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On the cliff of Beihai Mountain, Ying Zhuan is sit cross-legged here, the black fire on his body flashes endlessly, at this moment he suddenly feels a bright light, his front body is shining.

Under the sea, the scarlet eyes opened, and saw a beam of light from the distant sky rising from the earth, and rushed to the upper end of the cloudy sky. It seemed that it could not see the end of it.

He stared at the beam of light for a moment, the black fireworks flickered, and the whole person disappeared from the top of the cliff.

Near the North Mountain of Serenity, Zhang Yu is walking on the inner walk of the jungle. Wherever he passed, only one word was needed, and the trees fell down, the vines separated, and a spacious road appeared.

Squad Leader Mo, 2 Tuva and the priest all followed in awe.

After Zhang Yu mastered the power of Speech Seal, he no longer had much obstruction in walking through the jungle. The speed increased quickly, and he could walk out from here soon.

When the road blocking plants at the front parted again, all of a sudden, a piece of light fell over the top of the head. Even the jungle at night looked like daylight.

His pupil light moved slightly, and immediately flew to the sky, and he saw a sky of straight rays of light rising from the sky. Even though Chaos Tide’s twists and turns were constantly changing, he could not hide this light.

Is that … beacon?

He looked at the light, which could stand as tall as Chaos Tide, and only Celestial Xia beaconed.

He thought about it a little bit, what must have happened in Auspicious Light City, otherwise Protectorate would not ignite the beacon without Chaos Tide completely retreating.

He remembered the large-scale white land formed in the jungle. The two should be related.

He seemed to be rushing home as soon as possible.

While the beacon was there, he had actually pointed him in the direction, and he no longer had to walk slowly here.

After thinking about it, he looked at the Squad Leader Mo below: “This is not far from the Mountain of Serenity. The two Tuva half god minds have been controlled by me. You can obey your orders. If you continue to move forward, , Do n’t forget what ’s left of your body. “

Squad Leader Mo tilted his head and said without hesitation to a cup one fist in the other hand above: “Yes, sir.”

When her words fell, she saw a rays of light that seemed to tear the sky dome, and a roar of breaking atmosphere came from her ears. The side trees shook violently, and the trees and leaves danced wildly. Face, when I look at it again, the light rainbow has gone away without a shadow, only the column of light at the end of the sky is vaguely standing there.

Before Xia Gazing Stage, Goddess Yaqu lance was broken, and the helmet didn’t know where it fell. The leather armor was covered with cracks and fist marks. The blood on the forehead was golden flowing down the cheek.

Even if she can’t bear the attack between two powerful opponents, especially Zhu Que, she deeply feels the power of this opponent. Under normal circumstances, she won’t win this one-on-one.

Although she can restore her injuries with the power of divinity, but under fierce fighting, often the last injury has not been recovered, the new injury has appeared again, and now she has been weak to the extreme, but despite this, she is still there Persevere and persevere.

At this moment, she cut off with a sword, and the powerful force caused Tolotti to be flung out by the whole split, but immediately the “ka-cha” sounded, the long sword broke, she immediately threw it away, took off the bow and arrow brush behind her, first Aimed at Zhu Que, the latter only felt a piercing eyebrow, his eyelids jumped straight, and immediately the silhouette flickered and dodged away.

Yaqu’s fingers were loosened, but this arrow went out, but did not shoot at him, but appeared directly on Tolotti’s body, and caused a violent collision with the rays of light on his body, causing him to fly out directly.

But at this time, a silhouette rushed into the field, and quickly attacked Yaqu several times, and forced her to retreat several steps.

Yaqu clearly felt the effort, the strength of the coming person was not high, but it was unmatched in the use of skills, the power of the shot, the timing and the weight were just right, and it was unusually consistent from beginning to end, just a few rounds. Forced her down.

At this time, Zhu Que suddenly appeared on the left side, and the strong threat forced her to distract herself. The man immediately seized the opportunity, but just grabbed a buckle, and her figure was out of balance. The introduction of Xia Gazing Stage was given out.

Upon seeing Zhu Que, he dropped the sentence “Here is for you” and the silhouette flashed into the Xia Gazing Stage.

He walked up the narrow step and came to the spacious inner hall in a flash. His sharp eyes swept away, but when he saw it was empty, there was only a heavy stone platform in the middle.

He walked forward at several steps, looked up, and saw a dazzling ball of light above, which was surrounded by glazed panels spliced ​​into round balls.

He felt that the glazed plates and the light should be the source of the beacon, so his figure floated up, hitting the glazed plate with a fist, but before the fist blasted up, a white light appeared in front of him.

At the next moment, he shuddered, and the whole person was shocked by a huge force, crashed down on the hard ground, rebounded a few times, and hit the corner of the wall until it stopped Down, you can see that at this moment all the skeletons on his body are twisted and smashed.

A moment later, the black shadow flashed on his body, and the stood up was casual.

But he glanced over his eyes again, knowing that there was no way for him. Although it was only a short contact, he could judge that it was a powerful protective force, not that he could be shaken by himself.

He turned his head and searched for 4 times.

The beacon was ignited by someone, probably by Chief Commander Yang Jue, and because the people outside are all Divine Army people, so people should still be here now, if they can find out, maybe they can ask from the child ’s mouth A way to close the beacon.

