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Zhang Yu woke up from a fixed seat, passing lightning flashed in two eyes.

He took a look at the moment in the cabin. It was 23 days since he was closed, and it is now at the end of January. According to the distance from the time of arrival, it is estimated that the last few days of the journey will reach Azure Sun Superior. Continent.

Because Bright Blaze Battalion’s trip is a military boat, there are no books and newspapers here, but there are some books related to military, but this is obviously not for him to watch.

Therefore, he simply spends time on cultivation. As a cultivator, it is only a trivial matter to stay in his mind for tens of days.

He glanced at the large ‘year’ character cut out of the red paper attached to the bulkhead.

At the beginning of the month, all the people on the flying boat spent the New Year of the Year 375 of the Grand Profound Calendar in the sky. Although they ca n’t spend time with their families, and there are no fireworks, they do n’t look perfect, but the boat is abundant. The supplies and lively atmosphere finally made up for many shortcomings.

Then a meow sounded from the side, Wondrous Pills Lord propped himself up and jumped off the shelf. After landing, he jumped vertically and fell into his arms.

When he was seated, Wondrous Pills Lord was also asleep, continuing to digest the ancestral memory that he had obtained some time ago, but as Zhang Yu woke up, it also woke up.

Zhang Yu rubbed Wondrous Pills Lord’s head, a colorful haze floated with it, and the little leopard squinted his eyes.

After a while, he makes Wondrous Pills Lord go and amuse himself, and then he walked to the middle position. As a beam of light fell, “jade official” emerged from below. He reached out his hand and pressed it to bring his own consciousness into Go in.

After a moment when the hatch opened, a waitress walked in with the tea cup in place and respectfully places on the table. After curtsies to him, she slowly retreated.

Zhang Yu slowly came to sit down before the case, took a sip from the tea cup, under Grade 1, it was full of fragrance, and it was obvious that the good tea was used.

This is not a special treatment for him by Bright Blaze Battalion. In addition to the War Department, Bright Blaze Battalion itself also carries a lot of supplies. The flying boat has everything you need. It also shipped a lot of Eastern Court Protectorate unique on the departure. specialty.

It can be said that what he can taste in Eastern Court can also be found here.

However, although he does not exclude material enjoyment, this is not the first place, as long as it is appropriate.

After tasting the tea, he took out the Song of Cicadas Sword and gently wiped it with heart force.

People and sword also need to communicate from time to time. Although the spirituality between the two is now one, they are still two relatively separate individuals. When the heart force cultivation base has improved, he also needs the sword to become familiar with this. Changes so that there is no stagnation during fighting use.

Almost a moment later, he felt that the light above the sword was more transparent. He then put away the sword, stood up, and put his hand on the jade official again, but after a breath, the bulkhead on the side of the cabin suddenly melted like a melt Open, revealing the scenery outside.

It can be seen that more than 10000 flying boats in the rear are constantly following the main boat in the cloud, surrounded by a thick mist, and nothing can be seen clearly, and there is a light in the front that is faintly discernible. According to Su Qian, That ’s Azure Sun Continent ’s Distant Gaze Apparatus,

Relying on this thing, they can return smoothly.

It ’s just because Chaos Tide is strong and sometimes weak, and sometimes the light is also covered. This requires constant adjustments halfway. Bright Blaze Battalion actually encountered the same problem when he went to Eastern Court, which was too late. More time.

If Protectorate’s Distant Gaze Apparatus can be connected to Azure Sun Continent’s Distant Gaze Apparatus, the travel time can be greatly shortened, but this needs to be returned after Azure Sun Continent’s army returns, and after the confirmation of the military senior, the two sides can only be connected. Be built.

At this moment, on top of another flying boat, Zheng Yu and Yan Yuming also just finished breathing.

After they boarded the boat, they were arranged in the same cabin. Although there are some differences in the seniority of the 2 people, one is Zhang Yu’s peer and the other is Zhang Yu’s discipline, but they are similar in age, but they are also quite talkable.

at first When they entered the flying boat, they felt very novel about flying in the sky, and they could still see the scenery outside through the bulkhead. This was even more eye-opening for them. It ’s all such scenery, and I ’m tired of seeing more.

Moreover, although the flying boat is spacious, it is managed by military regulations after all, and there is nothing to entertain and play, that is, the martial training stage can be visited.

But they can feel that although these pawns are still enthusiastic towards them, they actually have several points of exclusion in their hearts, so they will not go much after one or two visits.

The rest of the time they can only be used for cultivation.

As long as you do not take the initiative to call on the flying boat, then no one will come to disturb them, and 3 meals a day will be sent by someone. It can be said that this is to isolate all external disturbances, and Fan Lan is also on the boat. Any questions can also be consulted.

In the past 2 months, their spirit essence has unexpectedly raised a lot, far exceeding the normal progress.

Zheng Yu even felt at this moment that he vaguely touched Heart Light, which made him very happy.

Yan Yuming was unable to sit, and after the cultivation was over, he went outside for a turn and came back. He said mysterious and secretive: “uncle master Zheng, do you know, that senior sister Jia Yue, which was picked up by the teacher?” One, I heard that the secret order of cultivation has begun, and I am looking for found principles. “

Zheng Yu cried out in surprise, said: “So fast?”

He knew that Jia Yue was promoted by Zhang Yu from Fangneng to Fuzhong. He only cultivated the Heart Light before boarding the flying boat. Didn’t expect so fast to cultivate the secret chapter order.

But instead he wondered again: “Did she not get off the boat and cultivate again? I heard that Azure Sun Profound Mansion’s secret chapter order is more.”

