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In another 2 days, Zhang Yu saw that Profound Mansion had stabilized his affairs. After no more inquiries, he took Xiang Chun, Dou Chang, and a youngster who had recently put on the Ying Chongguang divine robe and went to the land of dormant gods. flying comes.

This youngster is named Huo Zhi, and he is from Jun Island Celestial Xia. The grandchildren of the 3rd generation are all Guard Leaders on Jun Island.

His literary knowledge and knowledge, mastered a very superb martial skill, this time applied to participate in the Divine Army, and stood out from the crowd, so he was able to put on this divine robe, and thus served as Vice Army Lord.

After Zhang Yu crossed the Mountain of Serenity, not at all stopped because of it, and still drove forward.

This is because Chaos Tide has faded over the past few days, and the interference with spirituality in jungle has weakened a lot. The most important thing is that there is a beacon in the rear for reference, and it will no longer be as difficult to determine the direction as before.

And as long as the direction is right, you won’t get lost here.

Xiang Chun said at this time: “Profound Leader, because of Chaos Tide, we couldn’t go deep into jungle. Maybe we can set up a branch mansion here in the future, and try to teach native here, and break down this generation from within.”

This land is very vast, Eastern Court Protectorate occupies only a corner of the coast, and before the Protectorate’s ancestors have always wanted to explore inland, but for various reasons, it has not been made, and now it seems that it can be picked up again Too.

Zhang Yu said: “This matter can be discussed after going back.”

With the help of his Heart Light, the four people fly extremely fast. After passing the Mountain of Serenity, just one hour later, they penetrated a thick layer of gray clouds and came to the vast white land. .

Huo Zhi looks below, surprised: “What happened here?”

Xiang Chun said: “This is due to the discovered weapon that my Profound Mansion threw here. This move was intended to wipe out all the traitors of Different God and Divine Army in one fell swoop, but in the end it failed.”

Huo Zhi looked at this endless white land, his heart was full of shock. He, who was born in Eastern Court, couldn’t think of it. There is that kind of weapon that can cause this terrifying result. It seems that all vitality on the earth has been wiped out.

Zhang Yu recognized it. It seemed that all the creatures were consciously away from here, coupled with the thick gray clouds around the outside, what he left before, what he is now, even after flying a section of the road, He also saw the traces he had left from afar, and said: “It’s just ahead, follow me.”

4 After another section of the road in the grey heaven and earth, Daoguanghong fell simultaneously.

Zhang Yu took several steps forward and said, “This is it.”

Huo Zhi looked around, stunned: “But there is nothing here.”

In Zhang Yu’s eyes at this moment, there is a huge city shrouded in mist in front of him, which is hazy, as if there is an illusory barrier separated from reality.

He said: “This is it.”

Between the words, I squeezed my fist and just knocked it up. With a loud bang, the barrier in front was broken.

Xiang Chun, Dou Chang, and Huo Zhi suddenly saw at this moment that a huge hole appeared out of thin air in front of them, and bursts of light penetrated through them.

Zhang Yu said: “Follow me.” Then he stepped in. The three followed immediately, and as soon as they got inside, they were also surprised by the sight.

Xiang Chun said in amazement: “Can these Blood Sun different God actually make such a big divine country?”

Zhang Yu said: “It is really difficult for me to see the Blood Sun Lord God’s might. This divine city should have other secrets. I suspect that I had received external help when it was established, but we don’t have to manage it. These, we are here today, just to destroy this city of Different God. “

At this time, it seems that divine city itself has noticed that the newcomer is not good. This place seems to gather all the wonderful territory in the world, but it has bursts of thunder, the sky is overcast with clouds, and the temperature has suddenly dropped. Down.

Heart Light rose from all four people, keeping the hail out, and striding forward in the wind and snow firmly.

Zhang Yu went straight to the still bright divine symbol, and Xiang Chun and the others followed him silently.

It didn’t take long for 4 people to come under the Blood Sun temple.

