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After the three people left, Zhang Yu picked up the document submitted by Tan Cong from the case. This document is the reward that Heavenly Secrets Institution is willing to pay for this matter.

Heavenly Secrets Institution has a lot of industries in various states and counties. Because it is heard that Profound Mansion is now negotiating with the two governments to try to take back the academy in various places, so this time it is willing to exchange ten palaces that are academy.

And Heavenly Secrets Institution also heard that Profound Mansion is fighting with Frost Continent, thinking that there may be many tiny creations on wasteland that are difficult to find, so they are willing to provide various creations and patrol flying boats for Profound Mansion to drive.

It can be seen from this that Heavenly Secrets Institution takes this matter very seriously this time.

He changed his mind slightly, instructed the discipline to pass on the command, and summoned all the cultivators. After giving a brief account of this matter, he went back to continue the cultivation.

After a hurried time, about a month later, I saw a large number of huge flying boats flying from the inner continent one after another, and selected a boundary outside the Square stage station south-east direction about 50 li, and began to repair each. Building.

The 50 li road is instantaneous for the cultivator, so this boundary can be regarded as the shelter of the Square Stage station, and there is almost no fear of the invasion of foreign enemies.

Zhang Yu also learned at this time that most of these flying boats came from the direction of Zhao State.

Azure Sun Heavenly Secrets Institution has branches in various places, most of which are established in the academy of each county. However, because the number of great craftsman is sparse, there are only 6 academy currently in Azure Sun Superior Continent. Great craftsman is in permanent residence, Zhao State is one of them.

The only exception to this is Mizar Heavenly Secrets Institution, where great craftsman is directly dispatched by Jade Capital and does not belong to Azure Sun.

And these branches provide various creations for the 2 schools and many academics every year. Among them, the Zhao State branch headed by Tan Cong occupies at least the number of one third, so this person’s speech is actually very important among the 2 governments.

Zhao State Heavenly Secrets Institution, with the cooperation of the two governments, brought a large amount of materials from the rear and used various creations to repair it day and night. Almost 2 days later, a 20 acres of cabinets have been raised from the ground, and Under the Taiwan Pavilion, there is still more room for development.

At the end of July, a giant boat came to the place above Heavenly Secrets Institution,

This flying boat is covered with armor like ichthyosaur scales, and there are more serrated fin spines on the 2 sides and the back of the boat. It looks at mighty and terrifying, it is a flying boat from its own house.

He stopped at the military mooring station in North Point. After the door was opened, a man with short black hair came down from the top, carrying a huge luggage bag in his hand. As soon as he came out of the flying boat, his eyes squinted 4 Gu, at last the eyes stayed on that mountain.

“Is this the cultivator station?”

The deputy who came down with him reminded him: “Colonel Ming, the cultivator is not under the jurisdiction of our 2 provinces, acting 10000 should be restrained.”

Colonel Ming was slightly impatient and said, “Understood, how many times have you said it.” He tried to move his finger, “Arrange opponents as soon as possible. I am not here to play. I hope these cultivators will satisfy me. Do n’t be as useless as the ones you encountered before. “

Deputy said: “colonel absolutely can’t be arrogant, cultivator and cultivator are different, the outer territory cultivator is far more powerful than the inner territory, not onion on equal terms.”

Colonel Ming 5 shook his finger, the light on his fist flashed away, and said, “This is what I want!” Then he looked at the great stage at the highest point of the station, grinned, and got off the mooring station, behind him The guard attendant is also anxious to keep up.

On the other side, Zhang Yu stood on the great stage, watching the entire group coming off the giant boat into the cabinet. Two days ago he received a letter from Tan Cong saying that it was Heavenly Secrets. ‘S master is coming soon, it seems that it should be this person.

Daoist Wan Ming was standing beside him at the moment, he said: “There is something weird about that person.”

Zhang Yu is also nodded. As a cultivator, he can see at a glance that the person walking in front has already broken the physical limit.

Generally speaking, people who pass this level of pass will produce spirituality strength, but armor wearer is usually not allowed to do so. Only when the discovered armor meets people and then stimulates spirituality can perfect use of this strength.

This person is different. Either Heavenly Secrets Institution solves the problem of uncoordinated spirituality between the person and the outer armor, or the spirituality of this person is very special.

At present, Heavenly Secrets Institution attaches great importance to this person. Obviously this person is very unique like the found armor he is wearing.

For Tan Cong, please use the cultivator and the armored soldier fighting competition, in addition to the reasons stated in the mouth, he can also guess some other intentions, but he is not prepared to block, but the cultivators To choose.

Colonel Ming took a rest at the station for one night. On the 2nd day, he came to the height of the tower. He embraced his bracelet and stood in front of the glazed wall, looking out. Under the clear blue sky, the shallow yellow empty wasteland was unobstructed.

At a glance, he could see the mountains standing there alone, and behind it, the horizon was long and long, looking quiet and lonely.

Deputy came over, looked at his expression, and said: “Colonel Ming, sent to the notice last night, is already a cultivator willing to fight competition with colonel.”

