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Somewhere in the Mountain of Serenity jungle, He Jiang, Qi Dian and “Tree God”, “Spider God” personal sustenance, and a masked person standing together, looks at the distant heavenly extinguishing earth-like scene .

The 2 different Gods are all showing fear and shock at the moment. Even standing here, they can still clearly feel the terrifying aura contained in the white light, which is a force that can easily destroy them.

Even the original Blood Sun Lord God Wuto, under such weapons, I am afraid it is also weak.

He Jiang looked at the two different Gods and said, “Relax two, this thing is too unstable, and there is only one. Otherwise, Profound Mansion would have taken it out to deal with you.”

The mask-wearing person expressed an expression of admiration, saying: “Is this Celestial Xia’s weapon-building skill? Really superb.”

He Jiang looks at: “There is no Celestial Xia now, only us Eastern Court.”

Spider God ’s sustenance is a native woman, but the power of divinity makes her plump and tall, her lips full, her skin smooth, her long hair hanging down to her feet, and the female charm is fully displayed in her body.

She said: “Eastern Court ’s gods, we have paid a lot in order to cooperate with your plan. Our priest and believers have been lost here. In the near future, we have no ability to steal the power and authority of the blood sun. Power. “

He Jiang said: “But you also get a lot, don’t you? And you will get more in the future.”

“That’s the future,” Spider God said seriously: “Without the altar, we can’t share power between us, and we can’t really merge together, which will not be conducive to our down action.”

He Jiang said: “So you think so, I thought our oath was enough.”

Tree God ’s sustenance is a dull man. He opened the mouth and said at this time: “That ’s not the same. The vows just let us not abandon each other, but only with common strength can we trust each other and find a common goal. “

He Jiang thought about it and said, “I can understand the thoughts of the two gods, but it’s a little difficult to do.”

“Leave it to me.”

The masked person said, “We God Restoration Group can hold a ceremony for several people to instill the power of antiquity god for you, although not many, but enough to connect with each other.”

Spider God said seriously: “You have the power of antiquity god? Do you know what you are touching?”

The mask-wearing people said indifferently: “Of course, we know very well that this is not the first time we have borrowed this kind of power, so you can rest assured. Right? “

Tree God said in a dull voice: “I am willing to accept.”

Spider God said: “When will the Ceremony be held?”

The mask-wearing person didn’t answer immediately, but looked towards He Jiang. The latter thought for a while and said, “Yes, then please respect the driver and arrange for us as soon as possible. Then we have more important things to do. Do n’t delay here too long. “

Archizama, land of dormant gods.

Zhang Yu saw the three daoist silhouettes revealed in the temple and walked down the steps.

The three people stand at a corner, far away from each other.

He looked towards the daoist who stood in the middle first, and if fighting with the enemy, the pressure that this bears is undoubtedly the greatest.

What he wears is the Profound Mansion robe he is familiar with, but a little different is that a layer of moving cloud is faintly visible on the bottom decoration.

This is the robe that Profound Leader can wear, but it is a gift from Profound Court, and it has many magical uses of defend. His view of this face is basically the same as the portrait I saw in Profound Mansion. It should be the former Profound Leader Yan Zhang. .

He looked at the two people behind Yan Zhang.

These 2 Seniors are also dressed in robes, but they are not Profound Mansion people, and looking at their other spirits, they are somewhat like old cultivator.

He noticed that there was a scabbard hanging from the waist behind the daoist on the left, but the inside was empty, the blade was long gone, and he guessed that this might be the one with the sword stab divine symbol.

And the other, with a gigantic body and a silver-white robe, can see that there is a large pool of melted gold under his feet, which has been flowing down the steps, and his surroundings have also been violently burned, regardless of the temple Large cracks appeared on the top wall or the wall.

He slowly raised his hands, palms together, left one covering the top of the right one, one for each of them.

Immediately after his salute, the three people’s bodies suddenly turned into dust, and their clothes and robes slowly fell to the ground, and there was also the sound of bumping with the jade seal.

His eyes fell, driven by his heart, these three dress crowns were floated and folded, but when the clothing of that gigantic daoist was folded, there was something dropped on it. This thing seemed to be isolated Touched his heart force.

