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When Lin Chu walked out of the cave, Demon Vine Priest had already taken the Blood-winged Soldier away, leaving only the Squad Leader Mo and the others waiting there.

After Squad Leader Mo saw Lin Chu, he already had a somewhat relaxed expression and tightened up again. He said with some surprise: “Squad Leader Lin, how are you …”

“It’s a little different from me in the past, right?”

Lin Chu walked down the cave step by step, laughed, and said, “I got a new life,” he looked at everyone and said, “You all follow me.”

Squad Leader Mo said: “Follow you? Where to go?”

Lin Chu as it should be by rights said: “Of course I went to the land of dormant gods. There are all the divine robes of our Divine Army. I’m going to get them back.”

Squad Leader Mo warned: “What are you saying? I don’t understand.”

She didn’t know the purpose of the trip, and it may feel that Lin Chu was somewhat harboring malicious intentions towards them at the moment, and that the other party did not seem to be the original one.

After she slowly backed off, she held 2 axes in her hands. The other Divine Army also noticed that it was wrong, and they also backed away, looking at Lin Chu on alert.

Lin Chu didn’t seem to see their movements, but instead they were there minding their own business and said, “Do you know? I used to pretend to be a stupid person before, that is to make me think I’m stupid and make good use of it.

I dare not reveal my true Bloodline. I am afraid of being discriminated against in the Divine Army. I follow the lord of Army Lord Deng every day and try to please him. I hope he will give me a chance.

But today, these are no longer in control, only me can dominate me! “

He looks at everyone and said directly: “If you are willing to follow me, I will take you to build another Divine Army, each of you will get the corresponding status.”

However, everyone in the field was indifferent, and even looked at him like a lunatic.

Lin Chu didn’t care, said with a smile: “You rebel, I understand very well, because you still don’t know my power, but I don’t need your consent, I just need … youracknowledge allegiance!”

As he said this, Huang red’s rays of light suddenly opened, and all of them were enveloped at once. The person present felt a force on his body, and involuntarily knelt down with a strong thought in his heart. Urging them to submit to each other.

This kind of feeling is like facing a god.

Most of these people in the Divine Army are not determined people, and soon succumbed to this strength. Instinctively, Lin Chu is their most trusted and most worthy person to follow.

Only Squad Leader Mo was reluctant to succumb and struggled hard there.

Lin Chu was a little surprised, and then said: “Squad Leader Mo, your will is strong, there are very few people like you here in the Divine Army, but it does not matter, I will try my best to convince you.”

With a greater force of oppression come down, Squad Leader Mo’s sturdy body was finally overwhelmed. After a while, she put 2 axes aside and lowered her head deeply.

Lin Chu looks below The person who knelt on the ground, haha ​​laughed loudly, he was very satisfied with the present scene.

He shook his fist again, and felt the strength that came from his physical strength. This is indeed the strength of the original Divine Army Vice Army Lord. Although there are some places that are a bit sparse, he believes that he will be able to adapt quickly. .

Squad Leader Mo said: “Army Lord, what should we do now? Go kill that Demon Vine Priest?”

Lin Chu chuckled and said, “Not now, I guess they will definitely find the land of dormant gods. Although I have written down all the translations, it is more labor-saving … um?”

He suddenly reacted. Since the secret scroll is used for exchange, why should the upper layer be translated? If you don’t need to translate it, you don’t need him to bring the Study Supervisor Qiu back.

He thought of the “big plan” He Jiang consciously said, and couldn’t help laughing, saying: “It seems they have other plans.”

Hong River Pass, hundreds of cannons are roaring in unison, the sounds of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the native and spiritual creatures rushing madly across the pass have n’t reached the front of the fortress group, they are crushed and torn by countless artillery fires crack.

Behind the city wall of a fortress, Qi Dian, Pang Gong, and He Jiang were sitting or standing here, looking at the scene of distant artillery fire.

And around the three people, many Divine Army also look at together, they feel the rumbling vibration around them, their faces are not very good-looking.

The artillery this thing allows mortals to fight against the strength of spiritality. If they feel that if they stand on the opposite side, so many shells come down, even if there is spirituality outer layer protection, I am afraid it will not last long, and they will soon be crushed into meat.

Pang Gong exclaimed, and said: “It’s spectacular. After this shot, everything was smashed. I watched my blood boiling.” He took a deep breath, turned his head, and looked at Qi Dian next to him. Seriously: “big brother Qi, you may not know that my dream was once a gunner.”

