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After Nie Xinying left the Qing Profound Dao Palace, she took out the token Zhang Yu gave her, summoned a flying car, and rode this car. After a little more than Xia hour, she came to the palace. , I met Deng Jing, the teacher who just came to the upper layer.

Deng Jing saw that the cultivation of Nie Xinying had made great progress compared with before, nodded and said: “It is worthy of my Dísciple, as long as the opportunity is given, the cultivation can be advanced by leaps and bounds.”

Nie Xinying blinked and said, “Is the teacher boasting dísciple?” But how does she feel that the teacher is boasting herself?

Deng Jing did not have the slightest sorry, said with a smile: “Good is good. Since it is good, there is nothing to boast about. Your teacher is not hypocritical like some people.”

“Some people?” Nie Xinying was looking thoughtful, but she smiled secretly, and the teacher praised herself again with this sentence. But she knew that this was Deng Jing’s temper, but when she was in Baizhen Mountain, there were other two lines guarding her, and she had to show her majesty, so she didn’t do it often.

She thought for a while and looked up: “teacher, this time dísciple can make progress, and it has also been helped by a lot of junior brother Zhang. He also ordered a senior from tomorrow to take dísciple all around.” [19459002 ]

Deng Jing looked a little serious, and said: “My teacher knows that you and Manager Zhang used to have the same sect friendship, and he also cares about this friendship, but now you are my dísciple, so this has to be discussed separately. , Court Manager Zhang’s favor will be repaid for you in the future. As for tomorrow, you don’t have to thank him. He should do some things.” He looked to the side and said, “Will you say tomorrow? ?”

The rays of light flashed, and the daoist appeared on the side in Ming Zhou, laughed and said: “Exactly, Deng Court Manager is outstanding, but he is free and True Immortal. I can do things for Deng Court Manager, and I can’t ask for it tomorrow.”

Nie Xinying was astonished, the Ming Zhou daoist she had seen before was not like this, but was dashing and dusty, similar to junior brother Zhang Yu has several points of, and the words and conversations are quite good. Now why are they all here? Say good things about the teacher, and they are like two people before and after.

Deng Jing said meaningfully: “These days, tomorrow will always follow me.”

Nie Xinying’s thoughts are turned. These days, she has clearly seen that the daoist of Ming Zhou is always in the Profound Dao Palace of Qing Dynasty, and has not been far away for half a step, but now the teacher shows that Zhou daoist is by her side. It is very likely that the daoist of Ming Zhou has two people, or there are more.

She had some guesses about this person’s identity at first, but now she is more certain of her original thoughts.

Seeing that she seemed to want to understand, Deng Jing said to the daoist of Ming Zhou: “From now on, my dísciple will be my words. When I am away, you will listen to her in the next week.”

Ming Zhou daoist gave a ceremony, saying: “Ming Zhou obeys orders.”

Deng Jing was nodded and said to Nie Xinying: “disciple, did you receive the order sent by Profound Court a few days ago?”

Nie Xinying said: “I received it, but there is no access to the lower layer in the upper layer, and in order to wait for the arrival of the teacher, dísciple has not gone to the inner layer in the past few days.”

Deng Jing said: “That Fang Boundary can be charged for thirty or forty years a year. It is a good place. As a teacher, you should not rush to climb the higher boundary. You can go there to settle the cultivation first, and first cultivation to a certain boundary. Then come back and try to break the level, you can double the results for half the effort.”

Nie Xinying said: “Many thanks teacher to raise some points.”

Deng Jing as it should be by rights said: “Giving dísciple to the teacher has always been good. Thank you. I really should. But this matter is promoted by the Profound Court, so you should also thank yourself for being in Celestial Xia. When I was in Shenxia or Ancient Xia, it was not so cheap. At that time, the dísciple in the door was always fighting for a little supply of supplies, and it was not uncommon for those who turned against each other to become enemies.”

He seemed to think of something, then shook his head and said: “We true cultivator sometimes doesn’t want to spread daoist sect like the profound cultivator, but that can’t be done. By the way, is there any difficulty in your cultivation? “

Nie Xinying said: “dísciple has some cultivation questions and I want to ask the teacher.”

Deng Jingdao: “I will listen to you.”

Nie Xinying saw the problem she encountered, and Deng Jing patiently answered her one after another, solved many of her doubts, and then let her go to cultivation by herself.

And he went back to the inner room and sat down.

I don’t know how long in the past, I suddenly heard the sound of chime bell in the sea of ​​clouds, and a large tract of rays of light dropped from the sky and fell in front of him.

He shook his sleeves, got up from the seat, and walked into the light. Immediately he saw a long river of phosgene wandering down from the top until it disappeared. There was a seat at every turning point, and there was a space in the place where he appeared, just a little behind. As he walked up to the seat, he saw court managers appearing on the long river of phosgene one after another.

The Court Managers also saw him, and everyone knew him well, so they met him asking ritual.

At this moment, with a chime from above, Deng Jing looked towards the upper part of the phoenix river, and saw that a young daoist with jade mist star light floating outside appeared there, its internal qi deep and unmeasurable, standing On the other side of the long river of phosgene, you can feel that the rays of light glowing on it seem to be able to cover the bottom of the long river.

He recognized Zhang Yu, looked straight, and took the initiative to bowed.

When Zhang Yu saw Deng Jing, he also raised his sleeves and had a gift.

