​or even the people who participated in the evolution of eternal life.

Looking at it this way, the various factions mighty figures in this world are combined in one place. Even if it is not all the upper layer of Yuanxia, ​​it should be the majority, otherwise it is impossible to make such a decision on the future of Yuanxia dao technique. It’s coming. Moreover, the transformation of the world may also involve the pursuit of an upper layer dao technique, which involves cultivation, which is even more impossible to exclude most people.

But it should also be considered that if Yuanxia predicts a little in advance, then it should also be left behind. And here, there is the treasure of Zhendao, and the follow-up is another variable.

Thinking of this, he asked: “But I have to consult several directors. The mighty figures behind Huanyang, Shangchen, Shenzhao, Gloom City, etc. are also aware of these events?”

The one in the middle said slowly: “If Yuanxia comes to wake up, they should not know, but even if wake up, or from my point of view, they will not stand by our side. Here, the root cause lies in their way.

Huanyang uses cruelty, Shangchen uses true purity, and God uses stealing mail. They cannot accept the way of my Celestial Xia. So they will only be hostile to me. “

Zhang Yu unconsciously nods, indeed, it doesn’t matter whether those few know it or not, because they are different from Celestial Xia, and they are destined to be impossible.

Among these junior dísciples, even if there are people with different opinions, they can’t resist the fate, because the upper layer power naturally determines everything, and they have no choice but to obey, if there is a choice , That is Celestial Xia.

However, just a few executives did not mention Gloom City. Does that mean that Gloom City can still be won? Or do the five directors think that Gloom City is better for Celestial Xia on the enemy’s side?

The director in the center said calmly: “Court Manager Zhang, even though Yuan Xia beats me a lot, Celestial Xia is not without any chance. Yuan Xia’s road has long been set, and that is the killed’wrong omission’. Only in the world of killing me can we finish the dao technique before we can go to the end, but my Celestial Xia is not. Although my Celestial Xia is fighting with him, if I want to win, it is not necessary to kill him. Finish me, or go to the end first.”

Zhang Yu can understand this statement, Yuan Xia will definitely come. This is determined by Yuan Xia’s dao technique. Yuan Xia killed all ages. Now seeing this last step is about to be completed, this time is also impossible again. Removed the head, and Celestial Xia does not have to do it.

dao technique The first mover may not always be in the front, and the late mover may also be super high. If Celestial Xia can defend itself and try to reach the end first on the dao technique, then this battle Will be able to win.

However, he believes that at that time, there may still be a battle, but if the Celestial Xia dao technique can go before Yuanxia, ​​there will be no more choices.

The one on the left continued, “I can’t see Yuanxia through, but Celestial Xia is also one floor away from Yuanxia, ​​and each other can only guess at each other. Before Yuanxia is sure, Don’t dare to do anything to us easily, this is our opportunity.”

On the right, he said: “After awakening, we have been trying to find a way to fight against Yuan Xia, just like following the lead of the fellow daoist of Yuandu faction, moving Celestial Xia here from the mainland. “

Zhang Yu asked: “Dare to ask you guys, why is it here?”

The director at the far left said: “Because this place is the closest to Grand Chaos. Grand Chaos can be found here. We need to know that everything has an order, only chaos becomes chaotic. Yuan Xia is still present. It’s hard to see, but from the perspective of the dao technique, it can be seen that the mainstream is the method of “sticking to deep hiding” and dislikes all variables. I took the initiative to introduce Grand Chaos, in order to increase the variables, and order from disorder to order. Yuan Xia cannot be determined by me.

On the other hand, all sequence ascents need to be advanced step by step, and there is no short-cut. If Grand Chaos is extremely extreme, it does not follow this principle. The difference between strength and weakness is only in a flash, or’ascending’ to the skies with a single leap’, this is also our confrontation or the last resort to deter Yuanxia. “

Zhang Yu thought about it. From this remark, the real level behind Grand Chaos may be higher than that of several people. This step can be said to be very dangerous. If Grand Chaos is not used well, it may be Hurt oneself.

He thought for a while, and then asked: “Ask a few directors, what about Huo Heng?”

The executive voice on the far right said very meaningfully: “My Celestial Xia and Yuan Xia’s dispute is basically for the end. I don’t know why the end is, and Yuan Xia doesn’t know what it is, but it is Grand Chaos. In terms of the level of the realm, in the dao technique leading to the final path, there must be the path of chaos. If this path enters me, Yuan Xia will kill me and he will also kill him.”

When Zhang Yu heard this, his heart moved slightly and he heard a secret compliment. This step is really brilliant.

The chaotic road behind Huo Heng also represents a road to Grand Dao, and it is full of variables. With the characteristics of Grand Chaos, it may be the end of the road when Celestial Xia takes the big After chaos change melts in, then Yuan Xia wants to destroy Celestial Xia, it is bound to destroy Grand Chaos together.

This made Grand Chaos and Yuan Xia also have a confrontation, in other words, because of Yuan Xia’s threat, Grand Chaos was forced to respond.

Ji Zhong insisted: “Although I don’t know the details of Yuan Xia, but the law of Yuan Xia is’hidden and held firmly’ and transformed forever, and the cultivation will be true. If I also meet with the true technique, or The same holds true, without making changes, it is bound to be difficult to gain an advantage, so we must find another way to win.”

On the left, he said: “The first choice among these is the profound techniques!”

The left side insisted: “If it seeks solidity, I should seek change! To change and change to remain unchanged, with all the enemies together!”

Zhang Yu still knew for the first time that there was such a purpose behind the promotion of profound techniques. It is no wonder that many true cultivator objections were useless at that time. The promotion of profound techniques was what Celestial Xia urgently needed at the time. The upper layer hoped to promote it, and it is no wonder that the conservatives at the time were simply unable to stop this trend.

He also holds the opinion of everyone, if Celestial Xia is exactly the same as Yuan Xia, then it can’t be compared, must be different or own a superior place. And he can also see the far-reaching intentions in your words.

Seeing him thinking there, Ji Zhongzhi said: “You don’t have to worry about not knowing Yuan Xia at all. Your past teacher Xun Ji has already taken the arrangement of we and his teacher and returned to Yuan Xia. In this world, I am observing the variables of this generation. If something goes well, there will be news back later.”



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