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The idol of Blood Sun Lord God Wuto is extremely huge. Even if this is just a sitting figure, it has reached 4 zhang high. The ordinary people standing below are very small. So Zhang Yu’s hand was pressed down, and at this moment it was only touching the lower edge of the statue’s leg.

But it doesn’t matter to him. As long as there is source energy in idol and it is really touched by him, then it can be absorbed.

It was just the moment when the hand pressed up, but he felt a sense of emptiness and powerlessness. He encountered a situation similar to that in the Moon God temple. On the idol of the Blood Sun Lord God, there is also a Layer divinity protection.

And at Moon God idol, he can still feel the heat flow surging below, but here, he can’t feel it at all.

However, since the source energy can be found on the previous idols, Lord God, which is eulogized in such an epic, should be no exception in its most important sustenance.

Even if it doesn’t, he must destroy this idol.

Now that he has come here, he will never let this different God resurrect smoothly.

He reached into his pocket and took out the gold bestowal ring. His hands were divided, and the snake head and tail were disconnected. Then, with a little effort under his feet, he jumped up and stood on the arm raised by idol, he Sideways, loosen 5 fingers, let this chain fall in the palm of idol, just above the position that originally supported the golden ball of light.

As soon as this thing fell, the divinity force outside the idol suddenly fluctuated, like a ring of ripples on the water, and a huge natural phenomenon appeared on the huge idol.

But despite this, it may be because the strength of the divinity here is too thick, the layer of defend not at all is thus damaged, and actually successfully resisted the pulling power of the gold bestowal ring.

Zhang Yu waited for a while and saw that the gold bestowal ring has not made progress, knowing that this method may not work.

He thoughts stirred and looked down. It was full of the Divinity power of Blood Sun Lord God, instead of being destroyed by the military force of his predecessor like Moon God temple, idol seemed to be a heavy mass Surrounded by water, any tiny gaps will immediately be filled with external forces, so the defend is exceptionally strong.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is that there is a residual divinity consciousness here.

With such a consciousness, it is possible to concentrate the momentum and condense against him, and this consciousness is hidden in the power of divinity, which is regarded as is everywhere. It is almost impossible to find out if you want to find out.

His pupil light flashed slightly, and since that is the case, it would be better to use the most direct method.

He leaped from above idol, retreated from the several steps, and then stretched his hand over the blade, and with a stream of light flashing above, Song of Cicadas Sword would buzz and tremble, seeming to fly go with.

After he glanced at it again, the palm of his hand was loose, and in an instant, the Song of Cicadas Sword streamer flew away, like a flash of electricity, and it was a sudden impact on idol!

This thunderous blow was blocked by a layer of rays of light above idol, but because of this, the turbulence on the surface became more intense.

These situations are exactly what Zhang Yu hopes to see. He stands still and just urges Song of Cicadas Sword with his thoughts.

As the word light grew faster and faster, it was like a lightning whip continually whipping the idol, and the rumbling sound shook the entire temple.

The undulating ripples on the surface of Blood Sun idol gradually increased, and the turbulence of the divinity of the surface also became more and more intense. In the past, after a period of time, it seemed to reach a critical point. The divinity strength of the whole body was torn open a gap, at the same time, the gold bestowal ring also suddenly lit up.

But then, there was more divine power rushing into idol frantically, as if to try to make up for the loopholes here, but how could Zhang Yu give the other party the opportunity to step forward and immediately press on the idol .


This time without the obstacles in the middle, the source energy of idol can no longer be hidden in the body, a turbulent heat flow like a roaring ocean, he feels like a sinking in the vortex of the deep sea At the same time, there was a small electric flash in the eyes.

At this moment, the appearance of idol began to fade, decay, and aging, even if the divinity force desperately came in, it was of no use. It can be seen that it is gradually going to collapse.

Zhang Yu has long noticed that once he starts extracting source energy, it is an irreversible process for the extracted party, and it seems that some kind of foundation for maintaining its existence is gone.

He also made a bold guess about this, but if he wanted to confirm it, I am afraid that he still needs to find more source energy items.

This raging heat flow didn’t end until a long time ago. At this time, a densely packed spider web-like crack appeared on idol, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound. Finally, it inevitably went to collapse. A large amount of dust was poured from the sky, and the entire temple was stunned. The billowing dust cloud was gray.

