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“What, are you going to get off the boat?”

The middle-aged cultivator looked at Yue Luo with a very ugly look. This dísciple was so great opportunity to be sent to the beyond heaven six cultivation. Others couldn’t ask for it. Why would this dísciple refuse? Want to leave?

He hate iron for not becoming steel said: “Do you know that in order to deal with King Xi, the six factions have broken the barrier and are willing to put the various factions dao technique in one place for you younger generations to dísciple! There are many more! dao technique, let you choose, such a good opportunity, you can’t tell me about it?”

There were also some dísciples selected from the raise upwards of land sect, including the beautiful woman who was in the same door as Yue Luo. After hearing these remarks, the breathing seemed slightly heavy.

Yue Luo lowered his head, appearing aggrieved: “This uncle master, dísciple, dísciple really has a lasting trouble, dísciple had setback for cultivation yesterday, thinking about not embarrassing sect.”

“Are you out of setback?” The middle-aged cultivator frowned, reached out and grabbed her wrist, and said, “Let me see.”

Suddenly there was an unsentimental voice that came out: “She doesn’t want to go, so don’t go. If you don’t want to go, it’s useless to go. Let her go back as soon as possible.”

The middle-aged cultivator sighed, fiercely waved his sleeves, “Go, go! Don’t come back after you go, I will be angry when I see you!”

Yue Luo put out a long breath, the teacher told me that she had to leave, but she was also impossible to leave without permission, otherwise it would be possible to be destroyed directly, so I don’t know when to re-enter this floor. With this result, it is undoubtedly the best.

As for not being able to go to the void, she doesn’t care at all. It may be a rare opportunity for others, but she is “celestial/heaven and man” and doesn’t care about it.

She saluted the middle-aged cultivator and said: “many thanks uncle master.” Then she quit.

Everyone looked at the silhouette of her leaving, each of them looked very complicated, both regretful, puzzled, and contemptuous. Only the beautiful woman is both a surprise and a strong sensation of revenge. She couldn’t expect that the only person who was in competition with her would actually be willing to quit.

It must be yesterday that she deliberately disturbed his comprehend, which caused his cultivation to go wrong, and said that there was nothing wrong, huh. Then she rejoiced again. In the future, she will practice the high rank dao technique and climb the Grand Dao. Why should those people care about it.

When the middle-aged cultivator saw Yue Luo leave, he coldly glanced at all disciples around him, “Why, are there anyone else I don’t want to go? Stand up, and I will let you get off the boat too!”

All disciples scared a shivered, including the beautiful woman also hurriedly bowed his head and left in a hurry.

After Yue Luo left the flying boat, he did not go back to where the mountain gate was. Instead, he followed the guidance of Xuntian Dao Chapter and flew for ten days. Finally, he came to a deserted hill far away from the Hao Clan territory, but saw On the top of the mound, there is a handsome daoist of thirty years sitting on the boulder, and in front of him is a square-shaped chess board. The daoist seems to be thinking about it.

Her eyes lit up, she descended from the head of the cloud, fell beside the daoist, came up curtsies, and said: “dísciple Yue Luo, meet the teacher.”

Yu Ruiqing lifts the head, said with a smile :”disciple exemption.”

Yue Luo straightened up, said curiously: “The teacher came here after he left the customs?”

Yu Ruiqing said with a smile: “It didn’t come after exiting customs. After the opening of this world, the teacher has always been here. It is said that entering this time is only longer than you.”

Yue Luo opened his eyes wide in surprise and said: “The teacher has been here?”

Yu Ruiqing said: “It’s here, but I’m a little far away from you, but on the earth star full of savages in the void, after decades of cultivation, come back to the cultivation, and then pass through the void. Later, I met some Six Paths cultivator and exchanged with many fellows there, which benefited a lot, and I came here today.”

Yue Luo glanced at the chessboard and asked: “Who is the teacher playing chess with?”

Yu Ruiqing smiled slightly, motioned to the other side, and said: “Aren’t you playing chess with him?”

Yue Luo was puzzled, turned around, but was surprised to find that another Yu Ruiqing was sitting there. She turned her astonished and found that there was another teacher on this side. And no matter which side she turned her head to, she could only see one of them, but when she backed down several steps and tried to watch the two together, she couldn’t help but be dizzy.

She quickly reluctantly settled her mind, subconsciously said: “Are they all teachers?”

Yu Ruiqing said: “It’s me, and it’s not me, but this game of chess is about to end.”

Yue Luo reconciled her breathing, she subconsciously asked: “Then who wins and who wins?

Yu Ruiqing smiled and said: “Naturally it is me.”

Yue Luo thought for a while, she felt that this sentence combined with the dao technique passed by the teacher seemed to have a different meaning, but for a while, she couldn’t understand it.

Yu Ruiqing looked a little more solemn, and said: “Disciple, I am calling you here this time to complete the cultivation of the teacher, and I will try to break through the higher boundary.”

Yue Luo knew that her teacher was already very close to the upper layer, but at this moment, she was still surprised to hear, “Is the teacher coming to that step?” She thought in her heart, if the teacher succeeds Profound Venerable, then you can call Profound Venerable when you go out.

