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When Deng Jing saw that Chen Yu first asked Zhang Yu for his opinion, he could not help but secretly thought: “It seems that Chen Yu pays special attention to Zhang Court Manager.”

The Court Manager who can sit in the second position is indispensable for both strength and cultivation. It undoubtedly has an extremely important position on the Profound Court, and it is reasonable to be valued. However, the importance shown by the chief executive is obviously still above this limit, and there should be another reason here.

After Zhang Yu agreed with Deng Jingzhi’s words, Feng Daoist immediately followed suit. And because this was also Deng Jing’s own intention, Zhong and Chong did not insist on it anymore, and they also seconded this statement.

The other Court Managers saw the courage to work with Deng Jing and promised to make things happen. They did not object to it, so the discussion was quickly settled.

Chen Yu drafted this matter, and then began to discuss the remaining business opportunities. The overall direction was all about preparing for the war, and ordered the Court Managers to urge all parties to make adjustments as soon as possible to respond to the situation.

After two Court Managers, the court managers also knew Chen Yu’s behavior style. It was different from the Chief Executive Zhuang, and it was not tolerant of others’ suggestions and then to guide the reconciliation. Instead, he is in the middle and presides over, directly telling everyone what needs to be done, and then everyone will come up with a solution.

However, this is also because of the news that Chen Yu revealed before, which made the Court Managers aware that the Celestial Xia situation may change again, especially if Shangchen, Huanyang and other factions find it, it will inevitably be another battle, so Willing to cooperate. Under normal circumstances, even if it is the chief executive, doing so will encounter certain opposition.

After everything was discussed, Chen Yu said: “Court Manager Zhang, Court Manager Wu and Court Manager Deng, please hold your steps temporarily, and the rest of the Court Managers please return first.”

The court managers got up from the table and gave a salute, and each returned to their Dao Palace.

After Zhong Court Manager and Chong Court Manager left, they walked together. The latter said, “What did Brother Zhong Dao figure out in the past few days?”

Zhong Court Manager pondered for a moment, and said: “He calculated that Heavenly Secrets will be as usual in a few days. Although it is dangerous, it can be smoothed by the general trend. I really can’t see what endangers Celestial Xia.” [ 19459002]

Chong Court Manager said: “Chong Mou has no gain here. So there is another possibility,” paused, “The power of the foreign enemy may already be transcendence we can do, so it is difficult to determine.”

Court Manager Zhong said with a solemn expression: “The chief executive will not do this urgent matter for no reason. It seems that the enemy he will face this time is thought to have never been seen before.”

Chong Court Manager said solemnly: “Even if Shangchen Heaven disrupted Heavenly Secrets, there are traces to be found, but now it is not even clear where the enemy is.”

Zhong Court Manager said: “When it is time to say it, it must be said at the end.”

Over the long river of phosgene, Chen Yu said to Deng Jingyan: “Deng Court Manager, this time to supervise all things true cultivator, entrust is for you, I hope you can use your heart.”

Although Deng Jing went to the upper layer these days, although he didn’t visit anyone, he didn’t know anything. He could clearly feel that Profound Court was still peaceful on the surface, but there was a tense atmosphere inside. .

After all, he was also a person who came to this world with Celestial Xia and experienced many storms. He knew in his heart that Celestial Xia might have a crisis approaching. Profound Court is preparing for this.

Looking at it this way, what he has to do is also very important. He is also cautious for a while. If he wants him to govern the continent, he may not be so patient, but he is required to control some cultivators, which is very good at it, and He has a large number of dísciples under him, and they all execute his wishes well.

He said: “Since Deng has said it in the court, he will not have the trust of Profound Court.”

Chen Yu saw that he was so sure, and he trusted him. After all, this man has been guarded for so many years, and his achievements are obvious to all. He is not one of those people who are good to talk. So after asking a few words of encouragement, let him It left first.

Then he turned to Zhang Yu and said: “Court Manager Zhang, what’s going on with you?”

Zhang Yu replied: “Under investigation, there are already some clues. Although the result is still unknown, Yu thinks it is possible to find it, and within two months, it should be able to give Profound Court a clear Reply.”

Chen Yu solemnly said: “Within two months?” He nodded, said: “I will make the following preparations as soon as possible, and only wait for the whereabouts of Court Manager Zhang to quickly resolve these old schools.” [19459002 ]

Wu Qingxu’s expression is also serious. Although the various factions of Shangchen, Huanyang, and Shenzhao were frustrated, the main characters in the door and the treasure of the town still exist. If they are found, Celestial Xia will do its best to wipe out them.

He said: “With half a year’s time, to accomplish so many things, based on the foundation of my Celestial Xia, I am also a little embarrassed.”

Chen Yu said solemnly: “This must be done. Now we can actively choose what to do. When the Yuan Xia arrives, then there is no choice.”

He paused, and said: “Wu Court Manager, did you go to Changsun Court Manager?”

Wu Qingxu said: “Yes, Changsun Court Manager is still doing his best to explore.”

Chen Yu said: “Court Manager Zhang does not know about this.” He stretched out his hand, took a volume from the void, and sent it to Zhang Yu’s case, saying: “Court Manager Zhang, please watch. .”