Zhang Yu looks above the divine symbol penetrated by the heart sword, said: “I will control the sword with Heart Light later, cut this divine symbol, there will be external interference in the divine city, senior brother Xiang, senior brother Dou , And Vice Army Lord Huo, please ask me to protect the law here. “

Xiang Chun 3 people responded loudly.

After Zhang Yu took care of it, he sit cross-legged down. He laid the Song of Cicadas Sword in front of him, and then focused on the sword. After a while, the blade made a buzzing trembling sound.

At this moment, as if knowing that doomsday is approaching, the divine power in this divine city has begun a wilder surge. The rain and hurricane hiding the sky and covering the earth surround the 4-person location, but they ca n’t be broken. Open their Heart Light protection.

After a while, Xiang Chun expression changed, and he saw a torrential flood rising above the mountains on the 4th side of Divine City, and panning towards them, all the temples that had passed were shattered.

Huo Zhi took a deep sigh and burst out a golden orange of rays of light on his body. All of them were shrouded in a sudden. With a bang, the water wave hit the light curtain, and the entire rays of light were also forced into it. Fiercely received it, but as Huo Zhi adapted to these forces, it slowly propped it up a bit.

Xiang Chun and Dou Chang can see that they seem to be standing in another heaven and earth at the moment, the inside is very calm, and the outside is the swift flow of water, and the things inside are constantly in light with this spirituality light The hood slammed and shone brightly.

They did not move at this time, because in terms of spirituality alone, Huo Zhi at this time was much stronger than both of them, and they did not need to intervene at all.

But if the other party cannot support it, then they will join forces to arrange the latter barrier.

Zhang Yu didn’t care about it, just focused on the sword.

With the infusion of his heart force, Xiang Chun 3 people found that everything that was exposed by the sword light seemed to have nothing there, and there was a feeling that his own heart force was lost. He suddenly went back and faced the outside. , Dare not read more.

Zhang Yu has had several experiences before, so this time condensing Heart Light is very smooth. After accumulating the force to the extreme, his 5 fingers are only slightly loosened, and the sword passes through the light mask suddenly, and it disappears in an instant.

It was only a moment later, when the outside suddenly became quiet, the endless vortex suddenly settled down, and then disappeared like smoke.

Upon seeing this, Huo Zhi also recovered spirituality rays of light within the body.

Then everyone saw that the divine symbol above the Blood Sun temple was flashing sharply, and after a few breaths, it went out suddenly, and in this brief moment, as if 10000 things died, the whole sky fell into a piece In the dark.

After a while, the rumbling sounded in all directions, and the entire divine city set off an unprecedented huge storm. The strength of Cyclonus made the sky dome broken here, the land collapsed, one after another from heaven to earth tornado was born, everything Things are sweeping through the whole broken piece.

This is because without the divine symbol, all the divine power can no longer be aggregated and unified, and thus began to collapse and collapse.

Zhang Yu punched the barrier at this time, breaking through a hole in the darkness of rays of light 4 and saying, “You go first.”

Huo Zhi 3 people did not hesitate, and immediately walked out of the hole. After arriving outside, the 3 people waited a while and saw a golden light flashing out of thin air, and then a silhouette wrapped in jade light came out.

When Zhang Yu waved his sleeves at this time, he would disperse the last divine power rays of light contaminated on his body, and let them turn into stars of light and drift into the atmosphere.

Xiang Chun asked: “Profound Leader, have we succeeded?”

Zhang Yu looked towards 3 people and said, “Archizama is gone. After that, there will be no land of dormant gods, and there will be no Blood Sun divine country. Even if these different Gods are resurrected under the original divine name, it has nothing to do with it before. “

Xiang Chun sighed heavily,

Dou Chang sighed: “After 60 years, one is finally over.”

Huo Zhi clenched his fists, but for some reason, he felt extremely excited at the moment.

Above Zhang Yu looked towards, outside the heavy clouds, there is a broader heaven and earth, he said: “Let’s go back.”

