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In the Protectorate’s Administrative Office hall, Deng Mingqing, Yao Hongyi, Tolotti, Zhu Que, and a person wearing a silver-mask stand on the steps of the ring hall.

Yao Hongyi said: “They agreed to our conditions, but said there was a requirement before signing that we need to let the Celestial Xia people in the city who are not willing to serve the divine country leave and let them go to the overseas islands to survive.”

Deng Mingqing lightly said: “Talk to us about the conditions, what is their dependence?”

Tolotti looked at Commandery and said, “I can feel that there is a powerful divinity power there, and there should be a person who is blessing them.”

Deng Mingqing looked towards Zhu Que, the latter replied: “Army Lord, he is right.”

Deng Mingqing thought for a while and said, “Divine Tolotti, you and Zhu Que work together to suppress this god?”

Tolotti said: “It didn’t take long for me to get this body. Although the source of the body is good, it will take a few more days to adapt and have enough strength.”

Zhu Que replied: “Army Lord, that divinity is very powerful. If I am alone, I am not at all confident.”

Deng Mingqing knew what Zhu Que meant. He had just played a battle with Qi Bi, and his strength had not yet been restored. Many methods were still not available. He looked towards the man wearing a silver-mask and said, “So Mr. . Yin, what do you mean? “

The masked man said: “I think I can promise them.”

Deng Mingqing said: “Can you tell me the reason?”

masked man face moved towards the empty torus, a slightly magnetic voice sounded: “Do n’t forget our first purpose, that is to build our divine country, what we need is to be able to serve us, obey us, worship us Believers, those who are pure Celestial Xia will not believe in us, nor will they really be controlled by us. We let them go, but instead use the people who dominate the rest. “

Tolotti said casually: “It would be better to kill them and make them sacrifices.”

The silver-mask man looks at him and says, “Sacrifice is necessary, but not now. Slaughter and tyranny will only make the whole city into chaos, it will only make them fear and resist us. It is difficult to establish an order and destroy it. It only takes a moment, after which we need to work harder to smooth them out, which is too much.

Now we need to guide them and let the manager among them manage them for us, so that they feel no change from the original, so that they can be transformed by unnoticeable influence, which is why we choose to use soft means instead of going up. The reason for wantonly slaughter. “

Tolotti said: “But what if everyone follows the Celestial Xia?”

Yao Hongyi stroking his beard said: “This is impossible, Auspicious Light City has more than 100 and 10000 people, but the population of overseas islands can have a limit, and I can let the government not provide ships, so that This kind of thing can only rely on Serenity Survey Corps. Their capacity is limited. It is good to be able to transfer 2 people in a short period of time, and this organization is composed of pure-blood Celestial Xia people. Blood Celestial Xia people, and the rest will only feel abandoned, in this case, it is more beneficial to us. “

Tolotti pondered, said: “It’s very reasonable and interesting to say that those tribes’ mortals are very simple, they never need to consider too complicated issues in slavery, it seems that I want to welcome a group of different believers Now that order is necessary, I agree with you. “

Deng Mingqing pondered, he always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, but he could not remember it for a while, but he did not at all objected.

After he walked out of the hall, a servant walked in and said: “Army Lord, Profound Mansion’s people are evacuating, they are summoning people all over the place, giving up each branch mansion.”

Deng Mingqing said: “I am understood.” He thought again, instructed: “Go send a letter and call Qi Dian back.”

A close friend attendant said: “The Army Lord, where is the Hong River Pass?”

Deng Mingqing said: “There is a lot less than him, and he doesn’t have much power there. When I come back here, I feel more useful to him.”

The people trapped in the Commandery manor at this moment also received a reply quickly.

Mr. Yao said: “Goddess Yaqu, they agreed, then according to your opinion, we need to wait now?”

Goddess Yaqu said: “Yes, Chaos Tide is fading. The past few days are fading fast. The longer the delay, the greater the chance of success after the beacon is lit.”

Wang Gong said: “But they won’t give us too long.”

Goddess Yaqu said: “It takes at least 3 days.”

Liu Fengquan suggested: “We can’t just wait and do nothing. Before signing the notice, we have to make more requests after the establishment of the divine country. The more they ask, the more they don’t understand our purpose. Let them think that we have really accepted it and have considered it for our own benefit. “

Mr. Yao looked towards Yang Jue, said: “Chief Commander, what do you think?”

