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Zhang Yu slowed his breathing slightly, the rays of light on his body converged slightly, and his eyes fell, looking towards the platform.

Lin Chu walked up two steps, looks at He asked: “Who are you?”

Zhang Yu said: “Profound Mansion, Zhang Yu.”

Lin Chu somewhat surprised: “You are Zhang Yu, the Zhang Yu of Profound Mansion?”

He looked at Zhang Yu for a few times, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes. He snorted and said: “didn’t expect you are here first, you are also looking for divine robe? But everything here is mine, if You picked it up, so get it out quickly and do n’t let me do it myself. “

Zhang Yu looks at him: “So what do you want to do after taking the divine robe?”

Lin Chu startled, then laughed heartily, said: “Good question!”

He reached out, his 5 fingers spread out slowly, and then grasped tightly, and there was a tremor on the platform, “divine robe is power, and possesses the power to dominate everything! What is Divine Army? What is Profound Mansion? What is Protectorate? ? All will be stepped on my feet! “

After getting the divine robe of Ying Chongguang, he no longer suppressed himself, feeling that he was no longer bound, and in this divine city, he even thought that he could control everything, so he unscrupulously took his heart Say the idea.

Zhang Yu calmly said: “What about after?

Lin Chu surprisedly said: “After?”

Zhang Yu said: “I remember that every one of you Divine Army will make a vow when wearing a divine robe. Since then, when you will take ‘protect Celestial Xia and protect 10000 people’ as your duty, you forgot your vow Is it? “

Lin Chu froze for a moment. At this moment, he had a slight trance, remembering the few words that Ying Chongguang said when he told him divine robe.

After a while, he snorted, as if expressing his disdain, “Oath? After joining the Divine Army, the powerful have been on the army, and the powerless have been defending Celestial Xia and 10000 people? A joke! Divine Army From top to bottom, which one did this? Which one would think so? Long gone! “

Zhang Yu looked at him for a moment and said, “I am understood.” He stretched out his hands to hold the brim, put hat on, and covered his face in a shadow.

Lin Chu’s face was cold. He noticed from Zhang Yu’s behavior that he was not going to do what he said. Two rays of light on his body were one point, and the crimson rays of light instantly fit the body, while golden-yellow The rays of light is one point, and it turns into two big hands towards Zhang Yu where it is a shot.

Zhang Yu stood there and did not move. Two big hands came and suddenly shrouded him in silhouette. The temple rooftop shattered immediately under this beat. Large stones fell and the ground rumbling and shaking.

Lin Chu sneered for a while, but immediately found out that there was no imaginary broken body on it. He moved his face as if he found something, and suddenly turned around. Seeing Zhang Yu standing not far behind, the pupil suddenly shrink, said: ” how did you do it?”

He didn’t see Zhang Yu moving just now, but the latter immediately reached his back, which made him a little surprised.

Zhang Yu has been using this action in Archizama after discovering that he can shuttle through the torn pores left by his predecessors.

Theoretically, as long as he can change his breath in a timely manner, he can travel anywhere here, and he can go to every place he has left, even in the sky of divine city.

When he was thinking about how to deal with Lin Chu before, this took into account what can be used.

In fact, if Lin Chu can understand the changes here, it can also do so.

It’s just that there is a need for a superb breath adjustment ability, and you need to know the operation of your own strength, otherwise at most it will only tear the broken mark, not enter it.

He lifted the scabbard and slowly pulled out the blade.

Lin Chu saw that he did not answer his own meaning. When facing himself, he was calm, and somehow he was annoyed. The light hand behind him turned, and he shot it again as he did.

Zhang Yu had left the place before his attack arrived, allowing a fingerprint to be smashed directly on the platform.

Through 2 trials, he found that Lin Chu’s sensitivity is obviously not strong, which can be seen in his battle with Demon Vine Priest, who has repeatedly hit him.

Obviously, this battle not at all has made its people how much progress, still maintain the original appearance.

At this moment, he passed through a remaining mark and came to the side of Lin Chu in one step. As he stepped in, he blitzed into his inner circle with lightning.

Because Lin Chu’s blindly chasing the formidable power of the attack and the arms of spirituality rays of light are too large, he has almost no threat at close range, which makes Zhang Yu feel comfortable passing the sword in.

Under his Heart Light power blessing, the sword penetrated directly from Crimson’s Heart Light and stuck on his side ribs.

But he quickly felt resistance. This is the role of divine robe. In addition to Heart Light, there is also a defend inside the body.

