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Zhang Yu and the others can see that the landing place of the flying boat is not the land, but an island outside.

In fact, the island is very huge, but the height is too high when it is overlooked, so it is unremarkable at all outside the continent outline.

After gradually approaching, the people on the flying boat found that this was a volcanic island. The cone-shaped volcano stood up high, surrounded by lush and green trees, and on the mountain wall, a boat mooring heavenly was built in an array. station.

But even as far away as the sea, this island is under the shadow of a large banyan tree.

Outside the island, there are two white long dragons circling in the sea, seeming to patrol their territory there. After seeing Bright Blaze Battalion more than 2 flying boats flying, one of them swelled up in the sky. After approaching the found dragon at the forefront of the flying boat, the two long faucet tails circled opposite each other, it seems that they exchanged information with each other.

Then the White Dragon replaced the found dragon, drawing more than 10000 flying boats down.

On the boat mooring heavenly station, one after another rays of light was released, and the light fell on each flying boat, and established a connection with it. From a distance, it seemed to spread 10000 colorful clouds above the volcano.

Under the guidance of the rays of light, Su Qian ’s mica flying boat first landed on the boat mooring platform, and then more than 10000 flying boats behind him also landed one after another.

At this point, Su Qian pressed her hand on top of the jade official, and seemed to be communicating with whom, but only a moment later, she brows slightly wrinkle.

After a while, she turned back and said: “Scholar Zhang, you as Xia Scholar, when you can leave at any time, I can arrange it for you if you want, but the rest of you, including your attendant and this Mr. Liu, I’m afraid I need to wait a day on the island first. “

Zhang Yu glanced at her and heard Su Qian’s tone somewhat strange. It seemed to be in trouble, so he hinted that he had left earlier.

He didn’t know why, but judging from his voice and emotional response, it was a kind reminder.

He weighed his head, nodded and said: “Then trouble Colonel Su.”

Su Qian summoned a capable short-haired female Soldier not far away and said, “This is my deputy Wen Yi, Scholar Zhang, she will take you out.”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves and paid a farewell to Su Qian and Liu Guang 2 respectively, and then stepped out of the main cabin with Wen Yi. He did not rush to leave, but found Li Qinghe and Mo Ruihua 2 to take care of them. , This followed Wen Yi to the door.

The cabin door unscrewed aside, he walked out of the flying boat along the tread bridge, and is still inside the boat mooring platform, but the empty arcade corridor is all made of glass and jade. The sunlight shining through was warm and comfortable, and the lush green forest was just below.

There are 2 rows of heavenly station on the corridor, and the subordinate soldiers are separated. When they see that they come out from the main cabin, they are all look steadily forward.

Wen Yi took a step and made a gesture of asking, the face was just right, with a clear but soft voice: “Scholar Zhang, please go here.”

Zhang Yu was nodded and walked along the corridor. Wen Yi trailed a little and followed.

The boat mooring platform here is very strict. 2 people came along the way, passed 4 inspection posts, and 2 inspection posts, but there was a Bright Blaze Battalion march jade talisman presented by Wen Yi, all the way.

Two minutes later, the two came to the exit of the boat mooring heavenly station. Wen Yi put the march jade talisman into a luminous jade stone trough, and the other side of the bulkhead unscrewed with a beetle like The things are now neatly arranged there.

Zhang Yu noticed that this thing is about two zhang long, more than one person tall, the shell is a layer of black metal, with a bright luster, also a mixture of metal and flesh.

Wen Yi said: “This is Heavenly Secrets Division’s ‘kuntu creation’ specially made for military, called ‘cold river’. It can be sent to us directly to the other side, and there will be no obstruction.”

She took the army jade talisman, walked to a cold river insect, and tapped with her finger, a bright light flashed at once, and the upper carapace was layered to the side 2 in a stacked manner, exposing the black soft seat inside, Sideways said: “Scholar Zhang, please.”

Zhang Yu walked up and sat down on the soft seat, and immediately felt that he was slightly wrapped, feeling softer and more comfortable, but not as cold as it looks.

Wen Yi then sat in. She put her hand on the jade official in front, the carapace slowly closed, but her sight was not blocked. Although she was slightly dark, she could still clearly see the scenery outside.

She seemed to remember something at this moment, and she looked at Zhang Yu and said, “Scholar Zhang, if something happens to you later, please don’t use magical power Heart Light, let me take care of it, please bear with me.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, he can see that this creation is also half a creature, which is obviously different from the flying boat that he used to ride, and it can’t withstand the impact of Heart Light’s power inside.

Wen Yi’s slim hand is another jade official. The whole body of the cold river is slightly supported, crawling out of the cabin steadily and quickly. When it reaches the outside, 2 rows of transparent thin wings are separated from the 2 end and vibrate quickly. After a while, Already moving in the air, it flexibly shuttled through the woods covered with vines, and when it came out of the woods on the island, the speed suddenly accelerated and drove away to the land on the other side.

