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Although Profound Leader Zhu is a true cultivator, its boundary is very high, and as a Profound Leader, he also has the responsibility of instructing the Fuzhong cultivator. As to whether those cultivators are qualified to ask him in person, that is another time. Something happened.

Profound Leader Zhu glanced at Zhang Yu at this time and said, “I thought you would ask me about Azure Sun Wheel.”

Zhang Yu looked calm and said: “This treasure was originally controlled by Profound Leader. Profound Leader was taken back at that time. Naturally, there are Profound Leader’s reasons, so why should I ask more.”

Profound Leader Zhu’s expression eased a bit, he said: “Profound Corrector wants to ask me how to climb the road, then I can only tell Profound Corrector, the way of found cultivator, to Profound Corrector this step, in Profound Mansion everywhere There is no way to find progress. “

Zhang Yu pupil light moved, saying: “Profound Leader may elaborate?”

Profound Leader Zhu raised his sleeves, took out a jade slip from inside, and let this thing float over, saying: “This thing Profound Corrector can be taken to watch. What Profound Corrector wants to know is described in the inside.”

Zhang Yu took the jade slip back, glanced at it, put it in his sleeve, then bowed his hand in the seat and said, “Many thanks Profound Leader.”

Profound Leader Zhu slightly nodded, and then said: “I also have something to tell Profound Corrector here. I have to give Yun Chen cultivation a dao technique recently. When he comes down, he will retreat for a period of time, which will take about 100 days. During this period, , Profound Corrector can be self-determined for Profound Mansion. “

Speaking of which, he said again: “By the way, I will warn Profound Corrector, if Profound Corrector wishes to smoothly continue cultivation, then you must stop your matters in the continent, and not investigate further.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu could not help raising his head to look at Profound Leader Zhu, and saw that his expression was dull and could not see anything. He changed his mind and stood up. After a ceremony, he turned to Crane Hall.

He first arrived at Yun Chen. After communicating about some vital matters, he left Profound Mansion and returned to Mizar Academy.

Back in the golden stage, he came to the study and sat down, took out the jade slip, and then turned his consciousness into it. There were countless messages emerged in it, and after a rough sketch, he also had some new ideas about cultivation. understanding.

profound cultivator read After reaching Profound Fusion Chapter, go up, then it can be called high position cultivator.

Because the destructive power of the high position cultivator is extremely large, the road leading to Chapter 5 is not allowed to be placed in the Profound Mansion everywhere, but is firmly held by the Profound Court, especially a few of them involve crossing the border The key to dao seal is that it can only be mastered by cultivator if it is granted by Profound Court.

So Daoist Wan Ming feels right. Without these dao seals, the found cultivator will never be able to climb the higher boundary, unless it is sought from the Chaotic Chapter, but doing so is also dangerous 10000 points, because there is not enough spirit essence That would involve Grand Chaos, which requires the use of mystical organ refining methods to counteract the effects of Grand Chaos.

But creatures with such mystical organs are also extremely powerful, which is not something that this boundary cultivator can deal with, and these aliens are also difficult to find in the inner layer, so this path is almost not feasible.

Calculated in this way, it is the most feasible way to follow the path given by Profound Court.

And to achieve this, the most important thing is merit.

He glanced at the information, and if he wanted to discuss merit, whether it was military merit, government merit, or merge from supervising disorder, it could be regarded as merit.

As for the place with the fastest achievements, then I went to the battlefield and fought against the alien gods and monsters that came out of the outer layer, but this is undoubtedly necessary to take the risk of mortal danger. , Merit is not so easy to get.

As for the governing merit and monitoring merit, it is relatively slow to accumulate. For example, what he is doing in Profound Mansion now, it can be counted here. This kind of almost depends on suffering, fighting for longevity with people, and fighting for seniority. , And fight for prestige.

Apart from this, there is another way to get merit in the information transmitted from jade slip. The cultivator can pass the statement to guard in the remote wasteland if you like, then saving power will be faster.

However, this kind of thing is not easy to do. When encountering powerful forces that are difficult to confront, they often have to rely on the cultivator to solve it by themselves.

But the most critical places are not actually those places.

Jade slip above stated that under normal circumstances, Profound Court grants a seal of 30 years, and only 3 dao seals will be awarded at a time.

In other words, if there is not much change, every 30 years, the cultivator may get a chance to get the dao seal, and only 3 people can really get the dao seal.

Zhang Yu pondered, looking at it this way, it seems that there is a great chance of obtaining a dao seal. However, although Profound Court is not facing Azure Sun, it includes all the government of Celestial Xia, not just the Superior Continent. Instead, it includes Intermediate Continent and Inferior Continent.