Yang Jue thought about it and said, “I think Mr. Liu’s suggestion is very good.”

Mr. Yao smiled and said, “Chief Commander, what’s the matter in the future, please consult Mr. Liu.” He looked towards several people present and said, “Then I will negotiate with Yao Hongyi about this matter.”

He stood up, cups the hands and bows, and said: “Honorable Gentleman Liu, discovered cultivator Wang, and Goddess Yaqu. I ’ll bother you to take care of Chief Commander here. I will wait outside and wait for the flame to light up. . “

Several people quickly returned the gift.

As soon as Mr. Yao was nodded, he went out.

Goddess Yaqu looks at his back, said: “Mr. Yao, you will see.”

Mr. Yao didn’t look back, so he opened the door and walked out in the sunlight projected from outside.

Among the Profound Mansion, Xiang Chun was planning to evacuate in Affairs Hall. Suddenly the door was pushed out from the outside. Xu Ying rushed in and asked eagerly, “senior brother, are you going to leave Profound Mansion up and down here?”

Xiang Chun says without raising the head: “The teacher is gone, we can’t fight the Divine Army, what if we don’t go?”

Xu Ying excitedly said: “How can you leave at this time? We’re gone, Protectorate who will defend?”

Xiang Chun acted and then continued to sign the document in his hand, saying: “Protectorate? What does Protectorate have to do with us? According to the Celestial Xia etiquette, Protectorate should be under Profound Mansion, now they do not follow the Xia system, What is wrong with me when I abandon them? “

Xu Ying said: “That’s different, different.”

Xiang Chun said: “Nothing is different.”

Xu Ying came up and said, “Although the senior brother and the teacher are gone, there is still master nephew Ji. It is possible for master nephew Ji to cultivate to the third chapter. Can’t you wait a second?”

Xiang Chun said: “It’s too late. In the current situation, even if there is more of him, it’s useless, and he, a person who has never been involved in fighting, how can even if he has a cultivation base?”

Xu Ying had a stalk on his neck and said: “senior brother, I won’t go.”

Xiang Chun looked at him, nodded and said: “Follow you.”

Xu Ying squeezed his fists tightly, and turned away quickly.

A black robe who covered his head and face with a smock suddenly appeared behind Xiang Chun, said with a smile: “Xiang master nephew, do you need me to leave him? In fact, as long as you shout everyone together, I can put all Everyone stays. “

Xiang Chun said: “It’s not necessary anymore. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you want to stay, you can stay. I won’t force them.”

He knew he couldn’t persuade everyone, but as long as he kept the Profound Mansion’s fire, Profound Mansion would not perish.

And he has negotiated with Serenity Survey Corps, and he will choose an unmanned island overseas as the new residence of Profound Mansion, where he will re-establish a new Profound Mansion, protect overseas islands, and wait until Chaos Tide subsides , And then send people out to find local news.

After Xu Ying left the main hall, along the Mountain of Initiation secret passage, he came to a secret room in one breath. The masked young scribe was looking at what was here. The latter saw him coming in and quickly saluted saluted, saying: “uncle master.”

Xu Ying asked anxiously: “Master nephew, for your cultivation technique, can you succeed in cultivation?”

The young scribe lowered his head without answering.

Xu Ying said anxiously: “How about you?”

young scribe whispered: “I haven’t cultivated well yet.”

Xu Ying asked, “How long will it take?”

The young scribe was silent for a while, lifts the head, and said, “Master nephew has not started cultivation.”

“What?” Xu Ying’s eyes widened and said, “What do you say? Do you say it again?”

young scribe loudly said: “master nephew is saying that master nephew has not started cultivation.”

Xu Ying revealed an unbelievable look, gesturing with his finger, “How dare you, you say? Why do you refuse to cultivate?”

The young scribe lowered his head again and said, “I just don’t want to cultivate.”

Xu Ying couldn’t help being anxious and said: “I took the risk to bring you back from the outside. I work hard for your affairs every day. I went to ask the teacher to pass on the best cultivation technique to you. The found cultivator attracts danger for you. You actually said that you do n’t want to cultivate? Is that how you repay me and return to Profound Mansion? Are you right for your teacher who passed away? “

Young scribes suddenly burst out under his rage, and shouted at him: “But I just don’t want to cultivate!”