Four people followed the guidance of the beacon tower and returned to Auspicious Light City just one day later.

Zhang Yu returned to his residence and continued to think about his cultivation.

In the time when he came down, besides cultivation at home, he also sometimes flew out. He visited some ruins in 4 places and tried to search for source energy in these realms. It did have some gains.

Time passed by suddenly, more than a month after blinking since the beacon ignited.

Although the beacon was still lit up there, it was a long wait for the Celestial Xia ship to arrive.

The enthusiasm in Auspicious Light City gradually subsided, and even a pessimistic tone appeared, thinking that Celestial Xia actually could not see the beacon here, or saw that they did not want to respond, and even more said that Celestial Xia has fallen. No one will come.

After the flames lit up, many students of Peaceful Sun Academy stood on the Moon Embracing Stage and looked forward to it every day, but every time they were disappointed.

But no matter what, life will always go on as usual.

As Protectorate’s order and production resumed one after another, everything returned to its former appearance. It seems that except for the addition of a beacon that is there, it is no different from before.

Another month passed.

On this day, Yu Mingyang came to the port by himself. He stood on the embankment, looking at the vast ocean in the distance, and the rolling, seemingly endless tide.

At this time, an old man with strong temples and white temples came over, looked at him, and said, “This young man is here to wait for Celestial Xia’s ship?”

Yu Mingyang turned his head and saw that he was an elder, busy was a gift, and said: “Yes, how do the elders know?”

The old man said: “During this day, a lot of youngsters like young man came here to watch the sea. At first, there were many people, but now there are fewer.”

Yu Mingyang looked at the old man and asked carefully: “I see the elder is tall and strong, and he still has the strength. The boy dare to ask, is the elder born in the army?”

old man said with a smile: “young man has good eyesight, I am from Commandant Army. Since I survived the battle from the Hong River Pass 61 years ago, I have retired with more than 100 Old Partners, and I am here every day. Tow the boat here, nothing else, because the day when the Fleet of Celestial Xia appears again at sea, you can see it at first glance. “

Yu Mingyang said: “Elder, do you believe that the Fleet of Celestial Xia will come?”

Old man laughed, showing his still neat teeth, and said, “Boy, my old partners and I have been here for 60 years, and we are still waiting here. You have only waited for 60 days, why are you impatient?”

Yu Mingyang nodded, said: “What the elder teaches is.”

He thought about it, and when he wanted to say something more, his eyes glanced inadvertently, he couldn’t help but stopped in one direction, and then the mouth opened wide.

Old man also turned his head to see if he felt it, and his eyes widened.

Zhang Yu was talking to Xiang Chun, Dou Chang and the others in the Profound Mansion Affairs Hall at this time, discussing the establishment of a branch mansion, but suddenly a young profound cultivator rushed in from the outside, excitedly pointing in a direction, saying: “Profound Leader, outside, outside … “

Zhang Yu and Xiang Chun and the others looked at it and realized what was happening. They immediately walked out of Affairs Hall and reached the watchtower in the outside. Then they looked up and saw a huge cloud of light above the far sky dome. Appeared there, the rays of light on the beacon tower were as if being pulled, and the silk was floating there, seemingly echoing from a distance.

This natural phenomenon also alarmed everyone in Protectorate.

All the residents in Auspicious Light City put their hands down and came to the open space outside, staring at the sky.

Above wasteland, Tao Dingfu stood with his sword on his back and his robe sleeves fluttered, looking at this wonderful scene.

On a cliff in the Beihai hills, Ying Zhuan stood here, his black fire dancing, staring at the rays of light that seemed to be close at hand.

The cloud of light continued to expand outwards, and in the end, a sudden swell, suddenly changed into a giant, almost half of the sky was full of cloud vortex.

A very bright rays of light flashed, the first is a long shuttle-like black shadow breaking out from the inside, and then densely packed, which became 1000 to 10000. The silver flying boat with Mysterious Chaos cicada wings mark engraved appeared after the cloud light !



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