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Daoist Shi Yue turned to come to the platform after Colonel Ming left, first saluted Zhang Yu and said, “I have seen Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu ordered the first return ceremony.

Shi Yue then gave a hand to the cultivators who came to watch the battle, and then faced Zhang Yu, saying: “Shi is ashamed, but this fighting competition lost.”

Tian Jiang didn’t ask: “fellow daoist Shi Yue, you just have the means, why did you admit defeat on the spot?”

Shi Yue shook his head and said: “I know from the visualization picture that this person is extremely fast and strong, only the two of us are separated by only a few feet away. This person has already found me where I am, then in a flash can be reached In front of me, if I insist on insisting, there is still a contest, but he has broken my visualization picture, then I can no longer beat him. “

Tian Jiang glanced under his eyes, nodded and said: “It is true that this place is too small to be 1000 miles, but there are 100 miles to allow me to work around. Why should the fellow daoist admit defeat?”

Their strength is that they can leap through the sky 1000 to strike the enemy. If the fighting competition is not within close range, the other party may not be able to find Shi Yue.

Even if the visualization picture is cracked, other methods can be used, so the outcome is still unknown.

At this time, an armored soldier came over and stood under the field, facing the top and saying, “Is the profound cultivator Shi?”

Shi Yue turned around and said, “I am here.”

The armored soldier said to him a cup one fist in the other hand: “I came by Colonel Ming’s order. Colonel Ming said that just before the battle, the found cultivator Shi was actually undefeated. He also knew that the found cultivator could get better If he hits the enemy within 1000 miles, he is also invincible, so he hopes to compete with the found cultivator Shi on wasteland tomorrow. “

Shi Yue thought for a while and said: “Laofan Zun drove back to Colonel Ming and said I should get off.”

Armored soldier is another cup one fist in the other hand, and turned away.

Tian Jiang nodded and said: “In this way, this person is also decent.”

Zhang Yu showed his sleeves at this time, stood up, and Shi Yue and the others nodded, then went outside, and everyone quickly greeted each other.

After returning to the Square Stage station, he said to the side Daoist Wan Ming, “Fellow daoist Wan Ming what do you think of this battle?”

Daoist Wan Ming thought for a while and said, “This person’s outer armor is different. Seems to be able to refine itself by taking advantage of the hand of others. It stimulates potential, but it reminds me of the Frost Continent who hit the station last time. woman.”

Zhang Yu first said: “This person’s armor is tenacious, which is actually better than the Frost Continent woman that day. Heavenly Secrets Institution, in addition to some careful thoughts in private, actually want to use my power to polish this outer armor. . “

Daoist Wan Ming had an instinctive rejection of these creations because of the created person. He warned and said: “Does Profound Corrector ask me and fellow daoists to let them know that this bureaucrat should not be ignored?”

Zhang Yu said quietly: “It doesn’t have to be so, even if they can lend themselves to polish themselves, can they not be our grinding blade stone?”

For this matter, he actually has other considerations.

Since the appearance of the little seal 60 years ago, the found cultivator within the Azure Sun Superior Continent has not improved much. The reason for this is the lack of communication.

Not only external communication, but internal communication.

Every dao faction outside the inner continent regards his own secret secret technique as a treasure, and only passes it to his own discipline, which is back to the old path of true cultivator.

Even if Profound Mansion is merged into one, how can the inertia that has continued for 60 years be so easily reversed?

Therefore, he hopes that through this time fighting competition, the cultivator will be able to recognize his own shortcomings and force them to communicate more with each other, so as to continue to promote the changes in proven techniques.

On the second day, Colonel Ming and Daoist Shi Yue had a fighting competition in wasteland.

This battle lasted 4 days, because each cultivator had to take care of it, not at all went to watch the battle, so no one knew who won or lost in the end.

Shi Yue closed her closed-door cultivation after she came back. Colonel Ming continued to send books to other cultivators on the second day of his return, and the results were already obvious.

At this time, Chang Gu, the general manager of the Heavenly Secrets Institution station, left the station and came to the Zhao State branch to inform Tan Cong of various matters in the station.

After listening, Tan Cong asked the question he was most concerned about and said, “How is Colonel Ming recently?”

Chang Gu then handed over a booklet and said, “The booklet is here.”

Tan Cong turned it over, silent for a while, before saying: “I thought Colonel Ming was an enterprising person. Didn’t expect these days, has he only dealt with a cultivator?”

Chang Gu wondered: “Is it too slow? But Colonel Ming said he was very rewarding.”

Tan Cong shook his head: “The war in the north is imminent. He hasn’t spent so much time slowly polishing it. You go back and take care of him. He is not a humble gentleman, but a wicked person. “

Chang Gu said: “teacher, I wrote it down.”

Tan Cong stroking his beard said: “Also, ask him to find the opportunity to fight that Profound Corrector Zhang as much as possible.”

Chang Gu bowed down and said, “Yes, teacher.”

Within months of Frost Continent Manufacturing Institution, the golden robed man came here again after a few months.

