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Above the refining sky and the sun, Guan Chaosheng saw the Qing Shuo daoist who had just killed him, and his eyes condensed in a blink of an eye.

He immediately understood the profound principles change between Bai Wang and Qing Shuo. It was immediately clear that the strategy of killing one of them first, and then packing up the other one was impossible to succeed, and two people must be killed together to cut off its involvement with Celestial Xia.

Now that every point is delayed, the main force of Celestial Xia may increase by one point. Therefore, he is not prepared to give the two more room to play, but decided to use more severe methods.

He was also very decisive, determined, and without the slightest hesitation paid the third sacrifice to Lian Kong Jieyang, and obtained the strength of yang, which is twice as strong as the other.

At this moment of his exercises, his body suddenly darkened, as if he had pulled something away. The whole person changed from real to unreal, and turned into a thin cloud of smoke, as if a little more wind could come over. Blow it away.

But this is at his home court. When the enemy is resolved and the sacrificial offering is given to Jieyang, he will naturally be able to make up for it all.

And at this moment, due to his promotion, Liankong Jieyang once again burst out strong and violent rays of light.

This rays of light is so violent that even the airspace where the Huanyang Sect lives is shaken, and it seems that it is about to collapse. The cultivators of the Huanyang School who are watching the battle below feel a wave of heart sway, as if their vitality has been taken away a bit. The cultivation is slightly lower and has to be resisted, and hastily sealed off eternal senses, not dare. Let it erode itself.

Just seeing this light is the case, and the pressure on Bai Wang and Qing Shuo at this moment is also conceivable.

The clear sky outside them was quickly dissipated, and the subsequent rays of light continued to be illuminated. The two immediately calmly judged it, watching the incident from the opposite side, it was enough to wipe them out in one fell swoop .

The two are one body, no need to communicate, they made a decision in an instant. Qingshuo daoist stepped forward to see if the momentum could be delayed slightly, if it succeeds, that’s the best, and hope that one can do it in vain Continue here, so that the anchor of Celestial Xia will not be lost; if it fails, the two will really be destroyed together. That would rather take the risk of being found to the land of the emptiness, but also return again, so that he can be firmly nailed in this world.

However, at this time, the sky suddenly lit up, like a cloud breaking through the sunrise, and a clear light that was greater than ever before suddenly fell, shining directly on the two people, and the light of the sun was extinguished. Sealed away, Bai Wang and Qing Shuo were protected by this protection, but they survived the impact intact.

facts prove that Chen Yu’s judgment on the changes in the battle situation was correct. Although he was not present, he realized in advance that Guan Chaosheng would go all out to win the two in one fell swoop, and would do so at all costs. Therefore, he was also very courageous to make Lin Court Manager, at the cost of damaging the Qi Jade Mirror, sent more Qi Qi Qi, which was able to successfully stop the attack.

Lin Court Manager tried to suppress the overly strong Qi Qiqi in the “Qi-Qi Jade Mirror” at this time after forcibly sending it off at this time.

Only he found that there were already one after another on the jade mirror with invisible cracks, all over the mirror body, knowing that it was just because of the excessive pressure, so he can only use it with caution. If you do it again , This device will definitely not be preserved.

But in fact, it’s not that this jade mirror is difficult to maintain. With Celestial Xia’s current heritage, when creating this thing, he will not create it one-sidedly, but there are five aspects of refining. .

This is also the reason why Chen Yu dared to send this order before, but if he replaces the jade mirror, there may be problems in the connection. It is difficult to guarantee that it may not necessarily be involved. Therefore, if such things can be avoided, you should try your best avoid.

In addition to the Huanyang faction, although the two factions of Gloom City and Shenzhao are in different worlds from them, the two of Xianding Daoist and Li Mizhen also saw this path penetrate the universe. Beam.

Seeing this scene, both of them realized in their hearts that Celestial Xia’s preparations this time were very adequate, and this movement was clearly the result of moving towards completely killing the Huanyang faction.

They had already decided to join forces, get rid of the Huanyang faction, and escape here to get rid of Celestial Xia’s chase, but now they have deepened this idea.

Xianding Daoist said with a solemn expression: “Fellow daoist Li, we must let the fellow daoist win sooner. It is hard to know when most of Celestial Xia will arrive. By then, we may not be able to leave.” [ 19459002]

Li Mizhen said: “Win fellow daoist has always done things calmly, since he has agreed, he should do his best.”

At this moment, Qing Profound Dao palace. Zhang Yu stood with his sleeves on top of Guangtai. He also discerned the battle. Unlike Chen Yu, who used the Qi Qiqi to watch and watch, Bai Wang and Qing Shuo were there. With the eye seal and perception, he could clearly know All the specific situations in fighting today.

At this moment, he saw that Guan Chaosheng had just pushed Jieyang just now. After sending that strong blow, he was almost imaginary. Even if he wanted to pay a higher price for a short period of time, he might not be able to do it again. The two will undoubtedly take this opportunity to win a little respite.

