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“It’s Celestial Xia!”

A young profound cultivator looks at above, shouting excitedly: “Mysterious Chaos cicada wings mark, it is Celestial Xia, it is Celestial Xia! Celestial Xia has not abandoned us!”

There were tears underneath many disciplinary unconsciously.

60 is over.

Because of Chaos Tide, Eastern Court Protectorate has been cut off from the mainland for 60 years!

Now he finally reconnects with the mainland.

They can go home.

Zhang Yu looked up at the long shadow in front of him. After seeing it clearly, his pupil light moved slightly. At this moment, some people beside him made a low cry.

It was a dragon with a long straight body, a horny head, and a black armor.

But he knew that it was not a True Dragon.

Because of his extraordinary senses, he can see every detail on the dragon body clearly.

Although the dragon’s body is filled with a very strong Life Aura, it is a creation formed by the perfect blending of metal and flesh.

However, when he is flying through the sky, the perfect rhythm displayed by the muscles, skeletons, joints and other parts of the movement, between the rotation of the longan, the pretentious momentum, and the puddles that rise under the claws like ice dudes The general fog cloud clearly tells others that this is a really living mystical creature.

After the dragon arrived, he circled and walked above the sky, sending out bursts of dragon cry, seeming to be enemies in deter all directions, and seemingly responding to the Protectorate people below.

But after the flying boat from 1000 to 10000 appeared, it slowly stopped, and stood in the air before the big whirlpool. After a while, a larger silver flying boat suddenly came out from the crowd. Auspicious Light was flying in the direction, and kept moving all the way, directly moved towards Profound Mansion at the highest position of Celestial Xia etiquette.

After the flying boat reached directly above the Profound Mansion, it hung in the air and saw dozens of silver light flashes, falling directly from the sky, and then heard the sound of peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~, each and everyone was huge Incomparably, the metal giant under 2 zhang high fell heavily on the ground.

These metal giant each and everyone look majestic and burly, uncommon military might.

The only exception is the metal giant in the front, which is slender and light. Before landing, it was just a little toe, and stood there steadily. The whole process only made a slight noise.

From the physical point of view, it is not difficult to distinguish this is a woman.

Compared with her companions, she is a little petite, but she is one foot tall. She is almost twice the size of a normal person. The lines on her body are smooth and beautiful, and the appearance is silver white metallic luster, her face. There is a pair of long and narrow eyes with deep red, and there is some danger in the gorgeous, it seems to be looking at everyone at the moment.

When she saw Zhang Yu, her eyes flickered. The layer of silver white outside her body dissolved like a metal outer armor layer by layer, and finally turned into her brow, revealing her true face.

This is a long, long-haired woman with slender legs and straight legs, thin waist, straight eyebrows, temples with elegant eyes, fair skin, and a slim armor with cicada wings engraved on her body.

She stepped up and came directly to Zhang Yu, cup one fist in the other hand, opens the mouth and says: “Celestial Xia Rising to Heaven Army of the Left, Azure Sun Superior Continent Bright Blaze Battalion, proven armor Colonel Su Qian, on the order of the Continent Governor, leads the whole battalion’s officers and soldiers to rescue Eastern Court Protectorate, please give a long order! “

Zhang Yu thought about it again, and the Eastern Court Protectorate’s fleet departed from the port of Azure Sun Superior Continent that day. It seems that the other party also came from this time.

According to the Celestial Xia military system, when it reaches the level of colonel, it is already the character of the Commander 10000 army. In terms of etiquette, it is only one level lower than Protectorate ’s Chief Commander, but this proven armor prefix has never been there. Wen, I wonder if this is a title, or a change in the Celestial Xia military system over the past 60 years?

He raised his sleeves, and there was another gift, saying: “Colonel Su is courteous, my name is Zhang Yu, now the Acting Profound Leader of Eastern Court Profound Mansion.”

Su Qian nodded is not strange for “Acting Profound Leader”. For 60 years, it is not long-term for a discovered cultivator. Since the beacon is ignited, it means that you may have encountered an irresistible enemy. It is likely that the former Profound Leader It has been killed in battle, so it is very reasonable to be replaced by others.

It’s just that she couldn’t bear to watch Zhang Yu for a few more times, the Eastern Court’s Acting Profound Leader, seems a bit too handsome.

It’s just this good-looking, already no longer resembles a mortal, but close to immortal, the sensory influence that brings to people is not close, but a kind of awe from the bottom of my heart.

It’s like a low position person facing a high position person.

Zhang Yu glanced at the sky and asked, “Dare to ask Colonel Su, can Azure Sun Profound Mansion be accompanied by a companion this time?”

Su Qian replied: “Azure Sun Profound Mansion’s situation is a little special. It’s hard to find people in a hurry. To rescue Eastern Court, Bright Blaze Battalion came first, but …”

She was in both eyes, and suddenly the rays of light flickered, but it was fleeting, “I can also be regarded as a discovered cultivator, you Profound Mansion and the same robe need not be seen.”

Profound Mansion Many of the young disciple present at the sight of her, their expressions were slightly loose, and she felt a little close to her unconsciously in her heart.