There was a chime on the main seat of the long river of time, the rays of light lit up, the chief executive Chen Yu silhouette walks from inside, and the court managers gave a salute when they saw it, saying: “I have seen the chief executive,”

Chen Yu stood still in the seat, and there was a ceremony, said solemnly: “Court Managers are courteous.”

After the ceremony, everyone sat down in the sound of the chime.

Chen Yu looked towards Deng Jingzuo and said: “Today, Court Manager Deng is in the court. It is a rule to share powers and responsibilities. What do you think Court Manager should be in charge of Deng Court Manager?”

Chong Court Manager was well prepared. As soon as he knocked on the jade chime, he stood up and said: “The chief executive, Chongmou has a suggestion. Now that the true cultivators of all parties have entered the world, after all, many true cultivators are lazy. Procrastination, and Court Manager Deng has both prestige and cultivation. Otherwise, he will be in charge of such things as the coordinator of all continents and places. I urge all colleagues to enter the world, and rewards and punishments in parallel.”

Court Manager Dai frowned. He took the jade gavel and knocked, and stood up and objected: “Chong Court Manager’s remark is not appropriate. If it is just to adjust the Profound Boundary of all parties and supervise the true cultivator, it is fine. But OK. Regarding rewards and punishments, this authority is too heavy. Moreover, I, Profound Court, has at least held this authority on behalf of me. There has never been a precedent for directly lowering this authority.”

Chong Court Manager insisted: “There are special laws in special times. If you don’t hold the power of rewards and punishments, how can you do this? Is it just by prestige? No one is bound to be able to reconcile each other well. Fang, at that time, it is not only Deng Court Manager himself that will compromise the reputation, but also the prestige of Profound Court.”

Court Manager Zhong also got up from his seat at this moment, and said: “The chief executive, court Managers, Zhong Mou is also the same opinion. The true cultivator needs to be controlled in order to control it. This cheap authority should be given to Deng. Court Manager.”

The Court Managers in the room looked at the two of them, and they knew that they recommended Deng Jing, and now they are actively assigning authority to him. They obviously want to bring this to their camp and influence everyone by the way. true cultivator.

But they don’t worry too much. Every cultivator that reaches a certain boundary has its own way, and has its own set of persistence. It is useless no matter what you do, even if the same sect fellow apprentices go. Less than one place.

It’s just that the timing of these two people is really good. In these days, everyone has also seen that Chen Shouzhi’s set off point is to try his best to improve the strength of the entire Celestial Xia, and seems to be making some preparations. The two people proposed that it is the Shunhe thing, and maybe it will be possible. First executive support.

But at this moment, there was a chime sound, and everyone’s expressions suddenly became strange. Sure enough, a voice came and said: “You two, this is wrong.”

The expressions of Zhong and Chong have changed slightly. In the past few court meetings, this one seemed to be silent and didn’t say much, so they gradually spoke freely, but now they found that they seemed to be careless and too neglected. This one.

Chao Huan said leisurely in the audience: “According to the Celestial Xia law, those true cultivators do not need to be punished if they have never done something wrong; if they do something wrong, they can be punished according to the law. Court Manager Deng is a Court. Manager, he has the responsibility to regulate all cultivation matters, so why add any rewards and punishments?”

He looked towards the two, faint smile said: “Why, is it because you two want to establish a law in addition to the Celestial Xia rule and order?”

Chong Court Manager immediately distinguished: “I never meant to wait!”

He gave a gift to Chen Yu, “The chief executive, these true cultivators also understand etiquette and procrastination. They have some ways to delay the day, and others can also follow suit.

Besides, the matter of cultivation is really self-serving. If you want to fight, not cultivation, and impossible to punish it, the Profound Court will let various cultivators enter the world and go to the lower layer cultivation in order to improve my Celestial The ability of Xia’s various cultivators is that everything is important. If there is no authority, it is very difficult to supervise. I also hope that the chief executive and the Court Managers will learn from it. “

Chao Huan laughed and said, “According to me, why should you bother to worry about this? The extraordinary method is used in extraordinary times? Isn’t it in wartime? My Celestial Xia method is now retired Court Manager can cure it, can’t it cure a few true cultivators?”

Chong Court Manager startled, and then he was speechless.

He almost ignored this. Since Shen was arrested last time, this wartime policy has not been taken away. With this section, it is indeed difficult to talk about the power of rewards and punishments.

Deng Jing laughed at this moment, knocked with the jade mallet, got up to salute, and said: “Chief Executive, Court Managers, may Deng speak here?”

Chen Yu nodded said: “Deng Court Manager is the Court Manager, so I can speak in the court naturally.”

Deng Jingdao: “Then talk about powers and responsibilities. Do you not have to give the right to rewards and punishments? If Deng can’t do this thing well, how can he be the Court Manager face-to-face? But Profound Court wants Deng. To do this, I have to give it convenience. Deng needs to bring dísciple with him and delegate important tasks. After all, the discipline is used smoothly, which is a little selfish of Deng.”

Chen Yudao: “Deng Court Manager is serious, this is a reasonable plea, not selfish.” Court Manager is also impossible to do everything personally. When there are no capable people around, use to get close to sect members and disciple is also such is human nature.

It’s just that he didn’t immediately allow the matter, but looked towards the left hand seat and said: “What does Zhang Court Manager mean?”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeve and said: “The chief executive, Yu thinks is feasible.”



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