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Most of the people present in the Great Discussion Hall are knowledgeable. From the moment Zhang Yu dropped the bloody gem, he immediately recognized it as a divine robe. Combined with what he said, there is no doubt that this thing is a divine robe belonging to the Army Inspector of the Left Ning Kunlun, the predecessor of Divine Army!

This is one of the Divine Army 4 army inspectors. What kind of powerful power is it? This is almost the top character of Protectorate against superpowers. Such a person was actually killed by Zhang Yu?

At this time, all the people suddenly remembered that Zhang Yu was not only a Xia Scholar, but also a found cultivator! If his words are true, then it means that he has more strength than Divine Army army inspector.

For a time, everyone in the field looked towards his eyes mixed with emotions such as fear, awe and even admiration.

The moment Liu Fengquan saw the divine robe, he only felt his temple beating, feeling his head seemed to be exploding, because he thought of a lot of terrifying consequences in a moment.

Fortunately, he also has some cultivation skills, and he forced himself to calm down. He looked at Zhang Yu and asked, “Gentleman Zhang, you … you said you killed Ning Kunlun, why did you kill him? How did he die?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “After I killed the Different God who attacked the Manager Wang team that day, I went out for cultivation. On the way back to Auspicious Light, Ning Kunlun intercepted me halfway, but he miscalculated his own Powerless, defeated and defeated, and since then I have asked many things from his mouth. “

It is not difficult to prove that this matter is actually the first one. He went out to cultivate first, and Ning Kunlun only set off later. It is impossible for him to know the latter’s actions in advance.

Again, the name of Ning Kunlun’s going out is to hunt down Spiral-horned White Ox. This spiritual creature lives on the wasteland in the south, and he is going to the direction of Mountain of Serenity, which is in the east. The two are simply not one direction.

It’s only been a few months, and the traces of their fighting are still there. Even if they don’t use extraordinary power, it is not difficult to find out. This can at least prove that Ning Kunlun came to him actively.

In fact, this is enough, he has a reason to kill each other.

The other party has come to kill me. Could it be that I am still waiting for my death?

If you go deeper, who asked Ning Kunlun to come? Why did he shoot him? There can be more problems involved.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if this matter is unclear. Anermota is now a dead person, and things have already happened. It depends on how Divine Army responds. Is it willing to solve the problem in a reasonable way?

In fact, he would love to see Divine Army unreasonable.

He is now standing on the moral side, and naturally he can be recognized and supported by the hearts of the people. This includes Protectorate up and down, and his will will be weakened by his own will, which will be diluted.

In fact, with the current strength of the Protectorate and if you join forces with Profound Mansion, then the Divine Army will definitely not be able to turn over the waves. Otherwise, they will never make concessions at the previous Scholars Discussion and after, and can only do something private. Small movements.

Liu Fengquan has a headache now. He hasn’t been in Office Duke for more than a year, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. He was very afraid of his rash decision, which intensified greater contradictions, leading to unpredictable consequences.

But if he does not respond, then he can step down when he returns, because from top to bottom, everyone can criticize and oppose him from the perspective of axiom and justice, so what he can think of for the time being is to delay, change the topic, or major event Reduced.

He slowly said: “Since Gentleman Zhang said that there is evidence, then wait for the evidence to come, and then read it again.”

Now he had to expect that the evidence provided by Zhang Yu was inadequate, so he could still suppress things a little bit, so as not to get out of control.

After a long time, the door of the Great Discussion Hall was pushed open from the outside, and a young literary minor official came in panting, holding a jade box with a seal in his hand.

Seeing him come in, an attendant with a sturdy body stepped forward, took the box, checked it carefully, and confirmed that there was no problem. This was brought to Liu Fengquan.

Liu Fengquan took the jade box, removed the seal, and took out the contents. Then he looked carefully one by one, but the more he looked, the worse his face looked.

And when the Divine Army burned the Literary Institution at that time, it seemed that the government did not dare to move them, so many places were extremely rough, unbridled, and arrogant to the extreme.

As long as you start to check it carefully, you really have to check it.

But after the manager did not respond to the government, it seems that Divine Army is so arrogant that it is a very correct judgment.

Not only that, but behind this is the clue that the Shu Tong family was killed.

This matter is easier to verify, because Shu Tong is only a small reputation scholar, and has no background, so the Divine Army is more carefree when doing things, and even the surrounding neighbors still recognize the appearance of the perpetrators at the time.

Just a little comparison, it is not difficult to see that the leader is a squad leader under Ning Kunlun, which seems to corroborate what Zhang Yu said from the side.

If these two things are put together, there is still a certain connection between them, because from the hands-on person to the style of action, and the dates of the two things are quite close.

