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On the Great Plains in the middle of the Mountain of Serenity, a middle-aged man wearing a hat is riding a horse on the wilderness. After climbing a slightly elevated mound, he saw a camp of a large scale in the distance. It is the same as the native tribes living on the plain.

But a flag was inserted outside the camp with a simple balance pattern on it.

He took a sip of water and took a look at the swords and crossbows that he carried with him. This slowly drove immediately before coming to the camp. A team of native barbarian rushed out and drank to him at the same time. Crossbow arrows and hand cannon aimed at him, and asked him to show his identity in barbaric language,

The middle-aged man drew an iron medal from the crack in his chest, and there was a balance symbol on it. After these people saw it, they relaxed, and foul-mouthed gave way.

The middle-aged man came down immediately and led the horse into the camp. This is no different from the native tribe camp he had seen before. The tents are messy. Livestock such as cattle and horses are mixed with people. Things, some earth dogs rumbling in the dirt, buzzing mosquitoes and insects flying around.

There are about 2 people here, native, mixed-race, and some serenese, but it can be seen that they are not from one place, but everyone is fully armed and looks extremely tough.

He did not go far, and heard a shout in his ear.

“Old Yu, here.”

He looked at it soundly and saw a clean old tent. A small old man greeted him, and there were 4 or 5 rough-skinned young people beside him, all looking at him with curious eyes.

The middle-aged man looked at it, led the horse, and sat down on a wooden pile in front of the tent.

Little Old Man whispered: “How come this late?”

The middle-aged man didn’t answer this question, but just looked at and said, “Who are they?”

Little Old Man replied: “Most people are believers in God of Balance.”

The middle-aged man is un’ed, he is not interested in the believer of which god, he just uses money to do things, of course, if the things he does not suit his wishes, he will not pick the pick.

He asked, “Do you know why this time?”

Dwarf Little Old Man leaned in a little and said, “I heard that this time it was gathering people to attack a station in Tunzhen.”

The middle-aged man looks at him and says: “There are hand cannon guns in Tunzhen, all the men are trained, and they fight against natives on wasteland all the year round. With these mobs, it is impossible to win, if this action is for this matter , Then I will leave immediately. “

“Don’t worry.” Dwarf Little Old Man looked outside and commanded, 4 or 5 teenagers met, and ran to a farther place to whistle, then he whispered: “old Yu, do you know, God of Balance is resurrected, and one of his sustenances will come here at night to act with us. “His face was full of excitement.” That’s a god. A god is in his own hands, where can he lose? “

The middle-aged man heard the Shenming meeting, his eyes moved, but he still calmly said: “But what is the point of this? If you are beaten down in Tunzhen, the Protectorate will definitely be recruited by the militia, even if the gods can’t fight Profound Mansion and Divine Army. “

Little Old Man shook his head and said, “Then I don’t understood, but I don’t think the gods will ever do anything useless?”

The middle-aged man thought about it for a moment, and suddenly he looked like something, his expression tightened, and then he suddenly stood up and led the horse away, saying, “I think of something, I have to deal with it first, don’t wait for me.”

The Little Old Man looked at him in a hurry, got up and chased two steps, and said, “When will you come back?”

The middle-aged man did not answer him. He walked all the way to the exit of the camp. Two natives tried to stop questioning him. He knocked down 2 people and turned over his saddle. He quickly left the camp and went all the way. Too.

Protectorate southern territory, Hard Claw Tribe station.

The original rough civil architecture was flattened as early as last year, and now stands here are neatly arranged brick and wood buildings, the roads outside have also been tamped and leveled, and now the tribe people who are traveling on the road are all Wearing gorgeous knitting clothes.

Although too bright clothes are worn on these thick and dark natives, there is a sense of disobedience, but it is not the original and brutal appearance after all.

Among the largest residences in the station, Great Tribe Chief Ekuru is receiving a woman wearing a mask. He touched the chin and said: “You mean, you can help ‘Tolotti’ recover its strength quickly, and also provide a ‘Tolotti’ With a good sustenance? “

“Yes, Great Tribe Chief.” The woman’s voice is very unique, there is no ups and downs, no matter the narrative question, there is no slight feeling in it.

Ekuru asked curiously: “Why do you do this?”

The woman replied: “Let the 10000 things be under the dominance of the gods. This is the order that the World should exist. This is what our God Restoration Group pursues. I think our interests should also be consistent.”

Ekuru shook his head: “But I don’t think it, and I don’t think you are right.”

The woman said, “Great Tribe Chief Ekuru, did you find that your tribe is losing control?

