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Zhang Yu and Yun Chen were quickly led by He Meng to the place where Jiang Chang and He Guan were held.

These two people are all wrapped in a cloud of mist at this moment, because this thing suppresses his emotional changes, so at this moment, his face is indifferent, and his heart is like water, as if there is nothing in the world that can arouse their interest.

He Meng said: “According to Profound Corrector’s instructions, we haven’t moved these two people since that day, just wrapped in that cloud, they haven’t eaten any water or food yet.”

Zhang Yu knows about this. He intentionally left this cloud to isolate these two people from contact with others, and as a middle position cultivator, as long as they do n’t move, these two people do n’t say they do n’t eat water for ten days. a year without drinking or eating, there is no hindrance.

He waved his sleeves at this time, and the 2 clouds of fog slowly spread out, and said: “fellow daoist Yun, you can sacrifice the treasure to try it.”

Yun Chen took out the Clear Heart Precious Mirror, but just touched it gently, and there were countless brilliances appearing on it, densely packed. This is the mind of everyone reflected in the precious mirror, but you can see that most of them Guanghua has its own characteristics, but a dozen of them are clearly distinguished from other Guanghua.

Holding a precious mirror, he said aloud: “Profound Corrector, please see, everyone’s mind is unique and unmatched, but after all they are born to be human, there are always similarities, but the mind that was contaminated by Nightmare Demon It is very different from the National People’s Congress, and it is more similar to oneself, so these ten people are very likely to be infected. “

Zhang Yu glanced at it. The person who refining this precious mirror is very clever. However, if the idea is not successful, there is a way to change it into a real thing. This is the most difficult.

Yun Chen shook the precious mirror, and suddenly found that more than ten rays of light flew out of the mirror, turning into one after another, thin rays of light, leaping into different directions, and the nearest 2 strands pointed to the front. Jiang Chang and He Guan are two people.

But he didn’t make a conclusion at this time, but said: “These two people are indeed very suspicious, it seems that I need to investigate further.”

He lifted the Clear Heart Mirror and took a photo of two people. At this moment, the scary scene appeared. The copper mirror clearly showed two profound cultivators, but there were two pale white heads on the mirror. People with horns, they are crawling like a reptile in a mist filled with countless gaps.

Their faces are full of ridiculous smiles and evils, their heads are twisting left and right, and they are constantly eating the surrounding mist. The ugly and weird looks at make people feel numb.

He Meng also saw the shining shadow in the mirror, he exclaimed: “This is what the hell thing?”

Yun Chen looks at precious mirror and said: “This is Nightmare Demon. Nightmare Demon is invisible and invisible. It can’t be found. It can’t be seen. But it is said that if it is seen by the human heart, it is the ghost.”

He Meng pointed to it and said, “What about these mists?”

Yun Chen said: “That was the original thoughts of the two people, which shows that they are being eroded by Nightmare Demon at this time, but if they are swallowed clean, they will be completely occupied by Nightmare Demon, and they will be another person in the future. “

He Meng looks at this picture, only to feel chills all over him, he asked: “Can these two people save?”

Yun Chen said: “I don’t know, wait for me to try.”

He sent magical power into the mirror, and he saw a soft rays of light shining on the two people, but after a while, the smoke representing the mind became thicker, and the pores were relatively narrowed.

Zhang Yu saw at a glance what he said, “Strong heart?”

Yun Chen said: “Profound Corrector is accurate. The Senior who refining magical treasure thinks that if he directly kills Nightmare Demon, it will not succeed, because the heart of the infested person has already merged with Nightmare Demon. When you do it, the mind and spirit of the contaminated person will be wiped out. At the end, the person will become stupid, then it is better to clean up the person directly.

And once the cultivator was invaded by Nightmare Demon once, the mind 1000 was sore 100 holes, this time can be rescued, and may attract Nightmare Demon again in the future, so this mirror is used to help the cultivator strengthen the mind and resist Nightmare with its own strength. Demon. “

Zhang Yu unconsciously nods, there is a saying that cultivator contaminated Nightmare Demon, because the temperament is not polished enough, and the stronger the temperament is, the more likely it is to resist Nightmare Demon.

This is possible. His daily visualization of Nightmare Demon ’s patterns has not been invaded so far, and guesses should be the reason for his own mental stability.

In fact, these things should not allow the cultivator to guess and explore, but Profound Mansion should organize the manpower and gather everyone to find a way to deal with and prevent Nightmare Demon as soon as possible. This is also the responsibility of Profound Mansion, but Profound Leader’s approach , But just create another magical item.

Only after having a conversation with Profound Leader, he always felt that there was something deeper in it, and it seemed not only to pave the way for the discipline.

With the continuous exposure of precious mirror rays of light, the eyes of Jiang Chang and He Guan 2 gradually became clearer. After a moment, Yun Chen received the precious mirror, and they were all too up, and said to the outside, “Many thanks, several of us helped us suppress Nightmare Demon.”

