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In an underground cave somewhere in southern territory, Daoist Wan Ming and the others are also preparing.

It’s just that their calculations are different from the previous ones. After learning that Frost Continent is staring here, they are always paying attention to the actions of these people.

After hard exploration, they quickly found the station where the chaotic cultivator was established.

However, the following is not good news. These Frost Continent people are expanding their camps there. It seems that they want to build this place into a forefront war fortress.

When Qi Yu learned of the incident, he couldn’t help but show concern, because he could see that once the Frost Continent successfully established a military camp there, then this generation would constantly send people from the state over.

This situation is extremely unfavorable to their side.

Because even if they can win in a battle for Spirit Pass in 2 games, as long as Frost Continent can continuously send the soldiers in the rear, they can continue to organize battles again and again until they are hit. Until the collapse.

This time, they are not fighting against a certain team, but they are competing against a powerful military force with a strong military power in a land that has 2 states.

With their current strength, even if it is turned several times, impossible is the opponent of the opponent.

But even after seeing the opponent’s amazing strength, Daoist Wan Ming is still calm and calm, but he also saw Qi Yu worried, so it is not difficult to imagine how other people will react to this news understood.

He also knew that something must be revealed at this time to calm people’s hearts, so he said: “fellow daoist Qi Yu, do you know why ‘World Crack’ is ‘World Crack’?”

Qi Yu heard him mention this, thought for a while, and shook his head: “I just said something about the origin of ‘World Crack’, and I don’t know if it’s true or false.”

Daoist Wan Ming said: “Can’t ‘World Crack’ be eroded by Chaos Tide, and retain the original appearance of the previous era or several epochs, that is because there is always mystical power behind it, and where is mystical power? “

Qi Yu changed his mind and seemed to think of something.

Daoist Wan Ming said: “The source of mystical power is the key to ‘World Crack’. Mastering this place is equivalent to mastering the key to this’ World Crack ‘portal. The reason why Celestial Xia is called’ ‘World Crack’ is ‘Spirit Pass’, which actually refers to this place. “

Qi Yu was slightly energized and said: “Fellow daoist means that as long as we find this place and put it under control, then we will block others from entering here?”

Daoist Wan Ming nodded said: “Yes, this is the truth. But I suspect that Frost Continent people may also know the news, so we must find it before them.”

Qi Yu still has a question at this time, saying: “But there are different Gods in it, they seem to have lived in it all the time, but why didn’t they first take control of the boundary of the residence?”

Daoist Wan Ming pondered for a while and said, “I don’t know what the reason is, but since this ‘World Crack’ is exposed, it means that those Different Gods can’t control this, clearly this is just like heaven rewarding us, and How can you see without taking? “

At this time, a disciple came in from the outside and gave Daoist Wan Ming a hand, saying, “Sir, there is movement over there.” Then, as he bowed, he raised a report over the top.

Daoist Wan Ming took it and looked at it and said, “It’s almost the same, since those Frost Continent people are ready to enter the ‘World Crack’, we should also leave, let them go for a head start.”

At this moment, five freight flying boats have risen from the station established by the Frost Continent, and they are flying towards the south-east direction.

This time is accompanied by the surnamed Ding cultivator, who sits on the main boat, beside him is a few Chaotic Chapter cultivator like him, but these people each and everyone look weird, and sometimes show the smile of unfathomable mystery , Xian can no longer be treated as a normal person.

The surnamed Ding cultivator originally wanted to try to talk to them a few times, and he could only give up when he saw it. At the same time, he secretly thanked himself for recognizing the situation early and turned to the Frost Continent.

After a half-hour of Xia hour, a spectacular rift appeared in front of the flying boat. It seemed to be a scar of the earth. The huge and broken ravine extended far away, making it difficult to see the end.

After approaching here, the 5 flying boats slowed down and hovered somewhere.

After a while, the doors under the 4 flying boats were all unscrewed, and 100 crystal jade giants carrying discovered weapons leap through the sky one after another, and they fell to the ground with amazing power. Above, a cloud of smoke was stirred up.

After inspecting the surroundings and confirming safety, a smaller flying boat fell from the abdomen of the main boat and slowly landed on the ground. The Army Protector took the former female crystal jade giant and the surnamed Ding cultivator. and the others walks from inside.

He stepped to the edge of the rift valley and looked forward. At this time, there were only some thin white clouds in the sky. Under the bright sky, the fold texture of the rock and the dry valley channel were clearly visible.

