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Qin Wu was sitting under a rockery in the Library Division Yamen with his sword. Since one day it was Scholars Discussion, more and more people came to visit Jiang Dingyi, and he also became extra vigilant.

Since the last assassination of God of Balance, although the person who killed the Different God ’s body was not him, he dared to face the Different God in that battle, and also showed admirable strength, so his reputation Also became bigger,

Afterwards, many affairs officials came over and invited him to be the escort at a high price, but he refused. Before he agreed to stay with Jiang Dingyi for a year, he decided not to leave halfway. Ethics.

After many officials were rejected, instead of being angry, they admired him more. After all, no one wanted to entrust their lives to someone who could be tempted by interests at any time.

At this time he pulled out his sword and looked carefully in front of him.

After pulling the sword in front of God of Balance that time, he felt that his essence, qi and spirit seemed to have some kind of sublimation. He could even stay in the Peak state for one day without fatigue, and he could support half of Xia hour before. It’s already amazing.

But he didn’t know exactly what was going on, because in his teacher’s biography, the boundary he had been in was undoubtedly the limit that mortals could reach, impossible had breakthrough again.

He faintly felt that he could do more, but he didn’t know where the breakthrough should go.

With eyes closed and meditation, maybe the only answer to him now is the found cultivator of Profound Mansion.

Thinking of this, a silhouette flashing under my face was flashing in my head.

“Master, Master.”

A young disciple ran over, wiped his sweat, and looked excitedly: “Master, Manager Jiang said he was going out to visit the visitors, and asked us to prepare a little.”

Qin Wu’s eyes rose sharply, and he said, “Where to go?”

Jiang Dingyi is never difficult to guard, and he will try to explain in advance wherever he wants to go, and inform him that there is almost no provisionally decided itinerary in the past.

young disciple said busyly: “Instead of going to the city, go to Peaceful Sun Academy.”

“Peaceful Sun Academy?”

Qin Wu’s expression is slightly loose, and Neichengtai can’t be said to be absolutely safe, but it must be the most closely guarded place by the Protectorate, not to mention among the Academy. Profound Mansion is in the near distance, if there is a problem here, then Protectorate all places Are not safe.

He said: “Who to visit? Did the manager say?”

young disciple whispered: “I heard that I was going to visit Joint Administrator Zhang. The manager said not to be fanfare, just a few people.

“Oh? ”

Qin Wu thought about it and said, “You go and call Little Zhan, and Little Ling, and say something to the manager, saying that I will come soon.”


young disciple, a cup of one fist in the other hand, rushed away.

After a while, a capable youngster and Qingli girl came over and cups the fist and says to him: “Master.”

Qin Wu glanced at the two of them. The essence, qi and spirit were full and satisfied, saying: “Follow me.”

When they came to the bureau of the government office, Jiang Dingyi was already standing there, and changed to a casual dress. When the latter saw their entire group coming over, they cups the hands and says: “Master Qin, there is work.”

Qin Wu replied: “The manager is serious, how many of us?”

Jiang Dingyi said: “Yes, it is not advisable to go to too many people in the academy, it will trouble a few people, but there is no place other than the other boundaries. Some things need to pay attention to one 2.”

He seriously explained a few words, without any attendant, and went directly to the agency.

The five people walked in a light car all the way. Before coming to the Academy, Jiang Dingyi said a few words with the goalkeeper and took Qin Wu with them.

After entering the Academy, Qin Wu look steadily forward, just following Jiang Dingyi. And several of his young disciple are quietly looking left and right, looking at the palaces and houses here.

As a swordsman, they are literate, but at most they can read newspapers, write letters, and sometimes forget words.

What can live in academy is the group of people with the most knowledge in Protectorate, who instinctively have awe.

Jiang Dingyi walked along the 2nd side of the academy planted with the flower tree Grand Dao. Although the road is not short, but here is beautiful, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, strolling here, but it makes people feel happy.

Unconsciously, 5 people came to a place before.

Jiang Dingyi took care, and stepped forward, knocking lightly at the door, and said, “Is Gentleman Zhang available? Jiang Dingyi is visiting.”

In a few moments, as soon as the courtyard door opened, Zhang Yu walked out of the courtyard, raised his sleeves and joined palms and bows, saying, “The manager is polite.”

Jiang Dingyi smiled and joined the palms and bows, saying: “Gentleman Zhang is courteous.”

Zhang Yu stepped sideways and said, “Manager please.”

After Jiang Dingyi came in, he followed Zhang Yu all the way to the top floor. He stood here and glanced at all around. He saw a wide field of vision, not only the academy ’s many sights, but also the Auspicious Light City. In the middle, praised: “Good place.”

Zhang Yu came to his side and said, “The manager is here, but is it for tomorrow’s scholars discussion?”

Jiang Dingyi said with a smile: “The academics must explain to Gentleman Zhang. It was not Jiang’s turn to say to someone. I came here this time and someone asked me to bring Gentleman Zhang a few words.

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t know which one?”

Jiang Dingyi said: “It’s Dukedom Liu.”

Zhang Yu reached out and gestured, then said: “Manager Jiang, please.”

Jiang Dingyi gave him a hand and sat down in the fall of the canopy. Li Qinghe walked up and made a cup of tea for both of them, and then stepped aside.

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t know what Liu Residence wants to say to Yu.”

Jiang Dingyi looked towards him: “Dukedom Liu said that he will try to mitigate Gentleman Zhang’s opposition from the government side, but also ask Gentleman Zhang not to speak about government this time on the Scholars Discussion.”