Qi Dian sat there and ignored him.

The curl one’s lip of the squad leader standing behind Pang Gong, a dream every day, how many are your dreams.

He Jiang sneered opened the mouth and said: “Useless, the artillery is such a huge might in the more stable place of Chaos Tide. If it reaches the thick place of Chaos Tide above the open sea, it is a pile of useless scrap iron. , The medicine explosion inside will become weak and pitiful. “

Pang Gong refused to accept the air: “I disagree with what you said. Under the influence of Chaos Tide, the artillery may also become more formable power.”

He Jiang admits: “It is possible, but what is the use of a few artillery formidable power? Or can it only be used against ordinary person that’s all, without threatening us.”

Pang Gong said: “But Chaos Tide is going back.”

He Jiang said calmly: “Perhaps, but these artillery are ultimately manipulated by humans, that is the biggest weakness, the extraordinary power can only be dealt with by extraordinary power.”

At the city wall on the other side at the moment, Profound Mansion, Dou Chang, Qi Wu, Fan Lan and others also watched there.

Qi Wu looks at the front, looks at the natives of countless fierce and unafraid of death, rushed up, and was shattered into a flesh and blood by the shells, and he could not help shaking his head: “This is really the style of Mad God. He can clearly rush up on his own, but he just let it The men came to die first. “

Dou Chang said with a serious face: “Not only that simple, the crazier the believer, the more dead, the greater the power of Mad God, this time the situation is very complicated, we should not only pay attention to different God, but also pay attention to Divine Army , We are ready to fight hard. “

Deep in the jungle, a native wearing a feather crown ran ahead, and his silhouette appeared for a while and disappeared for a while.

He is just a phantom and does not exist in this World, but the place he passes by, it seems that there is a person passing by, driving the leaves and leaves along the way, leaving the footprints of each and everyone.

Zhang Yu followed slowly behind, and after the silhouette of the native disappeared in front again, he stopped and slowly breathed.

The spirituality is not so easy to intervene emotionally. If it is not accidentally, it will be because he regards himself as another person, so he also continues impossible and will stop at intervals.

He looked at all around and did n’t know where he had been, but the vegetation in jungle began to become scarce, and this way, he had not encountered a spiritual creature or Tuva half god for a long time, more than that, Even living creatures rarely meet again / goodbye, and there is a very quiet silence around them.

And he noticed that there were some cracked gravel in the grass, and collapsed stone walls remained. These man-made structures undoubtedly indicated that he was gradually approaching the land of dormant gods.

After the breathing was over, he closed his eyes and opened it again, and saw that the native silhouette appeared in front of the gravel road, with piety on his face, and continued to walk forward step by step.

He glanced, and followed the sword.

After walking a long section of the road, the silhouette was once again disappeared.

After he breathed for a while, he tried to intervene in spirituality again, but this time, the native silhouette failed to show up.

He was slightly surprised that such a situation seemed to have reached his destination, so his person no longer appeared.

But he felt wrong again in a flash. The guidance on the secret scroll is not here all at the end, especially the spirituality of the other party has not been fully expressed.

So it can only be said that there is indeed a way here, but he cannot see it.

So he tried to feel for a moment, but found that as soon as his spirituality went out, he felt a sense of illusion and unreality.

His heart suddenly became clear. This was the influence of Chaos Tide, and the nearby Chaos Tide was stronger than expected. I am afraid that it is because of such a strong Chaos Tide that he can no longer find his way through spirituality.

In this case, he has to analyze and identify by himself.

Profound Mansion secret scroll Master’s last sentence, “Archizama, exists in the sky in my heart.”

On the other secret scroll, it is said to “listen to the divine city attentively, it is everywhere.”

The 2 secret scrolls all mention the heart, generally speaking, and the heart is spirituality, then it is very likely that the city is separated from reality and needs to be found with spirituality, and the secret of the opened door is to Blood Sun Gods Pious faith.

However, since the founders of Profound Mansion and Divine Army reburied this land of dormant gods, they must have successfully entered this place within the realm. Obviously, they would not be believers. They used undoubtedly forcible cracking. s method.

In this case, even in the past 60 years, there must be traces left.

As long as you find the trace, you should be able to find the entrance!

Thinking of this, he slowly raised Xia Sword, and at the same time let go of his heart lake and explored towards all directions.



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