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After Chen Song took the things that should be taken, do n’t go to Qi Bi, and quietly came out of the Secret passage of the Mountain of Initiation at midnight. He glanced at the deserted plain, and he vacated to the Mountain of Serenity Direction to escape.

But he not at all found that above the higher sky dome, there was a silhouette very quiet standing there.

After he left, Xiang Chun slowly descended from the sky, looking at the direction he was going away, his face flustered, saying: “junior brother Chen, he is still alive? So junior brother Ying …”

As early as Qi Bi said that he would send someone else to go, he felt something was wrong, so he came to the sky and stopped here, ready to take a look at who would throw “Plain Righteousness profound weapon”.

At this moment, his expression was a little complicated, and finally he took the head and secretly sighed: “teacher, how many things do you hide from me.”

He descended from the sky and returned to the Profound Mansion Affairs Hall all the way. Then he sat here alone for a long time and pondered for a long time. After dawn, he took care of the attendant and found Xu Ying.

Before long, Xu Ying came to the door and said, “senior brother, I am here.”

Xiang Chun said: “What do you stand there, come in.”

After Xu Ying came in, he put his hands down and lowered his head for the first time, admitting his mistaken attitude, saying: “senior brother, the last time was a little brother wrong. You shouldn’t break in and make you angry.”

Xiang Chun waved his hand and sighed, “That’s all, it’s also my bad mood, it has nothing to do with you.”

Xu Ying lifts the head, asked with concern: “senior brother, did you encounter any embarrassment? If there is anything, you tell me, I will do it for you.”

Xiang Chun said: “Forget it, you just have this heart, the matter has been resolved.” Paused, he said again, “I saw the teacher yesterday.”

Xu Ying startled, followed by a joy, he eagerly asked: “Then … did the senior brother mention the teacher nephew Ji?”

Xiang Chun said: “I mentioned it.” He took a jade slip from his sleeve and placed on the table. “What you want is here.”

Xu Ying was overjoyed and hurriedly reached for it.


Xiang Chun stretched out his hand and immediately expressed serious looks at him, saying: “The teacher said that the method is very biased and has many obstacles, so be careful when you practice, if you give it to master nephew Ji Then, remember to make this clear to him, and cultivation is based on his willingness. If he feels wrong, you ca n’t force him. “

Xu Ying said with confidence: “Relax, senior brother, master nephew Ji has always been very hard-working, he is also very convinced of me, and what can he learn with his talents?”

Xiang Chun nodded, said: “I hope so, you take it.”

Xu Ying grabbed jade slip a little bit more excitedly, and then put it in his sleeve, then he seemed to remember something, looked towards Xiang Chun, Zheng Cheng said: “senior brother, I know Divine Army is making trouble now , But once master nephew Ji reads to chapter 3, the teacher will help, and you do n’t have to worry about these things anymore. “

Xiang Chun nodded, said: “The junior brother, you go first, I have something to do.”

As soon as Xu Ying pressed him, he was charged ahead.

Xiang Chun was sitting in the case and fell into long thinking.

After flying in the sky for 3 days, Chen Song passed Protectorate’s territory and entered the vast Mountain of Serenity jungle. Here, because of the influence of Chaos Tide, he couldn’t rely on himself to discern the direction.

He took out a jade board and climbed a few heart insects on it, because in the sky, he was all used by Heart Light protection at this time.

Because heart insects born in the same nest are sensitive to each other, he only needs to follow the direction of the heart insect’s tentacles at this moment, and he can quickly approach Qiao Zhan’s location.

These heart insects were originally cultivated by one of the found cultivator of Profound Mansion for Chaos Tide fans, but unfortunately, this guy was directly turned to chaotic cultivator because he could n’t find a way ahead. He became a chaos monster and was killed by chaotic cultivator.

After flying for a long time, he saw that the heart insect suddenly crawled on the jade board, and his heart moved, and immediately stopped.

Just where these heart insects crawled over, he saw lines of text appear, but Qiao Zhan passed the message again. It said that Divine Army entire group was almost approaching the land of dormant gods. According to the tone of snooping, there is at least 3 days to go.

Chen Song thought about it, took out a pen, dipped some black powder, and wrote it on the jade board. This is asking the other party. How many people are around now? Is there a different God? Is the situation as it was originally said?

Throwing Plain Righteousness profound weapon is by no means trivial. He must make sure to include these rebellions with different God this time, so he is also very cautious.

If Qiao Zhan has n’t heard back afterwards, he will try to confirm himself when he arrives there. If he finds that something is wrong and does not meet expectations, or that Qiao Zhan is deceiving him, then he will stop immediately and destroy his hands. Heart insect, rely on another batch of heart insects to return to Profound Mansion.

