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Dou Chang noticed that, just after the appearance of Mad God Bukinak, the jungle on the other side began to appear densely packed with more priests and natives.

He frowned, it did n’t matter how much native, but at first glance, there were more than 100 people in the priest. He secretly thought: “Mad God, did he bring all his priest?”

Qi Wu came over at this moment, his voice solemnly: “senior brother, it seems that it is our turn.”

For different God, ordinary soldiers are just courting death, especially Mad God, people who do not have the power of spirituality, they will fall into madness.

Dou Chang was very decisive. At this time, without too much hesitation, he reached over a young disciple and said, “Little Jin, you have good eyes, stay here, stare at the actions of Divine Army, and report any changes to the action immediately. I.”

He glanced at the found cultivator present and said, “Junior brothers, come with me.”

He jumped off the fort and moved quickly towards the bank of the Hong River. The rest and the others also jumped from the city wall and followed.

With Dou Chang’s move, the Divine Army immediately noticed.

He Jiang took several steps forward and said, “Leave this place to the people of Profound Mansion now. Mad God will not leave before finding anything. Army Inspector Qi, Army Inspector Pang, we will wait … Army Inspector Qi? “

Qi Dian clenched his fists tightly, staring at Mad God, and whispered: “You do your business, don’t control me, that Mad God, he is my opponent.”

He Jiang frowned, coldly said: “Army Inspector Qi, this is the command of Army Lord, I hope you don’t disobey.”

Pang Gong also said: “big brother Qi, you are the Divine Army, Army Lord’s order is the most important.”

Qi Dian was reluctant. After a while, he put his fist on, let it go, and finally put it down. He looked seriously: “This time forget, but next time, if you stop me again, I will fight with you. “

He Jiang doesn’t care: “Army Inspector Qi, you can tell Army Lord after you have any comments back, now I don’t care what you think, we must act according to the strategy set before.”

Qi Dian didn’t say anything, and after condensing his fighting spirit, he became listless.

He Jiang glanced back and forth and said, “Let ’s go now. If it ’s too late, 10000 people in Profound Mansion ca n’t hold it up. The government side is not easy to explain. We ca n’t turn our face with them for the time being, but, soon……”

After a while, he and Pang Gong and Qi Dian walked out of the pass with their own team. But they not at all went out to fight against Different God, and after going away from the camp, they went north.

On the other side of the Hong River, those Blood-winged Soldiers stopped at this time and stood motionless, only the bloody rays of light pervaded themselves.

The first 100 priests began to recite something in unison. The weird cries were hovering over the jungle. The huge spirituality began to gather. It can be seen that the original torrent of current was decreasing at the speed of naked eye. How long will this river no longer be an obstacle.

Dou Chang was standing on the smoky shore. He stood alone at the forefront, his feet firmly on the soft muddy ground, waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Behind him are five stone fortresses at the forefront. The artillery is still roaring all the time, and the gunners there have been performing their duties.

But he knew that the fortress could block the Blood-winged Soldier, but it could not block the different God, so he could only rely on them.

It ’s just that Mad God ’s strength is ups and downs, and it ’s hard to predict. He can only hope that Mad God today is not at its strongest, so no one will come unless Divine Army High Army Inspector Zhu Que and Profound Leader Qi Bi arrive. Can’t handle it.

There was a hurried footstep. An attendant passed through the smoke in the rear and hurried to the front. He came to his side and whispered a few words. The latter immediately looked up and said to the front: “senior brother The Divine Army’s people have left the pass. “

Dou Chang seemed to have expected it, and said without looking back: “What excuse did they use?”

Qi Wu said: “The trail of Spider God Yapei and her priest was found on a trail in the north. The Divine Army suspected that the Blood Sun remnant’s attack may have been divided into 2 roads, and they were prepared to stop in the past.”

Dou Chang thought for a while and said, “Don’t care about them, no matter true or false, let’s do our own good.” At the same time, there is worry in his heart, he is afraid that these people are going to the land of dormant gods, “Now only junior Brother Zhang is looking for the place alone, I hope they do n’t hit it. “

At this moment, Mad God went down, and then suddenly jumped, Leap through the sky long distance, bang fell on the opposite bank, and suddenly hit a huge pothole.

The neatly arranged Blood-winged Soldier did not fall under the intensive artillery, but at this time, a large piece of death was under his body, and at least more than 100 were swept in by the aftermath of spirituality.

Mad God obviously didn’t care about this, it shook his head, his evil eyes stared at Dou Chang and the others, took a deep breath, and then snarled at them, and the white wave burst out of his mouth, and Spread quickly.

