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Within the Azure Sun Profound Mansion, Yun Chen took the copper mirror that was floating in front of him. He passed the magical power in, and when he saw that it was perfect, there was no harm in it, so he sighed in relief. Clothes, got up and walked out from the closed place.

Just opened the door of the room, and saw Daoist Ming Shan was waiting there, bowed to him, and said: “young man has achieved success?”

Yun Chen is too busy to give a courtesy: “That’s right.”

Daoist Ming Shan said: “The Profound Leader has instructed that if the young man goes out, then he will see him.”

Yun Chen was another gift. He came to the middle, stepped on the cloud, and came to Crane Hall in a short time. When he saw Profound Leader Zhu sitting there, he bowed and said, “teacher.”

Profound Leader Zhu glanced at him and said, “Precious mirror is already refining achieves success, then you can go to Profound Corrector today, there is already waiting for you for a long time, and no more delay.”

Yun Chen bowed and said, “disciple takes the lead.”

Profound Leader Zhu said: “Go.”

After Yun Chen stepped back, he cleaned up a bit and said goodbye to Daoist Ming Shan. He walked out of Profound Mansion. He looked at the sky, rides upwards on a cloud, and flew in the direction of Gao State.

Although he was in Wonderful Profound Boundary cultivation many times before, sometimes he will come out and walk around. He still knows a little about the path of Zhouzhong. It is not difficult for him to find the correct direction along the distribution of mountains and rivers.

But just after he left Gao State, he suddenly became frowned, stopped, and turned his head: “Who is driving? Why are you always following me there?”

After a while, there was a twist in the atmosphere. An ordinary daoist walks from inside gave him his first salute and said, “Fellow daoist Yun is courteous.”

Yun Chen gave him a few glances and saw that he didn’t know him. He warned: “Who is driving?”

The daoist said: “Fellow daoist Yun must not be suspicious. This time it was Profound Leader Zhu who was afraid that the fellow daoist would be in the way, so I ordered my follow-up care.”

Yun Chen snorted, nodded, and said, “You can go back and tell me the teacher, saying that I don’t need others to follow.”

The look of bitter smile appeared on the daoist’s face, saying: “Young man must not embarrass me, Profound Leader cares about it, how can I go against it? Or so, I am farther away, the young man has never seen me?”

Yun Chen shook his head and said: “I’m embarrassed too. I can pretend not to see you this time, but if you always follow me, how can I be at ease?”

As soon as the daoist heard it, the original kindness and helplessness subsided immediately, and he frowns saying: “How did you see it, I think there are no weak spots exposed?”

Yun Chen put his sleeves on his sleeve and said seriously: “We lineage, pay attention to ‘on leaving the sect, life and death is ignored’, would the teacher let you protect me?”

The daoist suddenly said: “so that’s how it is,” and then he questioned: “But 10000, you lineage’s heirs were killed outside, is it true that the sect really doesn’t ask? How is your lineage inheritance? Until now? “

Yun Chen said: “Yes, so the words of Fang Cai, I actually edited them now, do you think it’s the same thing?”

The daoist expressionlessly said: “I have no intention to play a tongue-in-cheek with you, you don’t want to say that it doesn’t matter, since you found me, then I just started a little bit in advance, it doesn’t matter.” Between the words, he bloomed all over him A mass of pale white rays of light.

Yun Chen didn’t choose to fight him here, but turned into a streamer, rushed towards the sky dome, and suddenly entered the thick thick clouds, and the daoist followed without hesitation.

Suddenly thunderous thunderous sounds were heard above the sky, and a mass of rays of light illuminate the sky dome from time to time. I soon saw a corpse fall in the cloudy sky and fell on the surface, and A deep pit was hit.

Yun Chen follow closely from behind floated down, turned around the corpse a few times, and finally took the head, reached out and grabbed it, buried it with mud at will, then stepped on the cloud and continued to go in the direction of Gao State.

Zhang Yu is now in the quiet room with the report sent back by Chen Mingchu. The latter only took 2 days to completely settle the matter of Liangzhong Dao Faction.

The 2 actually did not at all use force, Chen Mingchu just brought the elder in the faction to the gate of Liangzhong Dao Faction, and then entered the faction alone. After half an hour, Liangzhong Dao Faction gave up resistance.

Because there is no direct confrontation, the people of Liangzhong Faction did not invest in the golden prison like Six Comparisons Dao Faction. Chen Mingchu only asked them to hand over all dao seal secret technique and visualization picture in the faction, and then let them separate Placement, just take care of it on the spot.

He put down the report, took the clear tea from the case and took a sip, then suddenly had a feeling in the heart, looked at the door, and saw that Wondrous Pills Lord was hiding behind the door and looking at him.

He thought about it, stood up and walked over, but came to the door, but the little leopard cat was not there, only to see the tail flashed in the stairway, he kept walking at the foot, slowly walking down the stairway I walked up to the top floor.

Just stepped in here, he saw Wondrous Pills Lord leaping back and forth here, and with its movement, a long list of phantoms will be left behind with the trajectory of movement, each phantom is made one by one Wondrous Pills Lord with different moves, some are jumping, some are catching, some are climbing, some are rolling.