She said: “Well, teacher? Can dísciple help me?

Yu Ruiqing nodded and said: “There is something for you to do.”

Yue Luo looked very serious and said: “Teacher, please give instructions.”

Yu Ruiqing said: “For the teacher to speak, you need to remember. Later, the teacher will pass a recently made dao seal to you. When the teacher is trying to climb, you think about it. On top of it, you can get a lot of benefits, even if you can’t use it right now, but when you cultivation to a higher level in the future, you will be able to have more insights.

The teacher cannot tell you all his understanding, because it will hinder you, and when the teacher seeks the way, he may sink into emptiness, when the time comes, if you can’t think about it, then If there are twists and turns as a teacher, you can still use the seal of your thoughts to call your name and body, and then you can return. “

Yue Luo felt nervous when he heard this.

Yu Ruiqing smiled slightly and said with a chic expression: “Don’t worry too much. This is in the lower layer. If there is any hindrance, it is just another time that’s all.”

Yue Luo feels relieved, yes, this is in the lower layer, even if it is wrong, you can start again.

Yu Ruiqing took care of it and said: “Now let’s be happy.”

Talking, he extends a finger, Yue Luo only felt an internal qi rushing, she unconsciously called out the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, and then led it into it. In a flash, there appeared inside A seal, she tried to cross the spirit essence, and then the seal lit up, and rays of light spilled on her.

At this moment, at one end of the land, in the same unmanned desolate territory, flashing by one after another rays of light.

After the rays of light receded, metal giants appeared from the inside. One of them, an obviously female metal giant, walked forward. With a heart move, the outer armor on his body was condensed into the center of his eyebrows, revealing a tall and slender comes with a toned body.

Mo Ruohua takes a deep breath, and it feels that it is not very different from the inner layer.

At this time, another metal giant raised his arm and touched his fists. The outer armor on his body also converged back, revealing the silhouette of Colonel Ming. He said: “This place is quite similar to Azure Sun Superior Continent. Like, Colonel Mo, don’t you think?”

Mo Ruohua did not speak, but carefully checked his own weapons there, which was in stark contrast to Colonel Ming’s carefree appearance.

At this time, another lieutenant took the outer armor and walked over. He handed a report sealed with spirituality to Mo Ruohua in front of him, saying: “Colonel Mo, please have a look.”

Mo Ruohua took it, opened it, and read it carefully.

The military officer said: “This time the continent government wants you to protect the master craftsman accompanying you. They will communicate with the Hao Clan creation factory. Colonel Mo, you must ensure their safety. They are more important than us. More.”

Mo Ruohua saw the detailed description on the newspapers and newspapers that these master craftsman are rare creation master craftsman that can use outer armor to inspire mystical power. Of course, once the divine robe profound armor is taken off, then it’s nothing. So it was extremely fragile at that time.

At this time, she saw a red code behind and looked up and said: “What does this mean?”

The lieutenant lifted it up, and many armored soldiers walked out far away. He said solemnly, “This is another task given to you, Colonel Mo, Colonel Mo. A few days ago, I thoroughly investigated the god of Heavenly Secrets creation. Have you heard of the news?”

Mo Ruohua said: “I heard.”

Military lieutenant said: “Although the Jade Capital guarding and defending the station promptly killed the different Gods, the external gods are easy to eliminate, but the gods in people’s hearts are hard to destroy. You also need to watch these creation master craftsman closely. Borrow the opportunity of this world to create and believe in God, then you are allowed to immediately execute the military law.”

Mo Ruohua said: “Can there be faith in God here too?” Her level of military lieutenant already belongs to the middle level, knowing that faith in God must meet certain conditions to be born, not in a short time. .

The military lieutenant said solemnly: “It’s better to be cautious than to be careless. This level has had faith in God in the past, so even if there is the slightest sign of belief in God, or the sign of faith in God in turn affecting these craftsmen, you should start immediately and never Any palliative.”

Mo Ruohua said: “When necessary, can I contact the cultivator?”

The military lieutenant looked at her for a moment and said: “Yes, any matter involving the safety of Celestial Xia, regardless of the military Profound Mansion. Colonel Mo, this time you alone will carry out this matter, not someone else, it represents us I value you.”

Colonel Ming listened to the side and felt wrong, he said: “Hey, what alone? And me, I am also very difficult to deal with. I am standing here alone. Can’t you see?”

The lieutenant took a look and said, “Colonel Ming is of course very good.”

Colonel Ming dissatisfied: “You are too perfunctory, forget it, you can talk slowly.”

He waved his hand, turned his head and left, returned to the deputy, and complained: “Look, you see, even if you have to say those things, can’t you wait until I leave?”

Deputy said: “So Colonel took the initiative to leave?”

Colonel Ming couldn’t help but choked, he argued: “Ability is not obtained by lip service, the most trusted one is always the one who can do things best!”

Deputy looked at Mo Ruohua, who was talking to the lieutenant at a high place, and then at Colonel Ming, consciously shook the head.



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