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Liu Fengquan didn’t expect Zhang Yu just became Xia Scholar. He came up with a critique and was also somewhat surprised in his heart. After hearing the words “Literary Institution case”, he could not help but slightly frowned.

He had heard of this matter, and vaguely knew it was because something was involved at the time, so he didn’t go into it.

He looked towards Honorable Gentleman Kuang, but the latter looked directly at him, his eyes very determined.

After Zhang Yu spoke, Honorable Gentleman Kuang and all Xia Scholar realized that no matter what, they must support Zhang Yu this time.

Because Xia Scholar pays attention to the overall interests, this is not only the first time Zhang Yu has proposed admonishment, but it is also the first formal suggestion on this Scholars Discussion. They absolutely must support it.

Liu Fengquan took a look around and saw that all Xia Scholars are looking at themselves at the moment, and immediately understood what they meant.

In fact, he has never taken seriously about such “little things” in which the Literary Institution is in flames. What he cares about is how to maintain Protectorate’s order, how to stabilize the Political Council, how to balance the parties, and how to carry out his wishes,

It’s just that Zhang Yu is present on the spot in the Scholars Discussion, then the government must give an explanation, or to give a qualitative character to this matter, and it will never be as vague as before.

He pondered for a while and said, “Scholar Zhang, please wait a moment. I’ll ask the matter first.”

Zhang Yu joins palms and bows, then returned to his seat and sat down again.

He was very clear in his heart that the matter of Literary Institution was very involved. If he first discussed between various scholars, then because of the constraints and scruples in all aspects, even if he could make a remark, it would be impossible. Maybe it will be delayed until next year or even later.

In this case, it might as well be raised directly on the first admonishment. On the one hand, there are not so many scruples, and most Xia Scholars will choose to support him in the past 2 years.

Honorable Gentleman Kuang and the others Although they chose to support Zhang Yu, they must first understand what this is all about. After all, many of them haven’t been to Auspicious Light for a long time, and even the burning of the Literary Institution has never been heard of.

Several people tried to ask, and naturally there was a literary minor official on the side who came to answer it. It was said that the matter was a big fire 4 years ago. The Literary Institution encountered a fire and burned everything in it.

Honorable Gentleman Yu frowns saying: “Old man remember, Scholars Discussion and all Protectorate’s ritual and musical instruments in the past were placed in the Library Institution?”

The literary minor official did not dare to hide, and whispered: “Back to Honorable Gentleman Yu, those ritual and musical instruments … are also burned in that fire.”

Honorable Gentleman Yu deepened his brows and said, “But what about the ritual and musical instruments I saw in Zhaotang when I came last month?”

The literary minor official lowered his head, embarrassedly: “That was later copied.”

In fact, these ritual and musical instruments are used to deal with the traditional Celestial Xia people who value these, and said that they are counterfeit. In fact, they are very similar in appearance. They are basically impossible and emit the original sound, but no one has played these instruments for a long time. , So I ’m not afraid of being spotted by any weak spot.

Honorable Gentleman Yu snorted and asked, “So where does the fire start? Is it man-made, or is Tianhuo self-generated, and how is the result handled?”

The literary minor official hesitated for a while before vomiting: “This incident has no result, because there is no reason to find out, so there is no conclusion …”

Honorable Gentleman Yu’s face angered and said, “No result? How could there be no result, where is the Literary Institution? That’s where the register book is recorded, where can it be ignored? No wonder Gentleman Zhang raised this matter, it must be Thoroughly investigated! “

Liu Fengquan is now calling Chief Bu of Minister of Justice Yamen to the front and asking about this matter in detail.

Chief Bu’s cheeks are chubby, bloated, soft skin and tender meat, and the majesty of the Office Lord is a little bit unreliable, he said bitterly: “Dukedom, I was still a manager 4 years ago, this matter has nothing to do with me … … “

Liu Fengquan didn’t want to listen to this at all. He said solemnly: “Chief Bu, your internal affairs of Minister of Justice Yamen, you don’t have to tell me, you just tell me, can you check this matter?”

Chief Bu took out the handkerchief, wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked around, and whispered: “It’s better not to check …”

Liu Fengquan frowned and said, “Why?”

Chief Bu hesitated for a moment before he said: “This matter is related to the Divine Army. After knowing that, Chief Mei did not dare to investigate, and ordered people to archive all the things they found.”

“Divine Army?”

Liu Fengquan snorted, said: “Do you know why they burned the Literary Institution?”

This is the most puzzling thing for him. Divine Army is a pure military force organization. It has nothing to do with cultural affairs. What is it to burn Literary Institution?

Although Chief Bu looks at a mediocre look, his time at Library Division Yamen is extremely long, nicknamed “Essence of Things”, and it is not unclear what happened over these decades.

He lowered his voice and said: “According to the clues later verified, Divine Army should want to take something important from the Literary Institution, and then set fire to cover its own traces.”

Liu Fengquan pondered, he did not know what Divine Army wanted, but it would not be simple.

He looked at the Office Lord around him again and said, “You chiefs, please tell me, how should this matter be handled?”

