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Early February 2, Scholars Discussion.

In the morning light, 22 scribes dressed in Celestial Xia’s dress stepped on the mountain steps of the inner city platform and came to the Temple of Sages to worship the Celestial Xia sage.

Some of the people here are gray-haired and some are still young and upright, but everyone has a straight spine and strong footwork, and there is an unspeakable essence, qi and spirit on their body, which makes people look at awe-inspiring. Salute.

They are all Celestial Xia Scholar, the largest one, now 100-19 years old, and the youngest one, only 31 years old.

After worshipping the ancestors of all dynasties, these Celestial Xia Scholars followed the steps behind the Temple of Sages in the direction of the Political Council.

At this time, before the Administrative Office great hall, Office Duke Liu Fengquan had already brought the senior official of the 6 major government offices, and a number of government affairs officials stood on the square in front of the door to meet.

Now the sun has not risen, and the morning glow is only slightly rising. The group of them stood here, with a damp morning dew on their robes. Apart from the occasional depressive coughing, not at all there was too much noise, It seemed very empty and cold.

However, from the sky, you can see the corners of the inner city terraces. Banners and rows of soldiers were erected everywhere. Underneath were line-ups and Minister of Justice’s survey soldiers, and occasionally Divine Army pacing dressed in Victorious-edge Attire.

After a period of time, a silhouette of Celestial Xia various scholars appeared in the sight of everyone. Liu Fengquan rallied and waited until the person approached gradually. He stepped forward to meet him, and the officials behind him also moved and followed. .

Both parties paid a respectful greeting on the square for a while, and then a group of Celestial Xia Scholars were ushered in, walking all the way to the Great Discussion Hall at the middle position of the Administrative Office.

At this point, Celestial Xia Scholar is seated on 2 sides, showing a spacious aisle in the middle, and the main seat above the platform is vacant. That is the position for Chief Commander, not because Chief Commander Yang Jue is still young, according to regulations , It will not appear on Scholars Discussion before 18 years old.

There is a row of seats on the left and right on the step slightly lower than the second main seat.

The seats on the left, mainly belong to the positions of Office Duke and the senior official of each agency, they represent Protectorate’s governing power.

The seat on the right is reserved for Commandant and guards commander, the two Army Lords. These two people have mastered most of Protectorate’s military power, and also represent Protectorate’s most direct will.

However, not at all is reserved for the seats of Profound Mansion and Divine Army, because in today’s courtesy structure, these two are only responsible for confronting superpowers, not at all participating in governance and the right to directly transfer troops.

Every early Scholars Discussion will have reasonable suggestions from many Celestial Xia Scholars on Protectorate, and the Political Council will discuss it again. If it is adopted and there is no objection from Chief Commander, it will be implemented in this year.

Liu Fengquan came to his position with the senior official of the bureau, and he heard a continuous rhythmic drum sound outside. He said solemnly: “When Commandant and guards commander arrived.”

The door of the Discussion Hall was pushed away from the outside. First, two armoured soldiers walked in and were stationed at the side of the two. Then Commandant An Youting wore a straight uniform and strode in, and behind him, he followed the guards commander Yang Ying. Then there are more than ten personal guards and attendant literary minor official.

Everyone got up and paid respect with 2 people.

After the ceremony, An Youting and Yang Ying 2 came to sit on the seat on the right.

However, because Scholars Discussion mainly discusses policy, as long as it is not related to military matters, 2 persons as military leaders in Protectorate will not be fooled on Scholars Discussion.

At this time, there were 2 wearing a black jacket, expressionless literary minor official came out, stood above the corner of Discussion Hall, and sat down after a long-standing paint case.

These two people are members of Chief Commander’s recording hall. They will write down what they heard today and bring them back to Chief Commander. And the book will be recorded in the document as a reference in the future.

This is also a reminder to everyone present here that every sentence said today needs to be thought over again. 3

Yang Ying then whispered to an elderly literary minor official around him: “Wu Book Compiler, this time, Mr. should be able to be promoted as a” commissioner “, right? “

Wu Book Compiler thought about it, and was carefully replied: “Return to guards commander, Joint Administrator Zhang can be recommended by academy and Serenity Survey Corps, and there is no objection on the Political Council. Hope is still great.”

Yang Ying is more confident than anyone else, saying: “en! Mr. will definitely become a scholar!”

Wu Book Compiler bowed his head and said, “Guards commander said yes.”

At this time, outside the Administrative Office great hall, above the lookout in West Point, a man in his 30s wearing a Victorious-edge Attire wearing a waist knife and a large cloak, with a neat beard on his lips, 2 Eyebrows are like swords, eyes are stern.

The wind on the platform blew, and his robe continued to agitate.

This is the new Army Inspector of the Left He Jiang by Divine Army.

For this time, Divine Army came with 2 army inspectors. In addition to him, another Army Inspector of the Right Pang Gong, this one is responsible for protecting the other corner of the Political Council.

He Jiang also had 2 squad leaders beside him, one of them looked at Administrative Office, and said in a malicious tone: “army inspector, you said if we rushed in at this time, would we be able to catch all government upper layer to catch everything in one net? “

He Jiang glanced at him and said, “Gao Ao, you are too brazen. Can these words be said here?”