He ripped off his mask, revealing a very young face, at most 14-15 years old, he loudly said: “You dress me up, every day wear these uplifting clothes and shoes, and say not to let People find age! “

He pointed to the ground, “Give me this mask again, saying I was afraid that people would find out that I did as I did, but why, why can I only stay in this all black, no daylight place all day? You know What? I feel like a prisoner. I am forced to do things I do n’t want to do every day. I do n’t want to cultivate! I want to go out, I want to go home! “

Xu Ying’s fingers trembling and pointing at him, said: “You, you … don’t you want to avenge your teacher?

young scribe whispered: “I don’t remember him.”

“what did you say?”

The young scribe raised his voice and said, “I said that I don’t remember him anymore! He just pointed me out and left for a month and a half. Then you came and said that I wanted to take revenge. I don’t understand. Dad asked me to take care of me. In your words, I will do whatever you want me to do, and I listen, but uncle master, you know, I do n’t like it at all, I do n’t like this day after day I ca n’t see the endless days! “

Xu Ying shivered and said, “Okay, okay, you don’t want to be here,” he pointed out, “You go, you go, I don’t stop you …”

The young scribe looked at him, brushed past him, and ran out like this.

Xu Ying stepped backwards in several steps, lost his eyes, and sat on the stone bench weakly.

After a while, he lifts the head and saw the young scribe standing in front of him and asked, “What are you doing back? Didn’t you tell you to leave?”

The young scribe hesitated and whispered, “Uncle master, are you okay? I was just too rude, I should not yell at the uncle master like this.”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, “No, you are right, I was too harsh on you before,” he smiled bitterly, “why do I have to impose on you what I can’t do?”

He looked up: “Go, go and do what you like.”

The young scribe hesitated, raised his hand to respect him, he walked to the door and turned back: “uncle master, I know that I am a Profound Mansion discipline. I will go home to see my father and mother, and I will come back.” Yan Bi , Another ritual, quickly left.

Xu Ying seemed to think of something. After a moment of too up, he came to the door and took care of him: “There is no peace and security outside. Be careful along the way.”

The young scribe’s voice came far from the end of the channel, “I am understood, thank you uncle master.”

Xu Ying watched him leave and stood silent for a long time, then turned to Profound Mansion and turned around.

Protectorate wasteland in the south, outside a deserted mound, a scarlet light fell, Tao Dingfu flicked the rays of light, walks from inside, his eyes slightly moved the fire glow, looks at the surface.

After a while, a trace of unique traces appeared on the ground, which continued to extend towards the mound in front of him. He thought to himself: “What are these people from the God Restoration Group doing here?”

As the traces passed, he found a small cave on the back of the mound, but after entering, he found that there was a huge cave with various golden lines carved on it.

He glanced at it and said, “Is this … a secret mansion established by the found cultivator?”

It’s just that it looks dilapidated at the moment. It seems that he has experienced a fierce fighting. There are several bodies of found cultivator on the ground. He walked into the middle and saw a huge hole-like pit above the ground.

A person in a Profound Mansion robe leaned against the wall of the well, and his chest collapsed and his four limbs were broken.

Tao Dingfu looked around, but found that the person still had a breath. He immediately stepped forward, reached for the forehead of this person, and sent a ray of vitality into it.

The found cultivator was nourished with vitality. After a while, the eyes slowly opened, but it was just hit hard, the vision was blurred, but it was faintly seen that a person dressed as a daoist was in front of him. He immediately wrapped his crushed palm with Heart Light and grabbed it. Tao Dingfu’s hand.

Tao Dingfu looked at him like this and said, “fellow daoist, you can use Heart Light again and I can save you from coming back.”

The found cultivator did not let go, grabbed his hand, and said: “North, Pass, Essence Suppressing Point, please.” After he finished speaking, his hand suddenly released.

Tao Dingfu froze for a while, alas, helplessly said: “I really don’t want to care about the matter of the found cultivator.” He converged all the bodies of the found cultivator, and then came out from the inside, and he lifts the head said: “The north is it.”

With a bang, a scarlet rays of light stretched from the flat ground, drawn a sky-long rainbow, and flew away to the north.



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