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The Hong River Pass, the cannon boomed, and the hand cannon sounded one after another. The fortress and protective wall that had just been built on the river bank were overturned and collapsed again.

The native army on the other side crossed the river again with the power of the gods. A giant spider first crossed the Blood-winged Soldier and rushed over against the fire.

Their rapid speed and strong spiritual rays of light on their bodies effectively avoided and blocked the artillery fire. After rushing into the fortress group, they did not stay, but inserted directly behind the battlefield.

Because these spiders are still seated with a lot of powerful priests, destructive power and impact are very powerful, and most of the people behind have no extraordinary power, so Dou Chang and the others ca n’t ignore it, except to send out a part of the found cultivator to help the army fight In addition to the Blood-winged Soldier coming in front, all the remaining staff were rushed up to meet these things.

Before the start of this battle, they had already understood Protectorate and Profound Mansion what happened, and they knew that no more assistance would come.

They also received a letter from Xiang Chun to let them withdraw overseas, but none of them chose to leave, they were determined to stay and fight with Different God in the end.

A black fire flashed in Tianyu, and Ying Zhuan appeared above the battlefield.

He saw densely packed native and various humanoid creatures rushing towards the fortress group. Although there were constant companions being torn by the roaring artillery and hand cannon, they were all crazy and still rushing forward. I didn’t feel scared at all.

He looked back at the distant jungle, where there were two large silhouettes of hills, and the source of the fanatic power was there.

And just as he looked over, the two different Gods also noticed his gaze. This was the first time they felt a threat from an outsider after receiving the power of antiquity god.

Ying Zhuan was about to go when the two different Gods were in the past. Suddenly a black ray of light rushed from the side. His fireworks-like robe surged outwards, and instantly shattered it.

As soon as his scarlet eyes turned, he saw a black robed man floating in the air, just feeling that the robe was empty, and one eye was exposed in the gap, and a deep voice came out: “Ying Zhuan, you understand , Either you swallowed me or I swallowed you. “

Ying Zhuan didn’t respond, just calm looks at the person coming, but the robe on his body was like a black fireworks blooming in the sky, like a drop of ink falling into the clear water.

Then his figure rose suddenly.

The black robed man clearly understood his intentions, and also flew up with him.

As the 2 people ascend and rise, it will not be long before they reach the clouds. On the other side of the 2 people, the pillar of the flame is still bright, from heaven to earth, it seems that there is no end at the upper end.

After 2 people stared at each other for a while, 2 groups of black flames suddenly bumped into one place!

Outside the dozens of li from the fortress group, there is a raised mound. Profound Mansion guards the secret mansion of Essence Suppressing Point in the north. Here, more than a dozen masked people forcibly broke through the gate and fought against the proven cultivator here. .

It can be seen that some of the masked people still have diminity rays of light flashing. The battle between the two sides is limited to a space that is not too spacious, but the God Restoration Group has many people. And early preparations, soon gained the upper hand.

After the battle continued for almost a half moment, the voice gradually subsided.

After a while, a member of God Restoration Group wearing a red mask came out, and he was holding a metal rod with a silver light flashing in his hand.

He put this thing in his robe and looked at the surrounding one after another, saying, “The things are in hand, we will go back to life immediately.”

“Where to go!”

With this scream, a scarlet light descended from the sky and shot down.

The members of the God Restoration Group found that it was wrong, but it was too late to hide, and everyone was enveloped by rays of light.

This red light only dissipated after several breaths. At this moment, the surrounding atmosphere was full of hot atmosphere, and the scenery appeared a little distorted. You can see the gold red liquid flowing there.

When the smoke dissipated, all the members of God Restoration Group were all disappeared. There was only a fine layer of glazed crystals on the ground, and a metal column flashing silver was inserted there.

Tao Dingfu reached out and took the metal post into his hand and said, “It should be this thing? Fortunately, it took a little effort, and it is not good if it is broken.” He looked at the fireworks in front of him again. Hong River Pass, annoyed: “Who is it for?”


Suddenly he noticed that distant sky was approaching with a familiar breath. When the red light turned, he greeted him there.

Guided by the beacon, Zhang Yu quickly fled from the Mountain of Serenity, but after soaring in the sky for a while, he saw a bit of rays of light flashing on the ground in the distance, and he could Hear the rumble of artillery fire.

Based on the terrain, he quickly recognized that there was a Hong River Pass. Obviously there was a war going on at that moment.

