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The time shifted to late July. The fighting in the north continued, and the enemy and the enemy were still fighting on a small scale. Azure Sun Superior Continent continued to expand the boundaries and build a military fortress deployment road underground, advancing step by step.

This is a very stable tactic. Although it consumes a lot of materials, the accumulation of Azure Sun Superior Continent for 60 years is enough to support this battle.

In the inner continent, the Frost Continent had several raids, but it seemed to have dealt with things. After being repelled by Profound Mansion, there was no major movement.

Yun Chen analyzed privately that the Frost Continent people should be waiting, waiting for the fighting in the north to become more intense, and when the energy of the two governments is completely attracted by the war, then they will end again.

Zhang Yu didn’t have much to ask about this. The 2 governments handed Frost Continent to Profound Mansion to contain it, but how to define it and how to deploy manpower are all things that Profound Leader needs to consider, and now it is what Yun Chen needs to consider. .

As long as Yun Chen is still performing his duties, then he only needs to do a good job of internal supervision.

But he also knew that the time left for himself was urgent.

This aspect is that as the intensity of the battle goes down, the forces invested by both parties will inevitably increase, so more people will be involved; on the other hand, the created person’s affairs have always been shrouded in Azure. The dark clouds above the Sun Superior Continent, I don’t know when the thunderbolt will rain down.

He has been trying to study visualization picture third layer these days. The biggest difficulty here is two. One is 2 upright seal Perfection. There are indeed many spirit essences. The second one is in the third layer. When there are 6 seals to be completed, 2 seals and 36/9 of the unknown seals are needed. He went looking for himself.

However, after opening his mind, he found that these can be found from the spiritual creatures, so the most critical thing is still the spirit essence.

There are a lot of source energy in the gold bestowal ring, and he is continuously ingested by him, but he knows that this is not enough to support him to complete the third layer of the visualization picture, so he recently thought about going to Extended Stage Academy again to see if he can No more information about antiquities.

Just the day before entering August, he received a message without any text on it. He just drew a Gold Insect with a proportional scale and attached a small metal piece.

He has been waiting for this letter for nearly two months, so after seeing this book, one person came out of the academic day and escaped to the southern territory. Due to this time, he slightly accelerated some speed, only one day later, he came to the outer territory Above.

After standing at the appointed place, he took out the metal piece and flicked it, and suddenly a golden light flashed to the sky dome.

After a while, there was a golden light that fell from afar, and it fell silently on the ground between turns and turns. Daoist Wan Ming walks from inside, he cups the hands and says: “The Profound Corrector is here.”

Zhang Yu still had a gift to raise his sleeves and said, “Fellow daoist Wan Ming, where are the people?”

Daoist Wan Ming did not say redundant words, and directly said: “Profound Corrector will follow me.”

He escaped from the sky again, leading the way, Zhang Yu followed afterwards, about 1000 li or so, Daoist Wan Ming escaping light went down and fell into a huge pit.

Zhang Yu followed his falling escaping light and found that the underground is a huge hole and cave formed naturally. The two people are in it and they seem extremely small.

During this time, I walked left and right for half a minute, and fell in front of a thick and heavy metal door with a cold and shiny luster. Daoist Wan Ming fell on the stone steps. There was a clear mist spraying out next to it for a moment. See the front metal unscrewed to the side, revealing the pleated bulkhead inside.

Daoist Wan Ming turned around and asked, “Profound Corrector, go here, old Wu is inside.”

Zhang Yu nodded, walk in and come in. He could see that this place was transformed with a huge flying boat. After walking a section of the road with Wan Ming, a huge piece of arched metal hatch appeared in front of him.

Just in front of the arch, there is an oval glazed penetrating wall on the top, and the rays of light on the ground are directly illuminated from above, and the area before the palace gate is extremely bright.

Daoist Wan Ming stood here and said, “old Wu, Profound Corrector is here.”

An old but full voice came from the bulkhead all around: “Come in.”

The pieces of metal on the arched door moved away from the two sides, revealing the spacious and bright inner hall, and several strange creatures shaped like little dogs were running around merrily.

2 The metal frame beams on each side hang down each and everyone arc vines, above which is a row of silver armor, using the creation owl of sharp claw, seeing someone come in, simultaneously turns his head, movements uniformly.

At the front is a huge glazed wall, which can directly see the wasteland above the ground. An old man dressed in Celestial Xia ancient clothes stands there. His body is thin and tall, with white hair hanging down to his waist, with a The pair of glasses can be vaguely seen from the eyebrows, this young man should also be a handsome and handsome man.

He called out, and all the little dogs on the field came to stand behind him, and then raised his hand for a salute, saying: “Profound Corrector Zhang, Wu Ze is polite.”

Zhang Yu also had a courtesy and said, “old Wu is courteous.”

Wu Ze looked towards Daoist Wan Ming, said: “Mr. Wan Ming, I want to talk to Profound Corrector Zhang separately.”

Daoist Wan Ming said well, turned to Zhang Yu nodded and went out.