Zhang Yu took it, opened it, and looked at it. It is said that Chang Sun Qian is doing it now, that is, using mystical creatures to be entrusted to the body of the cultivator to achieve the purpose of improving the foundation.

It was the first time he knew about this. The original intention was good, to give some cultivators without aptitude a chance to make progress.

It’s just that everything needs to have a limit. It’s hard to say what the pros and cons of this thing are. But he understands that if in wartime, especially when facing an enemy that is extremely difficult to defeat, all useful things must be used, and all potential must be squeezed out, because if it fails, then what will not be left. .

Besides, Celestial Xia always seeks for change and will not stick to the rules. If this road can really work, then it would be good to give Celestial Xia people one more path to advancement.

Wu Qingxu said: “There are already some cultivators who are about to die are willing to use this item. If they can break through, they have the hope of cultivating, but if they are unsuccessful, they will not endanger their lives.” [19459002 ]

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: “I don’t know how long it will take for this matter?”

Wu Qingxu said: “Mou Wu has already asked, and Changsun Court Manager responded. In these two months, we will have a rough conclusion. So we still have 3-4 months to arrange, as long as There is a cultivator that can break the boundary, that is also a success.”

Chen Yu said solemnly: “This half-year time is very important, so I will bother you to keep an eye on each of you.”

Zhang Yu and Wu Qingxu solemnly responded.

After the discussion, Zhang Yu left the Long River of Guangqi and returned to the Profound Dao Palace. After sitting down, he continued to read Dao writing.

A few days later, Baiwang felt inward again, but found a wisp of internal qi left by Guan Chaosheng. Now that token is more and more spiritual, I can still feel something vaguely through this talisman.

Although it has not clearly pointed to a certain place, it is undoubtedly in line with his prior judgment. Moreover, Guan Chaosheng left very fast at that time, and he was destined to not fall into much arrangement, so if it is fast, there should be a clear result in at least a month.

Then this battle, as the Court Manager who is in charge of the palace and is in charge of this matter, he will definitely go into battle. Celestial Xia and Yuan Xia are a whole game of chess, and the old schools should regard them as their opponents and play this step first.

At this moment, in that world of Taoism, a flying boat is flying towards the sky.

Yue Luo was carefully reading the secret technique dao book given to her by sect in a cabin.

After entering this world, she did not go to cultivation profound techniques, but chose to join a certain Sect, where the cultivation method is very similar to the Celestial Xia true technique, and is one of the few cultivators willing to stick to it. .

This is related to what her teacher Yu Ruiqing once said. The latter said that if it is possible, one should try various cultivation cultivation techniques, and then after many times, can he find the “dao technique” common ground.

But in the past, this was just a beautiful idea that’s all. Because after the cultivator cultivates a kind of cultivation technique, at most some similar methods are also cultivated. It is impossible to learn a few completely different cultivation techniques from scratch. After practicing the profound techniques, it is impossible to practice the true technique. It’s different here, but it can be achieved.

This is also a new experience for her. But she didn’t think of it, and she didn’t know if she really found the common point between the dao technique, or she was originally suitable for this method, and actually made great progress on the method, especially because of her outstanding achievements, so Sect decided to recommend her. Go to the beyond heaven six schools to practice the more profound dao technique.

This is actually because the North-South war between King Xi and King Lie is still going on. As the cultivators of the beyond heaven six factions continue to end, the casualties are increasing, so it is necessary to draw suitable dísciple seeds to serve as the sect. continue.

This is also the defect of the old dao faction. The consumption can’t keep up with the supplement. After a big tragic fight, it will not be picked up, and it may even be devastated. It is possible to recover for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, she looks out of the boat, looks at the colorful colors on the land, in this world, no matter what ideas she has, she dares to try boldly, things that cannot be surpassed in Celestial Xia can be obtained here. verification.

She feels amazing, the person is still that person, but once she relaxes, she can do things she could not imagine before, just like what the teacher said, remove the heart barrier and break the life When the boundary of and death turned to this place, she faintly realized something and was immersed in it.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded and awakened her. A beautiful woman looked at her with concern and said: “Junior Sister Yue, are you okay?”

Yue Luo saw that although the woman showed concern for herself, she could see a trace of jealousy and pride hidden behind the other’s eyes. It was not a coincidence, but deliberately disrupted her. “Sentiment.”

If it is an ordinary dísciple, it may be wrong. An excellent opportunity for enlightenment may be wrong, and this is something you can meet but not ask for, and it is likely that you will never have it again in the future. If it is an ordinary person, it must be dao heart frustrated. ,

But the other party didn’t know that she was a “celestial/heaven and man”, and a little disturbance would not affect her mood. She smiled sweetly and said, “Senior Sister, how can something happen to my little sister? Just now, the little sister almost got messed up. Thanks to the awakening of Senior Sister, I really want to thank Senior Sister.”

“Really?” The beautiful woman smiled reluctantly and said: “Junior Sister Yue is fine, no thanks to Senior Sister, since Junior Sister Yue is fine, then I will not disturb Junior Sister. “

Yue Luo looks at She left in a hurry, lightly snorted, about to turn the dao book again, there was a call from Xuntian Dao Chapter, she was startled, and happily said: “teacher, are you out? “



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