Your people are more and more yearning for life in Auspicious Light City. They like the gorgeous clothing of Eastern Court, enjoy the cuisine of Eastern Court, and are willing to accept the command of Eastern Court people. They are starting to look less and less like a pure Hard Claw Tribe’s warrior. “

She pointed to the steaming teacups on the table case, “including everything you entertain us, these are all Eastern Court, Hard Claw’s tribe, everything is gone.”

She looked at Ekuru again, “Your warriors are losing faith. Helping the gods of Hard Claw Tribe will help them regain their original faith,”

Ekuru met her gaze: “My fighters are fighting hard on the battlefield, so when they are free, they have the right to enjoy these, wear gorgeous clothes, and taste delicious food. This is their right to be. I don’t think there is anything wrong here. “

The woman said: “No, Great Tribe Chief, when the fighters find that they can get these things without relying on you, then what is the significance of your existence, Great Tribe Chief?

They no longer regard you as an incarnation of power, and they no longer believe in the gods of the tribe. They are still learning the words and language of Eastern Court. They may not see it in front of them, but the next generation, the next generation, or Hard Claw Tribe disappeared because they all became Eastern Court people. “

Ekuru laughed and said, “I admit that you said something, but it’s not bad for the Hard Claw Tribe people to become Eastern Court people,” he picked up an apple and nibbled up, “they can think of us as ourselves People. “

The woman said: “Excuse me, then your people get what they want, then what do you get, Great Tribe Chief?”

Ekuru’s expression became serious, and he said seriously: “I got a lot of things, reason, benevolence, faithfulness, civilization, etiquette. With these, even if I am wearing animal skin, I am no longer a wild barbarian.”

The woman looks at him: “If you believe this, then your god will abandon you.”

Ekuru did not hesitantly said: “Then let it go, now it needs us, not we need it.”

Woman nodded, she stood up and said: “I understood the meaning of Great Tribe Chief, if Great Tribe Chief changes his mind, you can come to us again.” She put a fine bronze medal on the case.

“Take your things back,” Ekuru also stood up, “I won’t need such things anymore, and you can call my current Celestial Xia name, Ai Chengjian!”

The woman did not withdraw the bronze medal, and after glancing at him, she went straight out.

Priest Kam, who had been sitting silently for a long time, expressed an expression of concern, saying, “Great Tribe Chief, we rejected her. Is this really good?”

Ekuru said: “Kam, do you think the present day is better, or the former days better?”

Kam carefully replied: “Under the Great Tribe Chief’s rule, I think it’s pretty good, but … now it’s better than before.”

Ekuru walked to the door of the mansion and said, “What was what we saw in the former Hard Claw Tribe? A group of wild beasts, except for the whole day of predation and reproduction, they didn’t know anything, they didn’t understand anything, their brains were bloody and slaughter, even I used to be.

Oh, maybe there is a god, but what can he bring us in addition to asking for it? Regain faith? Huh, let’s turn into wild beast again? “

Kam cautiously said: “But the gods sheltered us after all …”

Ekuru immediately denied: “No, to be precise, we hired it, we sacrificed it, and it was responsible for protecting us, just like the people in Auspicious Light City hired our warriors, without it, we It can be replaced by something else. “

He looks at Priest Kam and said: “Kam, you should be very clear that your power is never given by the gods, but by yourself after the day after day praying for 10000 things, what the gods need is for you to make yourself feel hard The hard-earned power will be dedicated again. Although he will give you a little sweetness, it is far less than your contribution. Do you think it is fair? “

He looks at outside and says, “I think the Eastern Court people have a good saying. We don’t need gods because we ourselves are gods.”

Priest Kam asked, “Then Tolotti …”

Ekuru walked through the gate, looking at the crowd walking around in the sun, everyone’s face was full of hope, not the muddleheaded life as before.

He said: “Now, we don’t need it anymore.”

The mask-wearing woman left the Hard Claw station and rode to the south. After a long time, she stopped in front of a wooden shed under a hillside. A wooden pole was inserted in front of the shed door. The dyed horsetail fluttered in the wind.

The shed door curtain lifted, and an old priest came out and said, “How? I said earlier that Ekuru will not agree with you. He is no longer the Great Tribe Chief of Hard Claw Tribe. He is already a Foreign Race people. “

The woman said: “So are you willing to cooperate with us?”

The old priest said: “I got Tolotti’s divine decree and will tell me to control the ministries and do it according to your ideas.”

The woman said: “Your choice is correct.”

The old priest said: “The choice of gods should not be commented by our mortals.”

The woman said: “In that case Tolotti’s sacrifice, what are you going to start?”

The old priest was about to talk, and suddenly there was an expression of listening on his face. Then he said, “The sooner the better, the great God of Slaughter has impatiently wanted to share the feast of the gods.”



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