He waited outside for a while, and Great Craftsman Weng greeted him from the inside, greeted him: “Minor Treasurer Sha, I have been waiting for a long time.”

Minor Treasurer Sha responded with a salute, then asked anxiously: “Great Craftsman Weng, when I came last time, I asked you how many days it will take to complete the new imitation armor. You said it was roughly from March to April, and now it is It ’s been more than 3 months since April, I do n’t know what happened? “

Great Craftsman Weng said: “Thanks to the lack of supply from Minor Treasurer Sha, Armor Two and Armor Three have been built, and this time we have gone further and applied the method of heavy armor. They will be more than Armor One. To be powerful. “

Minor Treasurer Sha breathed out a long breath and smiled a little, saying: “Okay, then I can have an account of Country Head.”

But then he hurriedly asked again: “Oh, I don’t know when I can send the imitation armor to fight? The Northern Wars are about to strike, we have to try again anyway.”

Great Craftsman Weng frowns saying: “Is the situation so urgent?”

Minor Treasurer Sha sighed: “Since the last cultivator, my Frost Continent has been exposed to Azure Sun. If Azure Sun wins this battle with gods and monsters this time, he will definitely turn around and take me back. At that time, gods and monsters may just give up a frontier place, but I will suffer from the destruction of the top.

Now our only chance is to attack its flanks before the war and disrupt the deployment of Azure Sun Superior Continent, then perhaps this can interfere with the northern war. If we used to help gods and monsters to contain Azure Sun in the past, this time is for our own. “

Great Craftsman Weng nodded and said: “I know, Minor Treasurer Sha, since the timing is urgent, then imitation armor we can no longer slowly find the right person to control, we can only use the created person to replace as usual, although We still can’t meet our requirements, but it is the most suitable armored person at present. “

Minor Treasurer Sha was busy and said: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I have no other requirements, just be quick, I don’t know when it will be good?”

Great Craftsman Weng thought for a moment, looked up towards him, and said: “2 days, this is already the fastest.”

Minor Treasurer Sha said: “Okay, Great Craftsman Weng, as soon as possible, I also need to reply to the Country Head.”

Great Craftsman Weng looks at the silhouette of his hurried departure, thinking for a moment, and turned back to prepare.

3 days later, in the desolate territory outside Frost Continent, a boat mooring heavenly station located underground separates the curved cover, one after another flying boats gallops out from the inside, draws a ray of crystal rainbow, and gallops eastward go with.

A tall hat old man dressed in golden robe stands on a high platform and looks at these flying boats away.

Minor Treasurer Sha is standing beside him at the moment, his face is full of optimism, said: “Prime Minister, this time I have 2 imitation armor, and made a careful arrangement, I think it will be able to wash the shame.”

Tall hat old man shook the head, said: “The number of flying boats is still too small.”

He said solemnly: “Those idiots have short-sightedness, saying that the land of this continent needs to be prepared for cultivator sneak attack, not to call too many flying boats, but do not know that there are eggs and eggs under the nest? throw, this generation will pay for their shortsightedness sooner or later. “

Zhang Yu was meditating in the quiet room of the great stage. At this time, there was a disciplinary saying, “Profound Corrector, sentry report.” He opened his eyes and walked out of the inner room.

The disciple outside the door gave him a courtesy, and said with a stern voice: “Profound Corrector, only sentry reported that there is a large share of Frost Continent flying boat flying fast towards me.”

Zhang Yu went out and asked, “What is the number? How far is it from me?”

The discipline followed and said, “It was only reported that the enemy has no less than 100 flying boats, which are roughly divided into 2 teams. They are fast and slow, and the first two flying boats are about 3000 miles away from us.”

After the establishment of the Heavenly Secrets Institution station, the entire Square Stage station also used the glow of light message transmission technique. In addition to the various creations and sentinels previously arranged, the Frost Continent boat team was noticed as soon as they appeared.

Zhang Yu walked for a while and came to the great stage.

He was pondered, judging from the last battle, if the other party came with a discovered weapon, it would be useful at least within 2 300 li, but the first one was only two flying boats, which should be famous, he said: “Tell the follow daoist Tian to let him shoot down the two flying boats.”

When the cultivator was reported, the station of Heavenly Secrets Institution was also aware of the movement, and a long warning whistle sounded inside the station, and all the people in the station began to move underground.

Colonel Ming was originally in the inner room. He heard the sound and immediately rushed out from inside. He looked at multiple escaping lights flying out of the Square Stage station in the distance, and asked the deputy: “What’s going on?”

deputy said: “Reporting back to colonel, it should be Frost Continent.”

“Frost Continent?” Colonel Ming suddenly became interested. He thought for a while, “I’ll go and see.”

The deputy knows himself unable to block him, can only say: “Be careful with colonel.”

Colonel Ming waved at him, walked out of the cabinet quickly, and then rose directly into the sky, turned into a scarlet streamer, and flew in the direction of the Frost Continent.



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