Yan Yuming shook the head, said: “Azure Sun Profound Mansion, although there are many secret stories, it will certainly be taught to us, and little uncle master. You think, each person’s cultivation base is different, Profound Mansion is definitely treated differently. Yes, if I were an Azure Sun Profound Mansion person, I would definitely be more interested in senior sister Jia Yue. “

Zheng Yu thinks it makes sense, although Yan Yuming is normally a little off, but sometimes his mind is unexpectedly clear. He thought about it and said seriously: “senior brother Fan said cultivation is only for ourselves, then we do n’t care about others, do it first Just yourself. “

After flying for more than 10000 flying boats for a few more days, the mist shrouded in front of me was gradually spreading out. The people on the boat were excited when they saw this scene, because they can all see it. It should be almost over.

An attendant came out of Zhang Yu’s cabin and said: “Scholar Zhang, Colonel has invited you and Teacher Liu to go to the main cabin to narrate.”

Zhang Yu said: “Okay, I will come afterwards.” He walked out of the cabin, first found Li Qinghe and Mo Ruohua, ordered him, and then merged with Liu Guang, and then followed the attendant to the head of the boat.

The 2-person cabin is close to the main cabin, so it is not very long, so it reached the ground and walked into a spacious cabin.

Su Qian has long been standing here, her dark body armor with her slim body, her long hair hanging behind her, with a bunch of hair band, looks particularly valiant and formidable looking, she first faced Zhang Yu a cup one fist in the other hand, and then To Liu Guang one nodded, said: “2 people, Azure Sun Superior Continent in front, there is at most half a day away.”

I ’m afraid it ’s because the itinerary is about to end. Her mood at the moment looks very good. She walked lightly before the jade official. When she put her palm up, she saw that the bulkhead melted like melting, and heaven and earth were completely open to their before.

It ’s not just them. At the moment, all the flying boat bulkheads are also exposed together, so that people who are inside can see the outside.

The clouds around Zhang Yu looks at and the sea faintly visible below. “Colonel Su, you said that Azure Sun Superior Continent has rescued other protectors before. I don’t know what happened to these protectors now.”

Su Qian said: “At that time Celestial Xia established 800 Protectorate outside the local area, there were 57 outside the Eastern Ocean. Before I set off, including Eastern Court Protectorate, there were a total of 2 Protectorate lit the beacon. unknown.”

She said here, paused, seriously said: “But we will not give up, even if there is no beacon, we will go out and find them back, I hope these co-workers can be safe and sound.”

As the flying boat continued to move forward, the surrounding scenery became clearer.

Zhang Yu suddenly felt that everyone, including Su Qian, had a little quickness in breathing. It seemed that his mind had a moment of excitement, and they all looked towards the front.

He thought about it in his heart, and watched it carefully, not very long, a huge gray shadow appeared in the realm, as if it connected heaven and earth, a little closer, only to see clearly that it was an incomparable gigantic, covered in clouds, looks like a big banyan tree holding up the sky!

The countless aerial roots plummet down to the sky, just like the blue sky hangs upside down, and the roots across the sky branches like dragons yawning, chasing the rainbow through the clouds, and the top of the emerald is steaming ten thousand li, which shows that the dragon bird flying above is chasing the sun and pursuing the moon.

People who saw this scene felt a shock from the bottom of their hearts. Before they saw this giant ficus, they were unimaginable, such huge trees in the world, such a great life.

And as the flying boat got closer, the thin clouds slowly dissipated, and the silhouette of continent appeared faintly. However, all the sea and sky seemed to be covered by the banyan tree.

Liu Guang couldn’t help widening his eyes and said, “Which is this banyan tree …”

Su Qian proudly said: “This is the 60 years of fighting against Chaos Tide, I planted here in Celestial Xia, called ‘hanging down from heaven it covers ten thousand li, step by step covering 1000 years old’, Celestial Xia Azure Sun Superior Continent A total of 23 states and counties, most of which are under the shade of this great azure banyan.

There is a saying in Azure Sun Superior Continent that said this big banyan tree, its words: ‘Shadows and greens encircle the moonlight, and the sky shines with the blue sea heart, the light and whisper of life 10000 Lai, the wind and the sun will be new overnight.’ “

At this time, she looked towards the personal guard around her, seeing that there was a trace of arrogance on their faces. She thought about it and said intentionally: “But I also heard in the army that this is a superior cultivator. magical power body manifested. “

Liu Guang showed surprise, and he expressed the doubts of everyone’s minds, saying: “Colonel Su, can a person’s magical power really achieve this level?

It ’s not that he did n’t believe it. This tree almost occupied half of the continent seen by naked eye. It ’s still seen in a very far place. I ’m afraid I ca n’t tell what it is near. If it ’s artificially manifested, this It is beyond his understanding.

Su Qian looked to everyone, seriously said: “No matter whether you believe or not, the upper limit of really being with great magical power is actually far more than that,” she looked at Zhang Yu and looked towards the front, “So I chase those Grand Dao’s cultivator always maintains awe. “

Zhang Yu looked at the big banyan tree. Whether Su Qian’s words were true or not could not be judged by his present eyesight, but the big banyan tree was there, and he could slowly prove it. This is also the pleasure of seeking Taoism.

At this time, the flying boat suddenly sank slightly, and then the land in front began to gradually zoom in with the realm.

Su Qian turned her head back and walked two steps forward. The elegant eyes stared at the vast territory, saying: “You, Azure Sun Superior Continent has arrived.”



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