Colonel Ming said: “What is the origin of this man?”

deputy said: “This proven cultivator is called Shi Yue, it turns out that Past Spirit Dao Faction Faction Lord.”

Colonel Ming said: “I heard that the most powerful one here is the Profound Corrector. I wonder when I can compare with him?”

deputy shook his head: “I’m afraid it won’t work now,”

Colonel Ming turned his head and said, “When will it take?”

deputy said solemnly: “If Colonel can defeat this outer territory cultivator in every possible way, then Profound Corrector Zhang may be able to come out in person for the face of Profound Mansion.”

Colonel Ming grinned and said, “Yeah, I think it’s easy.”

Heavenly Secrets Institution seemed to attach great importance to World War I, and sent people to invite Zhang Yu to watch the battle.

Zhang Yu did not decline. In the evening, he took the cultivators out of the great stage and came to the Heavenly Secrets Institution station. But this time he didn’t at all flying, but went down the ground along a stone step.

Heavenly Secrets Institution built a connecting underground walkway between Square Stage station and its own stage pavilion, which not only can connect the two sides, but also the access road to the underground barrier.

Zhang Yu and the others took an underground land boat, but after 100 breaths, they came to an incomparable gigantic underground cave.

In the course of 2 months, Heavenly Secrets Institution used the existing underground hole to dig an open space of about 10 li, which is enough for both parties to fight competition in general.

Zhang Yu soon came to the platform above all around. Chang Gu saw him coming and hurried to come over paid respect, but this person was not good at speaking, and he did not greet people very much, so he retreated after a few words. .

Zhang Yu didn’t take it seriously either. He could see that this person was pure in mind. In the past two months, he has been devoted to doing things, but he hasn’t seen his person go anywhere else. Perhaps the same is true. Tan Cong put it here.

Colonel Ming has arrived at the middle of the viewing time.

Daoist Shi Yue also went down at this moment, facing Colonel Ming cups the hands politely. He was wearing a robe and black hair bun. He stood there with a tall figure and a magnificent look. He also looked at Divine Immortal.

Colonel Ming also met the cultivator of the 4th chapter for the first time. Although he didn’t care much about it, he didn’t dare to underestimate his opponent.

He clenched his fists, and suddenly a found armor panned out from his limbs and torso, and the whole person suddenly turned into a metal giant with a height of one foot.

The exterior of this outer armor is a bright crimson, and the armor is semi-transparent like amber, and there is a layer of fluid luster shaking inside, like a burning flame.

Not to mention the battle strength, the appearance is very beautiful and eye-catching, making people want to see more.

After armored, he did n’t speak anymore, but stared at Shi Yue. As the spirit rays of light bloomed, he wanted to take the initiative to rush forward, but the body was moving, but suddenly felt wrong because he found that the opponent on the opposite side had changed. Unreal and unreal, this is clearly a problem with his senses!

But at this moment, the platform people saw that Colonel Ming showed a nearly transparent 4-winged big fish, and wrapped his body vaguely.

The cultivators on the stage are all cold-eyed looks at, this is the Shi Yue visualization picture called “Feiluo”. Past Spirit Faction is ranked second in the outer territories. In terms of cultivation, Daoist Shi Yue is only slightly better than the old Daoist Liao He in Pill Hut Faction, but although his people are not longer than positive fighting, they are There is a very remarkable divine ability of real and virtual changes.

Once Feiluo contaminates his opponent, he will start to change from false to true, and his opponent will change from real to unreal.

If in this process the adversary has no way to crack, then when Feiluo reaches the full condition of the real body, the opponent will change from true to unreal until it is disappeared from the world.

However, the stronger the opponent, the process of the real-unreal change requires longer, dealing with ordinary people, just breathing things, dealing with people like Colonel Ming, may need several Xia hour.

Not only that, once wrapped in this visualization picture, the senses in front of you will also produce a lot of illusions, which will affect their true judgment, and every time they make a mistake, they will move forward to nothingness.

For the first time, someone who knows nothing will fight Shi Yue, it is almost difficult to win him.

But after everyone thought that the battle would last for a long time, Colonel Ming’s eyes and spiritual rays of light on his body suddenly became very bright, but within a few breaths, Feiluo, who had originally attached to him, dissipated and disappeared. Then he turned around and looked towards Shi Yue location accurately.

Shi Yue didn’t realize the startled, and then sighed, the expression was a bit complicated, cups the hands and says: “This battle is Colonel Ming won.”

Colonel Ming grinned. When he came, he thought it was a boring fighting competition again. However, he now finds it a little interesting because there are still many potentials for the discovered armor in him. Some changes are not even known to him.

It was just that he had never met a decent opponent before, so he never played it out, but in the battle with this person’s, he unconsciously awakened a certain change.

He looked towards Zhang Yu sitting on the platform at the moment, his eyes flickered, so it seems that at present it is still too early to challenge this person, wait until after fighting with those cultivators, then it ’s not too late to find this one At the thought of this, he turned around and stepped back.



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