After watching it all, he waved his sleeve sideways, beckoning the attendant to show it to others.

The attendant first brought it to An Youting. After the latter took it and saw it, there was not much reaction on the face, only saying: “Take it and give all gentlemen a list.”

The evidence soon spread to the following, first of all the Xia Scholar, then the officials of the various government offices, and then those of the young literary minor official in the rear, but everyone who has seen it, younger, is angry, and there is a city. The people also looked heavy.

Liu Fengquan looks at the atmosphere was wrong and felt that he had to speak at this time, so stood up, looks at Zhang Yu, said face resolutely: “Gentleman Zhang, your register book was stolen, based on what you provided Evidence, the government can be your master, no matter what identity Yan Zhu is, you ca n’t run away, you can rest assured. “

He knows that the Literary Institution fire must have a deeper reason, and the evidence alone can condemn Yan Xulun father and son, but in the end, Divine Army Vice Army Lord, once his people are involved, That was a big trouble, and he couldn’t afford the consequences.

So he wants to cover up as much as possible, it is best to narrow this matter to Zhang Yu’s “private grudge” alone.

Zhang Yu lifts the head, saying: “Dukedom Liu was wrong, and the petitioner only re-examined the case of the misfire of the Library Institution! It was not the stolen register book! Besides, the students who had stolen the register book in the past were not. There is only one person, and the register book is taken away by someone. You can speak here today, but for those who have encountered the same thing but have nowhere to go, where should they go to speak? “

He took a step forward, staring at Liu Fengquan, his hands folded together, and said, “Yu Zai, please government to investigate the case of the Literary Institution’s fire!”

“well said!”

Honorable Gentleman Kuang’s white beard trembles under his jaw. He stood up from the seat, came to the aisle, stood with Zhang Yu, his hands flicked, said: “old man Kuang Zhongming, please government to investigate the case of the Literary Institution fire ! “

At this moment, all Xia Scholars in the seat are also too up, and came to the aisle, unanimously: “Please government investigation!”

I thought Xu Wenyue was sitting in the back, and at this time, he stood up firmly, joined palms and bows on the stage, and said, “Please check thoroughly.” Tan Shizhi, who participated in Scholar Selection, Qi Yinliang 2 People also stood up at the moment, followed by loudly said: “Please check thoroughly!”

Those young literary minor official saw this scene, only to feel the whole body is boiling blood, it is the same too stod up, shouted shouting: “please check thoroughly!”

“Please check thoroughly!”

“Please check thoroughly!”

As more and more people stood up, the voice calling for thorough investigation in the field grew louder, shaking the roof tiles on the great hall.

From the top to the bottom of Protectorate, in the past, all the dissatisfaction with the Divine Army was dare to speak out, and all the dissatisfaction with the Divine Army was in this brief moment, which was ignited by this matter and burst out!

Outside the Administrative Office, Divine Army ’s current Army Inspector of the Left He Jiang frowned, looking towards the Administrative Office inner hall.

He has super long hearing and can hear many voices that ordinary people cannot hear.

It’s just that the Political Council was arranged by the Profound Mansion sage, so at such a long distance, he usually can’t perceive the sound coming from inside, but at the moment just now, he heard a burst of noise and distinguished After a moment, the people inside seemed to be condemning something.

But what does this have to do with them?

There was a sneer on his face. For the Divine Army, Protectorate was a burden. It would be nice if something went wrong.

In the Great Discussion Hall, Liu Fengquan stood on the stage with a slightly confused look below. There were only a few hundred people on the scene, but the voice of “please check thoroughly” came like mountain cry out and sea howl, which made him breathless Not angry.

And at this moment, all the Office Lord officials on stage were also aware that under such violent group emotions, they could never continue to sit down, so they all stood up, facing Liu Fengquan, turning their heads Slightly low, cups the hands and bows, all said: “Office Duke, please check!”

“You, you…”

Liu Fengquan felt like he was completely in the air at this time. He glanced at a few people and saw that they were all looking down at them without looking at themselves. He could not help but sighed, as if he gave up something, he adjusted his entire dress and tried to stand Straight, walked up the front steps, looked towards everyone below, and a moment later, he opened the mouth and said: “Today, under the reprimand of all gentlemen, the government should review the case of the Literary Institution fire!”

An Youting no matter what happened in Fang Caichang, she sat there unmoved and restrained Yang Ying so that she would not express any opinions. Now that Liu Fengquan has made a decision, she calmly said: “An Zhu ! “


He is a lean middle age person, a cup of one fist in the other hand.

An Youting said solemnly: “The Chief Commander’s official command, Divine Army Vice Army Lord Yan Xulun, Divine Army squad leader Yan Zhu father and son 2 people, if there are rebels, all execute without any mercy!”



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