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When walking into the mist, Zhang Yu felt as if he had entered a long and infinite channel. He even had a feeling that his mind and body were stripped away.

But before he had time to experience the mysterious here, his feet were shocked, but he was already on the ground.

He looked up all around and found that he appeared in a two-zhang wide cave. There was no mist behind him, but a thick rock wall with moss, and a crippled crack above the head, green The plants are covered in the top, and clear drops of water keep flowing from the smooth gap.

It seems that he is appearing out of thin air here.

After learning about the existence of “World Crack”, he deliberately transferred several secret records from Profound Mansion to see that “World Crack” has several important features.

One of them is that the portal of World Crack is not fixed. Due to the different timing of entry, the people who enter here may appear in different places.

He still remembered that Li Mo said at the time that when he entered the same road with several others, it appeared in a woodland, and vaguely saw many buildings emerging from the forest.

From this point of view, it is indeed “World Crack” here.

The most important part of “World Crack” is “Spirit Pass”. Mastering the Spirit Pass is equivalent to mastering the entire World Crack. If the people who came in before know this, they will also go towards this place.

However, Li Mo and the others were here because they tracked a different God, and the latter could escape from the hands of several people, which shows their strength out of the ordinary.

Especially after Li Mo and the others came in, they felt that there was something that could pose a great threat to themselves, so they pulled out in time without deepening, which shows that the Different God here also has a certain strength.

He sensed all around, and noticed a slight repulsive force. He turned his thoughts in his heart, knocked his fist to the side, the heart force hit, and there was a gray blue mist glowing in front of him. But it soon disappeared.

Undoubtedly, if he wants to go out from here, he can use this method, but it seems that in order to go out completely, he needs to pay more heart force and preparation, which obviously cannot do this when fighting with the enemy.

After trying this kind of repulsive force without any hindrance to exerting his own strength, he released the heart lake. There are no powerful creatures in the surrounding li, but he can feel that the exit is not far away and he can listen. The rumble came from outside, so he walked along the passage of the cave.

20 After coming, he went outside and found that he was above the opening of a rock cliff, and about ten miles away from the opposite side, it was the same rock wall, covered with green vegetation, blue Sky and white clouds, river wetlands, and hard rock hot springs are all integrated into this place, and the more distant distance makes these sceneries appear rich in color.

He looked to his left hand, and a huge waterfall was flowing down the cliff wall. At the moment, a rumbling sound was coming out. The flowing waterfall merged into the depths of the sky, and the 7-color rainbow hanging in the water mist, plus one more Flowing further away, the river shaped like a white river, creating a spectacular wonder.

He felt a sensation in his heart at this time, as if he was still in the big rift just before he came in, and what he saw in front of him was the scene from 10000 to 1000 years ago.

This may be true.

Because World Crack is one of the few places that is not affected by Chaos Tide, it still retains the old appearance before a certain part of the era changed.

He turned his head and looked to the right. There was a thick lush forest with a channel paved with flat stones, but he had an inexplicable feeling that no matter which direction he chose, he could go to his end Places to go.

He was pondered, his figure flew up, and he chose to escape in the direction of the Great Falls.

He started to escape at a slower speed, guarding against possible enemies, but later discovered that the vastness here was far beyond what he had originally thought. After the big waterfall, in the past there were plains and hills with rich greenery in front of him. Several meandering rivers rushed out of the canyon and ran wildly on the vast ground, so he gradually accelerated.

He found that the water and soil is rich and the climate is mild. If this rich land is the existence of the previous era, then the arrival of Chaos Tide has indeed caused great damage to the World.

And after each destruction, it is reborn again.

However, this is not the case for Celestial Xia. The powerful civilizations of the previous six eras were all destroyed under Chaos Tide, and only Celestial Xia various continents still stood steadily there.

After flying for a while, a man-made stone building appeared in his sight. Judging from the slaughter stand and brazier in front of the building and the tall and solemn form, this should be a temple.

He didn’t notice any sign of life in the sky, his figure floated down, landed at the entrance of the temple, and walked in along the tall porch, but when he got inside, he saw a broken corpse lying on the ground, 7 vertical and 8 horizontal. .