He walked around here for a while, and soon found a stone gate with a clear outline behind the stone platform. Slowly stepped forward. After standing, he reached out and tried to press, but found that there was also a layer of white light flashing on it. When he came out, his fingers just touched it lightly, and he was bounced back like an electric shock.

He looked at it for a while, then turned and went out.

Liu Fengquan was taking Yang Jue and hiding behind the door. He also noticed the movement on the door just now. His heart was very tense, but he waited a long time, but no one came in. The tense mind was Panasonic, he looked down. Looking at Yang Jue, seeing that he was still unconscious, he took a pulse and found that there was really no harm, so he let go of it, but he was thinking in his heart, “The beacon is on, Celestial Xia … is it still there?” “

Zhu Que went outside and saw Qi Dian leaning against the wall alone, and asked, “What about people?”

Qi Dian gestured upwards and said, “I flew away, I can’t catch up.” He regretted: “It’s a pity to have a good opponent.”

Zhu Que didn’t care too much, he not at all connected Goddess Yaqu and Yang Ying together, only thinking that Yang Ying and Yang Jue and the others were hiding in the secret room, and there was no powerful god, in his opinion Instead, there is one less trouble.

As soon as he leaned over, he flew from Commandery and landed before returning to Administrative Office. After seeing Deng Mingqing, he reported the matter to his people.

Deng Mingqing looked cold, he thought for a moment, and immediately ordered people to call Tolotti, Yao Hongyi, and Mr. Yin together.

He gave a brief account of this situation and said solemnly: “The Celestial Xia beacon has been ignited. If it is seen by the Celestial Xia locals, then it is likely that someone will be sent to support the Protectorate. Believe me, no one can come when the time comes. The power of resistance. “

Yao Hongyi frowns saying: “Does Celestial Xia really still exist?”

Deng Mingqing lightly said: “Celestial Xia will not perish.”

Yao Hongyi gave him a slightly surprised look. Until now, Deng Mingqing is the backbone of the subversive faction. Everything in the Divine Army can be said to be driven by him from behind, but he has never understood, what is the purpose of the other party?

The person neither took divine pill nor planned to put on divine robe. Now he is more certain of the existence of Celestial Xia. That attitude seems firmer than anyone else, which makes him very difficult to understand.

Deng Mingqing then said: “But Chaos Tide has not completely retreated yet. Celestial Xia may not see the beacon. As long as we push down the beacon tower in time, we still have a chance to win.”

Yao Hongyi looked towards Zhu Que: “Isn’t Army Inspector Zhu saying that the beacon is indestructible?”

Zhu Que replied: “Yes, at least I can’t destroy it, and the power contained in the beacon tower is very huge. Attacking it is fighting against the entire beacon tower. If anyone thinks it is OK, who can try it.”

Tolotti affirmed: “Yes, I have seen it too, that the beacon is very strong, and it is not something we can destroy.” When he thought of the rays of light, he didn’t even shake his head. Such a huge force may be only those powerful The antiquity god can shake.

Mr. Yin opened the mouth and said: “There is actually another way, my proposal is …” He looked at everyone and said, “Wake up Serenity God / calm the mind in advance.”

Divine Tolotti said seriously: “This is too hasty. Even if we can wake him now, we can’t control him.”

Mr. Yin said: “The Essence Suppressing Point on the south has been destroyed, and the news has just arrived. The one in the north has also been found, and the last Essence Suppressing Point should be in the Profound Mansion. We can not destroy it first. summon gives out part of the power of Serenity God / calm the mind, and does not allow him to be completely out of bondage. “

The underground of Auspicious Light City has been sleeping with an antiquity god called “Serenity God / calm the mind”. He is also the earliest god enshrined by Serenese. He once established a divine country in the position of Auspicious Light City and later in the era The change collapsed.

Because this is a brutal wicked god, Serenese’s priest layer did not want him to return to the world. Under deliberate concealment, now Serenese himself does not remember this god.

After the arrival of Eastern Court Protectorate, I discovered this antiquity god sleeping in the ground, and seeing the temple on the ground helped to seal this god, so even if a new building is built, it will only be rebuilt on the old site without going big, and They went one step further and established three Essence Suppressing Point on Protectorate territory, continuously extracting the divine power of this antiquity god for their own use.

The reason why the whole Auspicious Light City is 4 seasons like spring, and it is shrouded in a rays of light is because it uses the power of this god.

One of the main purposes of God Restoration Group to take Auspicious Light City as a divine country is to wake up this god, and then control him, use his powerful divine power to make him a puppet Lord God of divine country, and they You can get everything without paying too much.

Deng Mingqing lightly said: “Since Mr. Yin said so, give it a try.”

The person wearing the silver-mask looked towards Tolotti. The different God thought about it and said, “The world is full of accidents, and even the gods ca n’t know everything. If you plug a loophole, there will inevitably be another loophole, but I do n’t object because We have no choice. “

Yao Hongyi stroking his beard thought about it for a while, and finally said: “Appendix.”

Mr. Yin laughed. Although he was wearing a mask, everyone here felt that he was laughing. He said: “Then we will hold a ceremony. The antiquity god who was sleeping before the epoch is time to wake up. “



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