If he continued to work hard at this moment, he wouldn’t be able to penetrate deeper, but he knew that the slightest hindrance caused the opportunity to pass away, so he didn’t have greed, moved his footsteps, and withdrew directly before the bare hand hit back.

And from the sword to the sword, all his movements were as fast as a shadow, and he completed it in an instant. Lin Chu didn’t react to his injury until he moved out.

Lin Chu is both shocked and angry at this time, this sword not at all can cause him too much harm, even the wound has begun to stop bleeding under the conscious attention of the time, but it has caused a lot to his psychology. Blow.

Since he obtained the divine robe, he has always thought that he has enough power to no longer be able to hurt himself. The previous battle has undoubtedly proved this time, but this time he was injured but made him realize that he accidentally, maybe still Can be killed.

This caused him to panic and anger, the spirit rays of light on his body hung up a few Zhang high, his hands fisted into the palms of his hands, and he constantly waved and slapped, and began to crazily destroy everything he saw in front of him including Zhang Yu.

There was a rumbling noise above the Moon God temple, and his destructive power was undoubtedly, but after a few breaths, this huge temple began to show a tendency to collapse.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu stepped out of the temple with the help of pore marks.

With his horizontal sword in front, he still had time to bounce his finger on the blade. In his mind, he judged how much power he would use to kill the opponent. Only after a sword, he thought he would devote most of Heart Light In order to achieve it, just to achieve this level, it is bound to abandon its own defense.

But this is already a very good result. If you do n’t improve 6 Seal and Heart Light again this time, maybe the opponent standing there and letting him chop, may not be able to break through the layer of spirituality rays of light.

At this moment, there was a loud noise above him, and when he looked up, he saw a giant hand fiercely under ten zhang high shoot down from the fiercely from the height. The original gorgeous Moon God temple couldn’t support it under this blow, and the whole collapsed , Turned into a pile of rubble, and then saw Lin Chu’s silhouette step by step out of the ruins and dust, the rays of light on his body were more solidify than before.

Obviously this one is also progressing in battle, but this progress is in the defense of spiritual rays of light, which should have stimulated him just now.

After some venting, Lin Chu had gone crazy just now. He said coldly to Zhang Yu: “I suddenly thought that there is a person in the Divine Army who is similar to you. He can walk in the shadow, oh , Speaking of which, he seems to be imprisoned by Profound Mansion because of you. “

In his eyes the rays of light exploded, and he looked up at all around. “You should be using these things to walk?” He smiled slightly, clenching his fists, and the spiritual light giant behind him was fiercely.

“Then I will destroy them all, so you can’t escape?”

Zhang Yu stood there silently, his face under the hat could not see the expression, only the Heart Light on his body flickered like a flame in the wind under the remote collision of the spirituality of 2 people.

Lin Chu’s center of gravity dropped slightly, raised his arms, crossed his chest, and then suddenly opened outward!

With a loud bang, the red and yellow spirituality rays of light were mixed together again, and then expanded outwards, centering on him, within a circle of about one li, all the buildings touched by the rays of light were smashed and cracked, and Within this range, the holes caused by the traces of the predecessors also collapsed in each and everyone.

After doing this, he stepped on the ground and when a giant pit was born underground, the person had moved towards Zhang Yu and rushed up, in the air, the huge fist was already down!

Zhang Yu did not step back, but moved aside. During the fight just now, he already saw that the opponent’s speed was not very fast, at least not as fast as him, although the gap was not very big, but this is a little bit different, It was enough for him to move around.

Of course, the premise is that he has never made a mistake.

Lin Chu was not without a little fighting wisdom. When he saw him avoiding it, he also had a backhand. With a bang, a rays of light giant hand suddenly emerged and slapped it horizontally, and it was on the road that must pass.

Zhang Yu calmly and abnormally reached out and lightly pressed on the light hand. Suddenly, there was a sudden shock. With the repulsion of Heart Light on both sides, the person had already got rid of the distance. At the same time, 5 fingers were released and Xia Sword flew away.

Lin Chu was about to keep up, a flash of rays of light flashed in front of him, a sword light flew into the sky, like a thunderbolt, shot from the front, strikes on his cheeks, although he did not break the layer of spirituality rays of light, but he was shocked in his heart and stopped instinctively.

After such a stop, it is already the best opportunity to miss. Zhang Yu is far away and can see that there are more traces left by his predecessors behind him.

Lin Chu snorted, standing and straightening his back, saying, “Do you think you escaped? When I erase all traces here, I see where you can escape!”

He stepped hard under his feet and jumped forward. It was only at the beginning that he felt a slight sense of stagnation in himself, but these changes were quickly left behind by him. In his eyes, he was only in front Enemy!



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