And just outside the severe li, there is a tranquil and azure water, which is inlaid like sapphire on the surface of the golden-yellow rock surface, which forms an inner lake in the low-lying area of ​​the rift valley.

It can be seen that there are blue and gray mists floating around the outer surface of the lake, and there are rays of light flashing from time to time, just like the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds.

The female crystal jade giant said: “Army Protector Gao, there is the entrance to the ‘World Crack’. From the results of previous investigations, this ‘World Crack’ should be left over from the previous era, and according to our Inferred that there may be a divine country. “

Army Protector Gao said: “Is there an antiquity god?”

The female crystal jade giant easily replied: “should not, the antiquity god existed in an older era, even if it did, it would only be in a weak sleep, because ‘World Crack’ is the power that cannot bear their power when they are in their heyday. . “

Army Protector Gao turned around. He used scarlet eyes to look at surnamed Ding cultivator and said, “Mr. Ding, what do you think?”

Surnamed Ding cultivator said: “I agree with Marshal Lan’s view. When Li Mo and I went inside, we found that there seemed to be a huge country there, and there was a stronger different God. We didn’t want to conflict with them. So I have to retreat again, but if there is an antiquity god, then we are impossible alive. “

Army Protector Gao turned back, looked towards the front, and said, “Marshal Lan, you came out as a team and stood outside, and the rest followed me in.”

The female crystal jade giant cup one fist in the other hand said yes, she immediately went down and ordered it, and immediately more than 30 people stayed and stayed outside.

Army Protector Gao raised his head, his figure slowly left the ground, and suddenly flew forward, Marshal Lan also stepped a little, jumped from above the rift, and the tail chased up.

Behind them, hundreds of crystal jade giants also vacated, moved towards the lake and flew away.

The surnamed Ding cultivator looked around and saw the followers of the same fellow who were like marionettes in the past. He shakes the head, his body covered with black mist, which was also transformed into escaping light and integrated into the crowd.

Army Protector Gao was the first to rush above the mist. His silhouette suddenly disappeared, and the soldier behind him also ran into it without hesitation, and each and everyone disappeared into the mist.

As the silhouette of the last person disappeared, only the more than 30 crystal jade giants were in charge there.

After about half of Xia hour in the past, Daoist Wan Ming and Qi Yu entire group also came out of the rift valley, they stood on the cloudy sky and looked far away, you can see 5 flying boats and The following is responsible for defend crystal jade giant.

Daoist Wan Ming’s eyes are faint and I don’t know what to think about.

Qi Yu said solemnly: “Those flying boats are not used for fighting, but they may also contain discovered weapons. We just passed by, I am afraid that they will be attacked. Fellow daoist Wan Ming, let me take people up, take these flying first Take it off. “

Daoist Wan Ming indifferently says: “No need, I will solve it.” He stood still. After a while, a bright silhouette flew out of his body. He looked at him as tall as he was, moved a bit, and moved towards distant sky flew away.

Zhang Yu was flying all the way. After a day, he went out of Azure Sun Superior Continent and came out of the continent, followed by the desolate ruins of Crimson, and came to the vast wasteland.

He first went to the place where Li Mo said, want to confirm the situation first.

Because he was told the detailed location in advance, he found this place without much effort.

However, when he arrived here, he saw that Li Mo originally had a relatively stable territory in his mouth, but now he has been replaced by solid military fortresses.

There is also a huge diamond-shaped crystal jade standing in the camp, surrounded by a flying boat that is absolutely different from the Azure Sun Military shape, and some crystal jade giants come and go in and out.

There is no doubt that it is already occupied by Frost Continent.

He thought about it for a while, but the problem of this camp was easy to solve, as long as he went back and passed a message to the 2 houses, there will naturally be 2 ships to come to die, but I do n’t know how Li Mo and the others, now only I hope they will be fine for now.

After glancing down again, he left.

The location of “Spirit Pass” is not far from this station, and it is also very easy to identify. He quickly came to the top of the Great Rift Valley on the premise of knowing the direction, and his sharp eyes only swept back and forth a few times. To that beautiful lake with scattered mist.

But he immediately noticed that there seemed to be a battle here, and the surrounding ground was a flying boat that fell and broken, and nearby was a twisted charred black shape of each and everyone, they were embedded on the rock surface, It seems to be melted by something.

Seeing that there were no more living creatures nearby at this moment, he moved his mind and fell down from the top. After landing, he reached out and took Song of Cicadas Sword into his palm, and then swayed his sleeves towards the light. Stepped in the mist.



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