He glanced. These people should be native here. Their average height is slightly shorter than that of ordinary Celestial Xia people. They have dark and thick hair. Their eyes are painted with deep eyeshadows. The ratio of the five senses is relatively moderate. Stiff nose bridge, slightly thick lips, and both men and women wear pendant earrings.

Their skin is biased toward brown and white, wearing soft and light fabrics, with purple tassels and golden hem at the hem, looks at very gorgeous.

These people are all full of muscles and smooth skin, even if it is dead, the blood flowing out still exudes a shiny luster.

There is no doubt that these people are god’s progeny, it seems likely to be the priest here.

Most of the people inside were killed by a sharp weapon, and they were all killed without any reaction.

In terms of means, it is very much like a cultivator.

At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something. After a little thought, he closed his eyes, and after a while, when his bright eyes opened again, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

each and everyone men and women in gorgeous clothes are walking back and forth in this temple, some are weaving garlands, some are pouring milk-white milk into clay pots, some are in mud Write this document on the board.

However, this tranquil scene was soon broken, a golden streamer flew, and quickly turned around in the field, where more than 20 people were killed almost instantly.

The golden streamer flew to the harem again, and then flew out.

Zhang Yu walked out of the temple gate and looked up. He saw dozens of cultivators flying from the sky, only each and everyone appearance indistinct, and their silhouette flowing wind and water were generally erratic.

A few of them fell, came to the temple and looked at it casually, then each and everyone escaped and merged into the cultivators and went further away.

Zhang Yu stood at the place looks at this generation and walked away. When he turned back, the broken bodies on the ground were still the ones he had seen before.

He just used “Foresight Seal”.

This seal can integrate mystical sense, so that he can see the enemy’s next move from various messages. Of course, he can also reflect the past scenes from the mind with the information left here.

From this perspective, the Foresight Seal is not only as simple as “foreseeing”, but it may be more appropriate to call it “truth”.

But he felt at this moment that he seemed to be able to go further. After thinking about it, the rays of light in his eyes reappeared, and the scene of his talents returned to his eyes again. It was the scene where the golden streamer entered the temple.

His thoughts moved, and suddenly paused at this moment, everything around was faded and blurred, leaving only the golden streamer there.

He stared at the streamer. With the constant input of the heart force, this thing became more and more clear. The rays of light outside were gradually being stripped. In the end, he finally saw clearly.

This golden feather.

From his point of view at the moment, the lines above seemed to be permeable, and he extended the hand and gently tapped the feather.

In the next moment, everything around it has returned to its original shape. Before the finger was also empty, but only a slight touch, you can still feel the metal-like texture on the feather.

“Golden feather …”

Suddenly he remembered that Hui Yuanwu told himself that his old friend Qi Yu had a golden feather magical item, which was sharp and abnormal, not only to detect the enemy ’s tracks, but also to fly away from the enemy. And disadvantage.

The golden feather looks very similar to what Hui Yuanwu described.

He believed this was no coincidence,

According to Hui Yuanwu, Qi Yu turned to Daoist Wan Ming’s door, so it seems that the cultivators that he had just seen were probably Daoist Wan Ming entire group.

It can be seen from here that they did not encounter the Frost Continent, so the Frost Continent is likely to go the other way, or that when they came in, this generation appeared on the other side.

The purpose of the two sides should be the same, if so, then sooner or later they will collide.

In this way, although there is an additional enemy, it does not seem to be a bad thing for him.

After he thought about it, he walked to the back of the temple, where he saw a statue of a god painted with gold powder. Its shape is very peculiar, with exaggerated and towering ears, lips and nose protruding outward. It is more gentle, with a human body under the head. It is decorated with colorful clothes, covered with various gemstones and polished metal discs.

However, there is a small crack in the eyebrows of idol, which should be the destruction of the golden feather, the goal should be to prevent the different God’s main body detecting the changes here.

He stepped forward, took off his gloves, and pressed his hand against his shoulder. Suddenly, a warm stream of water poured into his body.



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