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Demon Vine Priest Qianasuma led the way in front, the entire group of Divine Army were followed along, just 2 side by side and the Blood-winged Soldier made them very uncomfortable.

Squad Leader Mo said to Lin Chu: “Behind the Demon Vine Priest is God of Slaughter Gaku. The deal you said will not be with this different God?”

Lin Chu replied: “It’s him, don’t look at me. This was decided by several army inspectors, I just acted on orders.”

Squad Leader Mo said: “I just feel a little unreliable.”

Lin Chu knew what she was worried about and said, “Relax, we will go back after the exchange, and we will not be able to stay for a long time, and now the three army inspectors are all on the Hong River Pass, the war is about to happen, and we are just a nobody, killed What can we change? “

Squad Leader Mo didn’t speak again, but she knew that things were definitely not as simple as Lin Chu said.

After walking for a small period of time, the team stopped before reaching the bare hill, where a cave could be seen.

Demon Vine Priest turned and said, “Only one person can follow, who are you?”

Lin Chu said to Squad Leader Mo: “Squad Leader Mo, you are waiting here, I will go back as soon as I go.”

Squad Leader Mo looked at him and said, “Don’t die, I won’t avenge you, only the first one to run.”

Lin Chu glanced at the dark and dry face of Demon Vine Priest, coughed, and said, “Squad Leader Mo, joke.”

He went out and said, “Priest Qianasuma, I will go with you.”

Demon Vine Priest looked at him and said nothing. He walked over the hill on crutches and Lin Chu immediately followed.

The mound is not high, and the two people walked 2 steps to the front of the cave. Demon Vine Priest paused, pointing with a cane, said: “It’s inside.”

Somehow, Lin Chu was a little nervous at the moment, stroking the back of his left hand, and followed Demon Vine Priest into the cave. After about ten steps, the passage of the cave collapsed, and he also turned around, but his head turned The moment I came, my eyes widened.

At the end of the cave, there is a red yellow crystal with a height of 2 people. This thing looks like a huge amber, but there is a vague silhouette in it.

Demon Vine Priest said: “He is the only one who came out of the land of dormant gods. We can’t open this thing with all our methods,” he stared at Lin Chu. “Whether he is not the one you are looking for, You all have to give me things. “

Lin Chu came back to his senses, said: “Relax, since we are here, things will definitely be given to you, now I want to recognize this person’s identity, please avoid it, is it okay?”

Demon Vine Priest said nothing and walked out on crutches.

Lin Chu listened to him walking away, and took the first two steps. He carefully looked at this amber-like thing. He couldn’t see the face of the man inside, but he could see that the man was half kneeling there as if he was supporting something.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a fever in the back of his left hand, and hurriedly tore a layer of fake skin on it, revealing a pair of eyes inside, spinning around in spinning, he raised his hand, swung in the direction, and asked in his heart: “Army Inspector He, is this the person we are looking for?”

After a while, the voice of the second person came from his ear, “Yes, it’s him. The former Divine Army Vice Army Lord Ying Chongguang, God Restoration Group didn’t lie to us!”

Lin Chu said: “What is this thing that wraps him?”

The voice said: “We have confirmed that this is the cultivator’s method. I guess that Ying Chongguang was mostly injured when he came out of the land of dormant gods, maybe he was going to die, but he should be prepared for it, so use this Something protects himself, seals himself up, and waits for Protectorate’s people to come to him after winning, but he is not afraid of it. Although Protectorate won this battle, he has no ability to come to him again. “

Lin Chu said: “So do I give the secret scroll to those natives now?”

The voice said: “Give them, the land of dormant gods is of no use to us, and we have no plans to go in, but the people of Profound Mansion should get the news, maybe they can find it there, let them go and grab it. No one is bad for us. “

Lin Chu hesitated and said, “But, aren’t the Land of dormant gods still the Army Lord Zheng of our Divine Army’s predecessor and the 4 army inspector’s divine robe? Is it just for them?”

The voice said: “This is not something you should care about, just do what I said.”

Lin Chu’s eyes flickered and said, “Okay, Army Inspector He.”