Gao Ao chuckled and said, “Is there an army inspector, what am I afraid of?”

He Jiang snorted, said: “The people of Profound Mansion are just opposite, don’t let them catch any handle, otherwise I can’t keep you.”

“Profound Mansion?” Gao Ao showed a strong disdain, “I want to say that I should have competed with them long ago, and the Protectorate should be managed by our Divine Army. What beacon should also be pushed down as soon as possible. ! “

He Jiang glanced at the Profound Mansion, remembering what was told when he became the army inspector, and he was a little daunted in his eyes, saying, “You don’t understand.”

In the Great Discussion Hall, the youngest Xia Scholar stood up and gave a salute to the people on the two sides, saying: “Honorable Gentleman Kuang, Honorable Gentleman Yu, 2 elders thought this topic should be Why? “

Honorable Gentleman Yu caressed his beard and said: “We came with 22 people this time. Remainder is either seriously ill or unwilling to come here. In order to avoid inconvenience, I will select new blood first?”

Honorable Gentleman Kuang agreed: “Yes, that’s the right thing.”

Honorable Gentleman Yu said: “Okay, let me present the candidates for this scholarship for all gentlemen at a glance.”

Young Xia Scholar took out a folded book from his sleeve and opened it in front of everyone. He said aloud: “There are 4 people recommended by all parties this time. Government Approaching, Peaceful Light, Successful Proclamation 3 academy joint recommendation” Xu Wenyue, Tan Shizhi, Qi Yinliang ‘three people.’

After thinking of this, he paused a little and said, “Peaceful Sun Academy pushes people to … Zhang Yu.” After saying that, he put away the folded book and looked up towards towards the top.

On the seat, a middle-aged Xia Scholar in his mid-sixties asked: “Is Peaceful Sun Academy just recommending one?”

The young Xia Scholar said: “Yes, originally there was an additional one, named Yao Jinchu, but Peaceful Sun Academy seems to feel that these two people are not juxtaposed properly, so it was removed again.”

Middle-aged Xia Scholar nodded, no more questions.

Honorable Gentleman Kuang asked at this time: “Are all people in the people inquiry here?”

young Xia Scholar replied: “It’s all here, and now they are all settled on the seats in the hall of the outer hall.”

“So, first …” Honorable Gentleman Kuang’s memory seems rather bad, and the voice here is slightly paused. The person next to him whispered a little before he continued: “Xu Wenyue of the Government Approaching Academy’s recommendation Call it up. “

At this time in Peaceful Sun Academy Kuiwen Hall, Proctor Chi and Study Supervisor are sitting here, waiting for news from the government at any time.

Proctor Chi thought for a while and asked, “Is there anything missing?”

Study Supervisor Hong immediately turned sideways and replied: “Proctor, most of the troubles have been resolved. The key is that this last three inquiries. Whether it is government inquiry, academic inquiry, or people inquiry, we can only affect some of them. I can only rely on Teacher Zhang to cope with it myself. “

At the moment, within the Government Approaching Academy, proctor Dong Lu is also pacing under the lobby. From time to time, he will stop before the big painting of “Mountain View” and look amazing.

He was wide and fat, standing there, like a wall, blocking the sight of others.

After a long time, he asked aloud: “Study Supervisor Lin, you said we can push people up this time? How do I think somewhat guilty?”

Standing behind him, Study Supervisor Lin is busy saying: “Proctor is in a hurry. The key to this matter is also above three inquiries. Zhang Yu of Peaceful Sun Academy is a self-recommendation enrollment, not a truly learned person. , We have Study Supervisor Shang, and under three inquiries, we can make him original size appear! “

Proctor Dong waved his hand and said, “To this day, these good things don’t have to be said in front of me, then Zhang Yu must be really talented, otherwise he will push him high position later? Isn’t it a joke? “

Study Supervisor Lin said: “The proctor said, but Zhang Yu is young after all, even though he has talent, but he has no cure, and the people we recommend are different. Each one is an elite in the academy, and I have also been to The locals have participated in governance, which is something that Yu Yu cannot compare with. “

Proctor Dong was not persuaded by him. Governance and strategy are two different things. Scholars Discussion mainly proposes a strategy, and the strategy is only the last one. In addition, there are regulations, prosecutions, abolitions, etc. In fact, just having experience in governing things does not take much advantage.

But this remark finally gave him a little more peace of mind. The people on his side are not without any advantages over those recommended by Peaceful Sun Academy.

After waiting for almost a Xia hour, a teacher stepped in, cups the hands and says: “proctor, only the attendant came to the court, saying that Teacher Xu and Gentleman Tan were called before a Xia hour. Discussion Hall. “

Proctor Dong’s bloated body suddenly turned around, anxiously asked: “How?”

The teacher bowed his head and bowed his head: “No news has come out yet, but when I received this news, I heard that Gentleman Qi had also entered the Discussion Hall, and the rest was only the one recommended by Peaceful Sun Academy. It wo n’t take long for Scholar Selection to bear fruit. “



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