As you can imagine, I do n’t know how many cultivators in Chapter 4 are waiting for this opportunity.

In the end, who the dao seal bestows on is actually determined by the mighty figures of the Profound Court upper layer.

In this regard, I am afraid that it is difficult to be completely fair.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the sentence that Profound Leader Zhu just said to him. If he wants to climb the higher boundary, he should not delve further. Is it suggesting him, the created person in Azure Sun Continent Is something related to some people in the Profound Court upper layer?

He changed his thoughts and found that it was possible.

Seen in this light, Profound Leader Zhu completely ignores the inner continent. Perhaps in addition to its withdraw from the world faction, I am afraid there is also this layer of reason.

But in this way, things are more complicated.

He pondered for a moment, if it was open and aboveboard, why not let go of it? This is enough to show that the matter itself is problematic.

If you look at it this way, Profound Court has passed it on to him, perhaps with a deeper purpose.

He stood up, walked to the glass wall, looked at the vast sky outside. In any case, as a Profound Mansion Profound Corrector, he had to find out about the created person.

And now he doesn’t have to worry about the upper layer, it’s too far away from him.

He believes that when the Azure Sun Superior Continent inner continent is resolved, the situation will be very different from the moment.

As for cultivation, in addition to accumulating merits and waiting to be granted, jade slip also provides two other roads, but the relatively correct path is even more difficult. How to choose in the end, here needs to be carefully considered.

Thinking about it, Qing Shu walked in, bowed, and said, “Sir, Mr. Hui, please.”

Zhang Yu thought about it, turned around and said, “Please come in.”

Ying State, an underground military fortress somewhere.

Mo Ruohua walked into the spacious barracks, this time on behalf of her camp came to the main camp for the last round of training, she looked at all around, this barracks was only her,

This is not a special treatment, but when she stepped in, she was told that it was not allowed to communicate with anyone without permission, and she also saw that in open areas and corridors There are bee bug creations responsible for monitoring anytime, anywhere, which can be described as strictly abnormal.

Until now, she didn’t know what the military called them for, but she was just a little soldier and she was not qualified to ask so much. She could only take one step at a time.

After resting there for one night, she was called to the camp on the second day to continue training. At this time, the camp required them to master certain sword fighting skills. There are many like her, from various camps. The female soldier who was picked up.

But here she saw a silhouette that she knew, and the other party saw her, but she didn’t seem to know her.

She didn’t rush to say hello.

However, when receiving training, because everyone is assigned a teacher, which is a one-on-one instruction, so they soon have the opportunity to contact.

And that teacher found her intentionally or unintentionally. During the pointing process, her mouth did not move, but the spiritual rays of light on her body vibrated through a unique rhythm and transmitted the sound to her ears. “Are you an attendant of Profound Leader Zhang?”

When Mo Ruohua saw him so carefully, he also conveyed his voice with spirituality: “It’s me, Mr. Qin, why are you here?”

Opposite this, Qin Wu, who had been a guard swordsman at Eastern Court Protectorate.

Qin Wu was in a wrong step at this time, with no difficulty separating the sword edge in her hand, and cleverly handed the sword over her throat, saying: “Be careful, your strength and speed are good, but the skills are too good Rough, if you fail to meet the requirements of the camp, I think you should go back early. “

While criticizing in the mouth, he said with the strength of spiritality: “A senior brother in my sect is here as Army Guarding Marshal, so please come here to do the sword technique training, didn’t expect you here, However, I advise you not to be too serious, let alone to fight for the first and second. Behind this training, waiting for you is not a good thing. “

Mo Ruohua heart shivered with cold, indeed, this test showed a weirdness from beginning to end. She also felt that something was wrong. She was so distracted in her mind that she was empty of her hand, but Qin Wu took the sword. Fly out.

Qin Wu whispered with spirituality: “Mo girl, be more serious.”

Mo Ruohua echoed back: “Mr. Qin, don’t you say you don’t want to be too serious?”

Qin Wu expression is exceptionally swift and fierce, “Yes, but not letting you relax now, do you think that the swordsman who is responsible for testing and observation are all fools? If the skill of the sword technique is not enough, you even pretend to install them in front of them. Unlike, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, I will teach you all the key skills that I have mastered, and it is also the favor of Profound Leader Zhang. “

At the same time, he scolded in his mouth: “Pick up the sword, don’t let me see it leave you, and if you do it again, you can leave.”

Mo Ruohua moved his wrist, picked up the sword aside, she took a deep breath, and then opened a posture, her eyes very serious and said: “There will not be another time.”



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