Wu Ze looked towards Zhang Yu, the exhibition robe reached out and asked, “Profound Corrector Zhang, please sit down.”

Zhang Yu went to his place and sat down on a metal chair with an open hand.

Wu Ze waited for him to sit down, and also sat down opposite him. At this time, a little dog jumped into his arms. He stretched his hand and rubbed it, and looked up: “Profound Corrector Zhang can ask me anything, I can answer truthfully, But only to what I know. After all, I have been away from Heavenly Secrets Division for too long. What is happening there, I do n’t know. As for some of the more core things, I do n’t know much, otherwise I ca n’t sit now. In front of you. “

Zhang Yu looks at him: “There are many things that Fellow daoist Wan Ming has said before, but I still want to reconfirm it here in old Wu. There are still some doubts that I would not delay old Wu for too long. “

Wu Ze tapped his glasses with his hands, clapped the dog down, and sat upright, seriously: “Profound Corrector Zhang, please.”

Daoist Wan Ming went outside and waited quietly there. After about half an hour, the hatch opened again, and Zhang Yu and Wu Ze walked out together.

He heard Wu Ze say there: “Yes, I do n’t think the situation is a certain person can save it. I ’m willing to communicate with Profound Corrector. That ’s because Profound Corrector has World Crack, which allows me to leave here and go. To other continent. “

He looks at the rays of light through the glazed jade wall, took off the glasses, took out a cloth and wiped it, put it on again, and sighed: “Grand Era’s horn has already blown, we have none of us The law prevents it. “

Zhang Yu didn’t comment on his words, only said: “old Wu, are there any problems with those created persons?”

Wu Ze said seriously: “I’m pretty sure that no slave master will make slaves out of the shackles, Profound Corrector, give up, Azure Sun Superior Continent is not saved.”

Zhang Yu stands at his sleeves and looks at him: “I, as a founder of Profound Court, taught Profound Corrector, and at the same time I am a Xia Scholar, considering this matter other people may withdraw, but I will not. Moreover, under Celestial Xia, even the whole Azure Sun Superior Continent has fallen, and it wo n’t turn the sky! “

Wu Ze’s face moved slightly, he stared at Zhang Yu for a while, and finally looked away, said: “Just how to do it, I just want to leave here.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “I can allow old Wu to live in World Crack, but old Wu needs to do something for me. I can provide you with the materials you need.”

Wu Ze lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said: “It’s a fair deal. I agreed. After the deal, we don’t owe anyone.”

After passing by in front of the door, Wu Ze turned around and returned to the inner hall, and the door closed again.

Daoist Wan Ming walked up and said, “Profound Corrector, don’t take seriously if old Wu says, old Wu is good, but it’s too pessimistic.”

Zhang Yu said: “I thought the fellow daoist Wan Ming would think like old Wu.”

Daoist Wan Ming says earnestly: “Although hides outside the territory, I even want to find the power of foreign continent to help, but I never think we will lose. Old Wu does not understand our cultivator. For us, trifling has changed for 60 years. , What is it for a while? How long is it? After 600 years, or 6000 years later, it ’s not too late to talk about the outcome. “

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “I heard before set off, the outer territory is a dao faction, Cloud Scraping Dao Faction was annihilated by Frost Continent people, Faction Lord Superior Master Jin Chi was also killed, I do n’t know fellow daoist Wan Ming heard Is it gone? “

Daoist Wan Ming sneered said, “I’ve seen it before. This is entirely the reason of Superior Master Jin Chi’s own stupidity. He is stubborn and abnormal, and he still holds the old set of things before.

This time, he was too optimistic. He actually wanted to save the entire Cloud Scraping Dao Faction by himself, and he connected several discovered weapon strikes himself. Finally, he was defeated and even died. Even Cloud Scraping Dao Faction failed. Keep it.

If he ran away from the ground and constantly harassed the other party, it would be Frost Continent’s turn to have a headache. “

Zhang Yu pondered also agrees with this opinion. Fighting is not about seeing who has the greatest destructive power and whoever has the strongest destructive power must be the winner.

Armored soldiers now rely on various weapons and auxiliary creations to obtain powerful battle strength, but they need some preparation and integration to exert such advantages.

It is unwise to fight hard against such an enemy.

The power of the cultivator lies in the strength of all aspects of the individual. As Wan Ming said, Superior Master Jin Chi can completely use the way of fighting to harass the other day and night, so that the other ’s proven weapon has no use at all. The other way around.

Superior Master Jin Chi actually chose to directly confront the opponent’s largest destructive power found weapon, and did so more than once. What is the difference between a Heart Light magical power and its own cultivator?

However, considering that this person is likely to protect their own discipline and the dao faction that they created on their own, this is understandable again.

Daoist Wan Ming sneered slightly at the moment and said, “Frost Continent people are still too anxious, maybe they think they can force other outer territory dao factions to make choices, but how can those dao factions be so easy to restrain?”

Speaking of which, he expressed solemnly, “Profound Corrector, if you come in contact with them at this time, perhaps can have them stand by us, I am willing to go back for Profound Corrector!”



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