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Zhang Yu walked in the jungle. In front of him, there was a native priest holding a heart branch and leading the way there. Two Tuva half gods who were very tyrannical at the moment were left and right, followed very honestly.

Zhang Yu discovered at the moment that when he walked out of the white land, he might have been slightly biased towards the northeast, but there is no problem. Now that it has been corrected, I have found the Mountain of Serenity, which is a matter of flying for a while.

After walking for a long time, the priest in front suddenly stopped. He turned around and stooped: “Great God, Talu Tree told me that the road ahead was blocked, are we detouring?”

Zhang Yu looked over and saw that the front was blocked by a thick bucket of vines, and the thick swamp was below. Looks at is not easy to pass, and then looks left and right, as far as I can see, almost all It is such a vine that seems to have to bypass.

He didn’t answer, he went up for several steps, reached out and held the hilt, but when he was about to pull out the blade, he thought about it, but put his hand down again, and then stared at the front, shouted in his mouth: “Come back ! “

The people present, including 2 Tuva half gods, that native priest, and Squad Leader Mo seemed to hear these two words, but it seemed as if they had not heard anything, and everyone’s mind appeared blank for a moment.

At the same time, the vines in front swayed, and then the sound of hong long long came out, one by one fell down one after another, and a spacious Grand Dao with a length of several li was spread out on the swamp.

The native priest was stunned, then threw away the heart branch, knelt down at Zhang Yu, and kept worshipping. The two Tuva half gods also knelt down and followed.

Squad Leader Mo looks at this scene, which is also very exciting. She looks at Zhang Yu’s back, thinks for a while, and kneels down again.

Zhang Yu glanced far away, then set foot on this vine road and continued to walk forward. The priest’s eyes were full of fanaticism, and he stood up immediately and greeted 2 Tuva half gods to keep up.

Squad Leader Mo sent the things behind him up and followed them in a big step.

One day later, the government announced in the name of Chief Commander that Protectorate will establish a divine country with the gods. All Protectorate’s people can bathe under the divine light together, but if they do not want to stay, they can also leave by themselves.

Because of fear of fierce resistance, not at all mentioned that the Academy, Profound Mansion, and Xia Gazing Stage should be dismantled, just preparing to do this slowly after some people evacuated.

After the news came out, the whole city was in an uproar.

Eastern Court Protectorate has rejected different God for many years, but now when it comes to alliance with different God, what kind of divine country to establish is also turbulent, and immediately caused many people to object.

It’s just that the entire Auspicious Light City is now controlled by the Divine Army and the native barbarians who have been recruited into the city. With the cooperation of the Administrative Office, now a few people in the city have managed to resist in secret, the rest are powerless Speak.

Under these circumstances, with the best efforts of the Serenity Survey Corps, all the ships will be transferred from the sea, and each one will be moored outside the port, and will begin to send Celestial Xia people who do not want to stay in the city. go.

Profound Mansion Profound Mansion After learning that Protectorate is going to establish a divine country, more than half of the people think that they should stay against the Different God, but many people think that they should save their strength and feel that it is better to follow Xiang Chun first to the sea, etc. Save enough power to come back and recapture Auspicious Light.

After some quarrels, the result was that Xiang Chun left Profound Mansion with a group of people and boarded the ship to go to the sea, while Xu Ying took the rest of the found cultivator to stay here.

At Peaceful Sun Academy, most of the teachers and students left under Proctor Chi’s order, and he himself decided to stay, including all Study Supervisors in the academy, who also stayed, they decided to use Own way to fight against Different God.

Yan Yuming walked alone on the empty academic road. After arriving at Zhang Yu’s residence, he stopped, raised his hands, and sternly pressed against the door.

The door was opened from the inside, and Li Qinghe came out from the inside and said, “Why didn’t Young Gentleman Yan stand outside the door?”

Wondrous Pills Lord leaned out of his feet and looked up at Yan Yuming, this is the first time this little leopard did not hide from him.

Yan Yuming said: “little brother Li, are you understood for something outside?”

Li Qinghe said: “Understood, but I won’t leave if my husband doesn’t come back.”

Yan Yuming said seriously: “I don’t want to go either. I remember when I was instructed to guard the Senior Official of the Library Division Yamen, when the Different God arrived, I was powerless to resist, not even moving, but now I have the ability, As a Profound Mansion disciple, I have a responsibility to fight against these different Gods, and as a teacher ’s discipline, the teacher should not want me to escape like this? “

He turned his gaze to Wondrous Pills Lord laughed, raised his hand and shook it, and a ray of light rose up. Then he turned around and waved his hand at Li Qinghe, just under the latter’s watch to Profound Mansion hurried away.

On the other side of the Academy, Young Gentleman Zheng was carrying his luggage and walked out of the Academy with Uncle Gu.

Uncle Gu said: “young man, you take so many things, let me take it for you?”

Young Gentleman Zheng resigned: “Uncle Gu, I am not an ordinary person now.”

Uncle Gu smiled and said, “Yeah, Young Gentleman has grown taller and stronger.”

When Young Gentleman Zheng was about to walk out of the gate of the Academy, he looked back, and suddenly stood still, feeling depressed: “Uncle Gu, I actually don’t want to go.”

Uncle Gu sighed and said, “Uncle Gu knows, but Zheng family this generation is you alone. The wife still misses you and thinks of going back. Have you not seen your wife in more than a year?”

Young Gentleman Zheng hesitantly said: “But my classmates, my same sect, my teacher are here, and they didn’t leave.”

Uncle Gu persuaded him with a long heart: “You read a lot of books, Grand Dao understands you better than Uncle Gu, but Uncle Gu knows, if you have something wrong here, what should your wife do? She is just like your son, And when you came out, did n’t your teacher or classmate blame you? ”

“Yeah, you go back early, and you have Uncle here.” As a voice came, a young man in his 20s came over with a smile.