Like a hurricane, a strong air wave rolled up the antlers, tribulus terrestris, stones and other objects placed on the river bank in an instant, and countless sand and mud flew together with the broken branches of trees and blood.

When Dou Chang saw this, he immediately put his arms in his arms and lifted Heart Light.

But when the air wave passed, he lowered his arm, but suddenly found that the huge body opposite was gone.

“Not good !”

He immediately reacted and quickly jumped into the air, but at this time, an irresistible force was drawn across him. He was shot like an insect, and he flew more than 100 feet and crashed into a building. Above the fortress, the thick fortress surface was knocked out into a circular crater that shattered inward.

Qi Wu cry out in surprise: “senior brother Dou?”

Dou Chang flicked his arms and freed himself from the body embedded in the ramparts. His whole body of rays of light rose and burst into a sky.

Mad God jumped up again at this time, the huge figure was just falling on a fortress, with a bang, as if it was an earthquake, standing on the ground were all unstable and collapsed to the ground.

Most of the solid stone fortress had collapsed into a gravel at the moment, and only a broken wall stood there.

Dou Chang takes a deep breath, in a flash, dozens of seal forces were drawn, and then a dive, punch towards the head of Mad God, but the latter was a head, and then a giant claw came head-on. .

At this time, Dou Chang forcibly caught the blow in midair. The spirituality collision between the two sides caused the rays of light in the field to shake. At the same time, several rays of light like sharp arrows generally shot from different directions.

Qi Wu took advantage of this opportunity to point at Mad God’s spine. The power of Heart Light with no difficulty penetrated under the Spirituality rays of light of this Different God, and the flesh and blood burst there.

But then he found that under the skin, there was a group of densely packed worms crawling and stacking, and many of them were squeezed down along the cracked places, looks at his scalp for a while.

On the other side, Fan Lan slapped Mad God’s neck with a palm. Heart Light successfully cut the spiritual light and tore a slit in the flesh. However, there was not a divine blood but a group of tiny tail section stings. Flying Insect, biting on his Heart Light, he frowned, the silhouette flashed, and quickly retreated away.

Mad God made a weird laugh, as if he didn’t care about harm, but was very happy. His laughter was not from the human head, but from head to tail, as if all the creatures and insects on his body were following him Laughing together.

Qi Wu hated: “This disgusting ghost thing …”

Mad God was short and jumped up at the moment, squeezing away the found cultivator that besieged him, and when he fell down, he collapsed a solid stone castle.

Seeing Mad God’s direction, Dou Chang seemed to be rushing towards the interior of the fortress group, but there were 10000 troops stationed there. Inwardly shouted was not good. He immediately got sick, and the streamer rushed up, and at the same time reminded loudly in the air: ” junior brothers, listen, you must stop it here anyway, do n’t let it enter the rear, otherwise 10000 troops will go crazy! “

Archizama, above the roof of Moon God temple.

Zhang Yu stands here, looks at the Grand Dao Chapter floating in front of him, watching the Six Uprights Seal.

Although he put most of the previously accumulated spirit essence into it before set off, it was not at all to the point of being truly complete.

That is to say, in the Spiritual Clarity Chapter, his body not at all reaches the limit at the moment, and there is room for further improvement.

Since the path to chapter 3 of the path is nowhere to be found, he has to fight against the comers, so he has to find a way to do it.

The only thing to be cautious here is whether you will encounter the same physical properties as spiritism in Essence Life Chapter.

However, he has already considered this problem. As long as the spirit essence is sufficient, there is no way to solve it. What’s more, the real situation in Chapter 3 is still difficult to know. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to do it first.

As soon as his mind changed, he began to invest in spirit essence.

Before the enemy, it did n’t make any sense to keep it. He read the seal with all his strength and pushed the Six Uprights seal to the end of Chapter 2 in one fell swoop.

Not only that, because of the sufficient spirit essence at the moment, he also read the Heart Light Seal on the Mysterious Chaos Chapters.

This is the limit that his body can reach at present, only because there is no chapter order and seal leading to Chapter 3, so there is no way to enter the Chapter 3 to complete the transformation of that step.

But even so, after completing these, the Heart Light in him was emitted involuntarily, and the whole person was suddenly shrouded in a luminous white light, which was extremely dazzling under the dark sky on the half side.

Lin Chu was walking in Archizama at this moment, and the movement here naturally caught his attention. A little under his feet, his figure suddenly jumped forward and rushed towards the Moon God temple.

After reaching the lower part of the temple, he leaped hard, lifted into the air, banged, and fell heavily on the platform in front of the temple. Then he lifts the head, looked towards the standing holding a sword silhouette above the temple.



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