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Zhang Yu stayed in the outer territory for 2 days, discussed with Daoist Wan Ming, and then returned to Mizar Academy.

Although he agreed that Wu Ze would go to World Crack, it was just that this matter was not in a hurry. He also needed his people to accomplish some things for himself.

After returning to the study, he took out a metal box from the purple gold bag and opened it on the table. There were several jade pendulums in it, each and everyone had a delicate shape, and there was nothing common with each other.

This is what Wu Ze created in the 2 days after he mentioned that sentence that day.

It turns out that the thin slices are small, but their function is unknown. Except for those who really know each other, they don’t really carry them on the body, and they have to be taken back to distinguish them. It’s too troublesome.

However, this jade wear is different. After wearing it, if there is a created person nearby, the temperature will change, and it will also tremble slightly.

But Wu Ze also said that the reason why he did n’t use this skill before was not that he could n’t do it, but now those created persons are likely to have a way to protect this thing, and this thing is also flawed, if it is carried by a normal person creation, this thing is likely to react.

But this thing is still useful after all, at least to give him a reminder.

He looked at it. There were 5 jade pendants in the box. After thinking about it, he took the next one and put it in his sleeve. Seeing that the remaining 4 were relatively opposite, they were placed in a place simultaneously, which was nodded and covered. box.

At this time he picked up the report and looked at it. In just a few days, there were too many changes in the northern war not at all, so he put it aside, first went to the top floor to tease Wondrous Pills Lord, and then turned to the quiet room to meditate cultivation.

On the second day, he first dealt with the affairs of the academy. In the past afternoon, he took a flying boat to Wang State.

On this journey, he saw fighting flying boat incessantly, and from time to time saw cultivator escaping light flying over, Chauzhong’s security was much tighter than last month.

On the second day of the boat trip, he entered Wang State and descended on the mooring station of the Extended Stage Academy. After stepping out of the hatch, he came up to the old Lu Mansion.

old Lu has taken the medicine presented by taken Zhang Yu from the last time, as well as the Breathing technique taught by Zhang Yu, and can stand up and walk as before, but the decayed muscles have not yet recovered, and Ye Silan Instead of going to the door to thank you, I heard Zhang Yu is here again. I am very happy. With the help of the attendant, I personally greeted him and greeted him into the house and treated him with good tea.

After chatting with Zhang Yu for a few words, I heard that he wanted to take a look at the Extended Stage Academy ’s antiquities collection, and immediately said enthusiastically: “The extended Stage Academy antiquities are just ordinary objects. Mr. Zhang does n’t need to go to see it. .

My academy ’s largest collection is stored elsewhere. Generally, I do n’t allow outsiders to visit except the members and students of my antiquarian society, but Mr. Zhang has helped the old man so much. The college is ancient. Natural history, I can guarantee Mr. Zhang, but it is a little late at this time today. How about I take Mr. Zhang to see it tomorrow? “

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “So old Lu is bothered.”

When old Lu saw that it was time to enter the day, he immediately ordered someone to prepare a dinner, so he gave him a treat, and arranged a proper residence for him after the banquet.

Zhang Yu rested one night here as he wished. In the early morning of the second day, after eating early food, old Lu changed to an academic dress, guiding him while leaning on a walking stick to the Star Governing Stage in the middle of the Academy .

This great stage has a huge zhang and is surrounded by sapphire. It is strong and heavy. At the beginning, it was a military fortress. It is said that it ca n’t help even a found weapon, and it contains enough water for 10000 people for 5 years. When Chaos Tide arrived 60 years ago, academy teachers and students avoided this period of time by hiding in it.

After Zhang Yu followed old Lu into the great stage, after several inspections, he went underground to the great stage, and finally came to a large and spacious hall, where the open corridors can be described as ant nest 4 8 As far as you can see, there are all kinds of exquisite collections.

old Lu is proud to introduce: “Since Azure Sun Superior Continent Lizhou, most of the treasures and high grades collected from the outer territory, except for some that were collected by the 2 provinces, the rest are here. Also because of my Extended Stage Academy The collection is very rich, and some things are unique and unmatched, so everyone in my Academy is allowed to wear divine robe profound armor. “

Zhang Yu asked, “Dare to ask old Lu, what’s the purpose of the 2 houses taking away those collections?”

old Lu shook his head and said: “Everyone wants good things. Some things are exquisite in shape and gorgeous in appearance. They are also inevitable. It is also inevitable that some old objects have mystical power. It is really not easy to dispose of them here, so we have to Enclosed in the treasury of 2 houses. “

Zhang Yu moved a little under his heart. In fact, if these things have mystical, it should be handed over to Profound Mansion, because mystical power has always been confronted and handled by Profound Mansion.