Zhang Yu can see that although this Colonel Su can also be regarded as a discovered cultivator, but it should not be able to repair Heart Light, at most cultivate a few seals, a strength should be relied on by others, it should be the ones she wears There is armor like divine robe.

It seems that 60 years apart, many things have changed.

Su Qian took a look at all around, cups the fist and says: “Dare to ask the found cultivator Zhang, I do n’t know where the enemy is?” She fiendish qi 凛凛 between the eyebrows, said: “Protectorate is also my Celestial Xia land, no one Come to invade, and Bright Blaze Battalion will help you to protect all the Protectorate robes, and annihilate the enemies of the offender together. “

Xiang Chun said: “Colonel Su, the enemies of the criminals have been exterminated by Profound Leader, and then the beacon was ignited. However, Chaos Tide gradually receded, yearning for the homeland and wanting to get in touch with the local Celestial Xia.

Su Qian was somewhat surprised, and looked at Zhang Yu. Although she was Acting Profound Leader, she seemed to be based on hard power and high position. For Xiang Chun, she also expressed understanding and glanced at those found cultivator again. disciple, loudly said: “Celestial Xia fellows, rest assured, I will take you home.”

As soon as this sentence came out, many people didn’t feel the heat flowing around them, and the voice was transmitted far away. Even the people under Auspicious Light City under the platform heard it and uttered a cheering voice.

Zhang Yu raised his head and looked over the sky dome, Chaos Tide will be exhausted, it is also time to go to the Celestial Xia home to take a look.

Xiang Chun asked: “I don’t know how many people Colonel Su has come this time?

Su Qian said: “Bright Blaze Battalion has attracted more than 30000 people this time, but only the 300 people I lead are true soldiers.”

She looked towards Zhang Yu, “Azure Sun Military dispatched soldiers to prepare for rescue after observing the beacon warning, just because Chaos Tide disappeared in the open sea, many Protectorates left outside the Eastern Sea were lit up one after another. After the beacon, and the foreign enemy was on the sidelines, I couldn’t get enough people at the moment. It happened that Bright Blaze Battalion finished the military return, so he ordered us to answer. “

Xiang Chun said: “Azure Sun Superior Continent trusts your ministry so much, it seems that your ministry’s battle strength is not weak.”

Su Qian said with pride: “I believe that my Bright Blaze Battalion is enough to cope with any changes.”

Zhang Yu observed meticulously and was able to feel that her self-confidence was not a self-esteem, but a 100 battle experience, which was won from time to time.

He just observed that both the metal outer armor and the slim armor worn by Su Qian at the moment are similar to divine robe.

It seems that this Bright Blaze Battalion is not simple.

Xiang Chun asked: “Consult Colonel Su, I don’t know what is special about Bright Blaze Battalion?”

Su Qian proudly said: “My Bright Blaze Battalion is one of the Rising to Heaven Army of the Left Three Battalions and Five Guards, and now he is instructed to guard Azure Sun Superior Continent, to Azure Sun Military Commander, 300 true soldiers, everyone is ready for Surging Yang Profound Armor ‘, supporting’ Night Splitting Profound Weapon ‘, and the found dragon as wings, is sufficient to destroy any enemy under a high position cultivator. “

She then explained it a little bit. To put it simply, this Bright Blaze Battalion ’s army soldier is covered with a divine robe and covered with a found armor. The so-called found armor is the metal outer armor that has just been seen, but today ’s divine robe has It was not the divine robe 60 years ago, it was not made from the power stripped from the gods, it was already a relatively backward method.

The current divine robe is made by the Celestial Xia “Heavenly Secrets Division” under the jursidiction of various departments. It completely eliminates the negative effects and can enhance a person in all aspects. Even some of these very rare masterpieces can be an ordinary person ’s Physique increased to almost high position cultivator level.

And the people in charge of the nearly 10000 flying boats are ordinary battalion soldiers who do not have armored qualifications. Of these, only 1000 are used for combat, and each one is carrying a discovered weapon. Of course, these discovered weapons are not “Plain Righteousness ”this rank, and the rest of the flying boat is used to carry relief supplies and facilitate the transfer of people.

However, regarding the found dragon, Su Qian just mentioned a little, not at all elaborate too much, it seems that it is not related to any secret, or there are military orders to restrain, it is not convenient to speak.

After understanding these, Xiang Chun and the others were also very surprised. This lineup is almost another Divine Army, but it is completely free of the drawbacks of the past and is more powerful.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about, saying: “Colonel Su, what happened to Celestial Xia today?”

Su Qian said: “Celestial Xia is naturally present and stronger than ever, but Chaos Tide 60 years ago did bring a lot of influence, and we also have many new enemies.”

She looked up and looked at everyone, saying: “I know you guys have many questions to ask, and eager to understand the situation of Celestial Xia, but some things can not be explained for a while, we will stay here for a while to help You will eliminate the crisis, arrange the connection channels, and when you go, you can bring people who are willing to go with us back to the local area. When you return to Azure Sun Superior Continent, everything will be clear. “



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