He stepped forward and picked it up, and found that it was a small metal ball. It turned slightly, and there seemed to be something shaking inside, but the surface was smooth and round, and there was no gap.

He couldn’t really recognize what it was. After thinking about it, he put it away together, and then he called for it to retrieve the gold bestowal ring buried in the dust, which was from the temple. Came out.

Squad Leader Mo was standing on the platform outside the temple at the moment. Just now she discovered that the barrier surrounding the outside of the Blood Sun temple was suddenly disappeared, and she was able to walk in.

Seeing Zhang Yu coming out at this moment, she was busy and bowed, saying: “Sir, you are back.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he also noticed that there was no previous cover around the Blood Sun temple. This should be due to the collapse of idol, which led to the disappearance of the divine power sustenance. Go up and then go down.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a violent shock.

Not only the temple underneath, but the entire divine city began to shake. He looked up and found that white light emerged from the place where there were traces of predecessors in the sky dome, and the divine in divine city power is moved towards crazy there.

At this time, the divine symbol on top of the Blood Sun temple behind him suddenly burst into light.

Not only here, even the four remaining divine symbols like candles in the wind are also trying to release rays of light, trying to guide divine power to fill those gaps.

Squad Leader Mo wondered: “What’s wrong with this? Is it going to collapse here?”

Zhang Yu stared at the white light for a moment, it should be that external forces penetrated through the gap left by the predecessors, but those forces should be biased towards physical properties, with only a small amount of mutation spirituality, it is difficult to shake the surrounding divine power barrier, The reaction of divine city seems a bit overwhelming.

But he was pondered again, and it seemed a little clear.

It should be his previous successive destruction, coupled with the impact of these external forces, making the residual divinity idea here think that this is a continuous attack on divine city, so it caused such a big movement.

After the surge of divine power continued for a long time, it finally calmed down again.

At this time he found that Archizama’s pressure on himself was not as strong as before, and his body became a lot easier.

He glanced into the divine city and saw that the 4 divine symbols that existed suddenly disappeared 3, and only one of them still exists, but the Blood Sun divine symbol still exists there, but it is a bit dim than the original.

But he also found that after such a wave of changes, Archizama almost repaired himself, all the traces of his predecessors were disappeared, and he could no longer travel back and forth in divine city.

More than that, it means that now he can’t get out of divine city by leaving marks.

This is not a major event. His strength has been slightly improved compared to before he came in. Even if he ca n’t use the power of his predecessors, with the Song of Cicadas Sword in his hand, he can also split the barrier and go out from the inside.

But the point is what happened outside of divine city?

He could feel that something huge must have happened outside. Under such circumstances, it was obviously inappropriate to go out hurriedly.

He thought about it for a moment, and then he had a decision in his heart.

He said to Squad Leader Mo: “Look at these things around you, don’t mess up and lose them.”

Squad Leader Mo solemnly replied: “Sir, you can rest assured, I must take care of it.” She is very smart, knowing that she cannot go out from here by herself, only rely on Zhang Yu, and these things are her life. Guarantee.

Zhang Yu watched all around, his body lifted slightly in the air, and flew away towards the place where the dim sky was on the other side, and then settled down on a mountain plateau located on the outer edge of the divine city.

Standing here and looking farther away, I can only see a piece of white, and nothing can be distinguished.

Archizama is not endless, its size depends on the strength of divine power.

He can clearly feel that the divine power consumption has caused the entire divine city to shrink a lot after the loophole was made up.

But in this way, the existence of this place is also very magical. At first, he thought that the existence of reality in the divine city a certain reality was transferred here, but at this moment, it seems that this is more like the long-term existence of spirituality transformed into a real thing.

This undoubtedly involves the level of mutual transformation and change between materiality and spirituality.

Perhaps, to a higher level, he could see through the secrets inside.

After seeing it for a moment, he stretched out his sleeves and sit cross-legged down.

After the source energy on idol in the divine city was ingested by him, his spirit essence savings were unprecedentedly abundant, and he estimated that it would be difficult for him to find so many source energy within 2 chapters. In this case, there is no need to delay, he decided to transfer the Spiritual Void Seal here, shape mystical organs, and read the Third Dao Chapter!



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