He turned around and said to the outside: “Priest Qianasuma, I have confirmed it, I will give you something now.”

Demon Vine Priest walked over again, staring at him, “What’s the matter?”

Lin Chu took out two folded parchments from the cowhide bag around his waist and handed him: “The secret scroll is here. The things are for you. As for whether you can find it has nothing to do with us.”

Demon Vine Priest hurried forward and grabbed it. He opened the parchment and looked at it. The rattan on his body twisted. After he saw it, his expression was very excited. He raised his parchment with his hands high and shouted enthusiastically: ” When we left with the gods, we forgot the ancestral land, and now we will return to our hands! “

Lin Chu couldn’t understand what he was saying there, only that he was crazy there, he coughed and said, “So, Priest Qianasuma, is our deal concluded?”

Demon Vine Priest calmed down, looked at him, and said in Celestial Xia: “Our deal has been concluded, and I will keep the agreement until you walk out of the forest dominated by Mohaka, we will not attack you.”

After he finished speaking, he walked out without looking back.

Lin Chu saw him leave and felt loose, he looked at the amber, and then in the heart asked: “Army Inspector He, what shall we do when we come down?”

The voice said: “Unlock the seal and take back the divine robe of Ying Chongguang.”

“How to do it?”

“Put your hand up, there will be resonance between divine robes, and Ying Chongguang’s consciousness will release the seal after sensing it.”

Lin Chu looking thoughtful: “It turns out this way.”

The voice said: “Okay, don’t bother, hurry up and untie this thing.”

Lin Chu stood still, but he suddenly smiled and said, “Hey Army Lord, you know why I chose the dive robe of Winged God, and I can fly, but why don’t I have wings?”

Without waiting for the voice to answer, he said, “each minding their own business,” “Because I yearn for freedom and freedom, I don’t need wings to restrain me!”

After a while, the voice said: “What do you want to say?”

Lin Chu raised his hand and stared at the two eyes momentarily, saying, “So, why should I listen to you?”

“Do you want to rebel?”

Lin Chu laughed loudly and said, “Aren’t you trying to rebel?”

The voice threatened: “Every move here is clear to you. You have to think about it and choose what to do.”

Lin Chu showed a disdainful look and said, “Don’t lie to me. It’s too far away from the Hong River Pass. Your spirituality can’t reach that far. The spirituality you pin on me is just a rigid consciousness, so What am I going to do, you simply impossible know? “

The voice was silent for a moment before saying: “Lin Chu, you are smart, but you can’t put on that divine robe.”

“Oh? Why?”

The voice said: “Do you know why you are willing to give this matter to you?”

“Because I can fly?”

“That’s just one reason. This divine robe by Ying Chongguang can only be worn by Celestial Xia people. It is used for inheritance in critical times, and you are a hybrid of serenese and Celestial Xia people, so you can’t wear it. You Stop this idea early. “

Lin Chu’s taste: “How can you be sure that I am not a Celestial Xia?”

“Are you Celestial Xia? Impossible, your father is Xia people, and your mother is serenese. We’ll check it clearly! Otherwise, we won’t let you enter the Divine Army.”

“Hahahaha ……” Lin Chu laughed wildly, “I’m afraid you don’t know, I was abandoned by my biological parents in the wilderness after birth, it is my father who adopted me, but I am really a Celestial Xia person, I have never I do n’t feel the kind of mental oppression in those Different Gods. Only you waste will fear the power of the Different Gods. “

The voice felt wrong, and said: “The power of the Divine Army is unimaginable. We now have a big plan, Lin Chu, listen to me, stop now, send things back, and come back …

Lin Chu didn’t wait for him to speak. He pulled the skin off his hand with two eyeballs and threw it on the ground. Then he broke his foot and crushed it with his toes. He cursed: “Bah, you count Something! “

He lifts the head, looks at the huge amber, and says, “My way, I will walk by myself!”

He stepped forward at several steps and slowly extended the hand.

He knew that Divine Army got the news of Ying Chongguang from God Restoration Group, so he was willing to exchange the news of land of dormant gods with the remnant of Blood Sun Ancient Country back to this divine robe, but this way, in the land of dormant gods The remaining divine robe is equivalent to those native different God.