Chief Song of Commerce Division Yamen said slowly: “Dukedom, I think we need to understand how much Divine Army is involved in this matter, which one of the 4 army inspectors did this, and why did Scholar Zhang ask for it? Check the matter? What is he understood? Did he have some evidence and what step did he want to find? “

Liu Fengquan nodded and said: “Old words.”

Re-examination of the Literary Institution fire case, this is a disciplinary advisory clearly stated in the Scholars Discussion. On the surface, this is also a reasonable request. As an Office Duke, he has no reason to shirk it.

But it is obviously not feasible to push the Divine Army in a hurry, so even if this matter is to be investigated, it is necessary to know in advance where it can stay, so as not to expand to the point of nowhere.

Xiao Qingzhan didn’t say a word. Although he pushed Zhang Yu, he could be involved in the matter of the Political Council. As a set up Sect, he wouldn’t come out indiscriminately.

Several people discussed for a while, and the opinions were roughly unified.

After Liu Fengquan let everyone back to the seat, he said to Zhang Yu: “Scholar Zhang, I got a general idea from Chief Bu. This is an old and ineffective case, you said you asked for it Thoroughly investigate, did you have any clues and reasons? I hope you can tell so that the Political Council can judge. “

Zhang Yu did not stand up again this time, but bowed his hand in the seat and said, “all gentlemen when it was already heard, when Yu initially paid respects to join Peaceful Sun Academy, it was not the right way, but self- recommendation Admission.

However, Yu passed the selected scholar of the Academy as early as 12 years old, but at that time he was still young, and his adoptive father was worried that he could not take care of himself, so he did not allow me to enter school.

Only 5 years later, Yu came to Auspicious Light City to retrieve the register book. When he entered the academy, he heard that the register book sent to the Literary Institution that year had been burnt down with a fire 3 years ago. , Therefore Yu could only enter the school through self-recommendation. “

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized why they used the knowledge shown by Zhang Yu instead of going to the “right career”, and instead went to the path of self-recommendation. It turned out that this was the reason.

Xu Wenyue and other three people also showed sympathy to him, but at the same time, there was an admiration in his heart.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yu can actually suppress his emotions and enter the school through self-recommendation. How strong the heart and will shown here is. If they are replaced by themselves, I am afraid that their spirits will have been hit by such news. collapsed.

At this moment, they felt that they were convinced to lose.

Zhang Yu continued: “Yu is in the Academy, because he feels that this matter is strange, or there is an inside story, so he spent a lot of time in private to collect a lot of useful evidence.”

Honorable Gentleman Yu opened the mouth and said: “Gentleman Zhang, where is the evidence now?”

Zhang Yu said: “Now in Yu’s dwelling place, you can call someone to get it.”

Honorable Gentleman Yu said: “Okay, then please Gentleman Zhang to bring the evidence to the court!”

Zhang Yu nodded, someone came over to give an explanation, and then someone went down to take it.

He is not afraid that this thing will be destroyed by someone halfway, because he still keeps a copy of the same essay in Silver Office. If someone does it, it will prove that it is not so simple.

While waiting, there was a cupped the hands from the seat and asked, “Gentleman Zhang, I have a problem and want to ask.”

Zhang Yu looked at it and saw a clear-sighted young office official, saying, “Please speak with respect.”

The young official questioned: “In the past Peaceful Sun Academy selective examination, in order to avoid mistakes and omissions, every student must have a guarantor, the register book has no deposit, Gentleman Zhang why not go to the guarantor to appeal up?”

Zhang Yu said: “This is another matter that Yu must say, the guardian of the royal family called Shu Tong, but he was an old friend of his adoptive father. After the Literary Institution was destroyed by fire, the family of 4 in the Shu family were also killed at home and subsequently A fire burned out, and the two methods are exactly the same. “

Many people present couldn’t help but take a breath, what are the deep grudges? Actually such a ruthless hand?

Honorable Gentleman Kuang said coldly: “Cruel and vicious, it is outrageous!”

Zhang Yu looked up at this time and said: “There are still many questions about the Literary Institution, but why the Yuzhi register book was taken, and who was the victim of the Shu Tong family of 4 has been clearly verified!”

Honorable Gentleman Yu immediately asked: “Who did it?”

Zhang Yu said slowly: “The register book of the royal family was obtained by Divine Army Vice Army Lord Yan Xulun’s son Yan Zhu, and the Shu Tong family was killed by the Divine Army Army Inspector of the Left Ning Kunlun!”

He said that Liu Fengquan’s expression changed.

He didn’t expect at all. This incident involved not only a past army inspector of Divine Army, but also Divine Army Vice Army Lord. At this time, he couldn’t sit still, could not help stood up, solemnly asked: “Gentleman Zhang, how to prove this matter?”

Zhang Yu looked towards him: “Ning Kunlun confessed to me personally.”

Liu Fengquan was slightly surprised, saying: “I heard that the Divine Army Army Inspector of the Left Ning Kunlun has been missing for several months. Can Gentleman Zhang know his whereabouts?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Not bad.”

Liu Fengquan asked: “Where … where are the others? Is it life or death?”

Zhang Yu took an object out of his sleeve and threw it with his hand, and let it fall on the aisle of the Great Discussion Hall. In a clear sound, everyone saw a bloody gem rolling in there, and then Hearing his calm voice rang in the lobby, “This person has killed me personally.”



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