He thoughts stirred, the rays of light exploded on his body, and the speed suddenly accelerated a few minutes. The mountain range plains were constantly being left behind. At this moment, he also saw the collision of 2 groups of black fire above the sky.

But he did not care about the fighting here, but set his sights on the ground.

Above the earth, native and humanoid creatures like ant colonies easily flow through the Hong River shaped like a white line like a tide, toward the broken fortresses.

The fort is a row of neat formations composed of Commandant troops. It is blocked there like a dyke. With the roar of cannons, a series of little fire stars continue to flash out of the formation, followed by countless smoke Swell.

However, we can see that two huge silhouettes on the native side are coming out of the jungle and are advancing outside the pass.

With the arrival of these two silhouettes, an invisible force shrouded the battlefield, each and everyone’s formation began to collapse one after another, and more and more natives began to pour into the depths of the fortress group.

He saw here, his eyes flashed light, his figure sank, swooping down like a meteor!

After obtaining the antiquity divine power, the two different Gods, Tree God Telatuo and Spider God Yapei, became larger than they used to be. Every time they took a step forward, they heard the sound of shaking the earth.

At this moment, even without the divinity power exuded from them, it is enough to shock ordinary people by virtue of such momentum.

Dou Chang punched a giant spider in the back. He spit out a blood foam mixed with dirt and climbed up from the smoke. He saw two different Gods moving towards the front simultaneously. He took a deep breath and his chest bulged. Suddenly rushed up.

Tree God Telatuo is just above his route at this moment. The body of this different God is generally humanoid. Two feet stand on the ground like a thick root system. The body is like an armor stacked by countless dry bark. A splendid crown formed by scattered branches and leaves, and a long spike of silk hanging behind the head, it stands like a real giant tree.

It also saw Dou Chang rushing towards himself, with a cruel smile on his face occupying one third’s body. The cracked mouth was full of jagged fangs, and he flicked out his hand and long branches, The distance up to several li is within the reach of this vine whip, whether it is Eastern Court soldiers or natives on the way, they are all flew into pieces.

At the sight of Dou Chang, his head and his head were protected, and he felt a huge force pumping on his body, and the whole person was shot away from a distance.

He fell into a crumbling gravel, smashed a deep hole, shook his head, and stood up, about to rush forward again, but he felt something, and when he looked up, he saw a light rainbow from the sky Falling down, banging directly on Tree God’s body.


Above the surface, there seemed to be a thunderstorm. The huge body of Tree God was as weak as paper paste under this violent impact, and most of the body suddenly shattered.

Dou Chang turned away the flying sawdust branches, looked up, and saw that in the smoke, a silhouette wearing a hat stood there, with a white light flashing like a flame, holding a Put the long sword.

He showed surprise, and said: “junior brother Zhang?”

At this moment, he suddenly saw a huge broken face lifted from behind, and then a giant hand with a twisted branch caught the latter, reminding him: “Be careful!”

Zhang Yu stood there motionlessly, said lightly in his mouth: “Decide!”

The huge face was stagnant, and then bursts of bursts of sound came out, and each time it continued to take away part of its body, and for a while, this body with 1000 sores and 100 holes finally collapsed, and the giant hand was powerless Shot on the ground.

Dou Chang stepped forward for several steps, but before he could speak, he saw a scarlet fire glow flying across, directly cutting the remaining body of Tree God into 2 sections from end to end, and countless sparks scattered in the air.

Zhang Yu turned his head and saw Tao Dingfu holding a long sword, came out of the blazing flame, smiled at him, and said: “junior brother, this thing is for you.” He shook his hand and threw a thing come.

Zhang Yu grabbed it and saw a small metal rod, asking, “What is this?”

Tao Dingfu said: “It should be your Profound Mansion’s thing, what is the Essence Suppressing Point, and it should be a magical item of what is sealed.”

Dou Chang was surprised, said solemnly: “junior brother Zhang, this thing is very important!”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded and said to Tao Dingfu: “senior brother, I will also give you something.” The letterman flicked and threw a metal ball.

After Tao Dingfu got it, his eyes lighted up suddenly, he put the things away, and then raised his sleeves, and said, “Junior brother, many thanks!”

Zhang Yu said: “senior brother, I have to ask you to do something.”

Tao Dingfu expression Yi Su, said: “junior brother you say.”

Zhang Yu said: “Auspicious Light City should be something wrong. I need to rush there. I hope you can take care of Yi 2 here.”

Tao Dingfu turned his head to look at the beam of light rising from that day, nodded, and said, “Junior brother, you can do what you do, here it is for me!”



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