After everything calmed down, Zhang Yu lifts the head and found that the temple had undergone considerable changes compared to Fang Cai. The densely packed sword marks and the huge pits that had been impacted appeared on the walls of all around, and the top position On the top, there is a huge hole, which looks directly to the divine symbol location.

If idol does not exist, divine power loses its sustenance, so it naturally eliminates the false illusion woven by divine power and restores the most authentic side.

At this time, if he felt, he turned back.

The silhouettes of the three daoist are standing under the shrine. They closed their eyes and looked as if they were alive.

Within the Mountain of Serenity jungle, Qiao Zhan left the tent, followed Squad Leader Gu down the slope, and came to a clean, clear space.

There were 30 campfires erected here, and the deer’s body of a jungle deer was split and skewered on it. More than 100 native slaves donated by different God were in charge of barbecue.

Squad Leader Gu smelled the aroma coming from the air and was satisfied with the nodded.

Qiao Zhan found a masked person nearby, not at all, who stood with the Divine Army, but looked at the crowd in the distance and turned away.

He couldn’t help asking: “Who is that?”

Squad Leader Gu glanced away and said: “God Restoration Group, a group of mysterious and secretive guys, ignore them, now eating meat is the most important.”

As soon as he pulled Qiao Zhan, he came to the cleaned bonfire, and the native slave moved two wooden stakes, and the two sat down.

Without their hands, the native slaves skillfully cut off the legs of the two fawns, and kneeled respectfully before them.

Squad Leader Gu took it, and the tender venison was sprinkled with spice, and the bite was bitten down. The hot gravy suddenly overflowed his mouth, letting him breath out comfortably, he took a sip of medicinal wine from his waist , Is more satisfied.

Qiao Zhan also took a deer leg and ate there slowly. He glanced around all around and asked, “Squad Leader Gu, I have a problem. We help those Different Gods, so what can we get?” What about? “

Squad Leader Gu said casually: “It’s very simple, we can also share the divine power we have captured, otherwise who will do something that is not beneficial?”

Qiao Zhan said in surprise: “divine power? But can we withstand the power of different God?”

Squad Leader Gu smiled and said, “That’s just because you don’t understand the method that’s all, do you know the unsealing shackled strength ceremony mastered by Army Lord?”

Qiao Zhan nodded and said: “Naturally know.”

Squad Leader Gu curl one’s lip, said: “Just like that person, God Restoration Group, they have a similar method that can infuse the external divine power into our body, and this is the same as the unsealing shackled strength in our Divine Army. There is no conflict, that is to say, if there is a chance to become an army inspector in the future, then the power can be increased once. “

He reached out for Qiao Zhan and said, “Squad Leader Qiao, maybe you can also become an army inspector.”

Qiao Zhan pretended to be self-deprecating and shook his head: “army inspector? There are only 4 positions of the army inspector. How can it not be my turn? I have never expected it.”

“Haha!” Squad Leader Gu laughed for a while, “That’s just Eastern Court’s original rules that’s all, do you think we need to follow Eastern Court’s rules again after this time?”

Qiao Zhan jumped in his heart and said, “What do you mean?”

Squad Leader Gu said meaningfully: “It’s still that sentence, you will understand when the time comes, but even if I don’t say it, you must be able to guess? Haha. Army Inspector Pang is here. He says hello, eat slowly yourself first. “

Before speaking, he swallowed the deer legs in his hands, then stood up and greeted the approaching Pang Gong entire group.

Although Qiao Zhan nibbled venison there, he was worried but couldn’t notice the slightest taste.

This time, there are more than 60 people here, almost 10% of Divine Army. If these 60 people all wait for new power, then the overall strength of Divine Army will rise to a new level, when the time comes Even if Protectorate and Profound Mansion join forces, I’m afraid they won’t be able to suppress them.

A firm expression appeared in his eyes, eating the deer legs hard in his hands.

Stop them anyway!

After a while, he pretended to be full and returned to the tent alone.

He carefully released the heart insect, and then he heard all the news he heard today. After thinking about it, he added a sentence at the end, saying that if there is anything that needs to be done by him, then please try to tell him, he will go Try to complete as much as possible, even if you lose your life!



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