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You can search “Mysterious Chaos Dao Chapters talented writer Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

Although Guan Chaosheng returned from Liankong Jieyang last time, because his predecessor was seized by Six Uprights, he didn’t know how he was defeated, but he always wanted to figure out how Zhang Yu defeated him.

At that time, he actually intended to continue fighting with Zhang Yu, but the three Sect Founders called him to leave, so he could only retreat with the Huanyang faction.

Last time he entered the Celestial Xia world and played against others, it was difficult for him to exert all his strength, but today he stands in his home court, but in turn has a certain advantage.

Although Zhang Yu is standing above Liankong Jieyang at this moment, his body’s internal qi rises outwards, but it brings up a little clear air and spreads outwards, making Jieyang’s thorny light not invade at all. It fully demonstrates the ability of a cultivator that seeks to complete the Dao technique.

More than that, because he got the “Kiyin”, the four mysteries of “unemployment”, “fate”, “keji”, and “true determination” on his body now do not need to be deliberately urged, but “constant”. The flow revolves without losing, but it can help him to the greatest extent to improve his fighting ability in confrontation with the enemy.

At this moment, he raised his head and responded to what Guan Chaosheng said, “Then I will learn brilliant again today.” After saying that, he stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, and there was a bang, and a powerful and dazzling golden light flew out from his fingertips. And moved towards straight ahead!

Guan Chaosheng raised his eyebrows. He recognized this thing. Before the battle with Zhang Yu, he had sacrificed this magical item to attack him, so he stretched out his hand and moved towards the golden light.

Last time, he took the Kongwu Jiezhu casually and made it return without success. If the device was recovered later, he might have crushed it casually. However, this time, facing the same character and the same magical item, he just grabbed it, but his expression changed slightly.

He felt a vast and irresistible power from the Kong Wu Jie Zhu, and it was like one, and it couldn’t be swallowed for a while.

Under the continuous impact of that power, his whole person shook, and gradually became unstable, and the power above the robbery beads did not decline due to the suddenness, but became stronger and stronger. He was afraid Zhang Yu had a backhand attack at this time, which was not good for him, so he had to raise his hand and forcibly send it to the sky. At the moment when he had to get rid of the robbery beads, he still felt vaguely from this thing. There was an excitement of Spiritual Consciousness.

He put away the original casual color, with a trace of solemn looks at Zhang Yu, who was standing there calmly.

Zhang Yu sensed his gaze and looked back. The capacity of the empty do not rob the pearl mainly depends on the accumulation of momentum. The longer the accumulation time, the greater the power that can be launched, but it mainly depends on the strength of the source of the power.

But this time he didn’t have any luck, so he just shot it out. It can be said that this was the impact of his casual blow and the empty beaded bead itself, and he didn’t use any clearing air in it. The reason why he chose to do this was that he used Chaosheng as a benchmark and wanted to measure the difference between himself and his present.

I tried it now, and it really feels different.

Although Guan Chaosheng had several sacrificial offering magical power in order to kill Qingshuo and Baiwang before, it was somewhat compromised, but the host of Jieyang Yang was able to mobilize and replenish the power, so the true strength did not decrease. How much, now he can make it difficult to take it with a random blow, which means that at least above the Heart Light, he has already overwhelmed his magical power.

However, he already knows that this is just the usual dao technique to overcome the pressure of the rising, and he should have other ways to improve himself, and the power of refining the sky and the sun has not been counted. But he also has two Avatars, Baiwang and Qingshuo, enough to support him and start a confrontation with him.

At this time, a golden light flashed, and Nakorn Dokki Bead returned again, circling around him endlessly.

On Guan Chaosheng’s side, he experienced a collision, and he also had a clearer judgment of the enemy. Whether he admits it or not, there seems to be a weak spot opponent in the past, but now he is completely above him in terms of Heart Light magical power.

He looks at the three internal qi rising into the sky on the opposite side, knowing that if he doesn’t try to change, he will never push Zhang Yu down, and he can only wait to be found by Celestial Xia. Therefore, he immediately passed a law to his mind. This is to let all Huanyang elders and daoist launch an array and conduct a sacrificial offering to Liankong Jieyang to enhance his power.

Although the enemy in front of him exceeded his expectations, this is his home court after all. In principle, even if he is the only one left by the Huanyang faction, as long as he can win in the end, everything can be repaid.

Just now, he said that he wanted to divide the victory and defeat between each other, but fighting has never been fair. At the beginning, fighting was also on the side of Celestial Xia. There were many people on the side of Celestial Xia. It’s only excellent, and in the end, only those who win are qualified to judge.

After the Huanyang elders and daoist received the subpoena, they did not hesitate, and immediately put their magical power and the sacrificial offering that they had normally accumulated into the robbery.

In the field, Zhang Yu did not stop, flicking his sleeves, and again poured a Heart Light into the Do Not Tribble Bead, and the object burst into the air again and rushed to the opposite side.