These and other movements seem to be silhouettes of its normally active activities, but now they are all vividly appearing there for a long time, and there are dozens of small leopard cats appearing in the guest room.

Zhang Yu’s eyes fell, and the real body of Wondrous Pills Lord was sitting on the flower stand beside his hand at the moment, his tail was flicking lightly, staring at the silhouettes and looking straight, when he looked over, he also raised his small head and rushed He gave a meow.

It seems that after waking up from a deep sleep again, the little leopard’s spirituality has made great progress. This is also a way that spirituality uses, which can confuse the opponent while preying on the enemy.

But he made it very clear that Wondrous Pills Lord was not for predation, but only used spiritality to paint himself, and wanted him to watch it together, so he reached out and rubbed his head, said: “Yes, if you like it Keep it all the time. “

Footsteps came from behind, Li Qinghe walked over and shoved at him, saying: “Sir, Profound Mansion is here.”

Zhang Yu pupil light moved slightly and said, “Please come to the guest room, and I will come right away.” He rubbed Wondrous Pills Lord a few more times, and got off the top platform, walked into the guest room, and in the past, I saw a young man The daoist came in from the outside and glanced at him, then came up and said, “Under Yun Chen, I have seen Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu returned a ceremony and said, “Fellow daoist Yun sit down and talk.”

Yun Chen thanks, sitting above the seat, he said: “Let Profound Corrector wait for a long time. I used to check the magic item of Nightmare Demon before refining. It was only this morning that achieveds success. After the forming teacher, it was immediately. Hurried over. “

Zhang Yu nodded: “Fellow daoist has worked hard.”

Yun Chen said: “Profound Corrector speaks heavily.” He flipped his hands and took a copper mirror from his sleeve. He said: “This is ‘Clear Heart Mirror’, and the teacher was aware of the Nightmare Demon threat at the time, so I asked Wonderful Profound Boundary for it. It was created by a friend and it took 40 years to complete the mirror because the materials are difficult to obtain. “

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t know how this mirror was checked?”

Yun Chen did not answer immediately, but thought for a while, and said: “How does Profound Corrector view the method of the previous Correctness Examining Division?”

Zhang Yu shook his head: “I disagree with this method.”

Yun Chen said: “But this method seems to be able to solve Nightmare Demon?”

Zhang Yu said frankly: “The method of Correctness Examining Division is blood sampling and peeping. I, as a found cultivator, also asked myself, if one day someone wants to peep at my mind, what should I do? I am not willing to ask myself, and I am Unwilling, how can this kind of willingness be strengthened on others? “

Yun Chen unconsciously nods. He looked at Zhang Yu and asked, “How about the precious mirror that is not brought down? How will Profound Corrector choose?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “I usually don’t make assumptions about such self-torture, but I can say that since Profound Leader Zhu can wait 40 years, then I can also wait.”

This kind of self-torture is actually a small game that the true cultivator will play at the beginning of enter the dao. When he followed the teacher cultivation, there were 2 Senior Sisters who were very keen on it.

This is usually to set up an established framework, and then let people make their own choices.

For example, the simplest of them is nothing more than “two people fall on the cliff, one is the mother and the other is the son, who will you save”.

But despite his youngest age, he never participated in these games. Because in his view, cultivator itself is to break the constraints, making the impossible possible, if it is framed, there is only one reason, that is, your cultivation is not high enough, and the cultivation is not deep enough.

Yun Chen glanced at him a few times, not realizing nodded. He picked up the precious mirror and said, “My Clear Heart Mirror is in the same place, it can reflect the changes of people’s minds, but it is not a peep, but a peep in the public.

As long as you wait for a while, the person whose mind is different from everyone else is most likely to be contaminated by the Nightmare Demon. After such repeated screening, you can pick up the suspect and look at it, that is Ten to nine is stable.

In addition to this, this mirror also has the ability to suppress Nightmare Demon, which requires a trial to know its effectiveness. “

Zhang Yu thought about it, decisively said: “It is not too late, there are more than 100 discovered cultivators temporarily held in Li State golden prison, there are suspected people who have been infected by Nightmare Demon, and please invite fellow daoist Yun to go with me one time.”

Yun Chen expression said, “I should be so.”

In order to confirm the effectiveness of this precious mirror in a timely manner, Zhang Yu did not delay here. He immediately went out of the golden stage with Yun Chen and escaped to Li State, but this time was not a hurry, so not at all Speeding, almost 3 minutes later, it fell in front of the Liness State Correctness Examining Division branch division.

He Meng heard that he was coming again, and this time he brought a person again, guessing that the person who was checked last time had arrived. He hurried out and greeted him after two sentences, knowing that it was exactly as he had guessed Brought to the golden prison.

He said: “Profound Corrector, and this Daoist Yun, according to the judgment of our Correctness Examining Division, Six Comparisons Dao Faction’s Faction Lord Jiang Chang and elder He Guan may have been contaminated with Nightmare Demon.”

Zhang Yu glanced at Yun Chen, who was nodded and said: “Then check these 2 people first.”



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