At this moment, Qiao Zhan was sitting in a tent on a higher slope in the depths of the jungle.

After forming an alliance with different God, because they need to help these different Gods to steal the power of God of the Blood Sun, which also requires their contribution, so they are no longer rushing day and night as before, and are allowed to Sleeping at night, keeping spirit and strength, this gave him the opportunity to be alone.

At this time he looks at the heart insect on the ground crawling around and showing the words each and everyone, he felt excited for a while, and the person who knew Profound Mansion received the message. After thinking for a while, he sprinkled some black powder and let these heart insects crawl along it, passing back what he saw here.

Then there was a voice outside, “Squad Leader Qiao, what are you doing in the tent alone?”

Qiao Zhan was shocked and immediately put away the insect. He pretended to be awake and walked out of the tent and said, “Squad Leader Gu, what’s the matter? I’m sleeping.”

Squad Leader Gu glanced at him a few times, and laughed at him, saying: “Yes, the past few days patronized and ran away, and it didn’t eat well, and it didn’t sleep well, but you have a good time, you and me The people caught a group of spirituality mountain deer and can eat a bit later. “

Qiao Zhan thought for a while and asked, “Don’t you send some army inspectors?”

Squad Leader Gu laughed heartily, he came up and put Qiao Zhan on the shoulder, said: “I have thought about it, don’t worry about this, go around, the spiritual creature’s meat should be eaten as soon as possible, if it is overcooked, it will not Fragrant. “

Within the Blood Sun temple, Zhang Yu has reached the uppermost layer of the temple with his sword, but as he gets closer to idol, he feels that he has entered a layer of invisible obstacles. At this time, the Heart Light on him rose up, competing with the strength of the divinity.

This Blood Sun Lord God hasn’t been resurrected yet, this should be just a ray of divinity idea left here, but even so, the power it can mobilize is no longer a strong opponent.

In the legend of Blood Sun, although Archizama was created together with the Blood Sun gods, Blood Sun Lord God Wuto is undoubtedly the biggest force in it, and even the pillar is not an exaggeration.

This can be seen from the fact that its temple is a city in a city.

So he kept prudent, stepping firmly and calmly toward the main seat forward.

At this time, the pure gold light on the Wuto idol right hand suddenly emits bright and dazzling rays of light, and a burning sensation spreads out, and the bloody flowing water seems to suddenly become Boiling lava, mooring with bubbles.

In only a few breaths, the whole temple seemed to be caught in a high heat, the golden liquid began to flow down the 4th wall, and the idols beside 2 began to melt and deform like candles.

Heart Light on Zhang Yu’s body slowly surging, repelling the external light and heat.

However, he could feel that the further he went, the higher the heat. The ball of light in idol’s hand was Blood Sun suspended in the air, and he could be transformed into coke just by getting closer.

These should be illusions, because the “divine item” that Wuto masters is one with it. Only when it is really resurrected can these things be summoned out of its own body.

However, in the divine city, it is even within Wuto’s temple. Under the influence of divine power, the illusion may be transformed into a real existence in reality, and have some might that the divine item originally had.

But he knew very well in his heart that after all, it was not a divine item, but the illusion simply stimulated by spirituality still had to rely on materiality to be projected into reality.

So he put Song of Cicadas Sword in front of him, gently stroked the sword, and with the force of his heart, under the action of the powerful Heart Light, the sword flew away and directly torn the package. The invisible obstacles around them suddenly penetrated the light sphere in Wuto idol’s hand. After a few twists of this thing, it turned into a little light debris.

In an instant, all the heat flow subsided, everything in the temple returned to its original state, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

Song of Cicadas Sword penetrated the ball of light, but it didn’t stop at all because of it, but a flying spin, respectively, on the snake stick in idol’s hand, the condor on the shoulder and the big crocodile under it In a circle, these three things also shattered together.

Zhang Yu reached out his hand and grabbed Song of Cicadas Sword back into his hand, destroying these things, without the physical support, the other party wouldn’t want to create the illusion of genius.

Some powerful different Gods can certainly change reality with pure spirituality, but that is by no means a divinity consciousness.

In fact, if the found cultivator reads to Chapter 3, and after learning a certain seal, it will also have the ability to influence reality and change reality, but the level can be changed depending on the cultivation base. It’s all different.

At this moment he looked towards the idol, which no longer made any noise, so he walked steadily and moved forward, then took off the gloves and reached out and slowly pressed it up.



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