Zhang Yu noticed that when the sea was rushing, from time to time there was a creation similar to a cold river insect, apparently patrolling at sea, but as Wen Yi said, no one came up to stop them.

But the cold river insect not at all went to the densely populated city, but departed aside. After a few hours of driving, in the near evening, it stopped steadily in a countryside.

The carapace above the cold river is separated, Wen Yi walks from inside, standing on one side, saying: “Scholar Zhang, in front is Luliang Town under Ju State Peaceful Longevity Prefecture, not far from Azure Sun Profound Mansion in Ju State . “

Zhang Yu also came out at the moment. He glanced at all around and said, “Deputy Wen, I was on the boat. I don’t know if it’s inconvenient to ask. Colonel Su wants me to go first, what is it to avoid?”

Wen Yi did not evade his doubts and said seriously: “In order to avoid the ‘Correctness Examining Division’, they are not friendly to the cultivator, especially for the middle position cultivator, such as Scholar Zhang, which has a strong mystical power, is more likely to be targeted by them. . “

At this time, she took out a small booklet from the waist groove, held it with both hands, and handed it to the front, saying: “This is some description about the Correctness Examining Division, Colonel Su let me hand to Scholar Zhang.”

Zhang Yu took it, glanced at it, put it in his sleeve, then raised his hand for a salute, saying: “many thanks Deputy Wen sent it all the way.”

Wen Yi, as a Bright Blaze Battalion soldier, was supposed to march, but she was curtsies at the moment, and her manners were beautiful and natural. She said: “Scholar Zhang’s words are heavy, I wish Scholar a safe journey.”

After she parted with Zhang Yu, she returned to the cold river. After a while, the thin wings vibrated, so they rose again and returned.

Zhang Yu glanced far away, the setting sun on the horizon was hanging above the plains, the evening clouds were glowing, the wind was refreshing, and several tall poplar trees along the road were plated with a layer of gold. He looked at the front one. Everywhere in the small town of the house, he went over there.

At this time a meow sounded from his feet, and Wondrous Pills Lord showed a silhouette, following in the warm sunset rays of light.

Shortly after Zhang Yu left the boat mooring heavenly station, a team wearing a black ribbed suit, carrying a sword and wearing black leather gloves came in. No matter men or women, their faces were all stern and solemn, Intimidating.

One of the faces was sharp and sharp-eyed, and the middle-aged man with a hard face looked at the crowd who was about to come out. He raised his hand and gestured, and the people behind him immediately rushed up and blocked the inspection port.

He coldly said: “Separate inspection, don’t miss a person, everyone must take a blood test.”

At this time, a squad soldier ran over, whispered something in his ear, his expression changed, snorted, ordered a deputy to walk here, and he took 2 people directly to the place where The Mica parked.

The guard in front of the door saw him coming, but he did not stop him, so he let him in.

The middle-aged man walked along the cabin passage to the main cabin and saw Su Qian sitting on a soft chair, slender legs overlapped, and was drinking a hot drink comfortably.

Middle-aged man looks at her: “Su Qian, I want an account.”

Su Qian said lazily, “What do you want to explain?”

The middle-aged man snapped: “There is a middle position cultivator on this boat. Why did you let him leave early? Without going through the inspection of my Correctness Examining Division? You are in violation of the Azure Sun Law! 10000 One person has a problem , Do you know how bad the consequences will be? “

Su Qian raised her eyebrows and said, “Zheng Jiu, don’t wear a hat for me. I didn’t violate the rules. This Mr. Zhang is a Xia Scholar. According to Celestial Xia greater law, Xia Scholar if the country does not summon, Then you have the right to avoid punishment and not go to trial, and I ’m Bright Blaze Battalion profound armor colonel. If you think I ’m guilty, then go to Rising to Heaven Army Army Supervisor, do n’t bother me . “

She put down her hot drink, “Oh, by the way, that Scholar Zhang should have gone to Azure Sun Profound Mansion. If you have the courage, can you go to Profound Mansion to get someone.”

Zheng Jiu looked at her coldly and said, “Go.”

He turned around and walked out. An attendant behind him said: “division inspector, shall we just do that?”

Zheng Jiu coldly said: “Bright Blaze Battalion belongs to the Rising to Heaven Army, we are not good about her now, but Government Inspecting Envoy is now communicating with Jade Capital on the jurisdiction of the Garrison Army, she will not be proud for a long time.”

attendant said: “The division inspector, what about the person who walked away? Want to chase it?”

Zheng Jiu’s eyes narrowed and said, “Xia Scholar… hmph! You will check where this person is settled later, we will deal with the matter before me.”



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