Young Gentleman Zheng looked back and said happily, “Uncle.”

Zheng Gao walked up and down and touched his head, said: “Little Yu’er, the elders are still there, where do you get your turn? From where to go back and forth, Zheng family It is enough to have me here, wait for you to grow High, let’s brace the door beam again. “

Uncle Gu is nodded again and again.

Young Gentleman Zheng thought for a while, then said to Zheng Gao, “Uncle, little nephew understood, you take care.”

Zheng Gao said with a smile: “You can rest assured, you Uncle, I’m very lucky, and it’s rare that so many people have stayed to speak with me. I’m too happy to be too late. Let’s go back early and give me peace for my family.”

Zheng Yu said seriously: “Uncle, I will bring it.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Zheng Gao stood on the steps at the entrance of the academy, looks at the master and the two people went all the way until he could not see the silhouette, he then withdrew his gaze, and then bowed to the upper guard who looked at the door in front of the door, and was ready to return. Among them, he turned towards the direction of academy.

At midnight, in the government inner hall, Yang Jue was sleeping on the long case, Wang Gong was sitting on the floor meditating, and Liu Fengquan was leaning on the back of the chair to recuperate.

Since Yang Jue has signed the notice and the Chief Commander order has been passed on, the monitoring of them here is not as severe as it was 2 days ago.

Goddess Yaqu suddenly opened her eyes, she stood up, and walked to the door. The two Divine Army guarding the door were dozing, they could feel the movement, but they watched alertly, but then they suddenly felt one There was a lot of pressure, and suddenly lost consciousness.

Wang Gong was the first to wake up. He saw Goddess Yaqu’s move, stepped forward to wake Liu Fengquan, and managed to wake up Yang Jue in a low voice.

Goddess Yaqu pushed open the door and looked back: “Come with me.”

Wang Gong took Yang Jue, who was sleepy, and followed Yaqu out. Liu Fengquan was older, but his legs and feet were not slow at all. He quickly followed three people.

On the way to Houfu, there are guarding Divine Army army soldiers everywhere, but as soon as they touch Yaqu ’s divine power, each and everyone planted collapses to the ground.

But Yaqu’s face was not relaxed at all, because she knew that her movement could not conceal those who were as strong as her, so after going out a section of the road, she would no longer avoid it, using divine power to support 3 People quickly came behind the government.

Within the Administrative Office lobby, Deng Mingqing and Zhu Que are negotiating the manpower for the next few days. At this time, Zhu Que suddenly stood up.

Deng Mingqing looked up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Zhu Que said: “Army Lord, that powerful divinity force is moving, I suspect they will run away.”


Deng Mingqing asked, “Where did you run?”

Zhu Que felt it and said, “Going behind the government.”

“Rear, there …

Deng Mingqing’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, and he had already reacted.

“Not good, beacon!”

His face was almost grim: “Come on, stop them! Must stop them!”

Only when his voice came out, Zhu Que silhouette flickered, and it was already flying out.

Goddess Yaqu has felt that there is a powerful force approaching himself quickly.

She hasn’t spoken yet, Wang Gong has given Chief Commander Yang Jue to her, and said, “You go, I will stop.” Then he turned to face the direction where the breath came.

Goddess Yaqu was nodded to him. She took Yang Jue and Liu Fengquan 2 and flew to Xia Gazing Stage. After pushing open the gate of this tall building, they entered it along an upward staircase.

After ten steps, they entered a wide space.

Liu Fengquan also entered the Xia Gazing Stage for the first time in his life. He looked up towards the top, where they were all shaped by blocks of golden glaze. Pieces of straight-sided glazed pieces pieced together to form a dome-shaped roof that continued to gather upwards. Looking into an infinitely deep virtual hole.

In the middle, there is a semi-circular metal shell with fine and gorgeous lines carved on it.

Goddess Yaqu looked at it and said, “It’s still the same as before several decades.” She said to Liu Fengquan: “I made an oath, when Divinity is possessed, don’t touch the things inside, please ask Dukedom Liu to promote The brake on that side. “

Liu Fengquan looked in the direction of her finger and saw that there was a thick rod, he nodded, stepped forward, holding it with both hands, pushing the force upward, and after a moment, he heard the sound of berth Some liquid is flowing down the wall from above.

Then there was a burst of array pivot sound inside the Xia Gazing Stage, the lights on the ring wall lit up one by one, and the metal cover in the middle was separated to the two sides, and a square and thick stone platform rose from below When it came up, it had an oblique angle with Mysterious Chaos cicada wings mark symbolizing Celestial Xia, and in the middle of the body of the cicada, there was a round jade plate with a palm-shaped depression inside.

Goddess Yaqu put down Yang Jue and said to him: “Give me your hand.”

Yang Jue passed his hand honestly, Goddess Yaqu raised his finger on the palm of his hand, and suddenly blood flowed out.

Liu Fengquan was shocked and said, “What are you doing?”

Goddess Yaqu said: “Ignite the beacon, you need to use the blood of the Commander direct descendants as an introduction,” she looked serious at this time, facing Yang Jue: “child, you listen, your grandfather and father are already here. Everything is done, now you do n’t need to do anything extra, you just go up, put your hand on that palm print, and just call Celestial Xia in your heart. “

Yang Jue’s small face is serious and ununed. He looked towards the stone platform and trot up the steps. He stopped at the Mysterious Chaos cicada wings mark and stood back. He glanced back at 2 people and turned around When he came, he stretched out a small hand with blood and slowly put it on the palm print.



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