It should be that Profound Mansion did not fulfill this responsibility before, so only the 2 governments took over.

However, depending on the situation, the two houses are not capable of handling these things, so the sealed storehouse is up.

If this is the case, then he can send a letter to transfer the collections to Profound Mansion for preservation. Even if he can’t do it, it is no problem for him to check it.

And generally speaking, something with mystical power, which contains source energy with a higher probability, maybe he can still get some gains from there.

Suddenly, he followed old Lu to tour in this underground palace.

Old Lu is very knowledgeable, and every time he arrives at a familiar object, he will definitely make a detailed review and know the origin and background of this thing and many researches. However, there are too many collections here, and old Lu brought him excitedly. After walking for most of the day, I only read 0.1% of the entire collection.

Knowledge is priceless. If it is placed in the ordinary time, Zhang Yu is very willing to continue like this.

However, the situation is different now, and outside the battle, he needs to find the source energy as soon as possible to improve his strength, and if he wants to watch at the speed, he may not be able to finish these things in the past few years, so he persuaded old Lu not to be so hard to accompany It ’s better to watch it by yourself. If you see something unclear, come back and ask him.

Old Lu also knew that he was physically weak, and originally wanted to be accompanied by Ye Silan, but was also rejected by Zhang Yu, so he prepared a warranty and went back to rest.

When Zhang Yu left, he watched here alone.

This time things are much simpler. He directly emits Heart Light sensor. If he does not feel any heat, then go to the next layer.

The structure of the underground palace is gradually deeper like a vortex vortex cave. The more hidden the collection is, the higher the value. Most of them are antiquities from previous eras or even several eras ago.

Zhang Yu didn’t find anything even after he dropped the three layers. When he arrived at the fourth layer, he suddenly turned around with a sense, and finally stopped in front of a mural, but from the rock behind the mural, this It’s a cave mural, and the hall collection moved the entire cave intact.

Feeling the lingering heat flow, he walked up to the front and saw a young salamander appearing on the mural, and depicting a rare front.

As you can see, this young salamander is staring straight ahead with his fierce eyes, because this mural occupies a whole wall here, as if this thing can crawl out of it anytime, anywhere.

This reminded him of the young salamander that he killed when he went to Eastern Court Protectorate, but it was painted on the mural. From the background contrast, his body is on a continent, if this young salamander really exists However, it is definitely stronger than some different Gods.

At this time, a group of young men and women talked and laughed and turned from a side porch and walked over to him. Each of them was wearing Extended Stage Academy costumes, and they all held a jade plate in their hands. I will compare the ancient objects on the 2 sides and write pictures on them.

One of them looked up at this moment and saw Zhang Yu standing back to them before standing at the mural, and immediately issued a vigilant voice, saying, “Who is where?”

These students are also nervous for each and everyone, and outsiders are not allowed to come in at will, and they have not heard that there are other people besides their entire group today.

Zhang Yu turned around and said, “Several people don’t need to panic. I’m here with old Lu. There are records outside that can be verified by letter.”

The man who talked to him before saw him for a while before came back to his senses. He hurriedly arched his hand and said, “We don’t know about this, I’m really sorry, but I hope I won’t be disturbed by the respect.”

Those students beside him also apologized one after another saluted.

Zhang Yu glanced at everyone and said, “It’s okay.” At this moment, he clearly felt that the jade piece hidden in his sleeve was warm and trembling slightly.

This means that among this group of students, there is likely to be a created person, but I don’t know which one.

It ’s just that he needs to solve the source behind the incident, not a created person, so he did n’t say much, feeling that the source energy absorbed here is almost the same. After looking at these students again, he went on to the next Walked to the floor.

But after he left, these students still stood there for a long time without moving. Only then did he glance at him, everyone felt a sense of trembling in fear, as if the most secret secrets deep in his heart were seen through at a glance, so It was a moment of trance, and one of the young girls with chubby cheeks was in wonderment at the direction of his departure.

Zhang Yu didn’t care about the students anymore. He went down the road all the way. When he reached the eighth layer, he immediately felt a strong heat flow.

He turned his head to see, this is a statue of a giant eagle spreading its wings, its huge body occupies half of the hall, the eyes of the amber inlay flashes, and the hook of the beak is sharp and curved, making it look fierce. Rin, like living creatures.

He is pondered, here the source energy seems to be plentiful, but if I stand here, I am afraid that I ca n’t absorb it all day, so it ’s too late, so I take out the gold bestowal ring and let it float above the eagle wings, then continue Go down.

And shortly after he left, a silhouette came down from above, looked under 4 sides, and finally looked at the gold bestowal ring.



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