Yun Chen said: “Nightmare Demon will be seeded once contaminated. It is difficult to eradicate by current means, but it can be suppressed. This precious mirror has a magic art on it. I have shined into 2 minds and can help 2 Position yourself to stabilize your mind. “

He Guan looked towards Zhang Yu at this time and asked: “Dare to ask Profound Corrector, can the two of us go out?”

Zhang Yu looked towards them and said: “The two are cultivators, and the longevity is long. Although Nightmare Demon can’t solve it at the moment, it may not be possible in the future. As long as the two don’t give up on themselves, they can’t wait to subduing demons and escaping from calamity. That day. “

2 people hearing this, lowered their heads and thought about it carefully, but they thought the words were reasonable.

Forty years ago, Nightmare Demon was nowhere to be found, there was no way to say it, but now, it can help them to wake up from this, so wait 40 years ago, maybe there will be a solution, 40, 4 years , This is not too long for them.

Zhang Yu said: “Two people did not pay much attention to the sharpening of the mind before they could suffer the Nightmare Demon again. After that, if they can maintain their righteousness and break through, they will be freed in the future. achievement.”

2 people looked at each other at the moment, all bowed to him, and sincerely saluted, said: “I wait for thanks Profound Corrector to explain.”

Zhang Yu looked towards Yun Chen at this time and said: “fellow daoist Yun, if the inspection is completed here, we will go to inspect others.”

Yun Chen said well.

He Meng hurriedly said: “Please come with me, 2 people.”

Because the precious mirror already pointed out that there may be strangers, 3 people went in this direction. The process was very smooth. After reviewing it, they found all the strangers and tried to fill the mind.

In order to ensure that there is no fish that escaped the net, the two people stayed for another day, and after checking repeatedly that it was intact, they withdrew and left.

Then the two went straight to Liangzhong Dao Faction. After some inspections, there were also dozens of people infected with Nightmare Demon. Fortunately, Faction Lord Xu Jian and two elders were not among them.

The local Correctness Examining Division immediately detained these people. As for the others in the faction, they still need to observe for some time before they are allowed to leave here.

Next, Zhang Yu took Yun Chen to the Heart Return Dao Faction station, where he conducted some inspections.

The result of this time check is good, Heart Return Dao Faction has no one in Nightmare Demon.

However, this is not too surprising, because this faction’s original dao faction is mainly for the defense of things like Nightmare Demon, which is strictly guarded against death. Although the strength is strong, the number is not large, but it is impossible to prove it before. And he was unwilling to accept the examination method of Correctness Examining Division, so he chose confrontation.

But the matter is not at all, and there are many cultivators in the Correctness Examining Division golden prison. Some of these people did not at all have time to commit evil, but were temporarily imprisoned, and there are people who hope to rescue them. Need to use Clear Heart Mirror to go one after another to fill the mind.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Yu returned to Mizar Academy, and then wrote a personal letter to each of the various factions Faction Lord, stating that this time the inspection will not adopt the method of blood peeping and hope that the various factions can all be Accept inspection.

He knows that the most important thing here is the Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light 2 factions. As long as these 2 factions are willing to accept them, then this time, a relatively good result can be obtained.

As for completely breaking the pattern of dao faction, he does not at all expect it to be done in one step.

Now military and continent government just want to have a solid rear before the battle, and a cultivator that can be ready to support at any time. It is already good to achieve these two points, and some things need to be taken slowly.

He consciously wants to solve this matter completely, and only after he reads to the fourth chapter, he may be able to complete it.

After the letter was sent out, he picked up the seal secret technique and visualization picture of the Liangzhong Dao Faction sent by Chen Mingchu. After looking at it, after seeing it with “Seeing and Knowing Seal”, he went into the Chaotic Chapter and looked at it, visualization The spirit essence required for the picture is reduced a bit.

He also sighed, if he didn’t have the status of Profound Corrector, he would only rely on himself, and he didn’t know how much time and energy to use to do this step. If he was like many true cultivators, he was just asking for himself, and he was losing his responsibility. At the same time, many things have been lost.

When he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a familiar breath in the heart lake, so he put down the register book and walked towards the golden stage. He walked all the way to the flying boat mooring station and saw a Qingjun daoist standing there. .

He raised his hand and said, “senior brother is here.”

Tao Dingfu replied with a gift, saying: “junior brother, your ‘knowledge true spirit’ I have made it for you, I have brought you something.” He reached out a hand and showed it on his palm. Thing.

Zhang Yu looked around and saw that this is a thing with a silver glorious appearance, shaped like a goose egg, about the size of a palm, the shell is hard, and there is one after another small pattern like a piece of stitching on it.

Tao Dingfu said: “This thing only needs you to add a drop of blood essence to complete the last step. This step we call it” enlightenment “. After achieves success, knowledge true spirit will be connected to your mind, and then you can To bear your consciousness transmission and use it for you, only this step, I do n’t ask, you need to go for it yourself. ”Then he handed it over.



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