However, it does not mean that you can defend without surprises. After using this method once, Guan Chaosheng will be prepared. Even if you use it again, it will be difficult to play its due role.

Now the key lies in whether they can open up the passage to that world in time. Although they have successfully implicated each other through the Qi Jade Mirror, it is too narrow.

Moreover, the opposite domain is changing from time to time relative to them. Now that beam of light is like a fragile string tied in two sections. A slightly heavier load may break, so it is not enough to make Celestial Xia’s Most of the forces have passed through the past, but only a few people have passed, which is not enough to fight the opponent.

So now we need to work together to carve a wider path, and fix every joint, so that this world cannot be separated from Celestial Xia’s line of sight, but all this takes time. This also means that Bai Wang and Qing Shuo need to be there for a longer time.

He thought about it for a moment. Although Bai Wang and Qing Shuo had successfully withstood all the offensives of Guan Chaosheng before, they might not have come down. The existence of Kong Jieyang makes this matter almost without suspense.

He thinks that when Guan Zhaosheng recovers, he will probably try to pay a higher price, so he wants to resist and he wants to continue to delay. Only they continue to add strength here and add strength enough to persist.

The Qi Jade Mirror just broke out once, and now there is definitely no way to urge it. If it is replaced, it may lead to disconnection, so there is only one way now.

That’s where he went here.

He has the Magic Talisman of the Yuandu Profound Mansion given by Xun Ji, who can use part of the Yuandu Xuantu’s power, plus Baiwang and Qingshuo are here, so he can go through it by himself first.

This is not a momentary impulse, but a careful and calm judgment based on his previous encounters with Guan Chaosheng and his ability to show at the moment, thinking that if he goes here, it will be enough to delay enough time.

After some serious thinking, he conveyed to Chen Yu through the Avatar in the hall: “The chief executive, the situation ahead, is afraid that it will be difficult to affect the long-term, and it will be difficult for the jade mirror to support it. Now Profound Court Among them, the only way you can go there is, so please flee to support.”

As soon as he said this, there was silence in the hall.

Chen Yu knows that Zhang Yu has the symbol of the capital of Yuan Dynasty, and with the help of Avatar, he can indeed go there. He said solemnly: “Court Manager Zhang is sure?”

Zhang Yu looked up and said: “The chief executive, in this battle, my Celestial Xia is invincible.”

Chen Yu knows the meaning of his words, Yuan Xia’s great enemy is in front, at this moment there is an opportunity to destroy Huanyang and other factions, so he must seize it. So he just thought for a very short time, and said: “Okay, Court Manager Zhang, be as careful as possible. Profound Court all kinds of magical items, in the name of Profound Court, I allow you to use them at will.”

Zhang Yu immediately responded. He stood up in the main body of the Profound Dao Palace in Qing Dynasty, and called out silently in his heart. In a short time, a few rays of light flew from outside the palace, and he stretched his sleeves. These rays of light all fell in one after another. Went in.

After receiving it, he activated the Magic Talisman with a Heart Light, and a golden light shot down instantly. After a while, he disappeared from the original place.

Above the robbery, the silhouette of Guan Chaosheng slowly recovered to solidify. He looked up and saw that the rays of light were slowly weakening. Obviously, it was just the attack that came against him. On the side of Celestial Xia, someone predicted his attack.

But so what?

On the contrary, it proves that Celestial Xia is temporarily unable to intervene too much here, and even the actions just now cannot be done many times, otherwise it will not decline again after using it.

He was about to sacrifice the strength of yang again. Suddenly a warning sign rose in his heart. When he looked up suddenly, he saw a golden beam of light descending from the sky, landing on the robbery sun, and there was light. Swing up layer by layer.

And this time, this rays of light lasted for a while before slowly dissipating, and then he saw a young daoist walks from inside, surrounded by jade mist and clear light, and a cloud of surplus purple qi was in the center, and The golden light that never dissipated merged into one place, brilliant and gorgeous, holding a long branch like sapphire in his hand, stepping on a Yunzhi jade platform under his feet, and his robe sleeves were flying in the light.

Zhang Yu waved the side of the sleeve, and with a bang, he suppressed the dancing Jieyang Qi Er for a moment, and his voice calmly said: “Turn off High Venerable, We meet again.”

When both Bai Wang and Qing Shuo saw Zhang Yu present, they also stepped back, each holding a magical item separated on his side. The three internal qis seem to be distinct from each other, but they seem to come from the same source and are in good agreement. The fusion in one place.

The moment Guan Chaosheng saw Zhang Yu’s appearance, the pair of phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. If we said that when we met Zhang Yu last time, the latter dao technique has not yet reached Peak, but now it looks like a fine jade. All the flaws have been polished away, and the glaze has become clear. The inside and the outside are clean. It is clearly that the dao technique has been confirmed. all.

He chuckled and said, “It really is Zhang Court Manager.” He glanced again at Bai Wang and Qing Shuo, then focused his eyes on Zhang Yu, and said, “Last time I was sorry. I could not get a victory or defeat with Court Manager Zhang, but today I can do it.”



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