Guan Chaosheng didn’t go to confrontation anymore this time, but his silhouette was slightly empty, and effortlessly let go of the golden light. When he passed by his side, he also stretched out his hand and pushed it far away. After all, Kongwu Jiezhu has sufficient power, but in terms of speed, if he is unwilling to touch, it will not hit him at all.

But just during this breath, his breath is slowly rising, this is the sacrificial offering has begun to work, and the higher his internal qi, the stronger the strength of yang that can be promoted. .

Zhang Yu did not give up the initiative to attack. When he started thinking about it, two sword cry came out. The two swords of Firmament Startling and Song of Cicadas flickered like streamers, both of which are hidden “All-Severing Cut” The momentum, moved towards Guan Chaosheng cut left and right.

At the same time, the Baiwang daoist and Qingshuo daoist standing behind him also moved. The two stepped on the jade lotus, drove a flat boat, and stepped forward with their respective devices.

Guan Chaosheng waved his sleeves, countless Yang Fires rose from his feet, two flying swords were blocked by this rays of light, and were slightly delayed for a moment. Although they broke in, they didn’t move anymore. towards He continued to attack, but flew around him.

This is because after the sword momentum was hindered by Yang Qi, the strength on the sword was weakened, and it was difficult to maintain the same momentum. If you insisted on going forward and killed, it would only give the strength on the sword to the person, so I would rather Circling to gain momentum first, then look for opportunities.

Bai Wang and Qing Shuo rushed to the front, taking advantage of Guan Chaosheng to deal with the flying sword, went to the side of the back and stood side by side, forming a zigzag shape with Zhang Yu location, and enclosing it.

Guan Chaosheng immediately felt the threat from his side. In order to get rid of this unfavorable situation, he thought stirred, and an Essence Soul flew out on his body and flew directly to the side of Qingshuo Daoist. This Essence Soul was full of rays of light. , Wrapped in one after another scorching phosgene, flying forward like a meteor.

Qingshuo daoist did not confront him. With a wave of his sleeve, a ball of azure qi rose up under the boat, carrying him back away, and at the same time, he gathered his energy and raised the jade ruler very cautiously. Dial the burning light from one after another.

Guan Chaosheng’s dao technique is not a decoration, and Yang Qi is mixed with it. His magical power works a little bit inharmoniously, and it will be swallowed by the person in the collision and confrontation, and transformed into its own power. , So he can only be careful and careful, and now he has restrained part of his strength, as long as he doesn’t make a mistake, he has achieved his goal.

Baiwang daoist saw that Qingshuo daoist was forced to retreat, but he was slightly smiled, raised his sleeves, whispered gently, and whispered white air coming towards him.

Guan Chaosheng did not evade this time, the rays of light on his body rose and opened up an airspace. The white silks touched the internal qi outside his body, but they fell into a hollow and were constantly being eliminated. .

However, he feels that the power that comes in is small and small, and it is useless, but the white silk on the outer layer is getting more and more, just in the blink of an eye, it turns into a vast expanse of whiteness, as if to him Spaced away from the outside.

He immediately realized that if Baiwang’s arrangement was completed, and then only had to cross Baisi into the clear sky, then it would be possible to trap himself here, and he would be extremely passive.

So he turned his palm up, and held it up. The light of the sun under his feet burst out like a volcanic crater, surging violently, rushing these white silks down instantly, but he shot here, waiting for two opportunities there. With a buzzing flying sword, the left and right sides were chopped down.

He was about to deal with it, the warning sign in his heart suddenly appeared, the silhouette disappeared, a golden light crashed past his body and flew far away, and after this delay, the two sword lights had already been killed, but His eyes flickered, and a layer of flames floated on the surface of his body, and the two swords Song of Cicadas and Firmament Startling, in an instant that were in contact with them, were slanted and avoided and went away.

This is because there is a large amount of roaring sun fire. If it hits one head, the sword will be destroyed in one go, and it will only increase its ability in the end.

Only at this time, a palm shaped like a white jade stretched out and grabbed the Firmament Startling Sword in the sky, and then moved towards Guan Chaosheng with a sword!

At the same moment, the elders and daoist of the Huanyang School have all come to the top of Jieyang. Each of them sits on the array position and has formed a formation. The strong array strength is condensing and looming. Below, if the attack range remains unchanged, not only will Zhang Yu and Guan Chaosheng be included.

However, Guan Chaosheng’s dao technique can swallow external forces. Not only will it be unaffected by this attack, but it will be able to gain more strength by this attack. On the other hand, Zhang Yu has to deal with external attacks and is forced to defend. Between the rise and the elimination, the strength of both parties will immediately change.

Uncle-sun elder saw the rays of light flickering on countless arrays in the array, and the array pivot had already been urged to the extreme, so he shouted and released the entire array strength.

But at this moment, there is a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of the great array. The person just waved his sleeves, and a mighty star light rushed in. It was at the same place as the array strength, and the forces on both sides collided with each other. Rather than being able to rush over, strength was pushed back again and hit the great array severely, causing the whole formation to shake.

Uncle elder took a look, but saw another Zhang Yu standing in the air, looking at them indifferently.



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