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After Qing Shu passed the pass on the command, short time, it looked like Hui Yuanwu, who was in an excellent state of mind, stepped into the study, he saw Zhang Yu, his eyes were full of respect, a courtesy, and he was full of breath: “Have seen Profound Corrector. “

Zhang Yu looked at him a few times and said, “Fellow daoist cultivation is quite refined.”

Hui Yuanwu shook his head again and again, saying: “I am a little bit more advanced, and what can I count, compared with Profound Corrector, it is far from the world.”

He looked more solemn at this time, “Hui’s wish has always been to merge various factions to bring Profound Mansion back to the past, and now Profound Corrector has done it, I should thank Profound Corrector here!”

With that, he pressed Zhang Yu again, then raised his head, with a bit of expectation: “I also heard about the people of outer territory Frost Continent. I wonder if there is any need to use it in the next place?”

He has been in retreat since he was wounded, and he only went out after the new year. This is when he heard that Zhang Yu has integrated the outer territory and inner territory various factions, and is now responsible for containing Frost Continent.

After learning this, he was also in a state of turmoil, so he came to take the initiative and wanted to contribute to it.

Zhang Yu said: “Fellow daoist Hui is willing to contribute. I can’t help myself. I just need to set up multiple outposts in the outer territory to monitor the movement of Frost Continent. However, this move may be dangerous. I wonder if the fellow daoist Hui might be competent?

Hui Yuanwu without the slightest hesitation said: “Will be willing!”

Zhang Yu said: “This thing can’t be done by fellow daoist alone. I will send several fellow daoists to go with fellow daoist.”

Hui Yuanwu said happily: “This is the best way.”

Zhang Yu said: “The fellow daoist can go back and wait for the news first.”

Hui Yuanwu nodded, he hesitated when he left, and finally said nothing. After a ritual, he retreated.

Zhang Yu knew what he wanted to ask, it should be about Daoist Wan Ming and Qi Yu, but he did n’t have to explain much about this. After so much time and observation, he can be sure that Hui Yuanwu is indeed a created person .

In fact, he has no prejudice against his people, just like Qing Shu and Qing Xi, he can also be treated as a normal person.

But thinking of his own wishes, and even life and death, it is possible to master the forces behind him, so he has to be prepared.

Therefore, such a person cannot be reused. Some of the key points are that it is also impossible to allow him to do it, and he still needs to send someone to stare. Now this arrangement is also intended to prevent him from avoiding the vortex center. Has its own benefits.

In fact, in Profound Mansion, anyone with a doubtful identity will be supervised by someone. Once they change, they will respond in a timely manner, but as long as these people have not done anything extraordinary, then he will not do it. .

Time passed quickly, and once the end of the month entered February, Mizar Academy welcomed many new students.

Because of the war in the north, Mizar Academy also relaxed the conditions for entering the academy. There are more than 10000 students this year. The academy, which was originally very cold, is full of popularity.

Zhang Yu will occasionally go to the martial training stage, but he does n’t have much time to do the dean ’s job now, but just dispatched a group of suitable found cultivators from Profound Mansion to be responsible for the students ’ Pointing.

In the next day, in addition to daily cultivation in the Academy, he also handled the Profound Mansion affairs left by Yun Chen after the retreat. On the 2nd day, he received a letter from the outer territory, saying that it was Cao Fangding had already returned from the outside, he didn’t realize the mind rouses.

Before returning to Azure Sun, he sent Cao Fangding to explore Frost Continent’s location according to the public map. Now that he comes back, there must be news.

So he went out to Azure Sun Superior Continent again, and came to Square Stage Dao Faction station by flying boat.

After he reached the boundary, he found that it was very different from that of the previous year.

In order to guard against strikes of the found weapon, the original mountain of the station has been abandoned, and only some buildings have been symbolically arranged. All Cave Mansion and dwellings have been transferred to the underground.

In fact, many of the fortresses built on the ground in the 2 houses can also resist discovered weapon strikes, such as the military fortresses that are advancing all the way to the north.

It’s just that building these things is expensive and not practical for Profound Mansion.

For the found cultivator, if necessary, the station can be discarded at any time, even if it is a key place, it is thrown away, or you can wait to gather enough strength and then try to grab it back.

After entering the station, he immediately ordered the discipline to call Cao Fangding.

After waiting for a while, Cao Fangding came in and cups the hands politely and said, “I have seen Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu also had a gift. He invited Cao Fangding to sit down and said, “Fellow daoist, is this trip going well?”