Why should I give up?

As long as he grabs this divine robe and puts it on, he has the power of the original Divine Army Vice Army Lord, and then he will go to find the land of dormant gods, and then collect all the lost divine robe, and then form his own Divine Army!

From now on, no longer need to be manipulated!

At this time his hand finally reached the huge amber, and in a short time, a strong throbbing feeling appeared in his heart, and then he saw that the yellow-red crystalline substance slowly receded like it was dissolved, Disappeared soon.

In the deepest part of the cave, there was only a man full of strength, half kneeling there. The Victorious-edge Attire on his body has long been damaged, but only a small part is still there. It can be seen that he has experienced a violent battle.

Lin Chu breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward, trying to reach out to touch the man, but before he even touched the other person, the man suddenly raised his hand and squeezed his shoulder, he could not help but change color, The spirituality of my body has no effect at all, but was caught by the other party directly?

A strong voice came from his ear: “Did the Protectorate’s army repel the Blood Sun Ancient Country?”

Lin Chu endured the pain and fear, stood there and tried to say: “Repelled, we won 60 years ago, and all the different Gods were buried by us again!”

“Is it 60 years …” The man lifts the head, and the strength in his hand is increased by one point. “What about Celestial Xia? Are Eastern Court and Celestial Xia reconnected?”

Lin Chu’s eyes flickered and said: “Not yet, but … soon, Chaos Tide is fading, the beacon, the beacon is on fire …”

“Is it about to ignite …”

The man slowly stood up at this time.

Lin Chu can see that this was supposed to be a very heroic man, but was damaged by the wound on his face. The person was only a little taller than him, but when standing there, there was a kind of ability to support heaven and earth sense.

The man looked at him with dark eyes: “Boy, are you from the Divine Army?”

Lin Chu immediately replied: “Yes!”

The man looked at his both eyes and said, “Okay, it’s Celestial Xia Bloodline. The aptitude is almost a bit, and the strength is not very suitable, but maybe you just use it right.”

Lin Chu was shocked to see that the man’s feet began to burn and spread upward along the legs. The flame burned into nothingness, but the other hand still firmly held his shoulder.

“Boy, my divine robe, for you.”

“And this piece of jade on me, you take it out to the person at Profound Mansion.”


“Put on this divine robe, you must protect Celestial Xia and protect 10000 people!”

“You have to remember the blood of Celestial Xia flowing from you, we are Celestial Xia!”

Lin Chu saw that the flame was about to burn on the man’s cheek, but the expression of the latter remained unchanged. The dark eyes still stared at him and swallowed, involuntarily said: “I, I remember!”

The man showed relief, saying, “Okay!”

The flame spread across his head, but his voice still echoed in the cave:

“May Celestial Xia be successful, and it will be passed down one after another, and it will never stop burning …”

After saying this sentence, the last hand dissipated like fireworks and ashes, and then a golden crystal with a brilliant glow fell down.

Lin Chu could not help but stepped back two steps, he gasped for a few breaths, and then stared at the golden spar with hot eyes. He was about to step forward, but at the moment he kicked something on his foot, looked down and found that it was a piece The tile-like fine jade, he thought about it, picked it up and put it away, then bent over to pick up the golden spar and took it to his eyes.

He gazed greedily at this beautiful thing, took a deep breath, grabbed a hand, and then grabbed a spar from his body again. In an instant, his complexion became pale, and the sense of weakness came up.

He did not hesitate, throwing away the crystals he grabbed, and then pushed the golden gem on his chest. In an instant, one after another fine and fine lines spread to his body with the light, which was like a drape. Putting on a gorgeous robe, a huge imposing manner emerged from him, and in the soaring red rays of light, his body was also forcibly raised a lot.

After ten breaths, the rays of light converged, and he slowly stood upright, looking at his thick hands with more than one circle, squeezing a squeeze, and a burst of airflow suddenly burst out, and the whole cave gave a blasting echo.

“In the future Divine Army, I have the final say!”



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