Zhang Yu indifferent expression, he spent some time in the Library Division Yamen anyway, and had a good understanding of Liu Fengquan. This Office Duke has his own interests in whatever he does, so the so-called suppression of opposition voices, In fact, some people have already done enough homework, and their people are just using it as a favor.

As for not talking about government on top of Scholars Discussion, that is to ask him not to make suggestions to change the current pattern of government after becoming Scholar.

He wouldn’t say much about this. The current pattern cannot be changed in a few words.

However, although he is engaged in the role of joint administrator, but that is just for convenience, he is essentially a found cultivator. Without violating the Celestial Xia law, he does not need to explain to the Political Council what he wants. .

He said: “Please ask the manager to tell me about Dukedom Liu, and now Scholars Discussion is undecided, but Yu dare not make this promise.”

Jiang Dingyi nodded and said: “I am understood and I will definitely bring the talk to me.”

Next, the 2 people will no longer mention anything about the Scholars Discussion and the Political Council, but only the articles and the news.

In the lower layer of the residence, after Qin Wu and the others were invited into the house, they were greeted in the Guest Hall.

Qin Wu just sat down, frowned, and looked all around.

Little Zhan noticed and whispered, “Master, what’s wrong?”

Qin Wu said: “Nothing.”

As a swordsman, his instinct is very sharp. After entering this room, he always feels as if a pair of vision is watching him.

After a while, the girl Linger leaned over and whispered, “Master, look …”

Qin Wu looked in the direction shown by her eyes, and saw a golden leopard cat lying on the elevated, where the small tail flicked gently.

His eyes narrowed, this little leopard, he didn’t see it just now, but now …

The young disciple saw Wondrous Pills Lord and found it very interesting. He was very interested and said: “There is a kitten here?” He stood up and extended the hand, trying to touch it a few times.

Qin Wu said solemnly: “Stop, don’t go up.”

Young disciple is a little puzzled, “Master?” A kitten, is it okay to touch 2 times?

Qin Wu said: “Look carefully.”

Young disciple turned his head and took a closer look, only to find that this little leopard had a layer of spiritual light floating on his body. He swallowed a spit and said, “spirituality?”

Qin Wu said in a condensed voice: “This is a spirituality leopard cat. You are not qualified to treat it as an ordinary cat. If it plays with you, the few of you will not be enough to play with it.”

swordsman Little Zhan said: “Is this the cat of Joint Administrator Zhang?”

Qin Wu shook his head: “For a discovered cultivator like Joint Administrator Zhang, it should merely be a common pet.”

The little girl Ling Ling asked with expectation at this time: “Master, can our swordsman be as powerful as the found cultivator?”

Qin Wu went silent, without answering.

5 people waited here for a long time, during which Li Qinghe sent fruit and vegetable snacks, but no one moved.

After about one Xia hour, I heard a voice upstairs, and then saw Zhang Yu and Manager Jiang walk down.

Qin Wu entire group is too up.

Jiang Dingyi gave a hand to the five people and said, “Several Master Qin are waiting.”

Qin Wu also politely said: “The manager is polite.”

He looked at Zhang Yu at the moment, cups the fist and says: “Joint Administrator Zhang, this Qin has a few words to ask Zun Jia, do you know?”

Zhang Yu glanced at him, nodded and said: “Master Qin comes with me.”

Qin Wu gave Jiang Dingyi a fist and followed Zhang Yu to the backyard. He saw the bamboo sword on the shelf at a glance. Somehow, he always felt that the bamboo sword seemed to have his spirituality.

Zhang Yu noticed his gaze, and said, “Master Qin, do you want to ask about the sword?”

Qin Wu nodded confessed: “I ca n’t hide the Joint Administrator Zhang.” He paused, “Since encountering God of Balance that day, I feel that I am better than the original, and I seem to be able to do many things that I could n’t do before. However, the sword skills I have learned have actually come to an end. I ca n’t understand the reasons and think about it. Only people such as Joint Administrator Zhang and those who have established cultivation can give me the answer. “

Zhang Yu looks at him: “Master Qin, you are not a breakthrough above sword skills, but you have realized spirituality.”


Qin Wu expression moved, and I touched something.

Zhang Yu said: “Master Qin has practiced swords all his life, and his spirit and spirit have been fully integrated, but as you said, your sword skills have come to an end. This is because the mortal body can no longer control a higher level of Sword Art. , And you encountered God of Balance last time. Under the pressure of the Spirituality of the Different God, in order to fight against it, your heart aroused Spirituality out of yourself. “

He can see that Qin Wu’s spirituality is weak, because the latter not at all can break the fleshy body bondage.

But even a little awakening of spirituality also means possessing extraordinary power. Since then, Qin Wu has the means to resist spiritual creatures, because he can use his sword to cut through the layer of spirituality rays of light.

At this moment, his thoughts moved. A book flew directly from the study room and floated in front of Qin Wu. He said: “This book Master Qin can be taken and read, but you can awaken spirituality, that is because of the unyielding will And pure heart, this is not something everyone can do. “

Qin Wu reached over to take the book, took two steps back, cup one fist in the other hand, and greeted Zhang Yu solemnly, then he lifts the head, and said aloud: “Joint Administrator Zhang, this Qin thought, my ability alone is not worthy of mentioning, but if I can take a path that can be useful for my Celestial Xia’s myriad swordsmen in the Protectorate, then that is great ability! Join Administrator Zhang, many thanks! “



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