Cao Fangding said solemnly: “Profound Corrector, the map of fellow daoist Lin is very accurate. I went to the visualization picture and found the location of Frost Continent, but the outer edge of Frost Continent is very tightly guarded, within 1000 miles, whether There are creation cruises above and below the ground or above the sky. Some of the creations are very small. I have been found on several occasions, so I cannot go too deep. “

Zhang Yu thought to himself that these creations were so tight, obviously it was to guard against the cultivator, because the visualization picture usually only jumped for 1000 miles, he got up and waved his sleeves at this time, and a pair of rays of light gathered Frost Continent map It emerged out of thin air, pointing at: “Which corner of the Frost Continent did Fellow daoist Cao see this time?”

Cao Fangding stood up, and clicked on the southeast corner, said: “It should be here, I walked around a bit later. Its outline is similar to the map, there are also similarities, but it should be roughly It ’s right here. “

Zhang Yu understands these differences. Lin Xuansheng said that he hasn’t been to Frost Continent in 20 years. If there is no accident, this should be the change over the years.

Cao Fangding said: “It was just my investigation that I didn’t see too many houses on the ground. This may be because the place I touched was the Frost Continent border, but I guess that most of the buildings of Frost Continent, It should be built underground. “

Zhang Yu agrees with this view. Frost Continent’s current location is not far from the Azure Sun Superior Continent, but not near, but it has not been noticed by the two governments for such a long time. Except for some people who are intentionally concealing, I am afraid they are still there. The good reason covered by itself.

After looking at the map for a while, he decided to carry out a surprise attack on Frost Continent.

This is not to eliminate Frost Continent, but to return the last action. He wanted to tell Frost Continent that he also had the ability to attack his own continent, making it impossible for him to go to Azure Sun Continent unscrupulously.

However, if there are conditions, it is still necessary to destroy valuable places, such as flying boat mooring station, barracks, granaries, armaments, factories and other places.

So he needs a more elaborate investigation.

In addition, he needs more magical items and more discovered weapons in order to carry out large-scale destruction.

Although the materials provided by the two houses were reduced by half, he obtained many discovered weapons from the wreckage of the fighting flying boat seized last time.

These discovered weapons are deeply hidden in the secret box. Even if the flying boat burst, it did not damage it. Now he has handed it to Wu Ze to see if he can crack it. If it is possible, then he can use this batch directly Frost Continent people’s weapons go to strikes Frost Continent people.

After thinking about it, he said: “I need the fellow daoist Cao to go again. This time you need to go deep into Frost Continent’s hinterland. You need who to help you, you can tell me directly.”

Cao Fangding thought for a while and said, “If you want to investigate in depth, you must avoid those creations, maybe you can call fellow daoist Wen Liang to help me, and it will be easy to pass.”

Zhang Yu nodded, Wen Liang was formerly Wonderful Spirit Faction’s Faction Lord, is especially good at creating hallucinatory and concealment techniques, the height of boundary is enough to make people hard to tell.

The last time he returned to Chauzhong, it was because his people enveloped everyone with visualization pictures, so that Zhong Lie 3 did not find the various factions Faction Lord and followed his flying boat. Cao Fangding undoubtedly wanted to use this person’s power to bypass those creations.

The advantage of cultivator lies in the change of 10000 end, the creation does not develop to a certain level, and then it is strictly guarded against these endless means.

He said: “Yes, I will call fellow daoist Wen later, so that he will go here with fellow daoist Cao. In addition, I will send two fellow daoist to take care of you. Remember to take your own safety as the priority. No, we must evacuate as soon as possible. “

Cao Fangding solemnly said, “Cao took note.”

Under the desolate ruins in the southwest of Azure Sun, after a lapse of one month, the tall man walked into the military fortress deep underground.

After entering the rear cabin along the long cabin passage, he lifted his hat and faced the crystal jade box in his hand at the powerful old man sitting there, saying, “I have brought something, and you promised us something You can start. “

Between the words, he stepped aside and placed the crystal jade box on the table.

Old man stood up, before coming to the table, he reached over the crystal jade box, and with a burst of light, the box lid moved to the side. He took out an ink stick-like thing and stroked it with his hand 2 Next, I put it back again, and then took out a jade box from the sleeve and handed it over: “What you want, but people need you to find it yourself.”

The tall man frowned and said, “Where are your candidates? Where can I find someone who fits this outer armor in a hurry?”

Zhuang Shuo old man said: “I can’t help you, it’s an exception to be able to exchange the outer armor with you. If you don’t want to …” He reached out and pointed, “Then take your things and go forward here Go straight back to the ground. “

When the tall man was silent, he extended the hand and took the thing. Although it was troublesome to find the candidate, this was overcome, and it seemed more reliable to use his own person, but he was also forced to make the choice by the other party. Unhappy, after storing things, don’t say hello, turn around and go out.

Zuoshuo old man looked up at him at this moment and said to him: “Yes, no matter whether it is failure or success, we’ll want a recording after the fight.”

Slightly paused at the feet of the tall man, he resisted the urge to scold and speeded up and went out.



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